Mark Wilber


1. Multiple-photon emission in heavy particle decays, Asakimori, K., Burnett, T. H., Cherry, M. L., Christl, M. J., Dake, S., Derrickson, J. H., Fountain, W. F., Fuki, M., Gregory, J. C., Hayashi, T., Holynski R., Iwai, J.Iyono, A., Jones, W. V., Lord, J. J., Miyamura, O., Oda, H., Ogata, T., Olson, E. D., Parnell, T. A., Roberts, F. E., Strausz, S. C., Takahashi, Y., Tominaga, T., Watts, J. W., Wefel, J. P., Wilber, M., Wilczynska, B., Wilczynski, H., Wilkes, R. J., Wolter, W. and Zager, E. L., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., 20, 1257-1265, 1994.


2. Dawn-dusk asymmetries in the low-latitude boundary layer arising from the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: a particle simulation, Wilber, M. and Winglee, R. M., J. Geophys. Res., 100, 1883-1898, 1995.

3. Multi-photon decays of heavy particles, Wilczynski, H., Asakimori, K., Burnett, T. H., Cherry, M.L., Christl, M. J., Dake, S., Derrickson, J. H., Fountain, W.F., Fuki, M., Gregory, J. C., Hayashi, T., Holynski, R., Iwai, J., Iyono, A., Jones, W. V., Lord, J. J., Miyamura, O., Oda, H., Ogata, T., Olson, E. D., Parnell, T. A., Roberts, F. E., Strausz, S. C., Takahashi, Y.,Tominaga, T., Watts, J. W., Wefel, J. P., Wilber, M., Wilczynska, B., Wilkes, R. J., Wolter, W. and Zager, E. L., Acta Physica Polonica B, 26, 861-872, 1995.


4. IMF Induced Changes to the Nightside Magnetotail: A Comparison Between WIND/Geotail/IMP 8 Observations and Modeling, R. M. Winglee, R. M. Skoug, R. K. Elsen, M. Wilber, R. P. Lin, R. P. Lepping, T. Mukai, S. Kokubun, H. Rème, T. Sanderson, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 947, 1997.


5. Plasma Transport Across the Earth's Magnetopause, Wilber, M., Ph.D. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, 1998.


6. Global auroral response to a solar wind pressure pulse, M. Brittnacher, M. Wilber, M. Fillingim, D. Chua, G. Parks, J. Spann and G. Germany, Adv. Space Res., 25, 1377, 2000.

7. The geopause in relation to the plasma sheet and the low-latitude boundary layer: Comparison between Wind observations and multifluid simulations, Li, Q. , Winglee, R. M. , Wilber, M. , Chen, L. , Parks, G., J. Geophys. Res., 105, 2563, 2000.


8. A new particle population near the high-latitude plasma sheet, M. Wilber, Q. Li, R. M. Winglee, G. K. Parks, M. McCarthy, and R. P. Lin, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 29669, 2001.

9. First multispacecraft ion measurements in and near the Earth's magnetosphere with the identical Cluster ion spectrometry (CIS) experiment, H. Rème, C. Aoustin, J.M. Bosqued, I. Dandouras, B. Lavraud, J.A. Sauvaud, A. Barthe, J. Bouyssou, Th. Camus, O. Coeur-Joly, A. Cros, J. Cuvilo, F. Ducay, Y. Garbarowitz, J.L. Medale, E. Penou, H. Perrier, D. Romefort, J. Rouzaud, C. Vallat, D. Alcaydé, C. Jacquey, C. Mazelle, C. d'Uston, E. Möbius, L.M. Kistler, K. Crocker, M. Granoff, C. Mouikis, M. Popecki, M. Vosbury, B. Klecker, D. Hoves­tadt, H. Kucharek, E. Kuenneth, G. Paschmann, M. Scholer, N. Sckopke, E. Seidenschwang, C.W. Carlson, D.W. Curtis, C. Ingraham, R.P. Lin, J.P. McFadden, G.K. Parks, T. Phan, V. Formisano, E. Amata, M.B. Bavassano-Cattaneo, P. Baldetti, R. Bruno, G. Chionchio, A. Di Lellis, M.F. Marcucci, G. Pallocchia, A. Ko­rth, P.W. Daly, B. Graeve, H. Rosenbauer, V. Vasyliunas, M. McCarthy, M. Wilber, L. Eliasson, R. Lundin, S. Olsen, E.G. Shelley, S. Fuselier, A.G. Ghielmetti, W. Lennartsson, C.P. Escoubet, H. Balsiger, R. Friedel, J-B. Cao, R. A. Kovrazhkin, I. Papamastorakis, R. Pellat, J. Scudder, and B. Sonnerup, Ann. Geophys., 19, 1303, 2001.


