==================================================== Tohban report: 7/21 - 7/31 ==================================================== TH-A,B: Reconfigured to run FGL through full orbit Started full orbit collection on July 25, 18UT. TH-C : Reconfigured to collect 8 PBs per orbit on July 30. Data Gaps: ---------- FGM: FGL : TH-C 7/25 10-16UT TH-E 7/25 13-19UT SST: PS?R : TH-C 7/25 06-16UT, 20-24UT 7/26 00-01UT, 14-19UT PS?? : TH-E 7/25 01-19UT ESA: PE?R/F: TH-C 7/24 05-09UT TH-C 7/25 09-16UT TH-E 7/25 01-19UT Interesting times: ------------------ Magnetopause crossingsin Particle Burst: 07/22 on TH-A 07/23 on TH-B 07/24 on TH-D/E @ 0050UT on TH-A @ 0150UT on TH-E @ 1420UT ====================================================