;+ ; NAME: ; EPOCH_UPDATER ; PURPOSE: ; Update stellar coordinates from epoch 2000 to the epoch of a given ; total eclipse ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; Star list file, named in the form 'starlist_03_09_2016' ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; IDL Version 7.0, Mac OS X (darwin i386 m32) ; Journal File for hughhudson@hugh-hudsons-macbook-pro.local ; Working directory: /Users/hughhudson/Desktop/projects/2011/eclipse2017/list_conversion ; Date: Thu Jul 7 09:36:26 2011 ;- pro epoch_updater, infil, qdebug=qdebug default, infil, 'starlist_12_14_2020' epoch = anytim(strmid(infil,17,2)+'/'+$ strmid(infil,9,2)+'/'+$ strmid(infil,12,2)) data = rd_tfile(infil,15,1) ndata = n_elements(data[0,*]) secinyear = 3.1556926D7 deltatt = (epoch - anytim('1-jan-2000'))/secinyear star = data[0,*] ra2000 = double(data[8,*]) dec2000 = double(data[9,*]) rapm = double(data[11,*])*1e-3 ; arc s per year decpm = double(data[12,*])*1e-3 ; arc s per year print,' ' print,'Updated coordinates for eclipse of '+anytim(epoch,/yoh) print,' ' print,' HP RA 2000 Dec 2000 RA eclipse Dec eclipse' print,' ' for i = 0,ndata-1 do print,star[i],ra2000[i],dec2000[i],$ ra2000[i]+rapm[i]*deltatt/3600.,$ dec2000[i]+decpm[i]*deltatt/3600.,format='(i6,4(3x,f12.6))' if keyword_set(qdebug) then stop end