Data from Antarctic AGOs:
Yearly summaries:

AGO 1994

AGO and South Pole 1995

AGO and South Pole 1996

AGO and South Pole 1997

AGO and South Pole 1998

South Pole 1999

South Pole 2000

South Pole 2001

South Pole 2002

South Pole 2003

AGO and South Pole 2004

AGO and South Pole 2005

AGO and South Pole 2006

AGO and South Pole 2007

AGO and South Pole 2008

AGO and South Pole 2009

AGO and South Pole 2010

AGO and South Pole 2011

AGO and South Pole 2012

AGO and South Pole 2013

South Pole 2014

South Pole 2015

South Pole 2016

South Pole 2017

South Pole 2018

South Pole 2019

South Pole 2020

South Pole 2021

South Pole 2022

South Pole 2023

2007 THEMIS-AGO conjunctions

1995-2013 Summaries

Geographic orientation of AGO stations
Raw All-Sky images from AGO P3 with 427.8nm imaged to the right and 630.0nm to the left. A pixels along the magnetic meridian have been extracted to create one row of the Keogram seen below.
The extracted pixels from raw images have been plotted over a full day of imaging from AGO P1 and South Pole station, creating latitude vs. time plots. Geomagnetic noon occurs around 1530 UT, consistent with the poleward contraction of the cusp.

NOTE: Some of the keograms may appear as over-exposed because the 16-bit data are shown with a limited dynamic range in order to emphasize dim structures.

The above keogram data are sorted according to the month and each plot shows all available stations for that day. For scientific use, especially for a zoom into a shorter time period, trasformation to geographic or geomagnetic coordinates and absolute values please contact the all-sky camera PI.

Support for this effort was provided by NSF under grants ANT-0636899, ANT-0636978, and ANT-0840398.

Data and website mantainance: Yen-Jung Joanne Wu
Space Sciences Laboratory
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-7450
Phone: 1.510.664.9959
E-mail at yjwu at


Stephen B. Mende
Space Sciences Laboratory
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-7450
Phone: 1.510.642.0876
Fax: 1.510.643.8302
E-mail at mende at


Harald U. Frey
Space Science Laboratory
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-7450
Phone: 1.510.643.3323
Fax: 1.510.643.8302
E-mail at hfrey at