Säm Krucker


1. The Frequency Ratio of Harmonic Microwave Spikes During Solar Flares, Säm Krucker and Arnold O. Benz, Astron. Astrophys., 285, 663-674, 1994.


2. First VLA observation of a solar narrowband, millisecond spike event, Säm Krucker, Arnold O. Benz, Markus J. Aschwanden, and Tim S. Bastian, Astron. Astrophys., 302, 551-563, 1995.

3. Location of type I radio continuum and burst on Yohkoh soft X-ray maps, Säm Krucker, Arnold O. Benz, M.J. Aschwanden, and T.S. Bastian, Solar Phys., 160, 151-169, 1995.


4. Small Solar Flares in Radio Waves and X-rays: Microflares and Radio Bursts, Säm Krucker, Dissertation ETH No. 11921 unpublished, 1996.


5. Fine structure of the X-ray and radio emissions of the quiet solar corona, Arnold O. Benz, Säm Krucker, Loren W. Acton, and Tim S. Bastian, Astron. Astrophys., 320, 993, 1997.

6. X-Ray Network Flares of the Quiet Sun, Säm Krucker, Arnold O. Benz, Tim S. Bastian, and Loren W. Acton, Astrophys. J., 488, 499, 1997.

7. Yohkoh observation of the source regions of solar narrowband, millisecond spike events, Säm Krucker, Arnold O. Benz, and Markus J. Aschwanden, Astron. Astrophys., 317, 569-579, 1997.


8. Energy Distribution of Heating Processes in the Quiet Solar Corona, Säm Krucker and Arnold O. Benz, Astrophys. J. Lett., 501, L213, 1998.

9. Heating Events in the Quiet Solar Corona, Arnold O. Benz and Säm Krucker, Solar Phys., 182, 349, 1998.


10. Heating events in the quiet solar corona, S. Krucker and A.O. Benz, Proc. of Nobeyama Symposium 1998, 479, 25, 1999.

11. On the origin of impulsive electron events observed at 1 AU, S. Krucker, D. E. Larson, B. P. Johnson, and R. P. Lin, Astrophys. J., 519, 864-875, 1999.

12. The source region of an interplanetary type II radio burst, S. D. Bale, M. J. Reiner, J.-L. Bougeret, M. L. Kaiser, S. Krucker, D. E. Larson, and R. P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1573, 1999.


13. Are heating events in the quiet solar corona small flares? - Multiwavelength observations of individual events, S. Krucker and A. O. Benz, Solar Phys., 191, 341, 2000.

14. Heating events observed in the quiet room, A.O. Benz, S. Krucker, ESA SP, 2000.

15. Mechanisms for dynamic coronal mass supply via evaporative solar “micro-events”, John C. Brown, Säm Krucker, Manuel Güdel, and Arnold O. Benz, Astron. Astrophys., 359, 1185, 2000.

16. On the solar release of energetic particles detected at 1 AU, S. Krucker and R. P. Lin, ACE 2000 Proc., 87, 2000.

17. Two classes of solar proton events derived from onset time analysis, S. Krucker and R. P. Lin, Astrophys. J. Lett., 542, L61, 2000.

18. WIND observations of energetic solar proton events down to KeV energies: Onset time analysis, S. Krucker and R. P. Lin, ASP Conf. Series, 2000.


19. High energy particle acceleration by solar flares and fast coronal mass ejections, R.P. Lin, G. Hurford, S. Krucker, and S. Bale, Proc. of Solar Encounter: The 1st Solar Orbiter Workshop, 275-278, 2001.

20. Solar Impulsive Electron Events with Unusual Velocity Dispersions, Krucker, S.; Bale, S. D.; Lin, R. P., Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 07-15 August, 2001. Hamburg, Germany. Under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)., p.3235, 2001.

21. Solar origin of a series of well-collimated electron events, D. Maia, M. Pick, S. E. Hawkins, and S. Krucker, Astrophys. J., 560, 1068, 2001.

22. The source regions of impulsive solar electron events, A. O. Benz, R. P. Lin, O. A. Sheiner, S. Krucker, and J. Fainberg, Solar Phys., 203, 131, 2001.


23. Energetic particle observations during the 2000 July 14 solar event, J. W. Bieber, W. Droge, P.A. Evenson, R. Pyle, D. Ruffolo, U. Pinsook, P. Tooprakai, M. Rujiwarodom, T. Khumlumlert, and S. Krucker, Astrophys. J., 567, 622, 2002.