10. Gyrophase-restricted 100 keV - 2 MeV ion beams near the foreshock boundary, K. Meziane, M. Wilber, R.P. Lin and G.K. Parks, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(2), 2049, 2003.

11. Production of gyrating ions from nonlinear wave-particle interaction upstream from the Earth’s bow shock: a case study from Cluster-CIS, Mazelle, C., K. Meziane, D. Le Quéau, M. Wilber, J. P. Eastwood, H. Rème, J. A. Sauvaud, J. M. Bosqued, I. Dandouras, M. McCarthy, L. M. Kistler, B. Klecker, A. Korth, M. B. Bavassano-Cattaneo, R. Lundin, and A. Balogh, Planet. Space Sci., 51, 785-795, 2003.


12. Bow shock specularly reflected ions in the presence of low-frequency electromagnetic waves: a case study, Meziane, K., C. Mazelle, M. Wilber, D. LeQueau, J. Eastwood, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, J. Sauvaud, J. Bosqued, G. Parks, L. Kistler, M. McCarthy, B. Klecker, A. Korth, M. Bavassano-Cattaneo, R. Lundin and A. Balogh, Ann. Geophysicae, 22, 2325-2335, 2004.

13. Cluster observations of velocity space-restricted ion distributions near the plasma sheet, Wilber, M.; Lee, E.; Parks, G. K.; Meziane, K.; Carlson, C. W.; McFadden, J. P.; Rème, H.; Dandouras, I.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Bosqued, J.-M.; Kistler, L.; Möbius, E.; McCarthy, M.; Korth, A.; Klecker, B.; Bavassano-Cattaneo, M.-B.; Lundin, R.; Lucek, E., Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(24), L24802, 2004.

14. Ion Injections at Auroral Latitude During the March 31, 2001 Magnetic Storm Observed by Cluster, Korth, A., M. Franz, G.G. Zong, T. A. Fritz, J.A. Sauvaud, H. Rème, I. Dandouras, R. Friedel, C.G. Mouikis, L. M. Kistler, E. Möbius, M. F. Marcucci, M. Wilber, G. Parks, A. Keiling, R. Lundin and P.W. Daly, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L20806, 2004.

15. Modeling of remote sensing of thin current sheet, Lee, E.; Wilber, M.; Parks, G. K.; Min, K. W.; Lee, D.-Y., Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(21), L21806, 2004.

16. Simultaneous observations of field-aligned beams and gyrating ions in the terrestrial foreshock, Meziane, K., Wilber, M. Mazelle, C., LeQuéau, D., Kucharek, H., Lucek, E. A., Rème, H., Hamza, A. M., Sauvaud, J. A., Bosqued, J. M., Dandouras, I., Parks, G. K., McCarthy, M., Klecker, B., Korth, A., Bavassano-Cattaneo, M. B. and Lundin, R. N., J. Geophys. Res., 109, A05107, 2004.


17. A review of field-aligned beams observed upstream of the bow shock, Meziane, K., Wilber, M., Mazelle, C., Parks, G.K. and Hamza, A.M., in The Physics of Collisionless Shocks, 4th Annual IGPP International Astrophysics Conference Palm Springs, California, 26 February-3 March 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings, Li, Gang; Zank, Gary P.; Russell, C. T. (Eds.), 781, 2005.

18. Bouncing ion clusters in the plasma sheet boundary layer observed by Cluster-CIS, Keiling, A., Parks, G.K., Rème, H., Dandouras, I., Bosqued, J.M., Wilber, M., McCarthy, M., Mouikis, C., Amata, E., Klecker, B., Korth, A., Lundin, R. and Frey, H.U., J. Geophys. Res., 110, A09207, 2005.

19. Cluster observation of continuous reconnection at dayside magnetopause in the vicinity of cusp, Zheng, Y., G. Le, J. A. Slavin, M. L. Goldstein, C. Cattell, A. Balogh, E. A. Lucek, H. Rème, J. P. Eastwood, M. Wilber, G. Parks, A. Retino, A. Fazakerley, Ann. Geophysicae, 23, 2199-2215, 2005.

20. Energy deposition by Alfvén waves into the dayside auroral oval: Cluster and FAST observations, Chaston, C. C.; Peticolas, L. M.; Carlson, C. W.; McFadden, J. P.; Mozer, F.; Wilber, M.; Parks, G. K.; Hull, A.; Ergun, R. E.; Strangeway, R. J.; Andre, M.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Goldstein, M. L.; Acuña, M.; Lund, E. J.; Reme, H.; Dandouras, I.; Fazakerley, A. N.; Balogh, A., J. Geophys. Res., 110(A2), A02211, 2005.

