Solar Physics

Contents of the supplement

Soft X-ray Observation of a Large-Scale Coronal Wave and its Exciter

Authors: Hugh S. Hudson, J. I. Khan, J. R. Lemen, N.V. Nitta, & Y. Uchida.


Movies of Yohkoh SXT Flare-Mode Partial-Frame Images (Full Resolution).

Movies of Yohkoh SXT Flare-Mode Partial-Frame Images (Half Resolution).

Movies of Yohkoh SXT Flare-Mode Partial-Frame Images (Quarter Resolution).

Composite movies with GOES history.

These movies show data from the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT; see the instrumentation paper for full details; external URL not on CD). In brief, SXT takes images in restricted fields of view during a flare; these are all 64 x 64 pixels but on-chip summation allows them to be either full resolution (2.46"), half resolution (4.91"), or quarter resolution (9.82"), with proportional fields of view (hence the largest FOV is 10'28.5" on a side). Because of the large dynamic range of a flare image, we often reduce the contrast by compressing the intensity scale. For the movies shown here, we had deliberately overexposed the half- and quarter-resolution images in order to bring out faint features. This results in saturation artifacts (the vertical spikes) not present normally in the full-resolution exposures. In viewing the movies, be aware that the sampling rate changes with time as the spacecraft changes operating modes. In the movie sequences above, one such change occurred between 07:59:20 UT and 08:01:28 UT, just as the wave was beginning! This may fool the eye into mis-estimating velocities. In addition to this, please be aware of the effects of exposure-time changes in the full-resolution sequences.

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