24. Energy distribution of microevents in the quiet solar corona, A. O. Benz, and S. Krucker, Astrophys. J., 568, 413, 2002.

25. Hard X-ray and metric/decimetric radio observations of the 20 February 2002 solar flare, N. Vilmer, S. Krucker and R.P. Lin, Solar Phys., 210, 261-272, 2002.

26. Hard X-ray microflares down to 3 keV, S. Krucker, S. Christe, R.P. Lin, G.J. Hurford, and R. A. Schwartz, Solar Phys., 210, 445-456, 2002.

27. Lecture notes in Physics, Krucker, S., (journal, n/a), 174, 2002.

28. Modeling images and spectra of a solar flare observed by RHESSI on 20 February 2002, L. Sui, G. Holman, B. Dennis, S. Krucker, R. Schwartz, and K. Tolbert, Solar Phys., 210, 245-259, 2002.

29. Relative timing and spectra of solar flare hard X-ray sources, S. Krucker, and R.P. Lin, Solar Phys., 210, 229-243, 2002.

30. RHESSI and TRACE observations of the 21 APRIL 2002 X1.5 Flare, P. Gallagher, B. Dennis, S. Krucker, R. Schwartz, and K. Tolbert, Solar Phys., 210, 341-356, 2002.

31. Solar energetic electron events and coronal shocks, A. Klassen, V. Bothmer, G. Mann, M. Reiner, Sam Krucker, A. Vourlidas, H. Kunow, Astron. Astrophys., 385, 1078, 2002.

32. The Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), R.P. Lin, B.R. Dennis, G.J. Hurford, D.M. Smith, A. Zehnder, P.R. Harvey, D.W. Curtis, D. Pankow, P. Turin, M. Bester, A. Csillaghy, M. Lewis, N. Madden, H.F. van Beek, M. Appleby, T. Raudorf, J. McTiernan, R. Ramaty, E. Schmahl, R. Schwartz, S. Krucker, R. Abiad, T. Quinn, P. Berg, M. Hashii, R. Sterling, R. Jackson, R. Pratt, R.D. Campbell, D. Malone, D. Landis, C.P. Barrington-Leigh, S. Slassi-Sennou, C. Cork, D. Clark, D. Amato, L. Orwig, R. Boyle, I.S. Banks, K. Shirey, A.K. Tolbert, D. Zarro, F. Snow, K. Thomsen, R.Henneck, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, M. Fivian, J. Jordan, R. Wanner, J. Crubb, J. Preble, M. Matranga, A. Benz, H. Hudson, R.C. Canfield, G.D. Holman, C. Crannell, T. Kosugi, A.G. Emslie, N. Vilmer, J.C. Brown, C. Johns-Krull, M. Aschwanden, T. Metcalf, and A. Conway, Solar Physics, 210, 3-32, 2002.

33. The RHESSI imaging concept, G.J. Hurford, E.J. Schmahl, R.A. Schwartz, A.J. Conway, M.J. Aschwanden, A. Csillaghy, B.R. Dennis, C. Johns-Krull, S. Krucker, R.P. Lin, J. McTiernan, T.R. Metcalf, J. Sato, and D.M. Smith, Solar Physics, 210, 61-86, 2002.


34. Energy release and particle acceleration in the solar atmosphere - flares and related phenomena, K.L. Klein, S. Krucker, and G. Trottet, Adv. Space Res., submitted, 2003.

35. First Gamma-Ray Images of a Solar Flare, G. J. Hurford, R. A. Schwartz, S. Krucker, R. P. Lin, D. M. Smith, and N. Vilmer, Astrophys. J. Lett., 595, L77-80, 2003.

36. Hard X-ray and metric/decimetric spatially resolved observations of the 10 April 2002 solar flare, Vilmer, N., Krucker, S., Trottet, G., and Lin, R.P., "Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Atmosphere - Flares and Related Phenomena", COSPAR Colloquia (eds. Dennis,B.R., Lin,R., and Kosugi,T.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Advances in Space Research, 32, 2509, 2003.

37. Hard X-Ray Source Motions in the 2002 July 23 Gamma-Ray Flare, Säm Krucker, G.J. Hurford, and R.P. Lin, Astrophys. J. Lett., 595, 2.2, L103-106, 2003.