21. Field-aligned and Gyrating Ion Beams in a Planetary Foreshock, Mazelle, C., Meziane, K., Wilber, M. and Le Queau, D., The Physics of Collisionless Shocks, 4th Annual IGPP Int. Astrophys. Conf. Palm Springs, California, 26 February-3 March 2005, 89-94, 2005.

22. First current density measurements in the ring current region using simultaneous multi-spacecraft CLUSTER-FGM data, C. Vallat, J. Dandouras, M. Dunlop, A. Balogh, E. Lucek, G. K. Parks, M. Wilber, G. Chanteur, H. Rème, Ann. Geophysicae, 23, 1849-1865, 2005.

23. Observations of a Unique Cusp Signature at Low and Mid Altitudes, W. R. Keith, J. D. Winningham, M. L. Goldstein, M. Wilber, A. N. Fazakerley, H. Rème, T. A. Fritz, A. Balogh, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin and M. Maksimovic, Surveys Geophys., 26 (1-3), 307-339, 2005.


24. Energy-dispersed ions in the plasma sheet boundary layer and associated phenomena: Ion heating, electron acceleration, Alfven waves, broadband waves, perpendicular electric field spikes, and auroral emissions, A. Keiling, G. K. Parks, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, M. Wilber, L. Kistler, C. Owen, A. N. Fazakerley, E. Lucek, M. Maksimovic, and N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, Ann. Geophysicae, 24, 2685-2707, 2006.

25. Kinetic Aspects of Foreshock Cavities, Schwartz, S., Sibeck, D., Wilber, M., Meziane, K. and Horbury, T., Geophys. Res. Lett., 33 (12), L12103, 2006.

26. Large-amplitude electrostatic waves associated with magnetic ramp substructure at Earth's bow shock, Hull, A. J., D. E. Larson, M. Wilber, J. D. Scudder, F. S. Mozer, C. T. Russell and S. D. Bale , Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L15104, 2006.

27. Larmor radius size density holes discovered in the solar wind upstream of Earth's bow shock, Parks, G. K.; Lee, E.; Mozer, F.; Wilber, M.; Lucek, E.; Dandouras, I.; Rème, H.; Mazelle, C.; Cao, J. B.; Meziane, K.; Goldstein, M. L.; Escoubet, P. , Phys. Plasmas, 13 (5), 050701, 2006.

28. VLF/ELF wave activity in the vicinity of the polar cusp: Cluster observations, Lin, N. , Lee, E. S., McFadden, J., Parks, G., Wilber, M., Maksimovic, M., Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., Fazakarley, A., Lucek, E., Reme, H., Santolik, O. and Zong, Q.-G., Ann. Geophysicae, 24, 1993-2004, 2006.


29. Density holes in the upstream solar wind, Parks, G. K., E. Lee, N. Lin, F. Mozer, M. Wilber, E. Lucek, I. Dandouras, H.Rème, J. B. Cao, P. Canu, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, P. Décréau, M. L. Goldstein, and Philippe Escoubet, Turbulence and Nonlinear Processes in Astrophysical Plasmas, 6th Annual Int. Astrophys. Conf. Oahu, Hawaii, 16–22 March 2005 , 9–15, 2007.

30. Evidence for a High Energy Tail Associated with Forshock Field-aligned Beams, Meziane, K., M. Wilber, A. M. Hamza, C. Mazelle, G. K. Parks, H. Reme, and E. A. Lucek, J. Geophys. Res., 112, A01101, 2007.

31. Mode Conversion and Anomalous Transport in Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices and Kinetic Alfvén Waves at the Earth’s Magnetopause., C. C. Chaston, M. Wilber, F. S. Mozer, M. Fujimoto, M. L. Goldstein, M. Acuna, H. Reme and A. Fazakerley, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 175004, 2007.

32. Solitary Electromagnetic Pulses Detected with Super-Alfvénic Flows in Earth's Geomagnetic Tail, Parks, G. K.; Lee, E.; Lin, N.; Mozer, F.; Wilber, M.; Dandouras, I.; Rème, H.; Lucek, E.; Fazakerley, A.; Goldstein, M.; Gurgiolo, C.; Canu, P.; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Décréau, P. , Phys. Rev. Lett., 98 (26), 265001, 2007.


33. Current density and wave polarization observed in density holes upstream of earth's bow shock, in Particle Acceleration and Transport in the Heliosphere and Beyond, Parks, G. K., E. Lee, N. Lin, A. Teste, M. Wilber, I. Dandouras, H. Rème, and M. L. Goldstein, 7th Annual international astrophysics conference, editors G. Li et al., AIP conference proceedings, 1039, 264-269, 2008.

