(Glasgow, March 3, 2025)
.pdf, .pptx
"The Photosphere"
(Glasgow, Feb. 25, 2025)
.pdf, .pptx
"SFEs (Solar Flare Effects)"
(ISSI, Jan. 20, 2025)
.pdf, .pptx
"Solar Oblateness and SunSketcher"
(Edinburgh, Nov. 19, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
(Tucson, Nov. 2, 2024 virtual)
.pdf, .pptx
"ESPM SunSketcher"
(Torino, Sept. 12, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
"ESPM HOPE poster"
(Torino, Sept. 10, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
"SIGMA SunSketcher"
(Elgin, Sept. 6, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
"HOPE poster"
(Bozeman, July 23, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
"The Sun as a Star"
(Dublin, May 7, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
"Solar SXR History"
(Glasgow, Mar. 26, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
"TSA Lectures 2024"
(Glasgow, Feb. 5&12, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
"Research activities"
(Glasgow, Jan. 18, 2024)
.pdf, .pptx
"Cormack posters"
(Glasgow, Dec. 5, 2023)
"HOPE for Flares"
(ROCS lunch, November 30, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"HOPE Anticipation"
(Rocket group, November 27, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"The Sun, Eclipses, and SunSketcher"
(UTPB, October 13, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"Anticipating Flares"
(Rocket Webchat, October 11, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"The Sun as a Star)"
(Dumfries, September 12, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"radio HOPE)"
(SPD August 16, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"The SunSketcher Program (poster)"
(SPD August 14, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"Journal Club"
(Glasgow, June 16, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"Eclipse analysis"
(WKU, June 13, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"Impulsive Footpoints"
(Bern, May 3, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"Hot Prograde Flows"
(Longyearbyen, February 27, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"The Sun's Atmosphere (SUPA)
(Glasgow, February 6-7, 2023)
.pdf, .pptx
"Hot Prograde"
(Warwick remote, December 12, 2022)
.pdf, .pptx
"Dimmings and SEPs"
(Paris, October 18, 2022)
.pdf, .pptx
"The Sun as a Star: There is HOPE"
(ISSI, September 22, 2022)
.pdf, .pptx
"Flare Global Properties; Sun-as-a-Star"
(SCOSTEP, September 8, 2022)
.pdf, .pptx
(Shibata-fest, September 7, 2022)
"Implosions and HOPE"
(Shibata-fest, September 6, 2022)
.pdf, .pptx
"Recent Sun-as-a-Star Discoveries"
(SSL ad hoc, August 16, 2022)
.pdf, .pptx
"Hot Prograde Flows"
(TESS, August 11, 2022)
.pdf, .pptx
"Slow Hot Precursors"
(July 13, 2022)
"Solar Physics with EVE/MEGS"
(July 6, 2022)
.pptx, .pdf
"The End of the GOES ODF"
(June 8, 2022)
.pptx, .pdf
"Astro lab (private)"
(February 15, 2022)
"SUPA TSA lectures"
(February 7-8, 2022)
.pptx, .pdf, .mp4, .mov
"Hot Onsets of Solar Flares"
(December 14, 2021, AGU)
.pdf, .pptx, .mp4, .pdf, .pptx
"Radio Thermal Footpoints"
(December 10, 2021, RAS)
.pdf, .pptx, .mp4, .pdf, .pptx
"Thermal Footpoints via RADYN"
(December 2, 2021, FASR-2021)
.pdf, .pptx
"SPEs and Flare/CME Energies"
(September 27, 2021, ISSI)
.pdf, .pptx
"The Most Energetic GOES Events"
(September 8, 2021, Torino V)
.pdf, .pptx
"The Rainbow Bridge"
(August 10, 2021, Ohio discussion)
.pdf, .pptx
"Hot Onsets: new results"
(July 8, 2021, RHESSI 20)
.pdf, .pptx
(June 28, 2021, France-Scotland Alliance)
.pdf, .pptx
"A Solar FRB?"
(June 7, 2021 poster)
.pdf, .pptx
"Hot Onsets of Flares: new GOES data"
(May 24, 2021 poster)
"Sept. 10 materials"
(May 14, 2021)
"Carrington Flares"
(May 13, 2021)
.pptx, .pdf
"How good is the mm/X-ray thermal link?"
