FAST's scientific instruments are designed to conduct detailed studies of the earth's aurora. They include the Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA), Electric Field Sensors, Time of Flight Energy Angle Mass Spectrometer (TEAMS), and AC/DC magnetometers. For information about how FAST collects data from its instruments, please see the data page.
The instruments are mounted on a single deck that coincides with the spin plane of the spacecraft. This design allows the electric field booms to be as long as possible. FAST is a hollow shell above and below the instrument deck; its sides are covered with solar panels. The idea was to maximize the solar array area within the constraints of the Pegasus rocket shroud.
The instruments have been a huge success; please see publications and nuggets that have come from the analysis of FAST data. One of the electric field booms did not deploy completely, but the other three are working properly and can determine the electric field vector in the spacecraft's spin plane. Despite FAST's trajectory through the Van Allen radiation belts, FAST's instruments have not shown degradation since launch. They continue to produce data that are helping scientists learn more and more about the nature of the aurora.
The general design philosophy, quoted from Pfaff et al. (An Overview of the Fast Auroral SnapshoT (FAST) Mission), is as follows:
- The mass of the spacecraft, instruments, and all flight components would be made as light as possible in order to achieve the highest possible apogee within the capabilities of the designated launch vehicle.
- The design and placement of all components would be such that the satellite moment of inertia would be optimized to maximize the length of the spin axis electric field booms.
- A single flight computer would control all of the instruments and their data acquisition, provide one common memory for burst and data storage, provide all regulated power, and house all of the electronics boards not directly needed at the sensor locations.
- A separate electronics system, the Mission Unique Electronics (MUE) would handle basic life-support functions for the spacecraft, such as attitude control, battery charge control, command ingest, and safing functions, leaving the instrument computer free to operate at its maximum capability.
- In order to optimize shielding against radiation, the instruments and flight components would be situated within the spacecraft where they "make sense" (e.g., batteries on the outside, critical flight computer components on the inside).
- No solar paddles or extended solar arrays would be used, as they disrupt the in situ measurements, block energetic particle orbits, cause unwanted shadows, and create deleterious wake effects.
- Electrostatic and electromagnetic cleanliness would be a spacecraft priority. The solar array and all exposed surfaces must be conducting and kept at the same potential as the spacecraft internal ground.
- A large solid state memory (1 Gbit) would be included instead of tape recorders.
- The satellite would utilize a variety of downlink rates, for which the highest rate is 2.25 Mbps, and uplink commanding would be available at 2 kbps.
- The spacecraft would be single string, with practically no redundancy.
- A NASA "Class C" Quality Assurance Program would be utilized.
- In order to detect flaws and verify system performance, the spacecraft would be vigorously tested with all components integrated.
The following is quoted from Carlson et al., The Fast Auroral Snapshot Mission.
Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA)
"Ion and electron pitch-angle distributions are measured by a set of 16 "top hat" electrostatic analyzers. Particles enter the
analyzers over a 180 degree field of view (FOV) where they are selected according to energy/charge, and then imaged onto a microchannel plate (MCP) detector
followed by discrete anodes. The 180 degree FOV lies in the spacecraft spin plane, which is typically aligned within ~6 degrees of the magnetic field when the spacecraft
is in the auroral zones. The measured energy range is 4 eV to 30 keV for electrons and 3 eV to 25 keV for ions.
"The analyzer heads are grouped in pairs on opposite sides of the spacecraft to obtain an unobstructed 360o field of view for each measurement. They are
packaged into four ESA stacks located at 90 degree intervals around the spacecraft (see figure 1). Each ESA stack includes three Stepped ESA (SESA) analyzers
that are operated as spectrographs to obtain the highest time resolution (1.7 ms) electron measurements in 16 pitch-angle bins. The remaining analyzer in
each stack is configured as an ion or electron spectrometer (IESA or EESA), used to make high resolutions distribution measurements with 32 pitch-angle
bins every 70ms. The spectrometer analyzers include deflection plates that automatically steer their field of view to track the measured magnetic field
direction." For more information, please see The Electron and Ion Plasma Experiment for FAST, by Carlson et al.
Electric Field Sensors
"The FAST electric fields instrument was designed to deploy ten spherical sensors, two each on four 28 m, radial wire booms and
one each on two axial stacers (see figure 1). The spheres on each wire boom are located 28 m and 23 m from the spacecraft. The axial spheres are separated
by 8 m tip-to-tip. Each sphere houses a preamplifier circuit. Although one of the wire booms did not deploy properly, the remaining three booms are
sufficient to measure vector electric fields.
"The electric field is derived from the voltage difference between two spheres. The spheres can also be operated in a Langmuir probe mode to measure plasma
density. The fields signal processing spans a frequency band from DC to about 2 Mhz and has a dynamic range of 100 dB. Data products include continuous
waveform capture at 2000 samples/s, burst waveforms as high as 2 x 106 samples/s, and spectra between 16 Hz and 2 Mhz. Dedicated on-board processing
functions include; a) a high frequency resolution, tracking, spectrum analyzer, b) a wave-particle correlator, and c) a digital signal processor for fast Fourier
transforms and cross-spectral analysis." For more information, please see The FAST Satellite Electric Field and Magnetic Field Instrument, by Ergun et al. Also, please see Pankow et al., Deployment Mechanisms on the FAST Satellite: Radial Wires, Stiff Axials, and Magnetometer Booms.
Magnetic Field Sensors
"The FAST magnetic field instrument includes both a DC fluxgate
magnetometer and an AC search-coil magnetometer. The fluxgate is a three-axis
instrument using low noise ring core sensors that are mounted on a boom
extending two meters from the spacecraft body.
"The search-coil magnetometer
uses a three-axis sensor system that provides AC magnetic field data over
the frequency range 10 Hz to 2.5 kHz on two axes while the third axis response
extends to 500 kHz." For more information, please see The FAST Satellite Electric Field and Magnetic Field Instrument, by Ergun et al., and Magnetic Field Instruments for the Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer, by Elphic et al.
Time-of-flight Energy Angle Mass Spectrograph (TEAMS)
"The TEAMS instrument is a high
sensitivity, mass-resolving ion spectrometer with an instantaneous 360°
x 8° field of view. It is designed to measure the full 3-dimensional distribution
function of the major ion species (including H+, He+, He++, O+, O2+
and NO+) during each half-spin period (2.5 s) of the spacecraft. Its energy
range is between 1.2 and 12000 eV/charge and thus covers the core of all
important plasma distributions in the auroral acceleration region. The
detector consists of a "top hat" toroidal electrostatic analyzer followed
by a time-of-flight analysis system and resolves 16 x 22.5o azimuthal angle
bins." For more information, please see The Time-of-Flight Energy Angle Mass Spectrograph (TEAMS) Experiment, by Klumpar et al.
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