James M. McTiernan
1. Emission, absorption, and polarization of gyrosynchrotron radiation of mildly relativistic particles, V. Petrosian and J. M. McTiernan, Phys. Fluids, 26, 3023, 1983.
2. Numerical simulations of X-rays and gamma-rays from solar flares, J. M. McTiernan, Ph.D. dissertation, Applied Physics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1989.
3. The behavior of beams of relativistic non-thermal electrons under the influence of collisions and synchrotron losses, J. M. McTiernan and V. Petrosian, Astrophys. J., 359, 524, 1990. 4. The hard X-rays and gamma-rays from solar flares, J. M. McTiernan and V. Petrosian, Astrophys. J., 359, 541, 1990.
5. Center-to-limb variations of characteristics of solar flare hard X-ray and gamma-ray emission, J. M. McTiernan and V. Petrosian, Astrophys. J., 379, 381, 1991. 6. The electron distribution and SXT images of a coronal soft X-ray source, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane and J. M. Loran, in Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22: Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan 1990, eds. Y. Uchida, R. C. Canfield, T. Watanabe, and E. Hiei, 179, 1991.
7. High temperature plasmas in active regions observed with the soft X-ray telescope aboard Yohkoh, H. Hara, S. Tsuneta, J. R. Lemen, L. W. Acton, and J. M. McTiernan, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, 1992. 8. Stereoscopic observations of a solar flare hard X-ray source in the high corona, S. R. Kane, J. McTiernan, J. Loran, E. E. Fenimore, R. W. Klebesadel and J. G. Laros, Astrophys. J., 390, 687, 1992. 9. Stereoscopic Observations of a Solar Hard X-Ray Flare with Ulysses, PVO, GRO, and Yohkoh Spacecraft, Kane, S., Hurley, K., McTiernan, J., Slocum, T., Laros, J., Fenimore, E., Klebesadel, R., Sommer, M., Yoshimuri, M., and Ohki, K., Presented at the 180th meeting of the AAS, Columbus, Ohio, B.A.A.S., 24(2), 760, 1992. 10. Stereoscopic observations of hard X-ray sources in solar flares made with GRO and other spacecraft, S. R. Kane, K. C. Hurley, J. M. McTiernan and J. G. Laros, The Compton Observatory Science Workshop, NASA Conf. Publ. 3137, ed. C. Shrader et al., NASA, Washington, D.C., 486, 1992.
11. Characteristics of energy release deduced from solar hard X-ray flares observed with Ulysses, S. Kane, K. Hurley, J. McTiernan, T. Slocum, and M. Sommer, Bull. A.A.S., 25(4), 1195, 1993. 12. Comparison of YOHKOH, Ulysses, and PVO data with thick-target electron beam models for the 15 Nov 1991 flare, J. McTiernan, S. Kane, K. Hurley, J. Laros, E. Fenimore, R. Klebesadel, M. Sommer, M. Yoshimuri, and T. Kosugi, Bull. A.A.S., 25(3), 1188, 1993. 13. Initial results from the solar flare X-ray observations with Ulysses, S. Kane, K. Hurley, J. McTiernan, and M. Sommer, Adv. Space Res., 13, 1993. 14. Solar flares and avalanches in driven dissipative systems, E. T. Lu, R. J. Hamilton, J. M. McTiernan, and K. R. Bromund, Astrophys. J., 412, 841, 1993. 15. Spatial and spectral characteristics of the X-ray sources in the 15 November 1991 solar flare, S. R. Kane, J. M. McTiernan, J. Loran, J. Lemen, M. Yoshimori, K. Ohki, and T. Kosugi, Adv. Space Res., 13, 1993. 16. Temperature and density structure of a solar flare observed by the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope and hard X-ray telescope, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane, J. M. Loran, J. R. Lemen, L. W. Acton, H. Hara, S. Tsuneta, and T. Kosugi, X-Ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh, ed. Y. Uchida, T. Watanabe, K. Shibata, and H. S. Hudson (Tokyo: Universal Academy Press), 255, 1993. 17. Temperature and density structure of the 1991 November 2 flare observed by the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope and hard X-ray telescope, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane, J. M. Loran, J. R. Lemen, L. W. Acton, H. Hara, S. Tsuneta, and T. Kosugi, Astrophys. J., 416, 1993. 18. The distribution of flare parameters and implications for coronal heating, T. T. Lee, V. Petrosian, and J. McTiernan, Astrophys. J., 412, 401, 1993.