(April 23, 2021)
.pptx, .pdf
"EVE Solar Physics"
(April 8, 2021)
.pptx, .pdf
"Carrington Flares"
(March 2, 2021)
.pptx, .pdf, .mp4
"Comments on Lyman Alpha"
(February 17, 2021)
.pptx, .pdf
"The Solar Atmosphere (SUPA lectures)"
(February 8,9 2021)
.pptx, .pdf
"A life in which the Sun has shone pretty much"
(Family, January 17, 2021)
.pptx, .pdf
"HMI Coronal Observations"
(France-Scotland Alliance, January 5, 2021)
.pptx, .pdf
(AGU 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
"Astronomical Darkness"
(SIGMA, October 2, 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
"Carrington Events"
(SSL seminar, 15 September 2020)
.pptx, .pdf, draft
"Simple Observations of Flare Footpoints"
(GSFC solar seminar, 16 April 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
(Eidgenoessische Solarseminar, 9 April 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
"History of dimming"
(Glasgow, 26 March 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
"SUPA Photosphere"
(Glasgow, 10 January 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
"SUPA Solar Magnetism"
(Glasgow, 11 January 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
(Kanzelhöhe, 23 January 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
"Flare waiting times"
(Warwick, 16 January 2020)
.pptx, .pdf
"Solar Fe K line"
(Berkeley, 14 December 2019)
.pptx, .pdf, .pro
"Cosmic Rays across the Rainbow Bridge"
(Glasgow, 5 December 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
"Piazzi Smyth and the Solar Constant"
(Edinburgh, 3 September 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
"Energy/Momentum Partition"
"Eclipse Dreams"
"Hard X-rays from the Quiet Sun"
"Implosions and Their Consequences"
"Dippiness vs. Flariness"
"Crowdsourcing Novel Eclipse Science"
"Solar Magnetism"
"The Photosphere"
"Active-Region Time Scales"
"NuSTAR axions"
"The High-Energy Corona"
"Solar Hard X-ray History"
"ALMA time-series data"
"ALMA TP maps and time series"
"DKIST Ruminations"
"EVE Spectroscopy of the September Flares"
"GEV Particles in the Inner Heliosphere"
"The Role of Extensive Air Showers in the Inner Heliosphere"
"Multifaceted Solar Physics: the high-energy aspects of solar flares"
"Lorentz Center materials"
"Cosmic-Ray Issues in the Inner Heliosphere"
"Megamovie Planning"
"SUPA Magnetism"
"SUPA Photosphere"
"The Eclipse Megamovie: How did we do?"
"Solar Coronal Events with Extended Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Emission"
"The Eclipse Megamovie: How did we do?"
"The Eclipse Megamovie: How did we do?"
"Coronal Radio Emission and the Frost-Dennis Events"
"Solar Events with Extended Coronal Hard X-ray Emission"
"Solar and Stellar Flares and CMEs"
"The Lasso Model"
"Chromospheric Flares in the Modern Era"
"Axion Overview"
"The Best-Observed Solar Eclipse Ever?"
"Flares and ALMA"
"SUPA lectures 2017"
"The Eclipse Megamovie"
"AGU poster presentation: Baily's Beads"
"AGU poster presentation: EVE Doppler"
"The Harra-Toriumi Global View of Flares"
"Status of the Diamond Ring movie"
"Implications of mid-IR flare observations"
"Flares seen in Sun-as-a-star data"
"IGR journal club: Kurtz et al."
"Sun-as-a-star and (maybe) stellar CME signatures"
"Implications of the mid-IR for ALMA flare observations"
"Did solar superflares kill the dinosaurs?"
"Solar extreme events"
"Solar extreme events"
"The photosphere"
"A new HXR paradigm"
"The 2017 Eclipse Megamovie"
"EVE Spectroscopy and the Orrall-Zirker Effect"
"Filling the big solar spectral gap: ALMA and IR"
"What do we know of solar flares?"
