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Trixi Wunderer
1. A scintillating plastic fiber tracking detector for neutron and proton imaging and spectroscopy , Ryan, J.M., Castaneda, C.M., Holslin, D., Macri, J.R., McConnell, M.L., Romero, J.L., Wunderer, C. , Nuc. Instr. Meth. A, 422, 49-53, 1999.
2. Imaging Test Setup for the Coded-Mask Gamma-Ray Spectrometer SPI , Wunderer, C.B., Diehl, R., Georgii, R., v. Kienlin, A., Lichti, G.G., Schönfelder, V., Strong, A., Connell, P., Sanchez, F., Vedrenne, G. , Trans. Nucl. Sci., 48 no.4, 1053-1058, 2001.
3. First identification and modelling of SPI background lines, Weidenspointner, G., Kiener, J., Gros, M., Jean, P., Teegarden, B. J., Wunderer, C., Reedy, R. C., Attie, D., Diehl, R., Ferguson, C., Harris, M. J., Knödlseder, J., Leleux, P., Lonjou, V., Roques, J.-P., Schönfelder, V., Shrader, C., Sturner, S., Tatischeff, V., Vedrenne, G., Astron. Astrophys., 411, L113-L116, 2003. 4. INTEGRAL/SPI ground calibration, D. Attie, B. Cordier, M. Gros, Ph. Laurent, S. Schanne, G. Tauzin, P. von Ballmoos, L. Bouchet, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, P. Mandrou, Ph. Paul, J.-P. Roques, G. Skinner, G. Vedrenne, R. Georgii, A. von Kienlin, G. Lichti, V. Schönfelder, A. Strong, C. Wunderer, C. Shrader, S. Sturner, B. Teegarden, G. Weidenspointner, J. Kiener, M.-G. Porquet, V. Tatischeff, S. Crespin, S. Joly, Y. Andre, F. Sanchez, P. Leleux, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L71-L79, 2003. 5. Monte Carlo simulations and generation of the SPI response , Sturner, S. J., Shrader, C. R., Weidenspointner, G., Teegarden, B. J., Attie, D., Cordier, B., Diehl, R., Ferguson, C., Jean, P., von Kienlin, A., Paul, Ph., Sanchez, F., Schanne, S., Sizun, P., Skinner, G., Wunderer, C. B. , Astron. Astrophys., 411, L81-L84, 2003. 6. SPI instrumental background characteristics, P. Jean, G. Vedrenne, J. P. Roques, V. Shoenfelder, B. J. Teegarden, A. von Kienlin, J. Knodlseder, C. Wunderer, G. K. skinner, G. Weidenspointner, D. Attie, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, M. Gros, P. Leleux, G. G. Lichti, E. Kalemci, J. Kiner, V. Lonjou, P. Mandrou, Ph. Paul, S. Schanne, and P. von Ballmoos, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L107-L112, 2003. 7. SPI Measurements of Galactic 26Al, R. Diehl, J. Knödlseder, G. Lichti, K. Kretschmer, S. Schanne, V. Schönfelder, A. von Kienlin, G. Weidenspointner, C. Winkler, C. Wunderer, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L451-L455, 2003. 8. SPI: The spectrometer aboard INTEGRAL, G. Vedrenne, J.-P. Roques, V. Schönfelder, P. Mandrou, G.G. Lichti, A. von Kienlin, B. Cordier, S. Schanne, J. Knödlseder, G. Skinner, P. Jean, F. Sanchez, P. Caraveo, B. Teegarden, P. von Ballmoos, L. Bouchet, P. Paul, J. Matteson, S. Boggs, C. Wunderer, P. Leleux, G. Weidenspointner, Ph. Durouchoux, R. Diehl, A. Strong, M. Casse, M.A. Clair and Y. André, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L63-L70, 2003. 9. SPI/INTEGRAL in-flight performance, J. P. Roques, S. Schanne, A. von Kienlin, J. Knodlseder, R. Briet, L. Bouchet, Ph. Paul, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, M. Casse, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, P. Durouchoux, P. Jean, P. Leleux, G. Lichti, P. Mandrou, J. Matteson, F. Sanchez, V. Shoenfelder, G. Skinner, A. Strong, B. Teegarden, G. Vedrenne, P. von Ballmoos, and C. Wunderer, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L91-L100, 2003. 10. SPI/INTEGRAL observation of the Cygnus region, L. Bouchet, E. Jourdain, J. P. Roques, P. Mandrou, P. von Ballmoos, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, M. Casse, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, P. Durouchoux, A. von Kienlin, J. Knodlseder, P. Jean, P. Leleux, G. G. Lichti, J. Matteson, F. Sanchez, S. Schanne, V. Shoenfelder, G. Skinner, A. Strong, B. Teegarden, G. Vedrenne, and C. Wunderer, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L377-L382, 2003. 11. Testing SPI imaging of high-energy and extended sources, Wunderer, C. B., Connell, P., Hammer, J. W., Schönfelder, V., Strong, A. W, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L101-L105, 2003.
