Tohban Report 2015-05-27

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Tohban Reports
Start Date: 13 May 2015
End Date: 20 May 2015
Tohban: Milo Buitrago-Casas
Tohban email:
Next Tohban:  ???
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Solar Activity

Solar activity was really low this week. Currently there are four very little active regions on the disk with very low probability to host big flares. Three of them are rotating off of disk in the next couple of days. Solar activity is expected to be low next days.

Memory Management

The SSR fill level continued high most of the week but during last couple of days has shown a good decrease. Currently SSR reaches a maximum of around 30% and is emptying at the end of daily passes.

Spacecraft Status

Normal as far as the Tohban can tell.

Data Gaps

No data gaps this week

Detector issues

On May 21 starting at 19:23 UTC we made a few changes to detectors 2, 4 and 6. We raised thresholds on the Front Slow on all of them as follow:

Threshold [G2] Front Slow
Initial 0x50
Final 0x58
Threshold [G4] Front Slow
Initial 0x60
Final 0x70
Threshold [G6] Front Slow
Initial 0x15
Final 0x20

In addition, yesterday (May 26) starting at 19:11 UT we lowered the HV on detector 6 by 30 counts as follows:

G6 High Voltage
Initial 133 2573 V
Final 103 1985 V

With this last change detector 6 has the lowest voltage among all the detectors. Despite this, detector 6 has remained still segmented. During that pass we also carried out a couple of increasing of D5 and D6 Rear Fast thresholds.

Threshold [G5] Rear Fast
Initial 0x50
Final 0x58
Threshold [G6] Rear Fast
Initial 0x60
Final 0x68

After all this changes all detectors seems mostly to be stable. Detector 3 is showing a relatively low value on its live-time for its front segment. Next Tohban should consider changing its threshold.

Spacecraft Management

- Last Friday May 22 starting at 16:00 UT we stopped taking night-times in order to improve the SSR behaviour. Now that things are quiet down, next Tohban should consider turning on the night events.


Cold Tip Temperature 1  	109.716	K
Cold Tip Temperature 2  	107.987	K
Cold Plate Temperature 1  	132.311	K
Cold Plate Temperature 2  	130.664	K

Other notes

Now that the SSR fill level is quiet down, next Tohban should consider turning on the night events.

Decimation Normal/Vigorous
Night time data (fronts) No nighttime events
Night time data (rears) No nighttime events
Require extra passes? No
Requirement for moving pointer? No
Attenuator operation Normal
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