"Solar-stellar variability"
"SSALMON" (e-poster on ALMA)
"Flares in the Infrared Band"
"Lasso model for LDGRFs"
"Flares in the mid-IR"
"CME inference"
"Extreme events"
"Energy transport and directivity in the FOXSI era"
"Stellar magnetic activity and extreme events"
"Superflares (solar and Kepler)"
"A type II burst with no CME driver"
"Interpreting negative emission measures in EVE"
"Solar Flares, X-ray Astronomy, and Black Swans"
"Solar Flares: the New and the Old"
"EVE Coronal Dimmings and their AIA Counterparts" (poster)
"Fast Single-dish Scans of the Sun using ALMA" (poster)
"Overview of HMI Coronal Observations"
"Observational Insights into Flare Development"
"First Results from Fast Scanning"
"The Role of Particles in Solar Magnetic Activity"
"Solar Extreme Events"
"Coronal Heating?"
CME Masses from EVE Dimmings
Soft and Hard X-ray Pulsations
Zdenek and Flare Research
CME Mass Estimates via EVE Coronal Dimmings for X-class Flares
Below, Above, and Within Solar Flares
Heliospheric Sectors and Solar Interior
The CTTM in Retrospect
Flare Bolometry
The RHESSI Science Nuggets
Recent Observations of Solar Flares
A Critical View of Flare Energetics
EVE: The Sun as a Star
A Critical View of Flare Energetics
New Light (from HMI) on Loop Prominence Systems
SphinX: a Most Important Result
New Light on Loop-Prominence Systems
The Height of Flare Emissions in White Light and Hard X-rays
HMI as a Coronagraph
Recent solar Cycles
Global properties
X-ray Absorption
Global plasma properties of solar flares
White-light Prominence
Extreme Events
The Flaring Lower Solar Atmosphere
WLF: Hints on Heights
Flares and the Corona
CME Masses
Bob Lin
How Much Closer are we to Flare Prediction?
A Megamovie Rehearsal at the Coral Sea
New Views of the Physics of Solar Flares (and Subcosmic Rays)
EVE Spectroscopy of Solar Flares
Fermi and the Sun
NuSTAR planning
IAU presentations, 2012
Solar flares observed in white light and in the EUV
Glasgow Astrochat
Summerschool presentations
The He II 304 A Line Wings and Charge Exchange
Remote Sensing of Low-energy SEPs via Charge Exchange (Poster)
Height of a white-light flare (SPD Poster)
Transits of Venus
Sunspots from Space
EVE spectroscopy of solar flares
Extreme solar events
How round is the Sun? How smooth is the Sun? How big is the Sun?
Astronomy with the hardest photon energies
Hard X-ray diagnostics of coronal eruptions
AGU 2011
Comet SDO-1
How bright is the Sun? How round is the Sun?
EVE non-detection of Doppler-shifted He II 304A
Solar Flares
East-West asymmetry of the Yohkoh soft X-ray corona
A 2017 Eclipse Megamovie
Particle acceleration, flares, and CMEs
Solar Lunch stuff
EVE Doppler signatures, and flares
(Boulder*, 6 August 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(San Juan, 5 July 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(St. Louis, 9 June 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(Minneapolis, 28 May 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(Hvar, 6 May 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(London, 12 April 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(Dumfries, 11 April 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, 5 February 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, 4 February 2019)
.pptx, .pdf
(Washington, 9 December 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Washington, 8 December 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(St. Andrews, 7 November 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Goettingen, 16 October 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, 9 October 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, 27 September 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(ALMA solar, 20 September 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Bozeman, 18 July 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Dublin, 19 June 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Leesburg, 23 May 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Leesburg, 22 May 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Washington, 23 April 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Webinar, 18 April 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Leiden, 26 February 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Berkeley, 13 February 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Berkeley, 9 February 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, 6 February 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, 5 February 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(AAS National Harbor, 9 January 2018)
.pptx, .pdf
(AGU New Orleans, 14 December 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(AGU New Orleans, 13 December 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Dumfries, 14 November 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Meudon, 8 November 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Exeter, 17 July 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Hull, 3 July 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Palermo, 30 June 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Prague, 27 June 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Berkeley, 27 May 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Berkeley, 25 May 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Elgin, 5 May 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Bern, 4 April 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, 6-7 February 2017)
.pptx, .pdf
(San Francisco, 13 December 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(San Francisco, 12 December 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(San Francisco, 11 December 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(ISSI, 24 October 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Google, 21 September 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Nagoya, 10 September 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Nagoya, 8 September 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, 11 August 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(U. of Warwick, 20 July 2016))
