Curriculum Vitae

Marit Øieroset

Full Research Physicist
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: +1 510 642 2290

Professional Experience:

  • 2012-present: Full Research Physicist at the Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley
  • 2007-2012: Associate Research Physicist at the Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley
  • 1998-2007: Assistant Research Physicist at the Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley.
  • 1996-1998: Staff scientist at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI, Hallerstrasse 6, 3012 Berne, Switzerland). Conducted research on ionospheric ion outflow. Carried out administrative tasks, including organizing workshops. Edited workshop proceedings, 'Transport Across the Boundaries of the Magnetosphere', volume 2 in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI, and a book, 'Magnetospheric Plasma Sources and Losses', volume 6 in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI.
  • 1993-1996: Ph.D. fellowship from the Norwegian Research Council (P.O. Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen, 0131 Oslo, Norway) in the Research Section for Plasma and Space Physics at the University of Oslo.
  • 1992-1993: Lecturer in Computer Science at Gjøvik College of Engineering, Gjøvik, Norway.
  • Spring 1991: Teaching Assistant in Computer Science, University of Oslo.
  • Education:

  • 1996: Doctorem scientiarum (Ph.D.) in Space Physics at the University of Oslo. Advisors: Professor P. E. Sandholt and Professor J. A. Holtet. Dissertation on 'Auroral Signatures of Dayside Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Plasmas', September 1996. The study included operation and calibration of optical instruments for ground auroral observations at Ny Ålesund, Svalbard.
  • 1993: International Space University (ISU), Huntsville, Alabama. The 10-week summer session offered a multi-disciplinary program of space studies and research and a multi-cultural experience for participants from all over the world. The ISU design project 'Global Emergency Observation and Warning' served as a time-compressed simulation and training school for running space design projects.
  • 1992: Candidata scientiarum (comparable to Master of Science degree), at the University of Oslo in physics/electrical engineering. Thesis: 'Digital Data Storage on Videotapes'.
  • 1990: Candidata magisterii (comparable to Bachelors degree) in physics.
  • Grants and Awards:

  • 2006 - 2007: Prix Baron Nicolet, for my work on magnetic reconnection of geomagnetic field lines. The Prix Baron Nicolet is awarded by the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium every other year to a scientist under the age of 40, working in the field of aeronomy or space physics (2500 Euro)

  • 2024 - 2027:Princial Investigator of NSF grant 2409449 "Observational Investigations of Ion Heating by Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail" ($566,157)
  • 2023 - 2026: Principal Investigator (subrecipient with prime recipient Dr. Joo Hwang at Southwest Reseach Institute) of NASA grant 80NSSC23K0417 "Typical Signatures of Atypical Flux Transfer Events" ($80,000)
  • 2018 - 2021: Prinicpal Investigator of NASA grant 80NSSC18K1380 "Properties of driven reconnection in thin current sheets at the interface of colliding jets in flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause" ($479,983)
  • 2016 - 2019: Principal Investigator of NASA grant NNX17AE12G "Properties of magnetic flux ropes flanked by active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the magnetopause" ($297,645)
  • 2016 - 2019: Principal Investigator (subrecipient with prime recipient Prof. Paul Cassak at West Virginia University) of NASA grant NNX16AG76G "Stabilization of reconnection from diamagnetic drifts and flow shear at the dayside magnetopause" ($89,967)
  • 2012 - 2018: Principal Investigator (subrecipient with prime recipient Prof. Michael Shay at University of Delaware) of NASA grant NNX13AD72G "Coupled theoretical-observational investigations of the nature of electron thermal heating by magnetic reconnection" ($224,050)
  • 2011 - 2015: Principal Investigator of NSF grant AGS-1103303 "GEM: Investigations of occurrence and properties of magnetic reconnection in magnetosheath current sheets" ($330,000)
  • 2005 - 2010: Principal Investigator of NSF grant ATM-0503374 "Collaborative research: GEM: Solar wind entry sites, paths, and transport" ($350,000)
  • 2005 - 2008: Principal Investigator of NASA E/PO grant supplement to NNG05GE30G (Education and Public Outreach Lead: Dr. Laura Peticolas, SSL) "Rural to Urban, Child to Adult: Paths to Science, Knowledge, and Careers" ($124,708)
  • 2005 - 2008: Principal Investigator of NASA grant NNG05GM40G "Investigations of the origin of magnetosheath-like plasma inside the dayside high-latitude magnetosphere" ($267,222)
  • 2005 - 2008: Principal Investigator of NASA grant NNG05GE30G "Microphysics of magnetic reconnection in the distant magnetotail" ($245,945)
  • 2003 - 2006: Principal Investigator of NASA grant NAG5-12941 "Characterizing the location, duration, and spatial extent of magnetic reconnection in the distant and near-Earth magnetotail: Wind/Geotail survey" ($253,581)
  • 2003 - 2004: Principal Investigator of NASA grant NAG5-13273 "Search for evidence of dust/gas escape from the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos from electron and magnetic field signatures of dust/gas interaction with the solar wind" ($67,000)
  • Publications (100+):

  • Fargette, N., Eastwood, J. P., Waters, C. L., Øieroset, M. , Phan, T. D., Newman, D. L., Stawarz, J. E., Goldman, M. V., Lapenta, G. (2024), Statistical Study of Energy Transport and Conversion in Electron Diffusion Regions at Earth's Dayside Magnetopause, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129, e2024JA032897.
  • Øieroset, M., Phan, T. D., Drake, J. F., Starkey, M., Fuselier, S. A., Cohen, I. J., Haggerty, C. C., Shay, M. A., Oka, M., Gershman, D. J., Maheshwari, K., Burch, J. L., Torbert, R. B., and Strangeway, R. J. (2024), Scaling of Ion Bulk Heating in Magnetic Reconnection Outflows for the High-Alfvén-speed and Low-Beta Regime in Earth's Magnetotail, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 971, Issue 2, id.144, 8 pp., doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad6151
  • Phan, T. D., Drake, J. F., Larson, D., Øieroset, M. , Eriksson, S., Yin, Z., Lavraud, B., Swisdak, M., Bale, S. D., Livi, R., Romeo, O., Whittlesey, P., Halekas, J., Rahmati, A., Pulupa, M., Szabo, A., Koval, A., Moncuquet, M., Kasper, J., Stevens, M., Desai, M., and Raouafi, N. (2024), Multiple Subscale Magnetic Reconnection Embedded inside a Heliospheric Current Sheet Reconnection Exhaust: Evidence for Flux Rope Merging, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 971, Issue 2, id.L42, 8 pp., doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad6841

