======================================================== ============Tohban Report 7/10/07-7/16/07=============== ======================================================== Tue, July 10, 2007/191 *EFI distal braid test done Wed, July 11, 2007/192 *Compression on a non-interference basis (outside script changes, FS, and data playback) enabled on all 5 SC. *ESA: iESA and eESA reduced distributions (apid 455,458) on TH-E was spurious 0600-1200 UT--ETC map tables may have incorrectly loaded on TH-E during the mode change at ~612UT? Thurs, July 12, 2007/193 *Approved plan to implement and test 12hr FS, 1.2hr PB Basic Plan: 1. 5 hrs FS centered at each M.P., 1hr in/outbound in R.B. 2. PB increased to 8x15min, play out 1.2 hrs; 3 at each MP evenly spaced, time based. 1 at each RB. 3. Reduce number and size of each WB: 3WB/PB with 15 sec total duration. *FGL not on all five SC; should it not be implemented on all? *ESA: iESA and eESA data gaps found on TH-B (11-14UT) and TH-C (8-15UT); indication we are filling the memory? Fri, July 13, 2007/194 *THEMIS D anomaly-IDPU reset and went into safe mode after triggers were re-enabled after patch upload. IDPU reset recovery successful. Caused a data gap. *Approved plan to upgrade IDPU FSW to version 4.6 on all SC implemented. Upgrade corrects moment trigger calculation. *Checked recent MP sampling in FS- focused on 23 crossings from June25-Jul 11 -Most MP crossings were missed by at least 1 SC FS sampling -tended to be SC A--10 of 23 had FS sampling of M.P. in SC B, C, D and E. *FGM test to investigate source of 11 Hz noise postponed to next set of loads (DOY 200 or later). Sat, July 14, 2007/195 *ESA (Jim McFadden) made a request to schedule a MCP test, which was run before on 5-29-2007. Mon, July 16, 2007/197 *EFI (John Bonnell) made a request for new DBRAID test On THEMIS C: Drive DBRAIDs by the V1 potential On THEMIS D: Set USHER and GUARD potentials to zero. -Approved plan is to implement on next available passes: THEMIS_C 2007/198 18:52:00 2007/198 19:18:00 THEMIS_D 2007/198 20:37:00 2007/198 20:56:00 Future plans: *FS & PB duration increase implementation *FGM 11 Hz noise test *Update on-board moment tables *New on-board Triggers *Schedule ESA MCP test *Schedule EFI test *Discuss how to improve capture of targeted regions MP, BS and RBT. ========================================================