38. On the origin of solar energetic particles, S. Krucker, Lecture notes in Physics, 179-192, 2003.

39. Radio and Hard X-Ray Images of High-Energy Electrons in an X-Class Solar Flare, S. M. White, S. Krucker, K. Shibasaki, T. Yokoyama, M. Shimojo, and M. R. Kundu, Astrophys. J. Lett., 595(2.2), L111-114, 2003.

40. RHESSI Hard X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy of the Large Gamma-Ray Flare of 2002 July 23, A. Gordon Emslie, Eduard P. Kontar, Säm Krucker, and Robert P. Lin, Astrophys. J. Lett., 595, L107-110, 2003.

41. RHESSI observations of particle acceleration and energy release in an intense solar gamma-ray line flare, R.P. Lin, S. Krucker, G. J. Hurford, D. M. Smith, H. S. Hudson, G. D. Holman, R. A. Schwartz, B. R. Dennis, G. H. Share, R. J. Murphy, A. G. Emslie, C. Johns-Krull, and N. Vilmer , Astrophys. J. Lett., 595, L69-76, 2003.

42. WIND/3DP and Nancay Radioheliograph observations of solar energetic electron events, Klein, K.L., Krucker, S., and Trottet, G., "Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Atmosphere - Flares and Related Phenomena", COSPAR Colloquia (eds. Dennis,B.R., Lin,R., and Kosugi,T.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Advances in Space Research, 32, 2003.


43. High-frequency slowly drifting structures and X-ray sources observed by RHESSI, Karlicky, M., Farnik, F., & Krucker, S., Astron. Astrophys., 419, 365-374, 2004.

44. Intensity variation of large solar energetic particle events associated with coronal mass ejections, Gopalswamy, N., S. Yashiro, S. Krucker, G. Stenborg, and R.A. Howard, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A12105, 2004.

45. Intensity variation of large solar energetic particle events associated with coronal mass ejections, Gopalswamy, N.; Yashiro, S.; Krucker, S.; Stenborg, G.; Howard, R. A., J. Geophys. Res., 109(A12), A12105, 2004.

46. Magnetic field, H-alpha, and RHESSI observations of the July 23, 2002 gamma-ray flare, Yurchyshyn, V.B., Wang,H., Abramenko, V., Spirock, T.J., and Krucker, S., Astrophys. J., 605, 546-553, 2004.

47. Nobeyama Radioheliograph and RHESSI Observations of the X1.5 Flare of 2002 April 21, Kundu, M.R., Garaimov, V. I., White, S. M., & Krucker, S., Astrophys. J., 600, 1052, 2004.

48. On the photometric accuracy of RHESSI imaging and spectroscopy, Aschwanden, M.J., Metcalf, T.R., Krucker, S., Sato, J., Conway, A., Hurford, G.J., and Schmahl, E., Solar Phys., 219, 149-158, 2004.

49. Overview of early RHESSI results, Krucker, S., and Hudson, H. S., SOHO 15 Coronal Heating, ESA SP-575, 247, 2004.

50. RHESSI microflare statistics, Hannah, I. G., Christ, S., Krucker, S., Hudson, H. S., Fletcher, L., and Hendry, M. A., SOHO 15 Coronal Heating, ESA SP-575, 259, 2004.

51. Studies of Microflares in RHESSI Hard X-Ray, Big Bear Solar Observatory H-alpha and Michelson Doppler Imager Magnetograms, Liu, C., Qiu, J., Gary, D. E., Krucker, S., and Wang, H., Astrophys. J., 604, 442-448, 2004.


52. An exceptionally bright flare from SGR 1806-20 and the origins of short-duration gamma-ray bursts, Hurley, K., S. E. Boggs, D. M. Smith, R. C. Duncan, R. Lin, A. Zoglauer, S. Krucker, G. Hurford, H. Hudson, C. Wigger, W. Hajdas, C. Thompson, I. Mitrofanov, A. Sanin, W. Boynton, C. Fellows, A. von Kienlin, G. Lichti, A. Rau and T. Cline, Nature, 434(7037), 1098-1103, 2005.

53. Coronal phenomena at the release of solar energetic electron events, Klein, K.-L.; Krucker, S.; Trottet, G.; Hoang, S., Astron. Astrophys., 431(3), 1047-1060, 2005.