  • Øieroset, M., Phan, T. D., M. Oka, J. F. Drake, S. A. Fuselier, D. J. Gershman, K. Maheshwari, B. L. Giles, Q. Zhang, F. Guo, J. L. Burch, R. B. Torbert, and R. J. Strangeway (2023), Scaling of magnetic reconnection electron bulk heating in the high Alfven speed and low Beta regime of Earth's magnetotail, The Astrophysical Journal, 954:118 (11 pp), 2023 September 10, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acdf44
  • Fargette, N., Lavraud, B., Rouillard, A. P., Houdayer, P. S., Phan, T. D., Øieroset, M. , Eastwood, J. P., Nicolaou, G., Fedorov, A., Louarn, P., Owen, C. J., Horbury, T. S. (2023), Clustering of magnetic reconnection exhausts in the solar wind: An automated detection study, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 674, id.A98, 15 pp., doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202346043
  • Pyakurel, P. S., Phan, T. D., Drake, J. F., Shay, M. A., Øieroset, M. , Haggerty, C. C., Stawarz, J., Burch, J. L., Ergun, R. E., Gershman, D. J., Giles, B. L., Torbert, R. B., Strangeway, R. J., Russell, C. T. (2023), On the Short-scale Spatial Variability of Electron Inflows in Electron-only Magnetic Reconnection in the Turbulent Magnetosheath Observed by MMS, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 948, Issue 1, id.20, 12 pp., doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acb6f1

  • Maheshwari, K., T. D. Phan, Øieroset, M. , N. Fargette, B. Lavraud, J. L. Burch, R. J. Strangeway, D. J. Gershman, and B. L. Giles (2022), Investigation of the Diamagnetic Drift Condition for the Suppression of Magnetic Reconnection in 3D Interlinked Reconnection Events with Magnetic Flux Pileup, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 940, Number 2, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac9405
  • Oka, M., Phan, T. D., Øieroset, M. Turner, D. L., Drake, J. F., Li, X., Fuselier, S. A., Gershman, D. J., Giles, B. L., Ergun, R. E., Torbert, R. B., Wei, H. Y., Strangeway, R. J., Russell, C. T., and Burch, J. L. (2022), Electron energization and thermal to non-thermal energy partition during earth’s magnetotail reconnection, Phys. Plasmas 29, 052904 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0085647
  • Phan, T. D., Verniero, J. L., Larson, D., Lavraud, B., Drake, J. F., Øieroset, M. , et al. (2022). Parker Solar Probe observations of solar wind energetic proton beams produced by magnetic reconnection in the near-Sun heliospheric current sheet. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096986.

  • Øieroset, M. , Phan, T. D., Ergun, R., Ahmadi, N., Genestreti, K., Drake, J. F., Liu, Y.-H., Haggerty, C., Eastwood, J. P., Shay, M. A., Pyakurel, P. S., Haaland, S., Oka, M., Goodbred, M., Eriksson, S., Burch, J. L., Torbert, R. B., Khotyaintsev, Y., Russell, C. T., Strangeway, R. J., Gershman, D. J., and Giles, B. L. (2021), Spatial evolution of magnetic reconnection diffusion region structures with distance from the X-line, Physics of Plasmas 28, 122901,
  • Phan, T. D., Lavraud, B., Halekas, J. S., Øieroset, M. , Drake, J. F., Eastwood, J. P., Shay, M. A., Pyakurel, P. S., Bale, S. D., Larson, D., Livi, R., Whittlesey, P. L., Rahmati, A., Pulupa, M., McManus, M. D., Verniero, J. L., Bonnell, J. W., Schwadron, N. A., Stevens, M., Case, A. W., Kasper, J. C., MacDowall, R. J., Szabo, P. A., Koval, A., Korreck, K. E., Dudok de Wit, T., Malaspina, D., Goetz, K., Harvey, P. R. (2021), Prevalence of magnetic reconnection in the near-Sun heliospheric current sheet, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 650, id.A13, 14, DOI:10.1051/0004-6361/202039863
  • Fargette, N., Lavraud, B., Rouillard, A., Eastwood, J. P., Bale, S. D., Phan, T., Øieroset, M. , Halekas, J. S., Kasper, J., Berthomier, M., Case, A. W., Korreck, K. E., Larson, D. E., Louarn, P., Malaspina, D., Pulupa, M., Stevens, M. L., Whittlesey, P. L., MacDowall, R. J., Goetz, K., Harvey, P. R., Dudok de Wit, T., Bonnell, J. W. (2021), Magnetic increases with central current sheets: observations with Parker Solar Probe, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 650, id.A11, 12, DOI:10.1051/0004-6361/202039191
  • Hwang, K.-J., Burch, J. L., Russell, C. T., Choi, E., Dokgo, K., Fear, R. C., Fuselier, S. A., Petrinec, S. M., Sibeck, D. G., Hasegawa, H., Fu, H., Øieroset, M., Escoubet, C. P., Giles, B. L., Khotyaintsev, Y., Graham, D. B., Gershman, D. J., Pollock, C. J., Ergun, R. E., Torbert, R. B., and Broll, J. (2021), Microscale Processes Determining Macroscale Evolution of Magnetic Flux Tubes along Earth's Magnetopause, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 914:26. DOI:10.3847/1538-4357/abf8b1

  • Kieokaew, R., Lavraud, B., Foullon, C., Toledo‐Redondo, S., Fargette, N., Hwang, K.‐J., Malakit, K., Ruffolo, D., Øieroset, M., et al. (2020). Magnetic reconnection inside a flux transfer event‐like structure in magnetopause kelvin‐helmholtz waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027527.
  • Haaland, S., Paschmann, G., Øieroset, M., Phan, T., Hasegawa, H., Fuselier, S. et al. (2020). Characteristics of the flank magnetopause: MMS results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027623.
  • Fargette, N., Lavraud, B., Øieroset, M., Phan, T. D., Toledo‐Redondo, S., Kieokaew, R., et al. (2020). On the ubiquity of magnetic reconnection inside flux transfer event‐like structures at the Earth's magnetopause. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL086726.
  • Phan, T. D., S. D. Bale, J. P. Eastwood, B. Lavraud, J. F. Drake, M. Øieroset, M. A. Shay, M. Pulupa, M. Stevens, R. J. MacDowall, A. W. Case, D. Larson, J. Kasper, P. Whittlesey, A. Szabo, K. E. Korreck, J. W. Bonnell, T. Dudok de Wit, K. Goetz, P. R. Harvey, T. S. Horbury, R. Livi, D. Malaspina, K. Paulson, N. E. Raouafi, and M. Velli (2020), Parker Solar Probe In Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts during Encounter 1, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 246, Number 2,

  • Øieroset, M., Phan, T. D., Drake, J. F., Eastwood, J. P., Fuselier, S. A., Strangeway, R. J., et al. (2019), Reconnection with magnetic flux pileup at the interface of converging jets at the magnetopause. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.

