"Multipoint observations of the magnetosphere and its coupling to the ionosphere and the solar wind"
pre-THEMIS-launch Science Meeting: Feb 13-14 2007.
Radisson Resort at the Port, Cape Canaveral Florida.
From: David Sibeck (David.G.Sibeck@nasa. gov)
Chris StCyr (Chris.StCyr@nasa.gov)
Vassilis Angelopoulos (vassilis@ssl.berkeley.edu)
The launch of THEMIS (http://www.nasa.gov/themis) on Feb 15, 2007, ushers a new era of distributed, correlative magnetospheric observations which permit comprehensive, coordinated measurements of the coupled magnetospheric, solar wind and ionospheric systems over large scales. During the 2 days preceeding launch there will be a meeting to discuss the current status of the field and point out critical open questions that can be resolved using the enhanced panoply of older and newer spacecraft in the upcoming era. The goal is to set the stage for the community to embrace the THEMIS data by exposing research areas synergistic or transcending the focused THEMIS investigation. THEMIS predictive orbits can be found at:
On the morning of Feb 15th there will be a tour of KSC and of the launch pad to bid fairwell to the probes in their journey in space. Attendees can anticipate a spectacular dusk (6:07pm) launch from Jetty Park, and gather back to celebrate probe release and first contact. Please note that non-US citizens (including accompanying persons and minors that wish to attend the launch) are required to submit passport and visa information 31 days prior to launch.
This meeting is keyed to the two days prior launch.
Hotel Reservations
A block of 80 rooms has been reserved at the Radisson Resort at the Port;
reference: NASA/207.
Further hotel information is available here.
Hotel Reservation Deadline: January 12. After that deadline, block reservation does not apply, and participants are still encouraged to call the hotel directly, or other area hotels, such as those listed here.
Registration and Abstract Deadlines have now passed.
On-line registration is now closed. On-site registration will be possible on February 13 and 14 outside the meeting room. Fees have now increased to $150/person for the meeting attendees and $75/adult for the banquet attendees and guests. Abstracts not yet received will not be printed with the general program, and talks will most likely be assigned a poster.