54. Hard X-ray footpoint motions in solar flares: Comparing magnetic reconnection models with observations, Krucker, Säm; Fivian, M. D.; Lin, R. P., Adv. Space Res., 35 (10), 1707-1711, 2005.

55. Modulations of broad-band radio coniunua and X-ray emissions in the large X-ray flare on 03 November 2003, Dauphin, C, Vilmer, N, Luthi, T, Trottet, G, Krucker, S, Magun, A., Adv. Space Res., in press, 2005.

56. Radio and X-Ray Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection behind an Ejected Flux Rope, Pick, M.; Démoulin, P.; Krucker, S.; Malandraki, O.; Maia, D., Astrophys. J., 625(2), 1019-1026, 2005.


57. Evidence for double injections in scatter-free solar impulsive electron events, Wang, L.; Lin, R. P.; Krucker, S.; Gosling, J. T., Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(3), L03106, 2006.

58. Gamma-Ray Imaging of the 2003 October/November Solar Flares , Hurford, G. J.; Krucker, S.; Lin, R. P.; Schwartz, R. A.; Share, G. H.; Smith, D. M., Astrophys. J., 644 (1), L93-L96, 2006.


59. RHESSI and Hinode X-Ray Observations of a Partially Occulted Solar Flare, Krucker, Säm; Hannah, I. G.; Lin, R. P. , Astrophys. J., 671 (2), L193-196, 2007.

60. Solar Flare Electron Spectra at the Sun and near the Earth, Krucker, Sam; Kontar, E. P.; Christe, S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 663 (2), L109-L112, 2007.

61. Solar Flare Hard X-Ray Emission from the High Corona, Krucker, Säm; White, S. M.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 669 (1), L49-L52, 2007.


62. A Statistical Survey of Hard X-ray Spectral Characteristics of Solar Flares with Two Footpoints, Saint-Hilaire, P.; Krucker, S.; Lin, R. P., Solar Phys., 250 (1), 53-73, 2008.

63. An intriguing solar microflare observed with RHESSI, Hinode, and TRACE, Hannah, I. G.; Krucker, S.; Hudson, H. S.; Christe, S.; Lin, R. P., Astron. Astrophys., 481 (1), L45-L48, 2008.

64. Coronal Hard X-Ray Emission Associated with Radio Type III Bursts, Krucker, Säm; Saint-Hilaire, P.; Christe, S.; White, S. M.; Chavier, A. D.; Bale, S. D.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 681 (1), 644-649, 2008.

65. Coronal Jet Observed by Hinode as the Source of a 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Event, Nitta, Nariaki V.; Mason, Glenn M.; Wiedenbeck, Mark E.; Cohen, Christina M. S.; Krucker, Säm; Hannah, Iain G.; Shimojo, Masumi; Shibata, Kazunari, Astrophys. J., 675 (2), L125-128, 2008.

66. Coronal γ-Ray Bremsstrahlung from Solar Flare-accelerated Electrons, Krucker, Säm; Hurford, G. J.; MacKinnon, A. L.; Shih, A. Y.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 678 (1), L63-L66, 2008.

67. Hard X-ray emission from the solar corona, Krucker, S.; Battaglia, M.; Cargill, P. J.; Fletcher, L.; Hudson, H. S.; MacKinnon, A. L.; Masuda, S.; Sui, L.; Tomczak, M.; Veronig, A. L.; Vlahos, L.; White, S. M., The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 16, 155-208, 2008.

68. Hard X-Ray Emissions from Partially Occulted Solar Flares, Krucker, Säm; Lin, R. P. , Astrophys. J., 673 (2), 1181-1187, 2008.

69. Hard X-ray Spectral Evolution and Production of Solar Energetic Particle Events during the January 2005 X-Class Flares, Saldanha, R.; Krucker, Säm; Lin, R. P. , Astrophys. J., 673 (2), 1169-1173, 2008.

70. Hard X-Rays Associated with Type III Radio Bursts, Christe, S.; Krucker, S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 680 (2), L149-L152, 2008.

71. Magnetic flux cancellation associated with a recurring solar jet observed with Hinode, RHESSI, and STEREO/EUVI, Chifor, C.; Isobe, H.; Mason, H. E.; Hannah, I. G.; Young, P. R.; Del Zanna, G.; Krucker, S.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Yokoyama, T., Astron. Astrophys., 491 (1), 279-288, 2008.

