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Steven Boggs
1. Pulse shape discrimination techniques for correcting the effects of radiation damage on germanium detectors, W. Ho, S. E. Boggs, R. P. Lin, S. Slassi-Sennou, E. Hull, N. W. Madden, and R. H. Pehl, in 1996 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Anaheim, CA 2-9 Nov. 1996, A. Del Guerra (ed.), IEEE, New York, NY, 2, 894-898, 1996.
2. HIREGS observations of the galactic center and galactic plane: Separation of the diffuse galactic hard X-ray continuum from the point source spectra, S. E. Boggs, R. P. Lin, W. Coburn, P. Feffer, R. M. Pelling, P. Schroeder, S. Slassi-Sennou, in The transparent Universe, Proceedings 2nd INTEGRAL Workshop, ESA SP, 382, 153, 1997. 3. Simulation results of pulse shape discrimination (PSD) for background reduction in integral spectrometer (SPI) germanium detectors, S. A. Slassi-Senou, S. E. Boggs, P. T. Feffer and R. P. Lin, in The Transparent Universe: Proceedings 2nd INTEGRAL Workshop (St. Malo, France, 16-20 September 1996), C. Winkler, T. J.-L. Courvoisier, and Ph. Durouchoux (eds.), ESA Publications, The Netherlands, ESA SP-382, 627, 1997.
4. Pulse-shape discrimination techniques for correcting the effects of radiation damage in germanium coaxial detectors, W. C. G. Ho, S. E. Boggs, R. P. Lin, S. Slassi-Sennou, N. W. Madden, R. H. Pehl, E. L. Hull, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. Phys. Res. A, 412, 507, 1998. 5. Simulations of pulse shape discrimination (PSD) techniques for background reduction in Germanium detectors, Philhour, B., S. E. Boggs, R. Campbell, P. T. Feffer, R. P. Lin, S. McBride, J. H. Primbsch, S. Slassi-Sennou, C. P. Cork, F. S. Goulding, P.N. Luke, N. W. Madden, D.F. Malone, and R. H. Pehl, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. Phys. Res., A 403, 136, 1998.
6. First test results from a high resolution CdZnTe pixel detector with VLSI readout, W. R. Cook, S. E. Boggs, A. E. Bolotnikov, J. A. Burnham, F. A. Harrison, B. Keckman, B. Matthews, S. M. Schindler and F. J. Fitzsimmons, in Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications (SPIE Proceedings), F. P. Doty (ed.) SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., Bellingham, WA, 3769, 92-96, 1999. 7. Use of a pulsed laser to study properties of CdZnTe pixel detectors, A. E. Bolotnikov, S. E. Boggs, W. R. Cook, F. A. Harrison and S. M. Schindler, in Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications (SPIE Proceedings), F. P. Doty (ed.), SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., Bellingham, WA, 3769, 52-58, 1999.
8. Cyclone hard X-ray observatory, S. E. Boggs et al., in X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XI (SPIE Proceedings, 30 July-4 August 2000, San Diego, CA), K. A. Flanagan and O. H. Siegmund (eds.), SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., Bellingham, WA, 4140, 166-177, 2000. 9. Development of CdZnTe pixel detectors for astrophysical applications, F. A. Harrison, S. E. Boggs, A. E. Bolotkinov, C. Chen, W. R. Cook, and S. M. Schindler, in Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics II (SPIE Proceedings, San Diego, CA 31 July-2 Aug. 2000), R. B. James, R. C. Schirato (eds.), SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., Bellingham, WA, 4141, 137-143, 2000. 10. Diffuse galactic soft gamma-ray emission, S. E. Boggs, R. P. Lin, S. Slassi-Sennou, W. Coburn, and R. M. Pelling, Astrophys. J., 544, 320, 2000. 11. Event reconstruction in high resolution Compton telescopes, S. E. Boggs and P. Jean, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 145, 311, 2000. 12. High resolution CdZnTe pixel detectors with VLSI readout, W. R. Cook, S. E. Boggs, A. E. Bolotnikov, J. A. Burnham, M. J. Fitzsimmons, F. A. Harrison, B. Kecman, B. Matthews, and S. M. Schindler, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Seattle, WA, 24-30 Oct. 1999, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 47, 1454-1457, 2000. 13. Investigation of optimal contact geometry for CdZnTe pixel detectors, A. E. Bolotkinov, S. E. Boggs, C. Chen, W. R. Cook, F. A. Harrison, and S. M. Schindler, in Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics II (SPIE Proceedings, San Diego, CA, 31 July-2 Aug. 2000), R. B. James, R. C. Schirato (eds.), SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., Bellingham, WA, 4141, 243-252, 2000. 14. Laboratory tests of pulse shape discrimination techniques for correcting the effects of radiation damage in germanium coaxial detectors, S. E. Boggs, E. L. Hull, R. P. Lin, N. W. Madden, S. McBride, R. H. Pehl, J. H. Primbsch, and S. Slassi-Sennou, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. Phys. Res., 443, 319, 2000.
