SOHO image animation (57k)
images from SOHO-EIT

Reconstruction of the Solar/Interplanetary Disturbances for the Space Weather Event on 6-10 Jan 1997

The filament disruption was recorded in ultraviolet light at an Air Force Observatory (SOON) site. The Yohkoh soft x-ray telescope recorded some brightening/changing of x-ray emitting loops overlying the same magnetic field region on 6-7 Jan. This feature is the likely source of a weak, long duration x-ray event detected on the GOES spacecraft. Long duration x-ray events are another well-known proxy for CME occurrence. (Both figures are from the ISTP events web site at NASA GSFC. Yohkoh is a joint ISAS/NASA mission with an open data set policy.) Click on the two images on the right to see the corresponding animation.

The extent to which the filament disruption, and coronal loops, are associated with changes in the photospheric field are testable using MDI observations of the evolving southern active region as boundary conditions in the NRL 3-D MHD mesoscale model. (The figure shows field lines (blue), and the associated prominence (red) from the NRL model applied to a hypothetical event.) Click on the image on the right to enlarge.