================================================================== THEMIS Tohban reporting and scheduling for period: for Tuesday Jun 19 (doy:170) - Monday June 25 (doy:176) ================================================================== Tue, Jun 19, 2007/170 * THEMIS A canceled SST Sun Blanking test on Probe A * THEMIS C compression test analysis without errors: compression is working pending confirmation from science team, no raw data to compare with * Erroneous stripes in SST ion data Example: Jun 08 ~09:10, ~16:20 THEMIS A Wed, Jun 20, 2007/171 * THEMIS E Attitude adjust maneuver waived off since probe is within 1 degree to science north attitude * all probes are set for coast phase * THEMIS B Attenuator cycle test repeated Start: 2007/172 23:50:00 to Stop: 2007/173 03:40:00 THEMIS B-E will remain *closed* * THEMIS A continues to open attenuators outside 8Re Complete list of open intervals: 2007/171 16:40:00.000 2007/172 15:10:00.000 2007/172 22:40:00.000 2007/173 22:30:00.000 2007/174 06:00:00.000 2007/175 05:50:00.000 2007/175 13:20:00.000 2007/176 13:10:00.000 Thursday Jun 21, 2007/172 THEMIS_A sun blanking 2007/172 00:00:00 2007/172 00:3 ?? Fri Jun 22, 2007/173 * compression set on C,D,E * EFI bias changed on C, D, E TH_C 173-17:55 TH_D 173-18:36 TH_E 173-19:15 * SST sun blanking tests on B, C,D,E TH_B 173-18:42 to 18:55 TH_C 173-17:41 to 17:54 TH_D 173-18:22 to 18:35 TH_E 173-19:01 to 19:14 Sun Jun 24, 2007/175 * Compression anomaly on TH_D, TH_E - conflict between executing IDPU scripts 0x4A and 0x2D while the compression was running on THD and THE. - compressor on THEMIS D shows abnormal behavior during 2007/175 10:00:00-2007/175 15:00:00 - ETC memory error on TH_D and TH_E TH_D 175/13:01:00 TH_E 175/02:06:23 Mon Jun 25, 2007/176 * Compression on TH_A,Th_B are postponed * Compression erros are under investigation (ESA,SST data analysis, flatsat test ) * Summary plots are only until Jun 17 or 18 ----------------Future Plans ----------------------- Attenuator open outside *Re as nominal operation starting most likely on Wednesday as nominal operation EFI plans running several SDTs at least for one of THEMIS-C, -D, or -E per orbit for several orbits running in order to capture a reasonable sample of cases in different plasma regimes each test (one axis) would run for about 45 minutes, FastSurvey can remain as-is.