19. Gamma-ray emission and electron acceleration in solar flares, V. Petrosian, J. M. McTiernan and H. Marschhäuser, Astrophys. J., 434, 747, 1994. 20. Multispacecraft observations and thick-target electron beam models for the 15-Nov-1991 flare, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane, K. Hurley, J. G. Laros, E. E. Fenimore, R. W. Klebsadel, M. Sommer, and M. Yoshimori, Proc. Kofu '93 Symposium, Kofu, Japan, 389, 1994.
21. Energy release and dissipation during giant solar flares, S. R. Kane, K. Hurley, J. M. McTiernan, M. Sommer, M. Boer, and M. Niel, Astrophys. J., 446, L47, 1995. 22. Statistical studies of ISEE-3/ICE observations of impulsive hard X-ray solar flares, K. Bromund, J. M. McTiernan, and S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 455, 733, 1995. 23. The Neupert effect and the chromospheric evaporation model for solar flares, T. T. Lee, V. Petrosian, and J. M. McTiernan, Astrophys. J., 448, 915, 1995. 24. Ulysses and BATSE observations of the June 30 1991 solar flare, P. Li, K. Hurley, S. Kane, and J. McTiernan, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 76, 1995.
25. Comprehensive multiwavelength observations of the 1992 January 7 solar flare, A. V. Silva, S. M. White, R. P. Lin, I. De Pater, D. E. Gary, J. M. McTiernan, H. S. Hudson, J. G. Doyle, M. J. Hagyard, and M.R. Kundu, Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 106, 621, 1996. 26. The variation of emission measure versus temperature during solar flares observed by the Yohkoh SXT and GOES, J.M. McTiernan, Astron. Soc. Pac., 111, 228, 1996.
27. Determination of the length of coronal loops from the decay of -ray flares, F. Reale, R. Betta, G. Peres, S. Serio, and J. McTiernan, Astron. & Astrophys., 325, 782, 1997. 28. Theoretical study of the spatially resolved soft x-ray versus hard x-ray relationships in solar flares, P. Li, J. McTiernan, and A. G. Emslie, Astrophys. J., 491, 395, 1997. 29. Tracing the topology of the October 18-20, 1995 magnetic cloud with ~0.1 - 102 keV electrons, D. E. Larson, R. P. Lin, J. M. McTiernan, J. P. McFadden, R. E. Ergun, M. McCarthy, H. Rème, T. R. Sanderson, M. Kaiser, R. P. Lepping, and J. Mazur, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 1911, 1997. 30. Using energetic electrons to probe the topology of the October 18-20, 1995 magnetic cloud, D. E. Larson, R. P. Lin, R. E. Ergun, J. McTiernan, J. McFadden, C. W. Carlson, K. A. Anderson, M. McCarthy, G. K. Parks, H. Rème, T. R. Sanderson, M. Kaiser and R. P. Lepping, COSPAR Proc. Adv. Space Res., 20, 655, 1997.
31. A giant, periodic flare from the soft gamma repeater SGR1900+14, K. Hurley, J. McTiernan, T. Cline, S. Barthelmy, P. Butterworth, F. Marshall, D. Palmer, J. Trombka, E. Mazets, R. Aptekar, S. Golenetskii, V. II’Inskii, D. Frederiks, and R. Gold, 193rd AAS meeting, 79, 1372, 1998. 32. Limits on the temperature of impulsive phase solar flare hard X-ray emission, and the amount of thermal X-rays present in the Yokoh HXT-LO (14-24 keV) Channel, J. M. McTiernan, Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yokoh and Beyond, 325, 1998. 33. Stereoscopic observations of solar hard x-ray flares made by Ulysses and Yohkoh, S. R. Kane, K. Hurley, J. M. McTiernan, M. Boer, M. Niel, T. Kosugi, and M. Yoshimori, Astrophys. J., 500, 1003, 1998. 34. The High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (HESSI) Small Explorer mission for the next (2000) solar maximum, Lin,R.P., Hurford,G.J., Madden,N.W., Dennis,B.R., Crannell,C.J., Holman,G.D., Ramaty,R., Von Rosenvinge,T.T., Zehnder,A., VanBeek,H.F., Bornmann,P.L., Canfield,R.C., Emslie,A.G., Hudson,H.S., Benz.A.O., Brown,J.C., Enome,S., Kosugi,T., Vilmer,N., Smith,D.M., McTiernan,J., Hawkins,I., Slassi-Sennou,S., Csillaghy,A., Fisher,G., Johns-Krull,C., Schwartz,R., Orwig,L.E., Zarro,D., Schmahl,E., Aschwanden,M.J., Harvey,P., Curtis,D., Pankow,D., Clark,D., Boyle,R.F., Hennick,R., Michedlishvili,A., Thomsen,K., Preble,J., Snow,F., SPIE Conf. on Missions to the Sun II, 3442, 2, 1998. 35. The waiting-time distribution of solar flare hard X-ray bursts, M. S. Wheatland, P. A. Sturrock, and J. M. McTiernan, Astrophys. J., 509, 448, 1998. 36. X-ray flare light curves and dimensions of the flaring regions, S. Serio, F. Reale, R. Betta, G. Peres, and J. McTiernan, Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, ASP Conference Series, ed. R.A. Donahue and J.A. Bookbinder, 154, CD-1161, 1998. 37. X-ray flare light curves and dimensions of the flaring regions, S. Serio, F. Reale, R. Betta, G. Peres, and J. McTiernan, Astron. Soc. Pac., 154, 1161, 1998.