  • Fox, W., Wilder, F. D., Eriksson, S., Jara‐Almonte, J., Pucci, F., Yoo, J., J. Yoo, H. Ji, M. Yamada, R. E. Ergun, M. Øieroset, and T. D. Phan (2018), Energy conversion by parallel electric fields during guide field reconnection in scaled laboratory and space experiments. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 12,677–12,684.
  • Fuselier, S. A., Petrinec, S. M., Trattner, K. J., Broll, J. M., Burch, J. L., Giles, B. L., R. J. Strangeway, C. T. Russell, B. Lavraud, M. Øieroset et al. (2018), Observational evidence of large‐scale multiple reconnection at the Earth's dayside magnetopause. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 8407–8421.
  • Lavraud, B., Jacquey, C., Achilli, T., Fuselier, S. A., Grigorenko, E., Phan, T. D., M. Øieroset et al. (2018), Concomitant double ion and electron populations in the Earth's magnetopause boundary layers from double reconnection with lobe and closed field lines. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 5407–5419.
  • Phan, T. D., J. P. Eastwood, M. A. Shay, J. F. Drake, B. U. Ö. Sonnerup, M. Fujimoto, P. A. Cassak, M. Øieroset et al. (2018), Electron magnetic reconnection without ion coupling in Earth’s turbulent magnetosheath, Nature, 557, pages 202–206 (2018),
  • Eastwood, J. P., R. Mistry, T. D. Phan, S. J. Schwartz, R. E. Ergun, J. F. Drake, M. Øieroset et al. (2018), Guide field reconnection: Exhaust structure and heating. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 4569–4577.
  • Kacem, I., C. Jacquey, V. Génot, B. Lavraud, Y. Vernisse, A. Marchaudon, O. Le Contel, H. Breuillard, T. D. Phan, H. Hasegawa, M. Oka, K. J. Trattner, C. J. Farrugia. K. Paulson, J. P. Eastwood, S. A. Fuselier, D. Turner, S. Eriksson, F. Wilder, C. T. Russell, M. Øieroset et al. (2018), Magnetic reconnection at a thin current sheet separating two interlaced flux tubes at the Earth ’s magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res., 123, 1779,
  • Hietala, H., T. D. Phan, V. Angelopoulous, M. Øieroset, M. O. Archer, T. Karlsson, and F. Plaschke (2018), In situ observations of a magnetosheath high-speed jet triggering magnetopause reconnection. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45. doi:10.1002/2017GL076525.

  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, M. A. Shay, C. C. Haggerty, M. Fujimoto, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. Eastwood, and F. S. Mozer (2017), THEMIS multispacecraft observations of a reconnecting magnetosheath current sheet with symmetric boundary conditions and a large guide field, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL074196.

  • Phan, T. D., M. A. Shay, C. C. Haggerty, J. T. Gosling, J. P. Eastwood, M. Fujimoto, K. Malakit, F. S. Mozer, P. A. Cassak, M. Øieroset, and V. Angelopoulos (2016), Ion Larmor radius effects near a reconnection X line at the magnetopause: THEMIS observations and simulation comparison, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 8844–8852, doi:10.1002/2016GL070224.
  • Øieroset, M. et al. (2016), MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL069166.
  • Phan, T. D., J. P. Eastwood, P. A. Cassak, M. Øieroset, et al. (2016), MMS observations of electron-scale filamentary currents in the reconnection exhaust and near the X line, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 6060–6069, doi:10.1002/2016GL069212.
  • Eastwood, J. P., T. D. Phan, P. A. Cassak, D. J. Gershman, C. Haggerty, K. Malakit, M. A. Shay, R. Mistry, M. Øieroset, et al. (2016), Ion-scale secondary flux-ropes generated by magnetopause reconnection as resolved by MMS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL068747.
  • Ergun, R. E., J. C. Holmes, K. A. Goodrich, F. D. Wilder, J. E. Stawarz, S. Eriksson, D. L. Newman, S. J. Schwartz, M. V. Goldman, A. P. Sturner, D. M. Malaspina, M. E. Usanova, R. B. Torbert, M. Argall, P.-A. Lindqvist, Y. Khotyaintsev, J. L. Burch, R. J. Strangeway, C. T. Russell, C. J. Pollock, B. L. Giles, J. J. C. Dorelli, L. Avanov, M. Hesse, L. J. Chen, B. Lavraud, O. Le Contel, A. Retino, R. D. Phan, J. P. Eastwood, M. Øieroset et al. (2016), Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Large-Amplitude, Parallel, Electrostatic Waves Associated with Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL068992.
  • Oka, M., T.-D. Phan, M. Øieroset, and V. Angelopoulos (2016), In situ evidence of electron energization in the electron diffusion region of magnetotail reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 1955–1968, doi:10.1002/2015JA022040.

  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, J. T. Gosling, M. Fujimoto, and V. Angelopoulos (2015), Electron and ion edges and the associated magnetic topology of the reconnecting magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JA021580.
  • T. D. Phan, M. A. Shay, J. P. Eastwood, V. Angelopoulos, M. Øieroset, M. Oka, and M. Fujimoto (2015), Establishing the Context for Reconnection Diffusion Region Encounters and Strategies for the Capture and Transmission of Diffusion Region Burst Data by MMS, Space Sci Rev, DOI 10.1007/s11214-015-0150-2.

  • Shay, M. A., C. C. Haggerty, T. D. Phan, J. F. Drake, P. A. Cassak, P. Wu, M. Øieroset, M. Swisdak, and K. Malakit (2014), Electron heating during magnetic reconnection: A simulation scaling study, Phys. Plasmas, 21, 122902 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4904203.
  • Phan, T. D., J. F. Drake, M. A. Shay, J. T. Gosling, G. Paschmann, J. P. Eastwood, M. Øieroset, M. Fujimoto, and V. Angelopoulos (2014), Ion bulk heating in magnetic reconnection exhausts at Earth's magnetopause: Dependence on the inflow Alfvén speed and magnetic shear angle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 7002–7010, doi:10.1002/2014GL061547.
  • Øieroset, M., D. Sundkvist, C. C. Chaston, T. D. Phan, F. S. Mozer, J. P. McFadden, V. Angelopoulos, L. Andersson, and J. P. Eastwood (2014), Observations of plasma waves in the colliding jet region of a magnetic flux rope flanked by two active X lines at the subsolar magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JA020124.

  • Paschmann, G., M. Øieroset, and T. Phan (2013), In-Situ Observations of Reconnection in Space, Space Science Reviews, 178, pp. 385-417, doi:10.1007/s11214-012-9957-2.
  • Eastwood, J. P., T. D. Phan, M. Øieroset, M. A. Shay, K. Malakit, M. Swisdak, J. F. Drake, and A. Masters (2013), Influence of asymmetries and guide fields on the magnetic reconnection diffusion region in collisionless space plasmas, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 55 124001 doi:10.1088/0741-3335/55/12/124001.
  • Phan, T. D., M. A. Shay, J. T. Gosling, M. Fujimoto, J. F. Drake, G. Paschmann, M. Øieroset, J. P. Eastwood, and V. Angelopoulos (2013), Electron bulk heating in magnetic reconnection at Earth's magnetopause: Dependence on the inflow Alfven speed and magnetic shear, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, pp. 4475-4480, doi:10.1002/grl.50917.
  • Phan, T. D., G. Paschmann, J. T. Gosling, M. Øieroset, M. Fujimoto, J. F. Drake, and V. Angelopoulos (2013), The dependence of magnetic reconnection on plasma Beta and magnetic shear: Evidence from magnetopause observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, pp. 1-16, doi:10.1029/2012GL054528.
  • Eastwood, J. P., T. D. Phan, R. C. Fear, D. G. Sibeck, V. Angelopoulos, M. Øieroset, and M. A. Shay (2012), Survival of flux transfer event (FTE) flux ropes far along the tail magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A08222, doi:10.1029/2012JA017722.

