These files are the beginning of all the plots. They came from a UCLA program that outputs the orbiter's trajectory coordinates. They are plugged into the fortran codes .

  • The files without an "o" in front mean it is the all data with a header.
  • The files with "o" in front mean they have gone through a fortran code to take out the header and arrange the needed data. The "o" files are the data sets used in fortran codes.
  • Fortran Codes used:
  • subtoursat.f
  • subtourtraj.f

  • Cassini trajectory data in Saturn Solar System or Saturn Solar Equatorial (SSEq) (AKA as Saturn Geographic) coordinates in units of Saturn radii and degrees. Saturn centered coordinate system, Z along spin axis, X-Z plane contains the Sun, and Y completes the right-handed set. R is the Saturn -> S/C distance. Saturn -> S/C distance. (Rs = 62,268km).

    Cassini trajectory data in TITAN Solar Orbital(TSO) coordinates in units of TITAN radii and degrees. TITAN centered coordinate system, Z is parallel to the upward normal of the solar orbital plane of Saturn, the X-Z plane contains the TITAN-Sun line, & Y completes the right-handed set and points opposite to Saturn's motion about the Sun. R is the TITAN -> S/C distance, Zenith angle is the 3-body (S/C - TITAN -Sun) and Local time is the projection of the 3-body angle into the orbital plane, measured counterclockwise the TITAN anti-solar line. Rt = 2575 km.

    Cassini trajectory data in TITAN Solar Orbital(TSO) coordinates in units of TITAN radii and degrees. TITAN centered coordinate system, Z is parallel to the upward normal of the solar orbital plane of Saturn, the X-Z plane contains the TITAN-Sun line, & Y completes the right-handed set and points opposite to Saturn's motion about the Sun. R is the TITAN -> S/C distance, Zenith angle is the 3-body (S/C - TITAN -Sun) and Local time is the projection of the 3-body angle into the orbital plane, measured counterclockwise the TITAN anti-solar line. Rt = 2575 km.

    Cassini trajectory data in TITAN Solar Orbital(TSO) coordinates in units of TITAN radii and degrees. TITAN centered coordinate system, Z is parallel to the upward normal of the solar orbital plane of Saturn, the X-Z plane contains the TITAN-Sun line, & Y completes the right-handed set and points opposite to Saturn's motion about the Sun. R is the TITAN -> S/C distance, Zenith angle is the 3-body (S/C - TITAN -Sun) and Local time is the projection of the 3-body angle into the orbital plane, measured counterclockwise the TITAN anti-solar line. Rt = 2575 km.

    Cassini trajectory data in Saturn Solar System or Saturn Solar Equatorial (SSEq) (AKA as Saturn Geographic) coordinates in units of Saturn radii and degrees. Saturn centered coordinate system, Z along spin axis, X-Z plane contains the Sun, and Y completes the right-handed set. R is the Saturn -> S/C distance. Saturn -> S/C distance. (Rs = 62,268km).

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