To pay for your registration, follow these steps:
- Find your name in the registration list.
- Click on the "Proceed to pay" button to go to the THEMIS conference payment confirmation page.
- Follow the directions on the confirmation page.
require "registration_includes.php";
if (!($connection = @ mysql_connect("plasma2","thmlaunch_guest","tlaunch2007")))
if (!( @ mysql_select_db("themis_launch_conf",$connection)))
print '';
print 'Name | Paid | ';
$submiturl = "";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT reg_id,first_name,last_name,paid FROM
registration order by last_name",$connection);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
$rowalt = $rowcount++ % 2;
$rowcolor = $rowalt ? "#0099ff" : "#00d050";
print "";
print"${row[1]} ${row[2]} | ";
if (strcmp($row[3],"yes")==0)
print "Yes | ";
elseif (strcmp($row[3],"no")==0)
// print "No | ";
print "