  • Oka, M., T.-D. Phan, J. P. Eastwood, V. Angelopoulos, N. A. Murphy, M. Øieroset, Y. Miyashita, M. Fujimoto, J. McFadden, and D. Larson (2011), Magnetic reconnection X-line retreat associated with dipolarization of the Earth's magnetosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L20105, doi:10.1029/2011GL049350.
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, J. P. Eastwood, M. Fujimoto, W. Daughton, M. Shay, V. Angelopoulos, F. S. Mozer, J. P. McFadden, D. E. Larson, and K.-H. Glassmeier (2011), Direct evidence for a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X lines at Earth's magnetopause, Physical Review Letters, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.165007.
  • Wu, P., M. A. Shay, T. D. Phan, M. Oieroset, and M. Oka (2011), Effect of inflow density on ion diffusion region of magnetic reconnection: Particle-in-cell simulations, Physics of Plasmas, 18, 11, doi:10.1063/1.3641964.
  • Phan, T. D., T. E. Love, J. T. Gosling, G. Paschmann, J. P. Eastwood, M. Øieroset, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. McFadden, D. Larson, and U. Auster (2011), Triggering of magnetic reconnection in a magnetosheath current sheet due to compression against the magnetopause, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L17101, doi:10.1029/2011GL048586.
  • Sibeck, D. G., V. Angelopoulos, D. A. Brain, G. T. Delory, J. P. Eastwood, W. M. Farrell, R. E. Grimm, J. S. Halekas, H. Hasegawa, P. Hellinger, K. K. Khurana, R. J. Lillis, M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, J. Raeder, C. T. Russell, D. Schriver, J. A. Slavin, P. M. Travnicek, J. M. Weygand (2011), ARTEMIS Science Objectives, Space Science Reviews, doi:10.1007/s11214-011-9777-9.

  • Eastwood, J. P., T. D. Phan, M. Øieroset, and M. A. Shay (2010), Average properties of the magnetic reconnection ion diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail: The 2001-2005 Cluster observations and comparison with simulations, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A08215, doi:10.1029/2009JA014962.
  • T. D. Phan, J. T. Gosling, G. Paschmann, C. Pasma, J. F. Drake, M. Øieroset, D. Larson, R. P. Lin, and M. S. Davis (2010), The Dependence of magnetic reconnection on plasma beta and magnetic shear: Evidence from solar wind observations, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 719, L199, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/719/2/L199.
  • Eastwood, J. P., M. A. Shay, T. D. Phan, and M. Øieroset (2010), Asymmetry of the ion diffusion region Hall electric and magnetic fields during guide field reconnection: Observations and comparison with simulations, Physical Review Letters, 104, Issue 20, id. 205001, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.205001.
  • Egedal, J., A. Lê, Y. Zhu, W. Daughton, M. Øieroset, T. Phan, R. P. Lin, and J. P. Eastwood (2010), Cause of super-thermal electron heating during magnetotail reconnection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L10102, doi:10.1029/2010GL043487.

  • Halekas, J. S., J. P Eastwood, D. A. Brain, T. D. Phan, M. Øieroset, and R. P. Lin (2009), In situ observations of reconnection Hall magnetic fields at Mars: Evidence for ion diffusion region encounters, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A11204, doi:10.1029/2009JA014544.
  • Øieroset, M., Brain, D. A., Simpson, E., Mitchell, D. L., Phan, T. D., Halekas, J. S., Lin, R. P., Acuña, M. H. (2009), Search for Phobos and Deimos gas/dust tori using in situ observations from Mars Global Surveyor MAG/ER, Icarus, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.07.017.
  • Østgaard, N., K. Snekvik, A. L. Borg, A. Åsnes, A. Pedersen, M. Øieroset, T. Phan, and S. E. Haaland (2009), Can magnetotail reconnection produce the auroral intensities observed in the conjugate ionosphere?, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A06204, doi:10.1029/2009JA014185.
  • Li, W., J. Raeder, M. Øieroset, and T. D. Phan (2009), Cold dense magnetopause boundary layer under northward IMF: Results from THEMIS and MHD simulations (2009), J. Geophys. Res., 114, A00C15, doi:10.1029/2008JA013497.

  • Egedal, J., W. Fox, N. Katz, M. Porkolab, M. Øieroset, R. P. Lin, W. Daughton, and J. F. Drake (2008), Evidence and theory for trapped electrons in guide field magnetotail reconnection, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A12207, doi:10.1029/2008JA013520.
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. Eastwood, J. P. McFadden, D. E. Larson, C. W. Carlson, K-H. Glassmeier, M. Fujimoto, and J. Raeder (2008), THEMIS multi-spacecraft observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the dayside low-latitude magnetosphere for northward and strong By IMF, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L17S11, doi:10.1029/2008GL033661.
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, D. H. Fairfield, J. Raeder, J. T. Gosling, J. F. Drake, and R. P. Lin (2008), The existence and properties of the distant magnetotail during 32 hours of strongly northward interplanetary magnetic field, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A04206, doi:10.1029/2007JA012679, 2008.
  • Eastwood, J. P., D. A. Brain, J. S. Halekas, J. F. Drake, T. D. Phan, M. Øieroset, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, and M. Acuña, Evidence for collisionless magnetic reconnection at Mars, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L02106, doi:10.1029/2007GL032289.

  • Phan, T. D., G. Paschmann, C. Twitty, F. Mozer, J. T. Gosling, J. P. Eastwood, M. Øieroset, H. Reme, and E. A. Lucek, Evidence for magnetic reconnection initiated in the magnetosheath, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L14104, A06215, doi:10.1029/2007GL030343, 2007.
  • Borg, A. L., N. Østgaard, A. Pedersen, M. Øieroset, T. D. Phan, G. Germany, A. Aasnes, W. Lewis, J. Stadsnes, E. A. Lucek, H. Reme, and C. Mouikis, Simultaneous observations of magnetotail reconnection and bright X-ray aurora on 2. October 2002, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, doi:10.1029/2006JA011913, 2007.