.pptx, .pdf
(Cool Stars, Uppsala, 6 June 2016))
.pptx, .pdf
(Pint of Science, May 25, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(RAS, May 13, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(ISSI, May 10, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Lapland, April 5, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(KPNO, March 23, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(SUPA lectures, February 29-01, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Telecon, February 12, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(London, February 6, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Bern, February 1, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow, January 13, 2016)
.pptx, .pdf
(Oostende, November 24, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(Savannah, November 12, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(September 17, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(September 15, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(September 2, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(RHESSI, August 13, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(RHESSI, August 13, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(Poster at Loops VII, July 21, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(Google, July 16, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(SHINE, July 9, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(SHINE, July 8, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf, movie
"SXR Ideas"
(FOXWOG workshop, June 30, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(Warwick workshop, June 18, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(ISSI Harra-Gudel team, May 11, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(SPD TESS meeting, April 30, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf, movie
(Glasgow-Cambridge, April 15, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(ISSI Bern, Feruary 23, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf
(U. Minn, February 4, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf, .mov
(NSO Sac Peak, January 29, 2015)
.pptx, .pdf, .mov
(AGU San Francisco, December 15, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA, Tokyo, December 8, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Living With a Star, Portland, November 5, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
ISSI Beijing, (October 30, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
ALMA telecon, (October 23, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(University of Dundee, October 6, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(European Cosmic Rays, September 1, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Coronal Heating: New Directions, Poster August 26, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Solar and Stellar Flares, June 26, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Poster at Solar and Stellar Flares, June 24, 2014)
(Solar and Stellar Flares, June 23, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(SPD poster, Boston, June 1, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Cambridge UK, May 12, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Berkeley, April 28, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(RHESSI Windisch, April 4, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(RHESSI Windisch, April 3, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(RHESSI Windisch, April 1, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Parker Symposium, March 18, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Seminar at Exeter, March 10, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf, movies
(talk at ISSI Team meeting, Feb. 25, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Overview talk at ISSI Team meeting, Feb. 24, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Poster at RAS Discussion Meeting, Feb. 21, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(Glasgow journal club, Feb. 14, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf
(MSSL, Jan. 15, 2014)
.pptx, .pdf, "grand-daddy" movie
What is the SSN proxy good for?
(AGU, Dec. 11, 2013)
.pptx, .pdf
(AGU, Dec. 9, 2013, poster)
.pptx, .pdf
(Cormack Meeting, Nov. 25, 2013, poster)
.pptx, .pdf
(ISSI Workshop, Nov. 12, 2013)
.pptx, .pdf
(Leverhulme workshop, September 9, 2013)
.pptx, .pdf, Youtube, TPR
(SPD poster, July 8, 2013)
(Hakuba IPELS, July 1, 2013)
(Berkeley, May 29, 2013)
.pdf, .pptx
(ISSI, Apr. 23, 2013)
.pdf, .ppt x 2
(London, Apr. 12, 2013)
.pdf, .ppt
(Bern, Jan. 15, 2013)
.pdf, .ppt
(San Francisco, Dec. 6, 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(San Francisco, Dec. 3, 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(Petaluma, Dec. 1, 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(Petaluma, Nov. 29, 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(Petaluma, Nov. 29, 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(Cairns, Nov. 11, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Caltech, Nov. 1, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Yosemite, Oct. 31, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Monterey, Oct. 29, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Berkeley Sept. 4, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Beijing, August 21, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx, etc.
(Purple Mountain Observatory, August 15, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx, etc.
(Glasgow, July 19, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx, etc.
(Bogota, July 9-12, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx, etc.