72. Microflares with RHESSI and Hinode/XRT, Hannah, I. G.; Krucker, S.; Christe, S.; Hudson, H. S.; Lin, R. P., First Results From Hinode ASP Conference Series, Vol. 397, Proceedings of the conference held 20-24 August, 2007, at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Edited by Sarah A. Matthews, John M. Davis, and Louise K. Harra. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 169, 2008.

73. Open magnetic flux tubes in the corona and the transport of solar energetic particles, Klein, K.-L.; Krucker, S.; Lointier, G.; Kerdraon, A., Astron. Astrophys., 486 (2), 589-596, 2008.

74. Radio Submillimeter and γ-Ray Observations of the 2003 October 28 Solar Flare, Trottet, G.; Krucker, Säm; Lüthi, T.; Magun, A., Astrophys. J., 678 (1), 509-514, 2008.

75. RHESSI Microflare Statistics. I. Flare-Finding and Frequency Distributions, Christe, S.; Hannah, I. G.; Krucker, S.; McTiernan, J.; Lin, R. P. , Astrophys. J., 677 (2), 1385-1394, 2008.

76. RHESSI Microflare Statistics. II. X-Ray Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Energy Distributions, Hannah, I. G.; Christe, S.; Krucker, S.; Hurford, G. J.; Hudson, H. S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 677 (1), 704-718, 2008.

77. S/WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the STEREO Mission, Bougeret, J. L.; Goetz, K.; Kaiser, M. L.; Bale, S. D.; Kellogg, P. J.; Maksimovic, M.; Monge, N.; Monson, S. J.; Astier, P. L.; Davy, S.; Dekkali, M.; Hinze, J. J.; Manning, R. E.; Aguilar-Rodriguez, E.; Bonnin, X.; Briand, C.; Cairns, I. H.; Cattell, C. A.; Cecconi, B.; Eastwood, J.; Ergun, R. E.; Fainberg, J.; Hoang, S.; Huttunen, K. E. J.; Krucker, S.; Lecacheux, A.; MacDowall, R. J.; Macher, W.; Mangeney, A.; Meetre, C. A.; Moussas, X.; Nguyen, Q. N.; Oswald, T. H.; Pulupa, M.; Reiner, M. J.; Robinson, P. A.; Rucker, H.; Salem, C.; Santolik, O.; Silvis, J. M.; Ullrich, R.; Zarka, P.; Zouganelis, I., Space Sci. Rev., 136 (1-4), 487-528, 2008.


78. A Statistical Study of Hard X-Ray Footpoint Motions in Large Solar Flares, Yang, Ya-Hui; Cheng, C. Z.; Krucker, Säm; Lin, R. P.; Ip, W. H., Astrophys. J., 693 (1), 132-139, 2009.

79. A Statistical Study of Spectral Hardening in Solar Flares and Related Solar Energetic Particle Events, Grayson, James A.; Krucker, Säm; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 707 (2), 1588-1594, 2009.

80. Acceleration of Relativistic Protons During the 20 January 2005 Flare and CME, Masson, S.; Klein, K.-L.; Bütikofer, R.; Flückiger, E.; Kurt, V.; Yushkov, B.; Krucker, S., Solar Phys., 257 (2), 305-322, 2009.

81. Energy Deposition and Hard X-Ray Source Motions in the 2002 July 23 γ-Ray Flare, Fivian, M. D.; Krucker, S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J. Lett., 698 (1), L6-L9, 2009.

82. Imaging Spectroscopy on Preflare Coronal Nonthermal Sources Associated with the 2002 July 23 Flare, Asai, Ayumi; Nakajima, Hiroshi; Shimojo, Masumi; Yokoyama, Takaaki; Masuda, Satoshi; Krucker, Säm, Astrophys. J., 695 (2), 1623-1630, 2009.

83. Multiwavelength Observation of Electron Acceleration in the 2006 December 13 Flare, Minoshima, T.; Imada, S.; Morimoto, T.; Kawate, T.; Koshiishi, H.; Kubo, M.; Inoue, S.; Isobe, H.; Masuda, S.; Krucker, S.; Yokoyama, T., Astrophys. J., 697 (1), 843-849, 2009.