38. A giant, periodic flare from the soft gamma repeater SGR1900+14, K. Hurley, T. Cline, E. Mazets, S. Barthelmy, P. Butterworth, F. Marshall, D. Palmer, R. Aptekar, S. Golenetskii, V. II'Inskii, D. Frederiks, J. McTiernan, R. Gold, and J. Trombka, Nature, 397, 41, 1999. 39. Astrophysics with HESSI, D.M. Smith, R.P. Lin, J. McTiernan, and A.S. Slassi-Sennou, Proceedings of the 3rd INTEGRAL Science Workshop, “The Extreme Universe”, Astrophys. Lett. & Comm., 39, 457, 1999. 40. Hard and soft X-ray observations of occulted and nonocculted solar limb flares, J. T. Mariska, and J. M. McTiernan, Astrophys. J., 514, 484, 1999. 41. The solar flare soft X-ray differential emission measure and the Neupert effect at different temperatures, J. M. McTiernan, G. H. Fisher, and P. Li, Astrophys. J., 514, 472, 1999.
42. Extra-solar astrophysics with the High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (HESSI), Smith, D.M., R.P. Lin, J. McTiernan, A.S. Slassi-Sennou, and K. Hurley, in Proc. of the 5th Compton Symposium, A.I.P. Conf. Proc., 510, 671, 2000.
43. An improved method to derive the lower energy cutoff of nonthermal electrons from hard X-rays of solar flares, W. Q. Gan, Y. P. Li, J. Chang, and J. M. McTiernan, Solar Physics, submitted, 2001.
44. Loop top hard X-ray emission in solar flares: Images and statistics, V. Petrosian, T.Q. Donaghy, and J. M. McTiernan, Astrophys. J., 569, 459-473, 2002. 45. RHESSI data analysis software: rationale and methods, R. A. Schwartz, A. Csillaghy, A. K. Tolbert, G. J. Hurford, J. McTiernan, and D. Zarro, Solar Physics, 210, 165-191, 2002. 46. The Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), R.P. Lin, B.R. Dennis, G.J. Hurford, D.M. Smith, A. Zehnder, P.R. Harvey, D.W. Curtis, D. Pankow, P. Turin, M. Bester, A. Csillaghy, M. Lewis, N. Madden, H.F. van Beek, M. Appleby, T. Raudorf, J. McTiernan, R. Ramaty, E. Schmahl, R. Schwartz, S. Krucker, R. Abiad, T. Quinn, P. Berg, M. Hashii, R. Sterling, R. Jackson, R. Pratt, R.D. Campbell, D. Malone, D. Landis, C.P. Barrington-Leigh, S. Slassi-Sennou, C. Cork, D. Clark, D. Amato, L. Orwig, R. Boyle, I.S. Banks, K. Shirey, A.K. Tolbert, D. Zarro, F. Snow, K. Thomsen, R.Henneck, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, M. Fivian, J. Jordan, R. Wanner, J. Crubb, J. Preble, M. Matranga, A. Benz, H. Hudson, R.C. Canfield, G.D. Holman, C. Crannell, T. Kosugi, A.G. Emslie, N. Vilmer, J.C. Brown, C. Johns-Krull, M. Aschwanden, T. Metcalf, and A. Conway, Solar Physics, 210, 3-32, 2002. 47. The RHESSI imaging concept, G.J. Hurford, E.J. Schmahl, R.A. Schwartz, A.J. Conway, M.J. Aschwanden, A. Csillaghy, B.R. Dennis, C. Johns-Krull, S. Krucker, R.P. Lin, J. McTiernan, T.R. Metcalf, J. Sato, and D.M. Smith, Solar Physics, 210, 61-86, 2002. 48. Theoretical model images and spectra for comparison with HESSI and microwave observations of solar flares, Holman, G.D., Sui, L., McTiernan, J.M., and Petrosian, V., "Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc. Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan 20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 13, 405-406, 2002.
