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Dave Pankow
1. Launching rockets and small satellites from the lunar surface, K. A. Anderson, W. M. Dougherty and D. H. Pankow, Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, ed. by W. Mendell, NASA Lunar and Planetary Institute, houston, 177, 1985.
2. A high science return, low cost, constellation pathfinder, G. Delory, V. Angelopoulos, C. W. Carlson, D. W. Curtis, P. Harvey, R. P. Lin, F. S. Mozer, D. H. Pankow, T. Phan, H. Primbsch, M. Temerin, Science Closure and enabling technologies for constellation class missions, ed. V. Angelopoulos and P.V. Panetta, 22, 1998. 3. Mechanical considerations of release and spin-up of Constellation microspacecraft, G. Y. Lee, V. Angelopoulos, D. Pankow, H. Dharan, J. Borsody, T. Porada, and J. H. Schlagel, Science Closure and enabling technologies for constellation class missions, ed. V. Angelopoulos and P.V. Panetta, U.C. Berkeley, Calif., 107, 1998. 4. On the necessity and feasibility of an equatorial magnetoshperic constellation, V. Angelopoulos, C. W. Carlson, D. W. Curtis, P. Harvey, R. P. Lin, F. S. Mozer, and D. H. Pankow, in Science Closure and enabling technologies for constellation class missions, ed. V. Angelopoulos and P. V. Panetta, U.C. Berkeley, Calif., 14, 1998.
5. Roll Angle System (RAS) for the High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager HESSI, Henneck, R., J. Bialkowski, F. Burri, M. Fivian, W. Hajdas, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, K. Thomsen, J. Welte, A. Zehnder, M. Dettwyler, F. Buerki, G.J. Hurford, D.W. Curtis, and D. Pankow, Proc. SPIE, 3765, 518, 1999. 6. Solar Aspect System (SAS) for the High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (HESSI), Henneck, R., J. Bialkowski, F. Burri, M. Fivian, W. Hajdas, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, K. Thomsen, J. Welte, A. Zehnder, B.R. Dennis, G.J. Hurford, D.W. Curtis, and D. Pankow, Proc. SPIE, 3765, 771, 1999.
7. Deployment mechanisms on the FAST Satellite: Radial wires, stiff axials, and magnetometer booms, D. Pankow, R. Besuner, R. Ullrich, and R. Wilkes, Space Sci. Rev., 98, 113, 2001. 8. The FAST satellite fields instruments, R. E. Ergun, C. W. Carlson, F. S. Mozer, G. T. Delory, M. Temerin, J. P. McFadden, D. Pankow, R. Abiad, P. Harvey, R. Wilkes, H. Primsch, R. Ephic, R. Strangeway, R. Pfaff and C. A. Cattell, Space Sci. Rev., 98, 67, 2001. 9. The FAST Spacecraft Instrument Data Processing Unit, P. R. Harvey, D. W. Curtis, H. D. Heetderks, D. Pankow, J. M. Rauch-Leiba, S. K. Wittenbrock, J. P. McFadden, Space Science Review, 98, 113, 2001.
10. RHESSI image and aspect systems, Zehnder, A., Bialkowski, J., Burri, F., Fivian, M., Henneck, R., Mchedlishvili, A., Ming, P., Welte, J., Thomsen, K., Clark, D., Dennis, B.R., Hurford, G.J., Curtis, D.W., Harvey, P.R., Pankow, D.H., in Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics, Proc. SPIE, edited by S.L. Keil and S.V. Avakyan, 4853, 41-59, 2003.