84. Physics of ion acceleration in the solar flare on 2005 September 7 determines γ-ray and neutron production, Watanabe, K.; Lin, R. P.; Krucker, S.; Murphy, R. J.; Share, G. H.; Harris, M. J.; Gros, M.; Muraki, Y.; Sako, T.; Matsubara, Y.; Sakai, T.; Shibata, S.; Valdés-Galicia, J. F.; González, L. X.; Hurtado, A.; Musalem, O.; Miranda, P.; Martinic, N.; Ticona, R.; Velarde, A.; Kakimoto, F.; Tsunesada, Y.; Tokuno, H.; Ogio, S., Adv. Space Res., 44 (7), 789-793, 2009.

85. Spectra of Solar Impulsive Electron Events Observed Near Earth, Krucker, Säm; Oakley, P. H.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 691 (1), 806-810, 2009.

86. Sub-terahertz, Microwaves and High Energy Emissions During the 6 December 2006 Flare, at 18:40 UT, Kaufmann, Pierre; Trottet, Gérard; Giménez de Castro, C. Guillermo; Raulin, Jean-Pierre; Krucker, Säm; Shih, Albert Y.; Levato, Hugo, Solar Phys., 255 (1), 131-142, 2009.

87. Submillimeter and X-ray observations of an X class flare, Giménez de Castro, C. G.; Trottet, G.; Silva-Valio, A.; Krucker, S.; Costa, J. E. R.; Kaufmann, P.; Correia, E.; Levato, H., Astron. Astrophys., 507 (1), 433-439, 2009.

88. The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI), Krucker, Sam; Christe, Steven; Glesener, Lindsay; McBride, Steve; Turin, Paul; Glaser, David; Saint-Hilaire, Pascal; Delory, Gregory; Lin, R. P.; Gubarev, Mikhail; Ramsey, Brian; Terada, Yukikatsu; Ishikawa, Shin-Nosuke; Kokubun, Motohide; Saito, Shinya; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Watanabe, Shin; Nakazawa, Kazuhiro; Tajima, Hiroyasu; Masuda, Satoshi; Minoshima, Takashi; Shomojo, Masumi, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy IV. Edited by Krucker, Sam; Christe, Steven; Glesener, Lindsay; McBride, Steve; Turin, Paul; Glaser, David; Saint-Hilaire, Pascal; Delory, Gregory; Lin, R. P.; Gubarev, Mikhail; Ramsey, Brian; Terada, Yukikatsu; Ishikawa, Shin-Nosuke; Kokubun, Motohide; Saito, Shinya; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Watanabe, Shin; Nakazawa, Kazuhiro; Tajima, Hiroyasu; Masuda, Satoshi; Minoshima, Takashi; Shomojo, Masumi. Proceedings of the SPIE, 7437, 743705-743705-10, 2009.

89. The Solar Flare: A Strongly Turbulent Particle Accelerator, Vlahos, L.; Krucker, S.; Cargill, P., Turbulence in Space Plasmas, Lecture Notes in Physics, 778, 157, 2009.

90. The X-ray Detectability of Electron Beams Escaping from the Sun, Saint-Hilaire, Pascal; Krucker, Säm; Christe, Steven; Lin, Robert P., Astrophys. J., 696 (1), 941-952, 2009.

91. X-ray Emission from the Base of a Current Sheet in the Wake of a Coronal Mass Ejection, Saint-Hilaire, P.; Krucker, S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 699 (1), 245-253, 2009.


92. Combined STEREO/RHESSI Study of Coronal Mass Ejection Acceleration and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares, Temmer, M.; Veronig, A. M.; Kontar, E. P.; Krucker, S.; Vršnak, B., Astrophys. J., 712 (2), 1410-1420, 2010.

93. Electron Acceleration by Multi-Island Coalescence, Oka, M.; Phan, T.-D.; Krucker, S.; Fujimoto, M.; Shinohara, I., Astrophys. J., 714 (1), 915-926, 2010.

94. Evidence for extended acceleration of solar flare ions from 1–8 MeV solar neutrons detected with the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer, Feldman, William C.; Lawrence, David J.; Goldsten, John O.; Gold, Robert E.; Baker, Daniel N.; Haggerty, Dennis K.; Ho, George C.; Krucker, Säm; Lin, Robert P.; Mewaldt, Richard A.; Murphy, Ronald J.; Nittler, Larry R.; Rhodes, Edgar A.; Slavin, James A.; Solomon, Sean C.; Starr, Richard D.; Vilas, Faith; Vourlidas, Angelos, J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A1), A01102, 2010.

