Publishing in the Canadian Journal of Physics
Published since 1929, the Canadian
Journal of Physics publishes on a monthly basis reports that represent
significant contributions to physics. Reports may be submitted in English
or in French for publication as an article, a research note, a tutorial,
or a rapid communication in the fields of atomic and molecular physics,
condensed matter, elementary particles and nuclear physics, gases, fluid
dynamics and plasmas, electromagnetism and optics, mathematical physics,
and interdisciplinary, classical and applied physics, and physics education.
Sample EBIT Papers Published in the Canadian Journal
of Physics
Over the past five years, the Canadian Journal of Physics has become
one of the main archiving journals used by the Livermore EBIT group
and their collaborators for publishing original results in atomic
physics. Click on the links below to download some sample papers.
The study of X-ray M-shell spectra of W ions
from the Livermore electron beam ion trap
P. Neill. C. Harris, A. S. Shlyaptseva, S. Hamasha, S. Hansen, P.
Beiersdorfer, U. I. Safronova
Canadian Journal of Physics 82,
931 (2004)
Absolute Wavelength Measurements of the Lyman-a
Transition of Hydrogenic Silicon
J. Tschischgale, D. Klöpfel, E. Förster, P. Beiersdorfer,
G. V. Brown, S. B. Utter, and H. Schulte-Schrepping
Canadian Journal of Physics 80,
867 (2002).
Other sample papers of interest
The Canadian Journal of Physics has also been used by numerous attendees
of our Workshop for publishing their work. Click on the samples below
to download the paper.
Relativistic many-body calculations of excitation
energies, line strenghts, transitions rates, and oscillator strengths
in Pd-like ions
U. I. Safronova, T. E. Cowan, and W. R. Johnson
Canadian Journal of Physics 83,
813 (2005)