This page is for the use of the THEMIS Tohban, and is maintained by Jonathan Eastwood (jonathan.eastwood at

What is a Tohban?

Tohban: (org.) japanese (def.) operator; duty officer

The Tohban is a THEMIS scientist who helps the spacecraft operators in the Mission Operation Center (MOC) to optimize the science quality of the observations, and maintain the working order of the scientific instruments on board the five THEMIS spacecraft.

The role is based on prior mission experience at the lab with RHESSI; the starting point for this webpage was the RHESSI webpage; which is where I got this image:



About the Tohban Tohban Reports Space Weather Data Spacecraft Information Software Updating the Site


Checking the ground based data


AE, AL and AU indices are calculated using the THEMIS GMAG stations and are being put in the L1 files. However, the GMAG data often has spikes and data gaps, and other bad looking data, which corrupt the indices. To avoid this, a file has been created that records which GMAG sites are 'bad' for any particular day. It is the job of the tohban to keep this file up to date.

The tohban therefore

  • checks the GMAG data for each day,
  • decides which sites are 'bad' and
  • puts this information in the file where the process that creates the AE index then picks it up.

How to check the data:

To check the data, use the routine, which is currently part of the bleeding-edge software distribution.

IDL> thm_mult_gmag_plot,'2009-09-06'

IDL> thm_mult_gmag_plot,'2009-09-06', n_per_page = 5

(will plot 5 stations at a times).

How to edit the file:

Once you have decided which stations are bad, you edit the file. The file format is simple, just the date, and a list of sites, separated by spaces: e.g.

2009-10-13 kian rbay mcgr whit snkq tpas drby
2009-10-14 rbay mcgr whit kuuj snkq kapu drby
2009-10-15 gjoa rbay mcgr drby
2009-10-16 cdrt whit
To edit the file, follow these steps:
  • log on here at SSL
  • cd /disks/socware/AE_sites
  • vi thm_l1gen_idx_sites_exclude.txt (Or emacs, or whatever editor you use)
  • Edit the file and save,
and you're done! Ideally this should be done before 8pm PST, which is when the AE index files are created.

Final tip:

  • Do it in the morning, it takes about 5 minutes.


This page was last changed on 21 December 2010