WG4 Thursday 6-apr-06, joint session with WG2 Aurass * 28 October 2003 (cf Klassen, Krucker et al. JGR 110, A09S04, 2005) via signatures of relativistic protons, impulsive electrons, gradual electrons: gradual electrons seem to be released late, 11:14-11:25) * Schrijver-Derosa modeling of AR 10486 and 10493, finding N open field lines in 493; large-scale loops and open field lines tend to avoid sites of impulsive flare * One hour of WIND-WAVES and Postdam observations. Focus on 11:12-11:20, the GLE escape time range; locate "fiber burst" (intermediate drift) nest via differentiation of spectrogram. * What are these? Whistler waves interacting with trapped particles? A&A 2005 method involving a density model * Early NRH source matches the flare loops (11:13-11:13); later one sees the AR interconnecting loops * Trottet 1994, metric source appearing during gamma-ray emission consistent with this Fletcher, Pick, Hudson, Share (is there a connection with the line narrowing) Pick * Complementary observations from WIND, DAM, ARTEMIS, NRH show 11:15 as a preferred time? * EIT movie of fixed differences Fletcher: link to different AR? Particle injection to the W, speculate about shock waves interacting Hudson (Schrijver) * Lousy presentation of a difficult paper Pick, Share, ... Fletcher * Introduction to thick-target beam problems. SHS (spectral correlations) and number (Holman estimates) leading to very large beam intensities Vlahos - do we see the atmospheric response expected from the very intense heating? Emslie - hearkening back 20 years, we have the double footpoints and evaporation continuing. Now we have a worse picture Hudson - foolish comment about moments of distribution function. Sensible comment about footpoint effective temperatures Vlahos - what to do with enormous energy deposition? A fireball? Are the radiation hydro models good guides? (Emslie, Hudson, Fletcher...) Grigis * Evolution of electron distribution: Fokker-Planck with diffusion and convection. Assume U_T for wave energy density, get very hard spectrum * Simple escape term 1/tau. Can keep constant particle number by ad hoc assumption - do this, and get SHS * Pivot-point energy vs density negligible, somewhat on T in this framework * A different model for escape: a potential barrier, eg to 40 keV, to get a 20-keV pivot point Zharkova - where do the waves come from? Where does the return come from? It is just empirical. Vlahos, Grigis, Zharkova, Fletcher, Warmuth. Preheating? Common need for hot Maxwellians? Kontar - collision times? Few thousand gyrotimes Pick * Radio bursts and CMEs, 17 March 02, NRH + spectrometers * MDI and RHESSI maps, 3 footpoints; NRH shows a series of IIIs moving NS (diagonally away) from the flare * Continuum source displaced to W (up); CME almost due S shows good shock signature at side Hudson - what about the bow wave? Puzzling, but when one does have a signature it's usually at the flank, and seen by streamer kinks * Potential-field extrapolation shows open field along the type III swarm, pointing directly in the direction of the CME axis * Propose the type III beams to occur in the interface region to the open field, which increases in density compressionally; to 10x Newkirk for example Fletcher - see Khan spike-burst paper; Willson VLA observations