49. Stereoscopic observations of the giant hard X-ray/gamma-ray solar flare on 1991 June 30 at 0255 UT, G. Trottet, R. A. Schwartz, K. Hurley, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane, and N Vilmer, Astronomy and Astrophys., in press, 2003.
50. Stereoscopic Observations of the Hard X-ray Source in the Giant Solar Flare on 4 November 2003, Kane, S., McTiernan, J., and Hurley, K., Bull. A.A.S., 36(2), # 47.06, 737, 2004. 51. The Photospheric Boundary of Sun-to-Earth Coupled Models, Abbett, W.P., Z. Mikic, J.A. Linker, J.M. McTiernan, T. Magara, and G.H. Fisher, J. Atmosph. Solar Terr. Phys., 66, 1257-1270, 2004.
52. Multispacecraft observations of the hard X-ray emission from the giant solar flare on 2003 November 4, Kane, S. R.; McTiernan, J. M.; Hurley, K., Astronomy and Astrophysics, 433 (3), 1133-1138, 2005.
53. Nonlinear Force-Free Modeling of Coronal Magnetic Fields Part I: A Quantitative Comparison of Methods, Schrijver, Carolus J.; De Rosa, Marc L.; Metcalf, Thomas R.; Liu, Yang; McTiernan, Jim; Régnier, Stéphane; Valori, Gherardo; Wheatland, Michael S.; Wiegelmann, Thomas, Solar Phys., 235 (1-2), 161-190, 2006.
54. Forward Modeling of Active Region Coronal Emissions. I. Methods and Testing, Lundquist, L. L.; Fisher, G. H.; McTiernan, J. M., The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 179 (2), 509-533, 2008. 55. Forward Modeling of Active Region Coronal Emissions. II. Implications for Coronal Heating, Lundquist, L. L.; Fisher, G. H.; Metcalf, T. R.; Leka, K. D.; McTiernan, J. M., Astrophys. J., 689 (2), 1388-1405, 2008. 56. Nonlinear Force-free Field Modeling of a Solar Active Region around the Time of a Major Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection, Schrijver, C. J.; De Rosa, M. L.; Metcalf, T.; Barnes, G.; Lites, B.; Tarbell, T.; McTiernan, J.; Valori, G.; Wiegelmann, T.; Wheatland, M. S.; Amari, T.; Aulanier, G.; Démoulin, P.; Fuhrmann, M.; Kusano, K.; Régnier, S.; Thalmann, J. K., Astrophys. J., 675 (2), 1637-1644, 2008. 57. RHESSI Microflare Statistics. I. Flare-Finding and Frequency Distributions, Christe, S.; Hannah, I. G.; Krucker, S.; McTiernan, J.; Lin, R. P. , Astrophys. J., 677 (2), 1385-1394, 2008.
58. A Critical Assessment of Nonlinear Force-Free Field Modeling of the Solar Corona for Active Region 10953, De Rosa, Marc L.; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Barnes, Graham; Leka, K. D.; Lites, Bruce W.; Aschwanden, Markus J.; Amari, Tahar; Canou, Aurélien; McTiernan, James M.; Régnier, Stéphane; Thalmann, Julia K.; Valori, Gherardo; Wheatland, Michael S.; Wiegelmann, Thomas; Cheung, Mark C. M.; Conlon, Paul A.; Fuhrmann, Marcel; Inhester, Bernd; Tadesse, Tilaye, Astrophys. J., 696 (2), 1780-1791, 2009. 59. Comparison of Hinode/XRT and RHESSI Detection of Hot Plasma in the Non-Flaring Solar Corona, Reale, Fabio; McTiernan, James M.; Testa, Paola, Astrophys. J. Lett., 704 (1), L58-L61, 2009. 60. RHESSI/GOES Observations of the Nonflaring Sun from 2002 to 2006, McTiernan, J. M., Astrophys. J., 697 (1), 94-99, 2009.
61. Reconciliation of Waiting Time Statistics of Solar Flares Observed in Hard X-rays, Aschwanden, Markus J.; McTiernan, James M., Astrophys. J., 717 (2), 683-692, 2010.
62. Photospheric Magnetic Evolution in the WHI Active Regions, Welsch, B. T.; Christe, S.; McTiernan, J. M., Solar Phys., 274 (1-2), 131-157, 2011.
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