(Barcelona, June 26, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Kona-Kailua, Big Island, June 18, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Anchorage, June 12, 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Berkeley, May 30 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(Brussels, May 22 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(UCL, London, April 18 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(ISSI, Bern, April 3 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(Astrochat, Glasgow, Feb. 23 2012)
.pdf, .ppt
(Presentation at the Bobfest/RHESSI 10th, Berkeley, Feb. 10 2012)
.pdf, .pptx
(Poster at RAS Discussion Meeting, London, Jan. 13 2012)
.pdf, .ppt, bibliography
(Presentations at AGU, December 2011)
(Presentation at STEREO/WAVES meeting, Berkeley, Dec. 6 2011)
.pdf, .ppt
(Presentation at Mills Observatory, Dundee, Oct. 28 2011)
.pdf, .ppt
(Poster for Hinode-5, Cambridge, Oct. 10, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
(Lecture for summer school, Glasgow, Sept. 2, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
(Acton et al. poster at Kiel meeting, July 24, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
(Poster at SPD Las Cruces, June 13, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
(Boulder, May 13, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
(Berkeley, May 11, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
(Tahoe, May 2, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
Solar and stellar flares
(Anaheim, May 1, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
(Glasgow, Apr. 5, 2011)
.pdf, .pptx
Flare dynamics in the lower solar atmosphere
Flare dynamics in the lower solar atmosphere
I have been Studying EVE More
I have been Studying EVE
The Mystery of the Missing Momentum
(S-Waves workshop, Berkeley Dec. 16, 2010)
.pdf, .pptx
Momentum in Flares
(Workshop, Warwick Nov. 19 2010)
.pdf, .pptx
A first SDO WLF and what it may mean
(Astro-chat, Glasgow Oct. 28 2010)
.pdf, .pptx
Hard X-rays from the quiet Sun
Hard X-rays from the quiet Sun
The optical and UV continuum in the impulsive phase
An overall frameowrk for solar flares?
Momentum transfer in flares
The hard X-ray limb of the Sun; ENAs
The LDE paradigm for stellar flares
Flares global waves of three kinds
Flares and global waves, including seismic?
How has RHESSI changed the physics of flares?
Flare waves and the impulsive phase: the
Flare waves and the impulsive phase
Microwaves in the recent solar minimum
Sub-THz (or super-mm)
ISSI THz Overview
WLF review
Solar flares with and without large-scale processes
"Flare and CME properties and rates at solar minimum" etc.
The IR/WL/UV/VUV/EUV energy distribution
Interpreting the IR/V/UV/VUV energy distribution
X-ray behavior CMEless X-class flares
Coronal hard X-rays, CMEless -class flares, and fast atoms
Large-scale nonthermal coronal phenomena - b
Large-scale nonthermal coronal phenomena - a
Energetic neutral atoms from flares
Modeling of solar radiation belts
Energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) from flares
Energetic neutral atoms from flares
What's happening to our solar minimum?
Axions from the Sun?
Solar X-ray searches for Axions
Coronal hard X-rays come of age
PCTR Physics and "Chewy Nougats"
THz flares
RHESSI observations of facular limb contrast at 670 nm
Modeling of solar radiation belts
Implications of the RHESSI solar limb measurements
Implosions: status
Facular limb darkening observations at 670 nm
Observations of solar and stellar eruptions, flares, and jets
Coronal hard X-rays: Discussion points
Relationships between flares and CMEs
AAS 2008 Hale
AAS 2008 axions
SPD 2008 potpourri
Implosions at the ops meeting?
SMESE meeting report
Flare footpoints and ribbons: the impulsive phase
Rice seminar
IHY Latin America School
Presentations at RAS Discussion Meeting
What is there before a flare? and others...
[Hudson, Hannah, Krucker, & Watanabe, plus other opuses by Fletcher,
Hannah, MacKinnon, Shih, Fivian, Zahid]
Measuring the shape of the Sun
Measuring the shape of the Sun - II
Measuring the shape of the Sun - I
Transients in RHESSI and chromospheric flares
Preflare physical conditions inferred from Hinode
[Hudson, DeLuca]
RHESSI-Ulysses comparison
Solar flares in the chromosphere
Flare energy and fast electrons via Alfven waves
[Hudson, Fletcher]
Measuring the Wilson Depression
[Zahid, Fivian, Hudson]
Flare energy and fast electrons via Alfven waves
[Hudson, Fletcher]
Flare-related current systems [Hudson, Welsch]
A Yohkoh search for AXIONS
RHESSI observations: A new flare pattern
and a new model for the old pattern"
(MSU colloquium, April 10 2007)
Flare occurrence patterns and astrobiology??
