; IDL Version 7.0, Mac OS X (darwin i386 m32) ; Journal File for hughhudson@dhcp-untrusted-108.physics.gla.ac.uk ; Working directory: /Users/hughhudson/Desktop/projects/2011/eclipse2017/list_conversion ; Date: Fri Jul 8 18:34:19 2011 ; prints the gravitational deflection expected for each star in the list ; for a specific eclipse infil = 'starlist_12_14_2020' data = rd_tfile(infil,14,1) ra = float(data[8,*]) dec = float(data[9,*]) sra = (17.D0 + 30./60 + 5.8/3600)*15 ; only for the specific eclipse! sdec = (-23.D0 + 15./60 + 32.2/3600) ; only for the specific eclipse! srad = 974.94654/3600. ; only for the specific eclipse! dist = sqrt((ra-sra)^2 + (cos(dec/!radeg)*(dec-sdec))^2) defl = srad/dist * 1.75 name = data[0,*] ndata = n_elements(name) for i = 0, ndata-1 do print, name[i], defl[i] end