=================================================================== Tohban report: 2011-01-11 to 2011-01-17 Produced at 6:30 AM on 2011-01-17 by Christine Gabrielse at UCLA Checked data from: 2011-01-09/00:00 UT to 2011-01-14/24:00 UT =================================================================== Notes: 1. Approval was made to change the THA particle burst trigger to the (FB+5*dNi) trigger. 2. Approval to make no changes to the burst durations for the tail season, but the testing will still go on in preparation for the next dayside season. 3. The passes near perigee were too short to recover all science data from orbits when we also had to perform maneuvers near perigee. As a result, the memory has saturated for some amount of time on all of the inner probes. (01/13 via Manfred) Correlates to large data gaps on 01/13 for THA, 01/14 for THE, and maybe missing ESA data on THD on 01/12? 4. ICCR 119 was performed to reallocate the SSR memory on the ARTEMIS probes at the following times: TH-B 2011-01-13 04:55 TH-C 2011-01-13 23:37 On the TH-C pass, this procedure interrupted FastSurvey for ~ 20 min. This reallocation will make it much less likely to saturate under the current ARTEMIS collection scheme, with downlink time occasionally limited by maneuver operations. 5. Weird density spike on THB 01/10 ~19:30; 01/11 18:40 6. 20 hour data gap on THC FGM 01/10 15:40-01/11 11:40 =================================================================== Data quality/collection status ============= FGM: A: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage B: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except for data gaps on 01/13 00:00-05:00 C: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except for data gaps on 01/10 15:40-01/11 11:40; 01/13 21:00-23:40 D: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage E: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage ESA: A: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except 01/09 13:00-13:10; 01/10 13:00-13:10; 01/13 01:20-24:00 B: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except 01/09 00:00-02:00; 01/09 18:00-24:00 low energy i+ & high energy i+ & e- correlated with switch to fast mode/trigger in moment data; 01/12 20:45-21:00; 01/13 03:15-5:00, 20:30-21:00, 21:40-21:50 C: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except 01/09 18:00-24:00 low energy i+ & high energy i+ & e- correlated with switch to fast mode/trigger in moment data, 21:40-21:50 all energies; 01/10 20:20-22:00; 01/13 22:40-23:10 corrolated with short interval of slow survey-ICCR 119; 01/14 00:00-16:30, 18:00-24:00 high energy e-, low and high energy 3- & i+, 04:00-07:30 all energies D: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except 01/12 01:30-18:00 E: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except 01/12 00:50-01:00; 13:50-14:00 SST: A: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except 01/13 18:40-22:50 B: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except 01/09 00:00-02:00; 01/12 20:45-21:00; 01/13 03:30-05:00, 20:30-21:00, 21:40-21:50 C: 01/01-01/14: full data coverage except 01/09 21:40-21:50; 01/10 20:20-22:00; 01/13 22:40-23:10 corrolated with short interval of slow survey-ICCR 119; 01/14 04:00-07:30 D: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage E: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage 01/13 15:20-24:00 EFI filter bank data A: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage B: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except for 01/09 00:00-02:00; 01/10 20:20-21:20 C: 01/01-01/14: full data coverage except for 01/09 18:40-20:10; 01/10 22:50-23:10 D: 01/09-01/12: full data coverage E: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage SCM filter bank data A: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage B: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except for 01/09 00:00-02:00; 01/10 20:20-21:20 C: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage except for 01/09 18:40-20:10; 01/10 22:50-23:10 D: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage E: 01/09-01/14: full data coverage ================================= Instrument Ops (Highlights) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2011/010 - 2011/011 Monday, January 10 Week 2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSS_54 THEMIS_B 9.400 2011/010 18:45:00 2011/010 21:45:00 TR6 # Data dump and track BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/010 23:54:10 2011/011 00:51:55 TR7 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/011 01:06:55 2011/011 01:17:50 TR20 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.100 2011/011 01:22:50 2011/011 01:42:50 TR30 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.300 2011/011 01:47:50 2011/011 01:52:50 TR30 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.200 2011/011 01:57:40 2011/011 02:17:40 TR40 # Data dump #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2011/011 - 2011/012 Tuesday, January 11 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSS_54 THEMIS_C 9.500 2011/011 19:40:00 2011/011 23:10:00 TR6 # ---> Station-keeping maneuver [ME] - P2 SKM 12 - MAN ID 437 - nominal burn - post-maneuver VC1 and VC4 dump - # post-maneuver instrument operations after 21:45:00 BGS_11M THEMIS_A 2.560 2011/011 21:56:50 2011/011 22:08:05 TR2 # SOH check and track [JT] BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.100 2011/011 22:23:05 2011/011 22:43:45 TR17 # Data dump [ME] - pre-maneuver ATS load - blind acquisition BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.300 2011/011 23:50:20 2011/012 00:47:55 TR37 