(RHESSI operations meeting, March 28 2007)
White-light flares and how the chromosphere may be different
from the ionosphere
(Fairbanks CAWSES meeting, March 20, 2007)
.ppt and movies
Odd occurrence patterns
(ops meeting, Jan. 31, 2007)
Flare-related current systems (Hudson & Welsch,
RAS Jan. 12, 2007)
Flare-related current systems: the seminar (Glasgow, Jan. 8, 2007)
Solar radiation belts (Hudson, DeRosa & MacKinnon,
AGU Dec. 15, 2006)
WLF: Yohkoh, RHESSI/TRACE, Hinode?
(ISAS, Dec. 5 2006)
Before/after ideas
(Berkeley solar lunch, Dec. 1 2006)
Alternative solar paradigms
(Poster for Cool Stars 14, Nov. 6 2006)
Solar Sources of SEPs
(ISEPs seminar, Nov. 3 2006)
Del Zanna et al. (2006)
(RHESSI ops meeting, Nov. 1 2006)
Solar Radiation Belts!
(Berkeley seminar, Oct. 24 2006)
Solar Radiation Belts?
(Don Mickey meeting, Oct. 19 2006)
Chromospheric flares
(Coimbra, Oct. 11, 2006)
Coronal hard X-rays prior to RHESSI
(ISSI, Oct. 2, 2006)
Limb distortions related to solar magnetic activity
(Durham SPD, June 26, 2006)
RHESSI and the solar radius (GSFC, May 18, 2006)
Synopsis of "RHESSI and the solar radius" (SSL, May 17, 2006)
RHESSI, the Wilson effect, and solar oblateness (Glasgow, Apr. 27,
Observing the Sun from space (L'Aquila, Mar. 27, 2006)
Solar evidence for magnetic reconnection (Greenbelt, Mar. 22, 2006)
Emslie et al. (2005) (Berkeley, Mar. 10, 2006)
What to do during solar minimum? (Berkeley, Mar. 8, 2006)
Inner bremsstrahlung from the quiet Sun (Berkeley, Mar. 1, 2006)
WLFs "Death to the thick target?" (Berkeley, Jan. 18 2006)
CMEs (CAWSES Dec. 10, 2005)
AGU 2005 posters (Fletcher et al; Hudson-Krucker)
White-light flares: RHESSI and TRACE overview (Kyoto SOLAR_B
poster, November 10, 2005)
Flare observations in the recent solar maximum (Palermo, October
10, 2005)
Solar flares since 1991 (Wroclaw, Sept. 21 2005)
SPM-11 September, 2005)
RHESSI-Monteverita, June 9, 2005)
White-light flares: RHESSI and TRACE observations
(SPD, May 27, 2005)
RHESSI soft X-ray imaging spectroscopy
(SPD, May 25, 2005)
Solar flares in the new millennium
(U. Washington, April 14 2005)
Large-scale coronal shock waves
(Glasgow, March 24, 2005)
Coronal shock waves observed in images
(Palm Springs, March 3, 2005)
SSL Colloquium: "Solar soft X-rays, Japan, and the Internet"
(Berkeley, January 28, 2005)
SDO meeting notes: "Solar flares, magnetars, and helioseismology"
(Stanford, January 27, 2005)
Review of Xu et al., 2004
(Berkeley, January 21, 2005)
The hard X-ray spectral structure of flare ribbons
(AGU 2004, Hudson-Fletcher-Krucker-Pollock)
RHESSI limb shape observations (RHESSI ops meeting September 23, 2004)
SOHO 15: Sa"m Krucker's review talk (St Andrews, 9 September 2004)
Summer school CME lecture (Glasgow, 2 September 2004)
Magnetic Reconnection Theory workshop (Cambridge, 10 August 2004)
SHINE 2004 contributions (Big Skye, 27 June 2004)
CESRA 2004 contributions (Skye, 9 June 2004)
SPD 2004 contributions (Denver, 30 May 2004)
"MURI journal club, review of Miyagoshi et al." (Berkeley,
April 9, 2004)
"RHESSI-Nessie II contributions,"
(Glasgow, 24 March 2004)
"CMEs: A critical look at the interpretations,"
3rd Elmau CME meeting (ISSI, 16 March 2004)
