STEREO/ACE Archive Access

The following archive provides summary plots and ASCII data sets organized by Carrington Rotation (CR) for the ACE and STEREO spacecraft. The level 2 ACE data for the SWEPAM, EPAM, SIS and magnetometer (MAG) instruments were downloaded from the ACE Science CENTER (ASC). We thank the ACE SWEPAM, EPAM, SIS, and MAG instrument teams and the ACE Science Center for providing the ACE data. Dr. Andrew Davis provided assistance with the installation of the HDF libraries to extract the ACE data. We would also like to acknowledge the Principal Investigators for the instrument data used: E.C. Stone (Caltech) for SIS, M. Acuna (GSFC) and C.W. Smith(Bartol) for MAG, D.J. McComas (SWRI) for SWEPAM, and R.E.Gold for EPAM (APL). For additional information about the instruments on ACE, go to the ACE Science Center website at


This page has several features. CR Plots show a summary plot for an entire Carrington Rotation. Enter the Carrington Rotation you are interested in and choose whether you'd like to see data from STEREO A, STEREO B, or ACE. On these CR Plot pages there is a button labeled Daily Images. This feature will link to a position sensitive map of the CR Plot and you will be able to click on any point of interest and see images of the sun for that day. You will also be able to access Events of interest and Carrington Rotation information which include synoptic maps and movies for that rotation. There is also a feature called Where is STEREO? which shows you STEREO's location at the beginning and end of a Carrington Rotation. Another feature is the Daily Plots. These allow you to see Daily Summary plots and these also connect to the Daily Image pages so you can see what the sun looked like during that time period.

CR Plots

Enter Carrington Rotation and select spacecraft

(plots generally available for STEREO A, usually with a month processing lag, and for STEREO-B only through October 2014. The exception is the solar conjunction period from Aug 2014-Nov 2015 for which regular operations were curtailed.)

Carrington Rotation:

Fetch CR by Date (YYYYMMDD):

Daily Plots

Enter date (YYYYMMDD) and select spacecraft

(see note above about availability)


ACE Data Summary

Instrument Energies Resolution Channels
SIS He ions 3.4 - 41.2 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
SIS C ions 6.1 - 76.3 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
SIS N ions 6.6 - 83.3 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
SIS O ions 7.1 - 89.8 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
SIS Ne ions 7.8 - 101.8 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
SIS Mg ions 8.5 - 112.9 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
SIS Si ions 9.0 - 123.2 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
SIS S ions 9.5 - 132.9 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
SIS Fe ions 10.5 - 167.7 MeV/nuc. 256 sec 8
EPAM LEMS120 H+ 0.047 - 4.75 MeV 5 min 8
EPAM DE30 e- 0.038 - 0.315 MeV 5 min 4
SWEPAM (plasma) N/A 64 sec N/A
Magnetometer N/A 4 min N/A

IMPACT Data Summary

Experiment Instrument Measurement Energy or Mag. field range Time Res. Instrument Provider
SW STE Electron flux and anisotropy 2-100 keV 10 s UCB
SWEA 3D electron distrib., core & halo density, temp. & anisotropy ~0-3 keV 3D=30s
MAG MAG Vector field ±500nT    ±65536 nT 1/8 s GSFC
SEP SIT He to Fe ions 0.03-5 MeV/nuc 30 s U. of Md. 
+ MPS 
3He 0.3-0.8 MeV/nuc 30 s
SEPT Diff. electron flux 30-400 keV 1 min U. of Kiel
Diff. proton flux 60-7000 keV 1 min
Anistropies of e,p As above 1 min
LET Ion mass numbers     2-28 & anisotropy 2-40  MeV/nuc 1 min. Caltech
3He ions flux & anistropy 2-15 MeV/nuc 1 min.
H ions flux & anistropy 2-13  MeV 1 min.
HET Electrons flux 1-6 MeV 1 min. GSFC 
+ Caltech
H 13-100 MeV 1 min.
He 13-100 MeV 1 min.
3He 15-60 MeV/nuc 1 min
SEP Central ---- ---- ---- Caltech 
(+Mag Analog)
---- ---- ---- UCB

Questions about this page? Please email our webmaster.

The original data browser page is here although we are not planning to update the data on that page.