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/012 01:02:55 2011/012 01:13:50 TR20 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.100 2011/012 01:18:50 2011/012 01:35:00 TR30 # Data dump [ME] - enable propulsion bus BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.300 2011/012 01:43:50 2011/012 01:48:50 TR30 # Data dump TDRS_4 THEMIS_D -9.300 2011/012 01:45:00 2011/012 01:58:55 TR2 # ---> Apogee change maneuver [ME] - P3 SM1A_T4 - MAN ID 438 - nominal burn - # ground EFI distal braids for sensor shadows - ICCR_JSM095 Rev 2 BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.200 2011/012 01:53:40 2011/012 02:13:40 TR40 # Data dump MILA_9M2 THEMIS_D 9.100 2011/012 02:09:00 2011/012 02:31:00 TR6 # Data dump [ME] - post-maneuver VC1 and VC4 data dump DSS_24 THEMIS_B 9.400 2011/012 04:45:00 2011/012 06:00:00 TR6 # Data dump and track DSS_45 THEMIS_B 9.400 2011/012 09:55:00 2011/012 11:45:00 TR6 # Data dump and track #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2011/012 - 2011/013 Wednesday, January 12 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MILA_9M2 THEMIS_D 2.790 2011/012 18:00:00 2011/012 18:30:00 TR2 # SOH check and track [DP] - post-maneuver instrument operations - load updated ATS BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/012 22:55:00 2011/012 23:29:55 TR6 # Data dump [GL] - blind acquisition BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/012 23:44:55 2011/013 00:43:55 TR7 # Data dump [GL] - pre-maneuver table load BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/013 00:58:55 2011/013 01:09:50 TR20 # Data dump [GL] - enable propulsion bus BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.100 2011/013 01:19:40 2011/013 01:44:50 TR30 # Data dump [GL] TDRS_10 THEMIS_A -9.100 2011/013 01:24:30 2011/013 01:59:28 TR2 # ---> Apogee change maneuver [GL] - P5 SM1A_T4 - MAN ID 439 - nominal burn BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.200 2011/013 01:49:50 2011/013 02:09:50 TR40 # Data dump MILA_9M2 THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/013 02:10:00 2011/013 02:39:00 TR6 # Data dump [GL] - post-maneuver VC1 and VC4 data dump - ground EFI distal braids for sensor shadows - ICCR_JSM095 Rev 2 DSS_24 THEMIS_B 9.500 2011/013 03:25:00 2011/013 06:55:00 TR6 # Data dump and track [DP] - reconfigure SSR memory allocation - ICCR_DOP119 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2011/013 - 2011/014 Thursday, January 13 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MILA_9M2 THEMIS_A 2.590 2011/013 17:12:00 2011/013 17:42:00 TR2 # SOH check and track [DP] - post-maneuver instrument operations DSS_54 THEMIS_C 9.400 2011/013 21:10:00 2011/014 00:40:00 TR6 # Data dump and track [DP] - reconfigure SSR memory allocation - ICCR_DOP119 - load ATS BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/013 22:33:35 2011/014 00:33:35 TR16 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.100 2011/014 00:38:35 2011/014 00:58:35 TR36 # Data dump [DP] - pre-maneuver table load - enable propulsion bus BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/014 01:13:35 2011/014 01:22:50 TR20 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.100 2011/014 01:27:50 2011/014 01:45:55 TR30 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.200 2011/014 01:50:55 2011/014 02:05:25 TR40 # ---> Apogee change maneuver [DP] - P4 SM1A_T4 - MAN ID 440 - nominal burn MILA_9M2 THEMIS_E 9.100 2011/014 02:16:00 2011/014 03:12:00 TR6 # Data dump [DP] - post-maneuver VC1 and VC4 data dump - ground EFI distal braids for sensor shadows - ICCR_JSM095 Rev 2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2011/014 - 2011/015 Friday, January 14 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BGS_11M THEMIS_E 2.660 2011/014 18:52:05 2011/014 19:22:05 TR2 # SOH check and track [TBD] - post-maneuver instrument operations BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/014 21:50:00 2011/014 22:50:00 TR6 # Data dump DSS_54 THEMIS_B 9.500 2011/015 00:00:00 2011/015 01:30:00 TR6 # Data dump and track USNHI_13M THEMIS_E 9.200 2011/015 01:02:00 2011/015 01:28:00 TR9 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.300 2011/015 01:28:05 2011/015 01:46:05 TR20 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/015 01:51:05 2011/015 02:08:05 TR30 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.200 2011/015 02:13:05 2011/015 02:19:10 TR40 # Data dump DSS_34 THEMIS_B 9.500 2011/015 09:50:00 2011/015 13:20:00 TR6 # Data dump and track #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2011/015 - 2011/016 Saturday, January 15 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSS_54 THEMIS_C 9.400 2011/015 18:45:00 2011/015 22:15:00 TR6 # Data dump and track BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/015 21:02:00 2011/015 22:26:00 TR6 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.300 2011/016 01:32:20 2011/016 01:50:20 TR20 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.100 2011/016 01:55:20 2011/016 02:10:10 TR30 # Data dump BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.200 2011/016 02:15:10 2011/016 02:33:10 TR40 # Data dump #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2011/016 - 2011/017 Sunday, January 16 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BGS_11M THEMIS_E 2.660 2011/016 12:28:30 2011/016 12:58:30 TR2 # SOH check and track BGS_11M THEMIS_A 2.560 2011/016 13:12:55 2011/016 13:42:55 TR2 # SOH check and track DSS_54 THEMIS_C 9.400 2011/016 17:40:00 2011/016 19:40:00 TR6 # Data dump and track DSS_24 THEMIS_B 9.400 2011/017 05:55:00 2011/017 09:25:00 TR6 # ---> Station-keeping maneuver [TBD] - P1 SKM 16 - MAN ID 441