34. Flux transfer events simultaneously observed by Polar and Cluster: Flux rope in the subsolar region and flux tube addition to the polar cusp , Le, G., Y. Zheng, C.T. Russell, R.F. Pfaff, J.A. Slavin, N. Lin, F. Mozer, G. Parks, M. Wilber, S.M. Petrinec, E. Lucek, H. Rème, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A01205, 2008.

35. Foreshock density holes in the context of known upstream plasma structures, Wilber, M., G.K. Parks, K. Meziane, N. Lin, E. Lee, C. Mazelle and A. Harris, Ann. Geophysicae, 26, 3741-3755, 2008.

36. Nonlinear low frequency wave aspect of foreshock density holes, Lin, N., E. Lee, F. Mozer, G.K. Parks, M. Wilber and H. Rème, Ann. Geophysicae, 26, 3707-3718, 2008.

37. Transport of transient solar wind particles in Earth's cusps, Parks, G.K., E. Lee, A Teste, M. Wilber, N. Lin, P. Canu, I. Dandouras, H. Rème, S.Y. Fu and M.L. Goldstein, Phys. Plasmas, 15, 080702, 2008.


38. Kinetic Alfvén Wave Turbulence and Transport through a Reconnection Diffusion Region, C. C. Chaston, J. R. Johnson, M. Wilber, M. Acuna, M. L. Goldstein, and H. Reme, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 015001, 2009.

39. Nonlinear Development of Shocklike Structure in the Solar Wind, E. Lee, G. K. Parks, M. Wilber, and N. Lin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 031101, 2009.


40. Effect of shock normal orientation fluctuations on field-aligned beam distributions, Meziane, K., A.M. Hamza, M. Wilber, M.A. Lee, C. Mazelle, E.A. Lucek, T. Hada and A. Markowitch, in The Cluster Active Archive: Studying the Earth~s Space Plasma Environment, edited by H. Lasco, M. Taylor, and P. Escoubet, 349-362, 2010.

41. Large-amplitude electrostatic waves observed at a supercritical interplanetary shock , L. B. Wilson III, C. A. Cattell, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, K. Kersten, J. C. Kasper, A. Szabo, and M. Wilber, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A12104, 2010.

42. Time development of field-aligned currents, potential drops, and plasma associated with an auroral poleward boundary intensification, Hull, A. J.; Wilber, M.; Chaston, C. C.; Bonnell, J. W.; McFadden, J. P.; Mozer, F. S.; Fillingim, M.; Goldstein, M. L., J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A6), A06211, 2010.


43. Foreshock cavities and internal foreshock boundaries, Laurence Billingham, Steven J. Schwartz, Mark Wilber, Planetary and Space Science, 59, 456-467, 2011.

44. Specular refection at a non-stationary shock: A simple model, Meziane, K., A. M. Hamza, M. Wilber, A. M. Lee, C. Mazelle, E. A. Lucek and T. Hada, Planetary and Space Science, 59 (7), 495-501, 2011.

45. Wave associated anomalous drag during magnetic field reconnection , F. S. Mozer, M. Wilber, and J. F. Drake2, Phys. Plasmas, 18, 102902, 2011.


46. Entropy Generation across Earth's Collisionless Bow Shock, Parks, G. K.; Lee, E.; McCarthy, M.; Goldstein, M.; Fu, S. Y.; Cao, J. B.; Canu, P.; Lin, N.; Wilber, M.; Dandouras, I.; Réme, H.; Fazakerley, A., Phys. Rev. Lett., 108 (6), 061102, 2012.

47. Intense perpendicular electric fields associated with three-dimensional magnetic reconnection at the subsolar magnetopause, Pritchett, P. L.; Mozer, F. S.; Wilber, M. , J. Geophys. Res., 117 (A6), A06212, 2012.

48. Shocklets, SLAMS, and field-aligned ion beams in the terrestrial foreshock, Wilson, L. B., III; Koval, A.; Sibeck, D. G.; Szabo, A.; Cattell, C. A.; Kasper, J. C.; Maruca, B. A.; Pulupa, M.; Salem, C. S.; Wilber, M., eprint arXiv:1207.5561, 2012.

49. Shocklets, SLAMS, and field-aligned ion beams in the terrestrial foreshock, Wilson, L. B., III; Koval, A.; Sibeck, D. G.; Szabo, A.; Cattell, C. A.; Kasper, J. C.; Maruca, B. A.; Pulupa, M.; Salem, C. S.; Wilber, M., eprint arXiv:1207.5561, 2012.

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