THEMIS Mission THEMIS Mission NASA ASA (Austrian Space Agency) Canadian Space Agency CNES (French Space Agency) DLR (German Space Agency)








Flooding the night sky with light, Space Shuttle Discovery streaks through the clouds after liftoff from Launch Pad 39B on mission STS-116.


Below are links to received electronic copies of the presentations and posters at the conference. The QuickTime Player is needed to view many of the embedded movies.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Description of the mission, instruments

Angelopoulos - The THEMIS Mission, Scientific Objectives and Allied Observations

Bonnell - The THEMIS Electric Field Instrument

Carlson - The THEMIS ESA Plasma Instrument

Auster - The THEMIS Fluxgate Magnetometer Experiment

Robert - THEMIS Search Coil Magnetometer

Larson - THEMIS SST: Solid State Telescope Design, Operation and Science Objectives

Description of the data and software tools

Bilitza - Justice is Being Served: THEMIS Orbits and Data at SPDF

Bromund - THEMIS Data Analysis Software Tools



Early Bird Poster Session

Cully - The Digital Fields Board (DFB)

Lessard - Relating the NENL Region to the CD region: ULF Pi1B Magnetic Pulsations, Fast Flows and Alfvenic Aurora at Substorm Onset

Penou - C1 Software: Data Display Package

Rae - Pi2 Pulsations: Field Line Resonances or a Driven Response?

Shiokawa - Ground-based Observations of Aurora, Airglow, and Geomagnetic Pulsations at Subauroral Latitudes to Contribute to the THEMIS Inner Magnetosphere Research

Tail Dynamics and Ionospheric Coupling Session 1

Samson - The Substorm Intensification: High Beta Plasma Disruptions in the Near Earth Plasma Sheet

Lui - The Current Disruption Model for Substorms, and associated movie

Nakamura - Reconnection Model of Geomagnetic Substorm

Liu - Use of Riometer Observations to Characterize Substorm Dynamics

Voronkov - Features of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During Breakups and Substorm Onset Inferred from Multi-Instrument Alignment

Lyons - Coordinated Radar-THEMIS Measurements of Region 2/Harang Reversal Physics, and associated PDF

Main Poster Session

Fillingim - Observations of the Magnetosphere and its Coupling to the Ionosphere: Relating Plasma Sheet Observations to Global Auroral Images

Frey - Correlation of REIMEI Multi-Spectral Auroral Camera (MAC) with All-Sky Observations by the THEMIS GBOs

Milling - Substorm Timing and Location Using the Combined CARISMA and THEMIS GBO Magnetometer Arrays

Wanliss - How Thin Does the Magnetotail Really Get During Substorm Growth Phase?


Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Inner Magnetosphere Science

Li - THEMIS' Contribution to the Outer Radiation Belt Science (unable to attend)

Reeves - Radiation Belt Storm Probes: Science Overview and Opportunities for Collaborative Investigations

Stasiewicz - Bursty Bulk Flows as Sources of Auroral Electric Potential Structures

Dayside Science

Fuselier - Some Dayside Reconnection Science Studies Using THEMIS

Omidi/Sibeck - Utilization of Global Hybrid Simulations and THEMIS Data for Dayside Science, Part 1 and Part 2

Russell - The Intenational Ground Magnetometer Campaign in Support of the THEMIS Mission



Allied Missions and Ground Observations

Donovan - The Global Auroral Imaging Access (GAIA) Program

Goldstein - Cluster, Double Star and THEMIS Science

Pu - The Double Star Mission

Ruohoniemi - Expansion and Operation of SuperDARN in Support of THEMIS Science Goals

Kivelson - THEMIS and the Magnetopause

Strangeway - The FAST Extended Mission: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the THEMIS Era, and associated movie 1 and movie 2

Connors - Athabasca University Initiatives Supporting THEMIS


Raeder - THEMIS OpenGGCM Modeling Support: State of the Art

Kaghashvili - THEMIS OpenGGCM Modeling Support: Products and Web-Managed Resources

Rankin - Ground-Based Data and Modeling Support for THEMIS

Hesse - CCMC Modeling Support for the THEMIS Mission





Univertity of California, Berkeley
Austrian Academy of SciencesCentre d'étude des Environnements Terrestre et PlanétairesJohns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryNASA Goddard Space Flight CenterSwales AerospaceTechnical University Carolo-Wilhelmina at BrunswickUniversity of AlbertaUniversity of CalgaryUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversity of Colorado, Boulder