"Long-term solar variability,"
SORCE science meeting 6 Dec. 2003
"Total solar irradiance variation during rapid sunspot growth,"
"Homologous large-scale activity in the solar eruptive events of
November 24-26, 2000,"
"Gamma-ray flare occurrence patterns,"
"SORCE Sonoma meeting,"
"Homology tutorial"
"RHESSI: first results"
Imperial College, Oct. 28, 2003
"RHESSI after 18 months" (.ppt file also available)
Tohban report, September 29, 2003
"Relativistic errors in RHESSI limb observations" (.ppt)
"Gamma-Ray flare occurrence patterns"
SHINE poster, July 2003
"SEPs meet Solar Images"
Presentations at the SPD meeting, June 2003
Presentation at the Solar MURI meeting, June 15 2003
Presentations at the RHESSI/Nessie workshop, June 2003
SIRA workshop .ppt
"SEPs and solar radio bursts" (Krucker
and Hudson, May 13, 2003)
Journal club notes (.ppt)
"Energy of force-free magnetic fields in relation to coronal mass
ejections" (Feb. 21, 2003)
Presentations at the 2nd Elmau CME workshop,
February 2003
AGU poster, .ppt file
"Intense Flares Without Solar Energetic Particle Events" (Nitta et al.,
Dec. 7, 2002)
AGU poster, .ppt file
"Coronal blast waves detected in soft X-rays" (Khan et al., Dec. 6, 2002)
AGU poster, .ppt file
"Five years of Yohkoh science nuggets" (Dec. 6, 2002)
MURI meeting notes
"Tracing the coronal field with particles" (Nov. 18, 2002)
Journal club notes (.ppt)
"Statistics, Morphology, and Energetics of Ellerman Bombs" (Oct. 25,
RHESSI workshop presentation (.ppt)
"Superhot DEM" (Oct. 17, 2002)
European solar physics, Prague (.ppt)
"Soft-hard-soft spectral behavior observed by RHESSI and HXRS" (Sep. 10,
Nobeyama Galileo meeting,
July 2002: "Footpoint behavior"
Solar Wind 10, June 2002 "Narrow coronal holes
in 2001: sources of slow wind?"
SPD meeting, June 2002 "Soft-hard-soft spectral
evolution at RHESSI resolution"
FASR workshop, May 2002 "The Yohkoh
observations of solar flares"
(Ops meeting, Berkeley, Sept. 29 2010)
.pdf, .pptx
(NuSTAR, Berkeley, Sept. 29 2010)
.pdf, .pptx
(Helen-fest, Cambridge, Sept. 13 2010)
.pdf, .pptx, movie
(Cool Stars, Seattle, Aug. 28, 2010)
.pdf, .pptx
(Canfield-fest, Boulder, Aug. 9, 2010))
.pdf, .pptx
(RHESSI Annapolis presentation, Aug. 2, 2010)
.pdf, .pptx
(ISSI presentations, 2010)
.pdf, .pptx, movies
(AAS/SPD, May 25, 2010, poster with JCMO and CAL)
.pdf, .pptx
(UKNAM, Apr. 12, 2010, poster with JCMO and CAL)
.pdf, .pptx
(UCLA, Feb. 5, 2010)
.pdf, .ppt
(Berkeley, Feb. 2, 2010)
.pdf, .ppt, movies
(Cambridge, Jan. 13, 2010)
.pdf, .ppt, movies
(Tokyo, Dec. 1, 2009)
.pdf, .ppt
(Bern, Nov. 24, 2009)
.pdf, .pptx
(Berkeley, Nov. 18, 2009)
.pdf, .pptx
(Bern, Nov. 9, 2009)
(Ubatuba, Oct. 5, 2009)
.ppt, .pdf, .mov
(Northeast Harbor, Sept. 24 2009)
Two posters and a talk
(Berkeley, Sept. 16 2009)
(Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sep. 4 2009)
.ppt, .pdf, movie file
(Wolfville, Aug. 4 2009)
.pdf files
(MSSL, July 15 2009)
.ppt, .pdf, movie files
