Tohban Report 2014-05-21

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Tohban Reports
Start Date: 14 May 2014
End Date: 21 May 2014
Tohban: Lindsay Glesener (Vice Tohban: Säm / Milo )
Tohban email:
Next Tohban: Juan Carlos (vice tohban Martin)
List all reports


Solar Activity

It was a very quiet week, with all B and C flares and no M class flares. The GOES baseline level is mid-B class. There are 11 ARs on the disk. Things are becoming slightly more active (within the last 24 hours), but still only small C flares. STEREO A and B (which give almost the same view now) show that the far side of the Sun is also quiet.

How many GOES flares occurred?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      3    26     0     0

And how many of these are listed in the RHESSI flare list?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      2    18     0     0

Memory Management

The SSR fill reached a max of 31% and was at 7% at the end of yesterday's pass set. In other words it didn't quite empty.

Spacecraft Status

CP1 and CP2 are at 118.4K and 116.8K, respectively. These are up a bit but are trending normally with the day cycle.

Data Gaps

No data gaps!

Detector issues

Due to attenuator motions last week, the set of detectors used for the livetime calculation was changed by doubling up on D2 (and removing D7). We now are using G1, G2, G2, and G5.  The commanding was done May 16 at 2014-136-02:38 UTC. The thin attenuator came back out shortly after. No spurious attenuator motions were noticed since then.

On May 17 at 2014-137-04:03:25 UTC, many thresholds were changed:

G8 appears to have fallen into the same state as G9 with respect to the rear segment, i.e. the rear segment is essentially not functional for data collection. No action was taken on this in the past week, but see the note at the end of this section.

Other notes

Spacecraft Management

The spin rate is 14.7 rpm and Ops will perform a spinup later today. UPDATE: This was performed today (May 21). We spun up from 14.7 RPM to just shy of 15.0 RPM. The spin up started 2014-141-20:22 UTC and returned to normal mode at 21:32 UTC.

Decimation Active/Vigorous
HLAT Decimation Rear decimation weight 6, no front decimation
Night time data (fronts) +/- 4 minutes
Night time data (rears) +/- 4 minutes
Require extra passes? No
Requirement for moving pointer? No
Attenuator operation Active
Detector problems? Many adjustments to Det settings; see above.
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