95. G-band and Hard X-ray Emissions of the 2006 December 14 Flare Observed by Hinode/SOT and Rhessi, Watanabe, Kyoko; Krucker, Säm; Hudson, Hugh; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Masuda, Satoshi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi, Astrophys. J., 715 (1), 651-655, 2010.

96. Measurements of the Coronal Acceleration Region of a Solar Flare, Krucker, Säm; Hudson, H. S.; Glesener, L.; White, S. M.; Masuda, S.; Wuelser, J.-P.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 714 (2), 1108-1119, 2010.

97. On The Brightness and Waiting-Time Distributions of a Type III Radio Storm Observed By Stereo/Waves, Eastwood, J. P.; Wheatland, M. S.; Hudson, H. S.; Krucker, S.; Bale, S. D.; Maksimovic, M.; Goetz, K.; Bougeret, J.-L., Astrophys. J. Lett., 708 (2), L95-L99, 2010.

98. Statistically Derived Flaring Chromospheric-Coronal Density Structure from Non-thermal X-ray Observations of the Sun, Saint-Hilaire, P.; Krucker, S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 721 (2), 1933-1940, 2010.

99. The white-light continuum in the impulsive phase of a solar flare, Hudson, Hugh; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Krucker, Sa"m, eprint arXiv:1001.1005, 2010.


100. A diffusive description of the focused transport of solar energetic particles. Intensity- and anisotropy-time profiles as a powerful diagnostic tool for interplanetary particle transport conditions, Artmann, S.; Schlickeiser, R.; Agueda, N.; Krucker, S.; Lin, R. P., Astron. Astrophys., 535, A92, 2011.

101. An Observational Overview of Solar Flares, Fletcher, L.; Dennis, B. R.; Hudson, H. S.; Krucker, S.; Phillips, K.; Veronig, A.; Battaglia, M.; Bone, L.; Caspi, A.; Chen, Q.; Gallagher, P.; Grigis, P. T.; Ji, H.; Liu, W.; Milligan, R. O.; Temmer, M., Space Sci. Rev., 159 (1-4), 19-106, 2011.

102. Electron Acceleration Associated with Solar Jets, Krucker, Säm; Kontar, E. P.; Christe, S.; Glesener, L.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 742 (2), 82, 2011.

103. Estimates of Densities and Filling Factors from a Cooling Time Analysis of Solar Microflares Observed with RHESSI, Baylor, R. N.; Cassak, P. A.; Christe, S.; Hannah, I. G.; Krucker, Säm; Mullan, D. J.; Shay, M. A.; Hudson, H. S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 736 (1), 75, 2011.

104. Estimation of the Reconnection Electric Field in the 2003 October 29 X10 Flare, Yang, Ya-Hui; Cheng, C. Z.; Krucker, Säm; Hsieh, Min-Shiu, Astrophys. J., 731 (1), 15, 2011.

105. High-resolution Imaging of Solar Flare Ribbons and Its Implication on the Thick-target Beam Model, Krucker, Säm; Hudson, H. S.; Jeffrey, N. L. S.; Battaglia, M.; Kontar, E. P.; Benz, A. O.; Csillaghy, A.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 739 (2), 96, 2011.

106. Imaging Spectroscopy of a White-Light Solar Flare, Martínez Oliveros, J. C.; Couvidat, S.; Schou, J.; Krucker, S.; Lindsey, C.; Hudson, H. S.; Scherrer, P., Solar Phys., 269 (2), 269-281, 2011.

107. Imaging Spectroscopy Using AIA Diffraction Patterns in Conjunction with RHESSI and EVE Observations, Raftery, Claire L.; Krucker, Säm; Lin, Robert P., Astrophys. J. Lett., 743 (2), L27, 2011.

108. Microflares and the Statistics of X-ray Flares, Hannah, I. G.; Hudson, H. S.; Battaglia, M.; Christe, S.; Kašparová, J.; Krucker, S.; Kundu, M. R.; Veronig, A., Space Sci. Rev., 159 (1-5), 263-300, 2011.

109. On the Near-Earth Observation of Protons and Electrons from the Decay of Low-energy Solar Flare Neutrons, Agueda, Neus; Krucker, Säm; Lin, Robert P.; Wang, Linghua, Astrophys. J., 737 (2), 53, 2011.