(GSFC, June 24 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(NRL, June 23 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(SPD oral, June 18 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(SPD poster, June 15 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(Sorrento, May 25, 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(SSL, Apr. 9, 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(SSL, Mar. 11, 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(SSL, Feb. 20, 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(CERN, Jan. 27, 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(St. Andrews, Jan. 20, 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(Bern, Jan. 13 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(Glasgow, Jan. 7 2009)
.ppt, .pdf files
(Zahid, Chapman, Fivian & Hudson)
(AGU Fall Meeting, 17 Dec. 2008)
(AGU Fall Meeting, 16 Dec. 2008)
.ppt, .pdf, .txt
(Hinode-2, Boulder, Sept. 30 2008)
.ppt, .pdf
(RHESSI 8th Workshop, Sept. 4, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf
(ESPM Freiburg, Sept. 9, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf
(Heliophysics summer school, July 23, 2008)
(SHINE, June 25, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf
(SHINE, June 23, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf
(St. Louis, June 3, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf, movies
(St. Louis, June 2, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf
(Ft. Lauderdale, May 26, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf, .mov, etc.
(Berkeley, May 7, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf, .mov
(Berkeley, March 19, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf
(Paris, March 11, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf
(Houston, Feb. 18, 2008)
(Sao Paulo, Feb. 16, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf, .mpg files
(London, January 11, 2008)
.ppt, .pdf, .mov files
(AGU Fall meeting, December 14, 2007)
many files
(Warwick, November 21, 2007)
.ppt ,.pdf
(Berkeley, October 2, 2007)
.ppt, .pdf
(Boulder, September 26, 2007)
.ppt, .pdf
(SOHO-20, August 27, 2007)
.ppt, .pdf
(Dublin Hinode meeting, August 24, 2007)
.ppt, .pdf, poem
(RHESSI ops meeting, August 8, 2007)
.ppt, .pdf
(NSF/DFG photonics meeting, June 12, 2007)
(SPD poster May 30, 2007)
.pdf, .ppt
(SPD poster May 28, 2007)
(Mitaka, April 27, 2007)
.ppt, .pdf
(Sac Peak, April 19 2007)
.ppt, .pdf
abstract, .pdf, .ppt, movie file
abstract, .pdf, .ppt, movie file
.ppt, .pdf, movie
.ppt, .pdf
.ppt, .pdf
.ppt, .pdf
.ppt, .pdf
.ppt, .pdf
.ppt, .pdf, movie
Directory (.ppt, .htm, movies)
Directory (.htm, .ppt, movie files)
Directory (.ppt and movies)
Directory (.ppt file)
Directory (.ppt and movies)
Directory (.ppt)
Directory (.ppt)
Directory (.pdf)
Directory (.ppt, .pdf)
Directory (contains .ppt file)
(.ppt file)
H.J. Zahid, H.S. Hudson, & C. Frohlich, Dec. 10, 2003 AGU poster
(.ppt file)
I.M. Chertok, V.V. Grechnev, H.S. Hudson, N.V. Nitta:
Dec. 9, 2003 AGU poster
(.ppt file)
H.S. Hudson, R.P. Lin, & D.M. Smith
Dec. 9, 2003 AGU poster
(.ppt file)
H.S. Hudson, Dec. 5, 2003
(.ppt file)
H.S. Hudson
Solar Lunch Nov. 21, 2003
(.ppt file)
H.S. Hudson, Solar-B Science Meeting, November 12, 2003
(.ppt file of poster)
Hudson et al. poster at MHD03 (Priest-fest), September 2003
(.ppt, .pdf
prior to May, 2002