;+ ; NAME: ; starmap_plot_2015_ii ; PURPOSE: ; plot star map during 03-20-2015 solar eclipse ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; (HH) Jun 30 2011 ;- thick = 1 & xthick = 1 & ythick = 1 & charthick = 1 if !d.name eq 'PS' then !p.font = 0 else !p.font = -1 if !D.name eq 'PS' then begin thick=5 & xthick=5 & ythick=5 & charthick = 3 device,/encapsulate,bits=8,file='starmap_2015.eps' device,/color endif stars = rd_tfile('starlist_03_20_2015') mag = float(strmid(stars,40,4)) ra = float(strmid(stars,48,12)) dec = float(strmid(stars,64,10)) name = strmid(stars,95,11) ; ; the sunc variables are SUN's true RA and Dec ; sunc1 = [15.*23.966054, -0.22072962] sunc2 = [15.*23.967578, -0.21082047] sunc3 = [15.*23.969085, -0.20101986] ; ; the srad variables are SUN's semidiameters ; srad1 = 963.71034/3600. srad2 = 963.70357/3600. srad3 = 963.69687/3600. ; xx = cos(2.*!pi*findgen(1001)/1000) yy = sin(2.*!pi*findgen(1001)/1000) plot,ra,dec,psym=3,/iso,xr=[sunc3[0]-2.5,sunc3[0]+2.5],$ yr=[sunc3[1]-2.5,sunc3[1]+2.5],xst=1,yst=1,$ xtit='Right Ascension, degrees', ytit='Declination, degrees',$ thick=thick, xthick=xthick, ythick=ythick, charthick=charthick nstars = n_elements(stars) for ii = 0, nstars-1 do oplot, [ra[ii],ra[ii]], [dec[ii],dec[ii]], $ psym = sym(1), symsiz= (9-mag[ii])/3, thick=thick oplot,sunc3[0]+srad3*xx,sunc3[1]+srad3*yy, thick=thick oplot,sunc2[0]+srad2*xx,sunc2[1]+srad2*yy, thick=thick oplot,sunc1[0]+srad1*xx,sunc1[1]+srad1*yy, thick=thick for jj = 358,362 do oplot,[jj,jj],[-3,3],lines=1,thick=thick for jj = -2,2 do oplot,[357,363],[jj,jj],lines=1,thick=thick xyouts,/data,358.7,0.2,'XZ Psc',charsi=charsi xyouts,/data,361.35,-0.45,'HR 2',charsi=charsi xyouts,/data,359.95,-00.2,'HQ Psc',charsi=charsi xyouts,/data,360.1,-00.45,'HD 224726',charsi=charsi xyouts,/data,359.95,-01.8,'BT Psc',charsi=charsi xyouts,/data,358.7,-01.85,'HD 224037',charsi=charsi xyouts,/data,358.5,00.65,'HD 223943',charsi=charsi xyouts,/data,360.8,-00.85,'HD 225059',charsi=charsi if !D.name eq 'PS' then device,/close end