  • Phan, T. D., H. Hasegawa, M. Fujimoto, M. Øieroset, T. Mukai, R. P. Lin, W. Paterson, Simultaneous Geotail and Wind observations of reconnection at the subsolar and tail flank magnetopause, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L09104, doi:10.1029/2006GL025756, 2006.
  • Raeder, J., W. Li, J. Dorelli, M. Øieroset, and T. D. Phan, Cluster observations and global simulations of the cold dense plasma sheet during northward IMF, Proceedings Cluster and Double Star Symposium - 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, 19-23 September 2005, ESA SP-598, January 2006.
  • Manapat, M., M. Øieroset, T. D. Phan, R. P. Lin, and M. Fujimoto (2006), Field-aligned electrons at the lobe/plasma sheet boundary in the mid-to-distant magnetotail and their association with reconnection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L05101, doi:10.1029/2005GL024971, 2006.
  • T. D. Phan, J. T. Gosling, M. S. Davis, R. M. Skoug, M. Øieroset, R. P. Lin, R. P. Lepping, D. J. McComas, C. W. Smith, H. Reme, and A. Balogh, A magnetic reconnection X-line extending more than 390 Earth radii in the solar wind, Nature, 439, 175, 2006.
  • Phan, T. D., M. Øieroset, and M. Fujimoto, Reconnection at the dayside low-latitude magnetopause and its nonrole in LLBL formation under northward IMF, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, 17, L17191, 10.1029/2005GL023355, 2005.
  • Borg, A. L., M. Øieroset, T. D. Phan, F. S. Mozer, A. Pedersen, C. Mouikis, J. P. McFadden, C. Twitty, A. Balogh, H. Reme, Cluster encounter of a magnetic reconnection diffusion region in the near-Earth magnetotail on September 19, 2003, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, No. 19, L19105, doi: 10.1029/2005GL023794, 2005.
  • Øieroset, M., J. Raeder, T. D. Phan, S. Wing, J. P. McFadden, W. Li, M. Fujimoto, H. Rème, and A. Balogh, Global cooling and densification of the plasma sheet during an extended period of purely northward IMF on October 22-24, 2003, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L12S07, doi:10.1029/2004GL021523, 2005.
  • Li, W., J. Raeder, J. Dorelli, M. Øieroset, and T. D. Phan, Plasma sheet formation during long period of northward IMF, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L12S08, doi:10.1029/2004GL021524, 2005.
  • Sigsbee, K., J. A. Slavin, R. P. Lepping, A. Szabo, M. Øieroset, M. L. Kaiser, M. J. Reiner, and H. J. Singer, Statistical and superposed epoch studies of dipolarization events using data from Wind perigee passes, Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 23, 831, 2005.
  • Egedal, J., M. Øieroset, W. Fox, and R. P. Lin, In situ discovery of an electrostatic potential, trapping electrons and mediating fast reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 94, 025006, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.025006025006, 2005.
  • Eriksson, S., M. Øieroset, D. N. Baker, C. Mouikis, A. Vaivads, M. W. Dunlop, H. Reme, R. E. Ergun, and A. Balogh, Walen and slow-mode shock analyses in the near-Earth magnetotail in connection with a substorm onset on 27 August 2001, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 109, No. A10, A10212, doi:10.1029/2004JA010534, 2004.
  • Sigsbee, K., J. A. Slavin, M. Øieroset, and C. Cattell, Magnetotail convection during substorms and directly driven events, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Substorms, N.Ganushkina and T. Pulkkinen editors, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, pp. 27-30, ISBN: 951-697-600-X, 2004.
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, and R. P. Lin, Distant magnetotail reconnection and the coupling to the near-Earth plasma sheet: Wind and Geotail case study, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L18805, doi:10.1029/2004GL020321, 2004.
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, and M. Fujimoto, Wind observations of asymmetric reconnection in the distant magnetotail, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L12801, doi:10.1029/2004GL019958, 2004.
  • Øieroset, M., D. L. Mitchell, T.-D. Phan, R. P. Lin, D. H. Crider, and M. H. Acuna, The magnetic field pile-up and density depletion in the Martian magnetosheath: A comparison with the plasma depletion layer upstream of the Earth's magnetopause, in Mars' Magnetism and its Interaction with the Solar Wind, edited by D. Winterhalter, M. Acuna, and A. Zakharov, Space Sciences Series of ISSI Vol. 18, p. 185, Kluwer Academic Publishers (also in Space Science Reviews, 111, 185, 2004.), 2004.
  • C. Mazelle, D. Winterhalter, K. Sauer, J. G. Trotignon, M. H. Acuna, K. Baumgartel, C. Bertucci, D. A. Brain, S. H. Brecht, M. Delva, E. Dubinin, M. Øieroset, and J. Slavin, Bow shock and upstream phenomena at Mars, in Mars' Magnetism and its Interaction with the Solar Wind, edited by D. Winterhalter, M. Acuna, and A. Zakharov, Space Sciences Series of ISSI Vol. 18, p. 115, Kluwer Academic Publishers (also in Space Science Reviews, 111, 115, 2004.), 2004.
  • Farrugia, C. J., G. Gnavi, F. T. Gratton, H. Matsui, R. B. Torbert, R. P. Lepping, M. Øieroset, , and R. P. Lin, Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the subsolar region under normal dynamic pressure: Wind observations and theory, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, A02202, doi:10.1029/2003JA010104, 2003.
  • Farrugia, C. J., G. Gnavi, F. T. Gratton, M. Øieroset, , K. W. Ogilvie, R. P. Lepping, and R. P. Lin, Waves in the plasma depletion layer derived from three magnetosheath passes made by WIND, Adv. Space Res., 31, Issue 4, 1099, 2003.
  • Øieroset, M., T.-D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, L. Chan, R. P. Lin, and R. Skoug, Spatial and temporal variations of the cold dense plasma sheet: Evidence for a low-latitude boundary layer source? AGU Monograph on Earth's Low-Latitude Boundary Layer, edited by P. T. Newell and T. G. Onsager, DOI: 10.1029/133GM25, 2002.
  • Øieroset, M., R. P. Lin, T. D. Phan, D. E. Larson, and S. D. Bale, Evidence for electron acceleration up to ~300 keV in the magnetic reconnection diffusion region of Earth's magnetotail, Physical Review Letters, 89, 195001, 2002.
  • Farrugia, C. J., N. V. Erkaev, D. F. Vogl, H. K. Biernat, M. Øieroset, , R. P. Lin, and R. P. Lepping, Anisotropic magnetosheath: Comparison of theory with WIND observations near the stagnation streamline, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 29,373, 2001.
  • Øieroset, M., T.-D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, R. P. Lin, and R. P. Lepping, In situ detection of collisionless reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail, Nature, 412, 414, July 26, 2001.
  • Øieroset, M., D. L. Mitchell, T.-D. Phan, R. P. Lin, and M. H. Acuna, Hot diamagnetic cavities upstream of the Martian bow shock, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 887, 2001.
  • Øieroset, M., T.-D. Phan, R. P. Lin, and B. U. O. Sonnerup, Walen and variance analyses of high speed flows observed by WIND in the mid-tail plasma sheet: Evidence for reconnection, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 25,247, 2000.
  • Øieroset, M., M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, and S. P. Christon, Energetic ion outflow from the dayside ionosphere and its relationship to the interplanetary magnetic field and substorm activity, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 62/6, 485, 2000.
  • Phan, T. D., L. M. Kistler, B. Klecker, G. Haerendel, G. Paschmann, B. U. Ö. Sonnerup, W. Baumjohann, M. B. Bavassano-Cattaneo, C. W. Carlson, A. M. Dilellis, K.-H. Fornacon, L. A. Frank, M. Fujimoto, E. Georgescu, S. Kokobun, E. Moebius, T. Mukai, M. Øieroset, W. R. Paterson and H. Reme, Extended magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause from detection of bi-directional jets, Nature, 404, 848, April 20, 2000.
  • Liszka, L., M. Øieroset, and B. Hultqvist, Variability in Viking ion and electric field observations detected by a wavelet filtering technique, IRF Report No. 257, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden, 1999.
  • Øieroset, M., M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, and B. Hultqvist, Energetic ion outflow from the dayside ionosphere: Categorization, Classification, and Statistical Study, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 24,915, 1999.
  • L. R. Lyons, H. E. J. Koskinen, J. B. Blake, A. Egeland, M. Hirahara, M. Øieroset, P. E. Sandholt, and K. Shiokawa, Processes leading to plasma losses into the high-latitude atmosphere, Chapter 3 in Magnetospheric Plasma Sources and Losses, Final Report of the ISSI Study Project on Source and Loss Processes of Magnetospheric Plasma, edited by B. Hultqvist, M. Øieroset, G. Paschmann, and R. Treumann, Space Sciences Series of ISSI, Vol. 6, Kluwer Academic Publishers (also in Space Science Reviews, 88, issues 1&2, 1999.)
  • Hultqvist, B., M. Øieroset, G. Paschmann, and R. Treumann, eds., 'Magnetospheric Plasma Sources and Losses, Final Report of the ISSI Study Project on Source and Loss Processes of Magnetospheric Plasma', Space Sciences Series of ISSI, Vol. 6, Kluwer Academic Publishers, and also in Space Science Reviews, 88, issues 1 & 2, 1999.
  • Øieroset, M., M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, S. P. Christon, and B. Hultqvist, A statistical study of ion beams and conics from the ionosphere during different phases of a substorm, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 6987, 1999.
  • Øieroset, M., M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, and B. Hultqvist, Increase in energetic ion outflow from the ionosphere during substorms: A statistical study, in 'Substorms-4', edited by S. Kokobun and Y. Kamide, Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, Japan/Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 63, 1998.
  • Øieroset, M., and P. E. Sandholt, Auroral and geomagnetic signatures of flux transfer events and associated current systems for positive and negative IMF By, in 'Polar Cap Boundary Phenomena', edited by J. Moen, A. Egeland and M. Lockwood, NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 209, 1998.
  • Sandholt, P. E., C. J. Farrugia, M. Øieroset, P. Stauning, and W. F. Denig, Auroral activity associated with unsteady magnetospheric erosion: Observations on Dec. 18, 1990, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 2309, 1998.
  • Øieroset, M., Værvarsling for det nære verdensrom (Weather forecast for the near-Earth space), Naturen (P.O. Box 4283 Nygardstangen, 5028 Bergen, Norway), No. 6, 1997.
  • Øieroset, M., P. E. Sandholt, W. F. Denig, and S. W. H. Cowley, The northward IMF cusp aurora and high-latitude magnetopause reconnection, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 11,349, 1997.
  • Øieroset, M., P. E. Sandholt, H. Luhr, W. F. Denig, and T. Moretto, Auroral and geomagnetic signatures of flux transfer events in the prenoon sector during positive IMF By conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 7191, 1997.
  • Hultqvist, B., and M. Øieroset, eds., 'Transport Across the Boundaries of the Magnetosphere', Space Sciences Series of ISSI, Vol. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, and also in Space Science Reviews, 80, issues 1 & 2, 1997.
  • Sigernes, F., J. Moen, D. A. Lorentzen, C. S. Deehr, R. Smith, M. Øieroset, B. Lybekk, and J. Holtet, SCIFER-Height measurements of the midmorning aurora, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 1996.
  • Sandholt, P. E., C. J. Farrugia, M. Øieroset, P. Stauning, and S. W. H. Cowley, Auroral signature of lobe reconnection, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 1725, 1996.
  • Øieroset, M., H. Luhr, J. Moen, T. Moretto, and P. E. Sandholt, Dynamical auroral morphology in relation to ionospheric plasma convection and geomagnetic activity: Signatures of magnetopause X-line dynamics and flux transfer events, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 13,275, 1996.
  • Karlson, K. A., M. Øieroset, J. Moen, and P. E. Sandholt, A statistical study of flux transfer event signatures in the dayside aurora: The IMF By-related prenoon-postnoon asymmetry, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 59, 1996.
  • Van der A, R. J., N. Alexander, C. Atkinson, N. Audet, E. Brouillard, A. P. Buckley, A. Defendini, R. A. Dicke, P. A. Edin, P. C. Fatelnig, J. Figa, R. G. Fuller, R. Jehn, R. Jorgensen, R. K. Olivier, C. Kessler, M. Kimura, E. Maliet, K. Matsuda, K. Matsumoto, N. Mizukoshi, J. C. Morland, A. B. Morodi, L. Nana, W. M. Neubert, M. Øieroset, P. J. K. Olsen, P. U. Ostermann, J. M. Pasquet, R. Ravulapalli, P. J. Rebholz, J. L. Rusingizandekwe, T. D. Schaffer, A. Suskind, N. VanStralen, F. Venet, T. Yvain, and U. Zech, GEOWARN - A possible global lifesaver, Space Policy, 10, 143. 1994.
  • Presentations Given at International Conferences (50+):