11. Supernova / Acceleration Probe: A Satellite Experiment to Study the Nature of the Dark Energy, SNAP Collaboration: G. Aldering; Althouse, W.; Amanullah, R.; Annis, J.; Astier, P.; Baltay, C.; Barrelet, E.; Basa, S.; Bebek, C.; Bergstrom, L.; Bernstein, G.; Bester, M.; Bigelow, B.; Blandford, R.; Bohlin, R.; Bonissent, A.; Bower, C.; Brown, M.; Campbell, M.; Carithers, W.; Commins, E.; Craig, W.; Day, C.; DeJongh, F.; Deustua, S.; Diehl, T.; Dodelson, S.; Ealet, A.; Ellis, R.; Emmet, W.; Fouchez, D.; Frieman, J.; Fruchter, A.; Gerdes, D.; Gladney, L.; Goldhaber, G.; Goobar, A.; Groom, D.; Heetderks, H.; Hoff, M.; Holland, S.; Huffer, M.; Hui, L.; Huterer, D.; Jain, B.; Jelinsky, P.; Karcher, A.; Kent, S.; Kahn, S.; Kim, A.; Kolbe, W.; Krieger, B.; Kushner, G.; Kuznetsova, N.; Lafever, R.; Lamoureux, J.; Lampton, M.; Le Fevre, O.; Levi, M.; Limon, P.; Lin, H.; Linder, E.; Loken, S.; Lorenzon, W.; Malina, R.; Marriner, J.; Marshall, P.; Massey, R.; Mazure, A.; McKay, T.; McKee, S.; Miquel, R.; Morgan, N.; Mortsell, E.; Mostek, N.; Mufson, S.; Musser, J.; Nugent, P.; Oluseyi, H.; Pain, R.; Palaio, N.; Pankow, D.; Peoples, J.; Perlmutter, S.; Prieto, E.; Rabinowitz, D.; Refregier, A.; Rhodes, J.; Roe, N.; Rusin, D.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Sholl, M.; Smadja, G.; Smith, R. M.; Smoot, G.; Snyder, J.; Spadafora, A.; Stebbins, A.; Stoughton, C.; Szymkowiak, A.; Tarle, G.; Taylor, K.; Tilquin, A.; Tomasch, A.; Tucker, D.; Vincent, D.; von der Lippe, H.; Walder, J-P.; Wang, G.; Wester, W., eprint arXiv:astro-ph/0405232, 2004. 12. Weak lensing from space I: instrumentation and survey strategy, Rhodes, Jason; Refregier, Alexandre; Massey, Richard; Albert, Justin; Bacon, David; Bernstein, Gary; Ellis, Richard; Jain, Bhuvnesh; Kim, Alex; Lampton, Mike; McKay, Tim; Akerlof, C.; Aldering, G.; Amanullah, R.; Astier, P.; Baltay, C.; Barrelet, E.; Bebek, C.; Bergström, L.; Bercovitz, J.; Bester, M.; Bigelow, B.; Bohlin, R.; Bonissent, A.; Bower, C.; Brown, M.; Campbell, M.; Carithers, W.; Commins, E.; Day, C.; Deustua, S.; Digennaro, R.; Ealet, A.; Emmet, W.; Eriksson, M.; Fouchez, D.; Fruchter, A.; Genat, J.-F.; Gerdes, D.; Gladney, L.; Goldhaber, G.; Goobar, A.; Groom, D.; Harris, S.; Harvey, P.; Heetderks, H.; Holland, S.; Huterer, D.; Johnston, W.; Karcher, A.; Kolbe, W.; Krieger, B.; Kushner, G.; Kuznetsova, N.; Lafever, R.; Lamoureux, J.; Levi, M.; Linder, E.; Loken, S.; Lorenzon, W.; Malina, R.; Mazure, A.; McKee, S.; Miquel, R.; Morgan, N.; Mörtsell, E.; Mostek, N.; Mufson, S.; Musser, J.; Nugent, P.; Oluseyi, H.; Pain, R.; Palaio, N.; Pankow, D.; Perlmutter, S.; Pratt, R.; Prieto, E.; Rabinowitz, D.; Robinson, K.; Roe, N.; Rusin, D.; Schubnell, M.; Sholl, M.; Smadja, G.; Smith, R.; Smoot, G.; Snyder, J.; Spadafora, A.; Szymkowiak, A.; Tarlé, G.; Taylor, K.; Tilquin, A.; Tomasch, A.; von der Lippe, H.; Vincent, D.; Walder, J.-P.; Wang, G., Astroparticle Physics, 20 (4), 377-389, 2004.
13. Instrument Boom Mechanisms on the THEMIS Satellites; Magnetometer, Radial Wire, and Axial Booms, Auslander, David; Cermenska, Joshua; Dalton, Gregory; de La Pena, Mauricio; Dharan, C. K. H.; Donokowski, William; Duck, Robert; Kim, Jonghak; Pankow, David; Plauche, Alec; Rahmani, Mustapha; Sulack, Stephen; Tan, Tien Fak; Turin, Paul; Williams, Tyler, Space Sci. Rev., 141 (1-4), 185-211, 2008.
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