20 Years of Spectroscopy with the
Electron Beam Ion Trap

November 12 - 16, 2006
Berkeley, California

The registration costs are $325.

To pay for your registration, follow these steps:

  • Find your name in the registration list.
  • Select the payment type in the third column.
  • Click on the "Proceed to pay" button to go to the EBIT payment confirmation page.
  • Follow the directions on the confirmation page.

Note: If you opt to pay by check, the "In Progress" payment designation will be updated upon our receipt and verification of your check. Form Secret: " . $_SESSION['FORM_SECRET']; //echo "

Sessid: " . session_id(); if (!($connection = @ mysql_connect("plasma2","ebit_guest","felshell"))) showerror(); if (!( @ mysql_select_db("ebit_conference",$connection))) showerror(); if ((isset($_POST["submit_reg"])) && (validate_reg_form(&$_POST)==1)) { // If there is an incoming form, process it $first_name = mysql_escape_string($_POST['first_name']); $last_name = mysql_escape_string($_POST['last_name']); $mail_add = mysql_escape_string($_POST['mail_add']); $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM registration WHERE first_name = '${first_name}' AND last_name = '${last_name}' AND mail_add = '${mail_add}';"; $result = mysql_query($query,$connection); if ($result) { $count = mysql_result($result, 0); if ($count == 0) { $affil = mysql_escape_string($_POST['affil']); $mail_add = mysql_escape_string($_POST['mail_add']); $mail_add2 = mysql_escape_string($_POST['mail_add2']); $city = mysql_escape_string($_POST['city']); $state = mysql_escape_string($_POST['state']); $country = mysql_escape_string($_POST['country']); $zipcode = mysql_escape_string($_POST['zipcode']); $email = mysql_escape_string($_POST['email']); if ($_POST['share_info'] == 1) $share_info = "yes"; else $share_info = "no"; if (!empty($_POST['tele_area'])) $tele = "(" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['tele_area']) .")" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['tele_pre']) . "-" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['tele_main']); if (!empty($_POST['note'])) { $note = mysql_escape_string($_POST['note']); } $IP = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; $proxy = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if (empty($IP) && !empty($proxy)) $IP = $proxy; $host = gethostbyaddr($IP); $update_query = "INSERT INTO registration (t, first_name, last_name, affil, mail_add, mail_add2, city, state, country, zipcode, email, share_info, tele, note, ip, proxy, host) VALUES (NULL, '${first_name}', '${last_name}', '${affil}', '${mail_add}', '${mail_add2}', '${city}', '${state}', '${country}', '${zipcode}', '${email}', '${share_info}', '${tele}', '${note}', '${IP}', '${proxy}', '${host}');"; if(!($result = mysql_query($update_query,$connection))) showerror(); print "

Thank you for your submission.

"; } } else showerror(); } echo "

"; print ''; print ''; $submiturl = "https://sprg-wm.ssl.berkeley.edu/extras/labastro/epay_submit.php"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT reg_id,first_name,last_name,paid FROM registration order by last_name",$connection); $rowcount=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $rowalt = $rowcount++ % 2; $rowcolor = $rowalt ? "#001f56" : "#939393"; $reg_id=$row[0]; print ""; print""; print ""; if (strcmp($row[3],"yes")==0) { print ""; } elseif (strcmp($row[3],"check")==0) { print ""; } elseif (strcmp($row[3],"no")==0) { print ""; /* print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print""; print ''; print"";*/ } else { print ''; print ''; } print ''; } ?>
First NameLast NamePayment TypePaid
${row[1]}${row[2]} Yes Check No
For website assistance, contact Matthew Carpenter Last modified: Thu Jan 25 16:03:46 PST 2007