    (Presenter is highlighted in red. Only first-authored papers and papers presented are included)
  • Øieroset, M., Scaling of ion bulk heating in magnetic reconnection outflows for the high Alfven speed and low Beta regime in Earth's magnetotail (Invited), COSPAR 45th Scientific Assembly, Busan, Korea, July 2024.
  • Øieroset, M., Scaling of ion bulk heating in magnetic reconnection outflows for the high Alfven speed and low Beta regime in Earth's magnetotail, Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Science Team Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, April 2024.
  • Øieroset, M., Scaling of ion and electron bulk heating produced by reconnection in the low Beta and high Alfven speed regime of Earth's magnetotail, AGU, San Francisco, CA, December, 2023.
  • Øieroset, M., Scaling of reconnection electron heating in the low Beta and high Alfven speed regime of Earth's magnetotail (Invited), 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Spokane, Washinton, October 2022.
  • Øieroset, M., Scaling of reconnection electron heting in the low Beta and high Alfven speed regime of Earth's magnetotail (Invited), US - Japan Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection, Monterey, California, May 2022.
  • Øieroset, M., Spatial evolution of magnetic reconnection diffusion region structures with distance from the X-line (Invited), Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Community Science Workshop, Daytona Beach, Florida, May 2022.
  • Øieroset, M., Particle acceleration in the Earth's magnetotail (Invited), Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares and the Plasma Universe - Deciphering its features under magnetic reconnection, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), Kashiwa, Japan (online meeting), November 2021.
  • Øieroset, M., MMS observations of the structure, evolution, and heating in the diffusion region of a reconnecting magnetosheath current sheet, AGU, San Francisco, CA, December, 2019.
  • Øieroset, M., Reconnection with magnetic flux pileup at the interface of converging jets at the magnetopause (Invited), MMS Community Workshop, Yosemite National Park, California, February 2019.
  • Øieroset, M., Strongly driven magnetic reconnection with flux pileup at the interface of colliding jets at the magnetopause, MMS Community Workshop, Bergen, Norway, June 2018.
  • Øieroset, M. et al., MMS observations of guide field reconnection at the interface between colliding reconnection jets inside flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause (Invited), FAll AGU, New Orleans, LA, December, 2017.
  • Øieroset, M. et al., MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2016.
  • Øieroset, M., MMS observations of large guide field reconnection at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause, MMS Science Working Team Meeting, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2016.
  • Øieroset, M., Magnetic reconnection and ISSI (Invited), Symposium 20th Anniversary of ISSI, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Berne, Switzerland, October 2015.
  • Øieroset, M., D. Sundkvist, C. Chaston, T. Phan, F. Mozer, J. P. McFadden, V. Angelopoulos, L. Andersson, and J. P. Eastwood, Observations of plasma waves in the colliding jet region of a 3D magnetic flux rope flanked by two active reconnection X lines at the subsolar magnetopause, AGU, San Francisco, December, 2014.
  • Øieroset, M., T. Phan, F. Mozer, J. Eastwood, M. Fujimoto, W. Daughton, M. Shay, V. Angelopoulos, D. J. Sundkvist, J. F. Drake, J. P. McFadden, D. Larson, K.-H. Glassmeier, The structure and dynamics of a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause (Invited), Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2012.
  • Øieroset, M., THEMIS observations of the structure and dynamics of a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause (Invited), Third Cluster-THEMIS Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, October, 2012.
  • Øieroset, M., In-situ observations of reconnection in space: microphysics (Invited), ISSI Workshop on Microphysics of Cosmic Plasmas, Berne, Switzerland, April, 2012.
  • Øieroset, M., T. Phan, J. Eastwood, M. Fujimoto, W. Daughton, M. Shay, V. Angelopoulos, F. Mozer, J. McFadden, D. Larson, K.-H. Glassmeier, Direct evidence for a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2011.
  • Øieroset, Solar-Terrestrial coupling processes - reconnection, Transatlantic Science Week 2011 (organized by the Royal Norwegian Embassy), UC Berkeley Campus, October, 2011 (Invited).
  • Øieroset, M., T. Phan, J. Eastwood, M. Fujimoto, W. Daughton, M. Shay, V. Angelopoulos, F. Mozer, J. McFadden, D. Larson, K.-H. Glassmeier, Direct evidence for a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause, 11th International Workshop on the Interretationship between Plasma Experiemnts in the Laboratory and Space (IPELS), Whistler, Canada, July, 2011.
  • Øieroset, M., In-situ satellite observations of particle acceleration during reconnection, Magnetic Reconnection an Interdisciplinary Workshop, Yosemite National Park, February, 2010 (Invited).
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. McFadden, D. L. Larson, K.-H. Glassmeier, Magnetic topology of the magnetopause and low-latitude boundary layer deduced from THEMIS high-resolution electron and ion measurements, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2009.
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, W. Li, J. Raeder, J. P. Eastwood, J. P. McFadden, D. L. Larson, C. W. Carlson, K.-H. Glassmeier, THEMIS multi-point observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the low-latitude dayside magnetosphere during northward IMF, IAGA, Sopron, Hungary, August, 2009 (Invited).
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. McFadden, D. L. Larson, K.-H. Glassmeier, Magnetic topology of the magnetopause and low=latitude boundary layer deduced from THEMIS high-resolution electron and ion measurements, IAGA, Sopron, Hungary, August, 2009 (Invited).
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. Eastwood, J. P. McFadden, D. L. Larson, C. W. Carlson, K.-H. Glassmeier, M. Fujimoto, J. Raeder, THEMIS multi-spacecraft observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the low-latitude dayside magnetosphere for northward and strong By IMF, COSPAR, Montreal, Canada, July, 2008.
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. Eastwood, J. P. McFadden, D. L. Larson, C. W. Carlson, K.-H. Glassmeier, M. Fujimoto, J. Raeder, THEMIS multi-spacecraft observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the low-latitude dayside magnetosphere for northward and strong By IMF, Joint Assembly, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May, 2008 (Invited).
  • Øieroset, M., T. D. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. McFadden, C. W. Carlson, D. L. Larson, K.-H. Glassmeier, M. Fujimoto, M. Nishino, J. Raeder, W. Li, and J. W. Bonnell, Multi-spacecraft THEMIS - Geotail observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the low-latitude dayside and nightside magnetosphere for equal northward and dawnward IMF, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2007.
