THEMIS Mission THEMIS Mission NASA ASA (Austrian Space Agency) Canadian Space Agency CNES (French Space Agency) DLR (German Space Agency)
About THEMISStatus + EventsInstrumentsSpacecraft Bus


The THEMIS 2-day Science Collaboration Meeting will be held before the THEMIS Launch, at the Cape, L-2, on February 13, 2007.

"Multipoint observations of the magnetosphere and its coupling to the ionosphere and the solar wind"

The Science Meeting before THEMIS Launch, will be held at the Radisson Resort at the Port in Cape Canaveral, Florida from February 13-14, 2007.


Please visit the Education and Outreach News & Events Section for further information on THEMIS status & events.


Univertity of California, Berkeley THEMIS E/PO Site
Austrian Academy of SciencesCentre d'étude des Environnements Terrestre et PlanétairesJohns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryNASA Goddard Space Flight CenterSwales AerospaceTechnical University Carolo-Wilhelmina at BrunswickUniversity of AlbertaUniversity of CalgaryUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversity of Colorado, Boulder