The Thumbnail Book Reviews

by John Q McDonald --- 5 March 1998

The Ponder Heart

by Eudora Welty

Daniel Ponder is given to bursts of extreme generosity. His impulse to give away all of his prodigious fortune frustrates his family, enriches his town, and lands him in an insane asylum. But in this humorous book, Welty tells a tale of unconditional love, from a man of simple means and simple pleasures. The story takes place in the small town of Clay, Georgia in the mid 1940s. Edna Earle Ponder, the narrator, tells the tale as though the reader had just stopped in for a cup of tea and a chat. It is a delightful tale and a brief pleasure to read.

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Also by Welty: [One Writer's Beginnings] [The Optimist's Daughter]

[Other Women Authors]

[Other Books set in the American South]