  • A. L. Borg, M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, Forrest Mozer, Arne Pedersen, Chris Moukis, Jim McFadden, Colleen Twitty, Andre Balogh, and Henri Reme, Cluster encounter of a diffusion region in the near-Earth magnetotail, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2005.
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, J. Raeder, M. Fujimoto, S. Wing, J. P. McFadden, H. Reme, and A. Balogh, Observations of cold dense plasma sheet and cusp reconnection during extended periods of northward IMF, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2004.
  • E. Simpson, M. Øieroset, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, and M. H. Acuna, Search for gas/dust escape from Phobos and Deimos using MGS MAG/ER observations, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2004.
  • M. Øieroset, R. P. Lin, T.-D. Phan, A. Szabo, A. J. Lazarus, J. C. Kasper, and K. W. Ogilvie, Impact of the October-November 2003 super storms on the distant geomagnetic tail: Wind observations, AGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, May, 2004 (Invited).
  • M. Øieroset, M. Fujimoto, T.-D. Phan, S. Wing, J. Raeder, H. Reme, and A. Balogh, Long-duration cold dense plasma sheet during extended periods of strongly northward IMF, AGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, May, 2004.
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, and R. P. Lin, Wind observations of asymmetric reconnection in the distant magnetotail, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2003.
  • M. Øieroset, R. P. Lin, T.-D. Phan, D. E. Larson, and S. D. Bale, Evidence for electron acceleration up to ~300 keV in the magnetic reconnection diffusion region of the Earth's magnetotail: Wind observations, Fifth US-Japan Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection, Plasma Merging, and Magnetic Jets (MR2003), Catalina Island, California, November, 2003 (Invited).
  • M. Øieroset, R. P. Lin, T.-D. Phan, D. E. Larson, and S. D. Bale, Evidence for electron acceleration up to ~300 keV in the magnetic reconnection diffusion region of the Earth's magnetotail, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2002 (poster).
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, R. P. Lin, and R. P. Lepping, Wind's encounter with the collisionless magnetic reconnection diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2001.
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, R. P. Lin, and R. P. Lepping, Encountering the collisionless magnetic reconnection diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail, IAGA, Hanoi, Vietnam, August, 2001.
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, L. Chan, and R. P. Lin, Two-spacecraft (Wind/Geotail) investigation of the occurrence and properties of the cold dense plasma sheet, AGU Chapman Conference on the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 2001.
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, L. Chan, and R. P. Lin, Two-spacecraft (Wind/Geotail) investigation of the occurrence and properties of the cold dense plasma sheet, European Geophysical Society (EGS), Nice, March, 2001.
  • M. Øieroset, D. Mitchell, T. Phan, R. Lin, and M. Acuna, Hot diamagnetic cavities upstream of the Martian bow shock, European Geophysical Society (EGS), Nice, March, 2001.
  • M. Øieroset, D. Mitchell, T. Phan, R. Lin, and M. Acuna, Hot diamagnetic cavities upstream of the Martian bow shock, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 2000 (poster).
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, M. Fujimoto, V. Angelopoulos, and R. P. Lin, WIND and Geotail observations of high speed flows in the mid-tail and near-Earth plasma sheet and their ionospheric signatures, The First S-RAMP Conference, Sapporo, Japan, September, 2000.
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, R. P. Lin, and B. U. O. Sonnerup, Evidence for reconnection and associated Hall effects in the magnetotail: WIND observations, The First S-RAMP Conference, Sapporo, Japan, September, 2000.
  • M. Øieroset, D. Mitchell, R. Lin, T. Phan, and M. Acuna, A comparative study of the Martian and terrestrial magnetosheath: MGS and WIND observations, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 1999 (poster).
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, R. P. Lin, and B. U. O. Sonnerup, Minimum/maximum variance and Walen analysis of high speed flows in the magnetotail: Evidence for reconnection, IGPP Conference on Transport in the Magnetosphere, Yellowstone, Wyoming, September, 1999.
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, L. Chan, and R. P. Lin, WIND observations of the plasma sheet, IAGA, Birmingham, U.K., July, 1999.
  • D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, M. Øieroset, D. Crider, C. Law, P. Walker, P. Cloutier, and M. H. Acuna, Solar wind interaction with Martian crustal magnetic field: MGS MAG/ER observations, IAGA, Birmingham, U.K., July, 1999.
  • M. Øieroset, T.-D. Phan, R. P. Lin, D. Mitchell, M. H. Acuna, A. Binder, Plasma sheet and mantle/lobe at 60 Re: WIND and Lunar Prospector observations, Spring AGU, Boston, June, 1999 (poster).
  • M. Øieroset, M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, B. Hultqvist, and S. P. Christon, A statistical study of energetic ion outflow from the dayside ionosphere during substorms and for different IMF Bz directions, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 1998.
  • M. Øieroset, M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, and B. Hultqvist, Energetic ion outflow from the dayside ionosphere for different AE values and IMF Bz direction, COSPAR, Nagoya, Japan, July, 1998.
  • M. Øieroset, M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, and B. Hultqvist, A statistical study of ion beams and conics from the ionosphere at different geomagnetic activity levels, Spring AGU, Boston, May, 1998 (poster).
  • M. Øieroset, M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, and B. Hultqvist, A statistical study of ion beams and conics from the ionosphere during different phases of a substorm, ICS-4, Lake Hamana, Japan, March, 1998 (poster).
  • M. Øieroset, M. Yamauchi, L. Liszka, and B. Hultqvist, A statistical study on the importance of high-latitude ionospheric beams and conics as a source for magnetospheric plasma, Fall AGU, San Francisco, December, 1997.
  • M. Øieroset, Auroral and geomagnetic events at cusp latitudes in relation to IMF By: Signatures of pulsed magnetopause reconnection, NATO ASI on Polar Cap Boundary Phenomena, Svalbard, Norway, June, 1997.
  • M. Øieroset, Cusp aurora and IMF dependence, GEM student tutorial, GEM, Snowmass, Colorado, June, 1996.
  • M. Øieroset, P. E. Sandholt, W. F. Denig, and S. W. H. Cowley, The northward IMF cusp aurora and high-latitude magnetopause reconnection, GEM, Snowmass, Colorado, June, 1996 (poster).
  • M. Øieroset, P. E. Sandholt, H. Luhr, W. F. Denig, and T. Moretto, Auroral and geomagnetic signatures of flux transfer events in the prenoon sector during positive IMF By conditions, GEM, Snowmass, Colorado, June, 1996 (poster).
  • M. Øieroset, H. Luhr, J. Moen, T. Moretto, and P. E. Sandholt, Dynamical auroral morphology in relation to ionospheric plasma convection and geomagnetic activity: Signatures of magnetopause X-line dynamics and flux transfer events, GEM, Snowmass, Colorado, June, 1995 (poster).
  • Seminars Given:

