Fly Through
July 1, 2004

The plots below have come from codes which simulate what Cassini might fly through in it's first orbit around Saturn. The chosen time periods were Cassini's first two periapsis. A periapse is the closet approach an object has to another object. The first periapse is the closest Cassini gets to Sartun (July 1, 2004), which is also called SOI (Saturn Orbiter Insertion), and the second periapse is the second time Cassini gets close to Saturn (November 29, 2004).

How to Create Plots

The First and Second Periapse Through Solid Renderings

Cassini trajectory data in Saturn Solar System or Saturn Solar Equatorial (SSEq) (AKA as Saturn Geographic) coordinates in units of Saturn radii and degrees. Saturn centered coordinate system, Z along spin axis, X-Z plane contains the Sun, and Y completes the right-handed set. R is the Saturn -> S/C distance. Saturn -> S/C distance. (Rs = 62,268km).

OH Neutral Density Plots:

First Periapse

Second Periapse

Water Neutral Densities in the Rings:

(only SOI, second periapse does not pass through the rings)

Ring Water Neutrals

Water Ion Densities in the Rings:

(only SOI, second periapse does not pass through the rings)

Ring Water Ions

Icy Satellites Water Neutral Density Plots:

First Periapse

Second Periapse

Icy Satellites Water Ion Density Plots:

First Periapse

Second Periapse

Total Water Neutral Densities From the Rings and Icy Satellites Plot:

(only SOI, second periapse does not pass through the rings)

Ring and Icy Satellites Water Neutrals

Total Water Ion Densities From the Rings and Icy Satellites Plot:

(only SOI, second periapse does not pass through the rings)

Ring and Icy Satellites Water Ions

Links To My Other Pages

Cassini TA
Tour of Saturn
Tour of Titan