110. On the Relation of Above-the-loop and Footpoint Hard X-Ray Sources in Solar Flares, Ishikawa, S.; Krucker, Säm; Takahashi, T.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 737 (2), 48, 2011.

111. Pitch-angle Distributions and Temporal Variations of 0.3-300 keV Solar Impulsive Electron Events, Wang, L.; Lin, R. P.; Krucker, Säm, Astrophys. J., 27 (2), 121, 2011.

112. RHESSI Imaging Survey of γ-ray Bremsstrahlung Emission in Solar Flares, Ishikawa, S.; Krucker, Säm; Takahashi, T.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 728 (1), 22, 2011.

113. Solar energetic electron probes of magnetic cloud field line lengths, Kahler, S. W.; Krucker, S.; Szabo, A., J. Geophys. Res., 116 (A1), A01104, 2011.

114. Temperature and Density Estimates of Extreme-ultraviolet Flare Ribbons Derived from TRACE Diffraction Patterns, Krucker, Säm; Raftery, Claire L.; Hudson, Hugh S., Astrophys. J., 734 (1), 34, 2011.

115. The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI), Krucker, Säm; Christe, Steven; Glesener, Lindsay; Ishikawa, Shin-Nosuke; McBride, Stephen; Glaser, David; Turin, Paul; Lin, R. P.; Gubarev, Mikhail; Ramsey, Brian; Saito, Shinya; Tanaka, Yasuyuki; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Watanabe, Shin; Tanaka, Takaaki; Tajima, Hiroyasu; Masuda, Satoshi, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy V. Edited by O'Dell, Stephen L.; Pareschi, Giovanni. Proceedings of the SPIE, 8147, 814705-814705-14, 2011.

116. The RHESSI Microflare Height Distribution, Christe, Steven; Krucker, S; Saint-Hilaire, Pascal, , eprint, 2011.


117. Determination of Electromagnetic Source Direction as an Eigenvalue Problem, Martínez-Oliveros, Juan C.; Lindsey, Charles; Bale, Stuart D.; Krucker, Säm, Solar Phys., 279, 153-171, 2012.

118. Hard X-Ray Observations of a Jet and Accelerated Electrons in the Corona, Glesener, Lindsay; Krucker, Säm; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 754 (1), 1-9, 2012.

119. Observational Aspects of Particle Acceleration in Large Solar Flares, Raymond, John C.; Krucker, Säm; Lin, Robert P.; Petrosian, Vahé, Space Sci. Rev., online first, 2012.

120. Radio Imaging of Shock-accelerated Electrons Associated with an Erupting Plasmoid on 2010 November 3, Bain, H. M.; Krucker, Säm; Glesener, L.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 750 (1), 44, 2012.

121. Solar Particle Acceleration Radiation and Kinetics (SPARK). A mission to understand the nature of particle acceleration, Matthews, Sarah A.; Williams, David R.; Klein, Karl-Ludwig; Kontar, Eduard P.; Smith, David M.; Lagg, Andreas; Krucker, Sam; Hurford, Gordon J.; Vilmer, Nicole; MacKinnon, Alexander L.; Zharkova, Valentina V.; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Hannah, Iain G.; Browning, Philippa K.; Innes, Davina E.; Trottet, Gerard; Foullon, Clare; Nakariakov, Valery M.; Green, Lucie M.; Lamoureux, Herve; Forsyth, Colin; Walton, David M.; Mathioudakis, Mihalis; Gandorfer, Achim; Martinez-Pillet, Valentin; Limousin, Olivier; Verwichte, Erwin; Dalla, Silvia; Mann, Gottfried; Aurass, Henri; Neukirch, Thomas, Experimental Astronomy, 33 (2-3), 237-269, 2012.

122. The 2010 August 1 Type II Burst: A CME-CME Interaction and its Radio and White-light Manifestations, Martínez Oliveros, Juan Carlos; Raftery, Claire L.; Bain, Hazel M.; Liu, Ying; Krupar, Vratislav; Bale, Stuart; Krucker, Säm, Astrophys. J., 748 (1), 66, 2012.

123. The Height of a White-light Flare and Its Hard X-Ray Sources, Martínez Oliveros, Juan-Carlos; Hudson, Hugh S.; Hurford, Gordon J.; Krucker, Säm; Lin, R. P.; Lindsey, Charles; Couvidat, Sebastien; Schou, Jesper; Thompson, W. T., Astrophys. J. Lett., 753 (2), L26, 2012.

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