  • THEMIS and MMS observations of the effects of multiple X-line magnetic reconnection, 290B Space Physics Seminar, UC Berkeley, March 12, 2019.
  • The Earth's magnetotail, Berkeley City College, Berkeley, California, October, 2009.
  • The Earth's magnetotail, Berkeley City College, Berkeley, California, October, 2007.
  • The Earth's magnetotail, Vista Community College, Berkeley, California, February, 2006 (for Astronomy 48).
  • Wind observations of electron energization in the collisionless magnetic reconnection diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, February, 2002 (for Physics 290B).
  • Wind's encounter with the collisionless magnetic reconnection diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail, Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, October, 2001 (for Physics 290B).
  • In situ detection of collisionless reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail by the Wind spacecraft, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, California, September, 2001.
  • Walen and variance analyses of high-speed flows observed by WIND in the magnetotail: Evidence for reconnection near X(GSE)=-60 Re, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Lab, Palo Alto, California, October, 1999.
  • Walen and variance analyses of high-speed flows observed by WIND in the magnetotail: Evidence for reconnection near X(GSE)=-60 Re, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, October, 1999.
  • A statistical study of ion beams and conics from the dayside ionosphere during different phases of a substorm, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland, April, 1998.
  • Auroral signatures of dayside magnetospheric boundary layer plasmas, Department of Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland, April, 1997.
  • Languages:

  • Norwegian (native), English (fluent), German (intermediate)
  • Computer skills:

  • UNIX, IOS, Windows, MS DOS
  • LaTeX, Word, Framemaker
  • Matlab, IDL
  • Simula, Pascal, C, C++
  • WWW publishing including HTML

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