North Carolina School of Science and Math

Experiment Hypotheses



            Currently, space technology is reaching the level where it can support long duration and even interplanetary missions.  However, the rigors of these missions often exceed the capability of human bodies.  For example, bone softening and muscle atrophy occur over long exposure to micro gravity.  One of the most outstanding problems in long-duration space travel is radiation damage.  High-energy gamma rays from the sun, with no atmosphere to absorb them, penetrate the hull of most space ships, and wreak havoc on the astronauts.  Certain materials, such as lead, are known to absorb radiation, but the high molecular mass of lead makes it infeasible to use as a spaceship hull material.  In order for long duration space travel to become possible for humans, a material light enough to be carried aboard a spaceship, yet capable of absorbing or deflecting dangerous radiation, must be found and integrated into a space ship.

          Due to the high-energy radioactive particles, such as gamma rays, that are present and are a constant danger to astronauts on a long-duration trip to Mars, we must test and select five unique compounds, and compare them to currently used compounds (such as lead, boron-impregnated resin, and aluminum), that effectively shield astronauts from dangerous radiation on an interplanetary mission, in order to ensure minimal radiation damage, making frequent Mars missions for humans more feasible and safer in the near future.

            Our hypothesis is that small atomic radius elements with low atomic numbers will be optimal for blocking radiation in space.  We especially are looking for stable molecules that will have a high attraction between their nucleus and their electrons.  Therefore, if a radioactive particle strikes the electrons, it will be deflected, or its energy will be decreased by the strength of the attraction between the nucleus and the electron.  Also, we are looking for ionic compounds, because they will have very strong intermolecular forces.  We are not bothering with pure elements because data for them has mostly already been collected.



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