================================================================== THEMIS Tohban reporting and scheduling for period: for Tuesday Jun 26 (doy:177) - Monday July 02 (doy:183) ================================================================== Tue, Jun 26, 2007/177 * No activity on part of Tohban Wed, Jun 27, 2007/178 * EFI developed plan for SDT (sensor diagnostic test). Will require whole orbit. Question about whether it will interfere with ESA/ SST science data acquisition via ETC board support programs. Await feedback on (a) whether there is an interference issue and (b) if there is, what it will do. SDT is a necessary task, so have to decide when to do it. Thurs, Jun 28, 2007/179 * SST attenuators at 8Re to be implemented * NASA visit for a risk assessment and the THEMIS receiving review. * Conflicts identified between ESA/SST and EFI - ESA/SST cannot switch survey modes whiles the SDT is progressing. EFI needs ESA/SST in fast survey mode to get the best particle data to compare with electric field measurements * Solution workaround to remove conflict, perform SDT on day 181, 182 * Automatic generation of overview plots not working at the moment due updating science software. Version of science software will be frozen at end of week, allowing automatic generation to proceed. Fri, Jun 29, 2007/180 * AST uploaded in preparation for SDT on day 181, 182. * SST attenuators working on all five spacecraft. Opening attenuators on all five probes at 8RE outbound and closing them at 8Re inbound. Attenuators on THEMIS B, C, D, E opened at 2007/180 00:00:01 (start of the ATS load) * Anomaly reports from Dave King (email) Sat, Jun 30, 2007/181 * SDT performed on Themis C, D and E, on the Ex and Ey sensor pairs. 45min per sensor - 1.5 hours per s/c. Performed at three points in orbit, (starting at perigee +4, apogee, and perigee - 7) sc go into fast survey mode 15 min prior to each SDT, out of fast survey 15 min after SDT. Thus we get 6 hours of fast survey data and 4.5 hours of SDT data per spacecraft per orbit. Sun, Jul 01, 2007/182 * SDT performed on Themis C, D, and E, following the same procedure as day 181 Mon, Jul 02, 2007/183 * Overview plots are available on website up to Jun 29, 2007/180 * Planning for next set of ATS - continue science like orbits on all probes again and open attenuators on all probes at 8Re. * Initial reports suggest SDT data available from Themis D, downlink from C and E still pending ----------------Future Plans ----------------------- Triggers are being tested on the ground - results are likely to require implementation of new algorithms on-board spacecraft. This is crucial for science operations. On board moments - tables - need to be updated and will have to be uploaded Art Hull will be the next tohban