This page is for the use of the THEMIS Tohban, and is maintained by Jonathan Eastwood (jonathan.eastwood at

What is a Tohban?

Tohban: (org.) japanese (def.) operator; duty officer

The Tohban is a THEMIS scientist who helps the spacecraft operators in the Mission Operation Center (MOC) to optimize the science quality of the observations, and maintain the working order of the scientific instruments on board the five THEMIS spacecraft.

The role is based on prior mission experience at the lab with RHESSI; the starting point for this webpage was the RHESSI webpage; which is where I got this image:



About the Tohban Tohban Reports Space Weather Data Spacecraft Information Software Updating the Site


Links to solar wind data

Real time solar wind data, ACE last three days:

Real time solar wind data, main page at SEC


To look at the summary plots on the website:


Predicted state of the magnetosphere CCMC

Preliminary AE Index:

Preliminary Dst Index:


This page was last changed on 21 December 2010