12. Testing Lorentz Invariance with GRB021206, S. E. Boggs, C. B. Wunderer, K. Hurley, W. Coburn, Astrophys. J. Lett., 611, L77-L80, 2004.
13. Performance of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, Boggs, Steven; Bandstra, Mark; Bowen, Jason; Coburn, Wayne; Lin, Robert; Wunderer, Cornelia; Zoglauer, Andreas; Amman, Mark; Luke, Paul; Jean, Pierre; Ballmoos, Peter Von, Experimental Astronomy, 20 (1-3), 387-394, 2005.
14. 26Al in the inner Galaxy. Large-scale spectral characteristics derived with SPI/INTEGRAL, R. Diehl, H. Halloin, K. Kretschmer, A.W. Strong, W. Wang, P. Jean, G.G. Lichti, J. Knödlseder, J.-P. Roques, S. Schanne, V. Schönfelder, A.v. Kienlin, G. Weidenspointner, C. Winkler, C.B. Wunderer, Astron. Astrophys., 449, 1025-1031, 2006. 15. Adding hard X-ray imaging capabilities to a Compton telescope , C.B. Wunderer, M.E. Bandstra, S.E. Boggs, J.D. Bowen, W. Coburn , Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, ESA SP-XXX, submitted, 2006. 16. Gamma-Ray Lenses -- Taking a Deeper Look at Sites of Nucleosynthesis , C.B. Wunderer , Proc. Astronomy with Radioactivities V, New Astr. Rev., 50 (7-8), 613-618, 2006. 17. Pre-flight calibration of the prototype Nuclear Compton Telescope, Bowen, Jason D.; Bandstra, Mark E.; Boggs, Steven E.; Coburn, Wayne; Wunderer, Cornelia B.; Lin, Robert P.; Amman, Mark; Luke, Paul N.; Burks, Morgan T.; Craig, William; Madden, Norman W.; Smith, David M.; von Ballmoos, Peter; Jean, Pierre, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Edited by Turner, Martin J. L.; Hasinger, Günther. Proceedings of the SPIE, 6266, 626625, 2006. 18. Radioactive 26Al from massive stars in the Galaxy, R. Diehl, H. Halloin, K. Kretschmer, G.G. Lichti, V. Schönfelder, A.W. Strong, A.v. Kienlin, W. Wang, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, J-P. Roques, G. Weidenspointner, S. Schanne, D.H. Hartmann, C. Winkler, C.B. Wunderer, Nature, 439, 45-47, 2006. 19. Searching for MIllisecond Flares in INTEGRAL GRBs -- towards constraining Lorentz Invariance and Quantum Gravity with INTEGRAL GRBs , C.B. Wunderer, S.E. Boggs, W. Coburn, K. Hurley , Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, ESA SP-XXX, in prep, 2006. 20. Simulated performance of dedicated Ge-strip Compton telescopes as gamma-lens focal plane instrumentation , C.B. Wunderer, P.v. Ballmoos, N. Barriere, S.E. Boggs, G. Weidenspointner, A. Zoglauer , Experimental Astronomy, 20 (1-3), 365-373, 2006. 21. The ACT Vision Mission Study Simulation Effort , C.B. Wunderer, R.M. Kippen, P.F. Bloser, S.E. Boggs, M.L. McConnell, M. Harris, A. Hoover, A.V. Klimenko, E.I. Novikova, U. Oberlack, S.Sturner, D. Tournear, G. Weidenspointner, A. Zoglauer, Proc. Astronomy with Radioactivities V, New Astr. Rev., 50 (7-8), 608-612, 2006. 22. The Advanced Compton Telescope Mission , C.B. Wunderer, S.E. Boggs, J. Kurfess, J.M. Ryan, E. Aprile, N. Gehrels, R.M. Kippen, M. Leising, U. Oberlack, A. Zych, M. Baring, J. Beacom, L. Bildsten, P.F. Bloser, C. Dermer, M. Harris, D.H. Hartmann, M. Hernanz, A. Hoover, A. Klimenko, D. Kocevski, M.L. McConnell, P. Milne, E.I. Novikova, B. Phlips, M. Polsen, D.M. Smith, S. Starrfield, S. Sturner, D. Tournear, G. Weidenspointner, E. Wulf, A. Zoglauer, for the larger ACT Collaboration , Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, ESA SP-XXX , in prep, 2006.
23. Search for Millisecond Flares in INTEGRAL and RHESSI GRBs - towards probing Quantum Gravity with GRBs, Wunderer, Cornelia B.; Bellm, Eric; Boggs, Steven E.; Hurley, Kevin, THE FIRST GLAST SYMPOSIUM. AIP Conference Proceedings, 921, 512-513, 2007.
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