MATLAB-The Graphing Tool
Plots trajectory segments in 3d. This also includes Saturn with rings and tori.
Type of file used =
Trajectory Segments
Other necessary files = testit4-icy, testit4-rings, sat0fds1a.jpg
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for exosphere plots.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for plotting multiple moons water neutrals.
(Does the same thing as flythrumoons.m)
Type of file used = multiple outputs from
Plots density versus altitude. This is specific for Titan's ions in the ionosphere.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for Titan's ions in the ionosphere.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for plotting multiple moons water neutrals.
(Does the same thing as flythruicy.m)
Type of file used = multiple outputs from
Plots density versus altitude. This is specific for Titan's neutrals in the atmosphere.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for Titan's neutrals in the atmosphere.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for Saturn's OH neutral.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for Saturn's ring ions.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for Saturn's ring neutrals.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for Saturn's Water ion from the icy satellites.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus density. This plots three species (neutrals or ions) from Titan during TA.
Type of file used = multiple outputs from
testtitionscass1.f or
Plots time series versus density. This is specific for Titan's nitrogen torus.
Type of file used = output from
Plots time series versus distance. This is specific for Saturn's periapses.
Type of file used =
Trajectory Segments
Plots Titan TA's trajectory segment in 3d. This includes Saturn with rings, tori, and Titan.
Type of file used =
Trajectory Segments
Other neccessary files = titann, testith3, sat0fds1a.jpg, titanmap.gif
Plots trajectory segments in 3d. This has only Saturn in the middle,
but specific for Titan periapses.
Type of file used =
Trajectory Segments
Plots trajectory segments in 3d. This has only Saturn in the middle, but specific
for Saturn periapses.
Type of file used =
Trajectory Segments
Plots trajectory segments in 3d. This has only Saturn in the middle, but specific for Titan at TA.
Type of file used =
Trajectory Segments