15. Detection of a possible terrestrial gamma-ray burst up to 10 MeV over the polar cap, S. E. Boggs, R. P. Lin, R. M. Millan, D. M. Smith, A. T. Weatherwax, and T. J. Rosenberg, Geophys. Res. Lett., submitted, 2001. 16. Development of high spectral resolution CdZnTe pixel detectors for astronomical hard X-ray telescopes, A. E. Bolotnikov, W. R. Cook, S. E. Boggs, F. A. Harrison, and S. M. Schindler, Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res., A458, 585-592, 2001. 17. Overview of the Cyclone hard X-ray observatory, S.E. Boggs, R.P. Lin, B.R. Dennis, N.W. Madden, P. von Ballmoos, K. Thomsen, G.J. Hurford, K.C. Hurley, D.M. Smith, R.M. Millan, P. Jean, and J. Knoedlseder, Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe, Proceedings of the Fourth Integral Workshop, edited by B. Battrick, SP-459, 541-544, 2001. 18. Performance characteristics of high resolution Compton telescopes, S. E. Boggs and P. Jean, Astron. Astrophys., 376, 1126-1134, 2001. 19. Simulated performance of a germanium Compton telescope, S. E. Boggs and P. Jean, in Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe – Proceedings of the Fourth Integral Workshop, Alcante, Spain, 4-8 Sept. 2000, A. Gimenez, V. Reglero, C. Winker, and B. Battrick (eds.), Eur. Space Agency, Paris, ESA SP-459, 537-540, 2001. 20. The Nuclear Compton Telescope: a balloon-borne soft gamma-ray spectrometer, polarimeter, and imager, S. E. Boggs, P. Jean, R. P. Lin, D. M. Smith, P. von Ballmoos, N. W. Madden, P. N. Luke, M. Amman, M. T. Burks, E. L. Hull, W. Craig, and K. Ziock, in Proceedings of Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 2001, AIP Conf. Proc., 587, 877, 2001.
21. 3D positioning germanium detectors for gamma-ray astronomy, W. Coburn, S. Amrose, S. E. Boggs, R. P. Lin, M. S. Amman, M. T. Burks, E. L. Hull, P. N. Luke, and N. W. Madden, in SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie – the International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, 4784, 54-63, 2002. 22. A germanium gamma ray imager with 3-D position sensitivity, M. T. Burks, M. Amman, S. E. Boggs, E. L. Hull, P. N. Luke, N. W. Madden, V. J. Riot, and K. P. Ziock, in 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, IEEE, New York, NY, 1, 223-225, 2002. 23. Balloon flight test of pulse shape discrimination (PSD) electronics and background model performance on the HIREGS payload, S. E. Boggs, P. Jean, S. Slassi-Sennou, W. Coburn, R. P. Lin, N. W. Madden, S. McBride, R. M. Pelling, J. H. Primbsch, and P. von Ballmoos, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. Phys. Res., A491, 390-401, 2002. 24. Developments toward the Nuclear Compton Telescope, S. E. Boggs, S. Amrose, W. Coburn, G. Holland, R. P. Lin, R. Millan, D. Smith, M. Amman, M. T. Burks, E. L. Hull, P. N. Luke, N. W. Madden, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, W. Craig, and K. Ziock, 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1, 496, 2002. 25. Guarded needle for "charge injection" measurement, Cao, Yang; Jiang, Grace Ge; Boggs, Steven, Review of Scientific Instruments, 73 (8), 3012-3017, 2002. 26. Numerical modeling of charge sharing in CdZnTe pixel detectors, C. M. H. Chen, S. E. Boggs, A. E. Bolotnikov, W. R. Cook, F. A. Harrison, and S. M. Schindler, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 49, 270-276, 2002. 27. Numerical simulations of 3D positioning in cross-strip Ge detectors, S. Amrose, S. E. Boggs, W. Coburn, G. Holland, R. P. Lin, and D. M. Smith, 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1, 230, 2002. 28. Properties of Pt Schottky type contacts on high-resistivity CdZnTe detectors, Bolotnikov, Aleksey E.; Boggs, Steven E.; Hubert Chen, C. M.; Cook, Walter R.; Harrison, Fiona A.; Schindler, Stephen M. , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 482 (1-2), 395-407, 2002. 29. Results of charge sharing tests in a Ge-strip detector, W. Coburn, S. E. Boggs, S. Amrose, R. P. Lin, M. T. Burks, M. Amman, P. N. Luke, N. W. Madden, and E. L. Hull, 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1, 226, 2002.
30. Calibration of 3D positioning in cross strip Ge detectors, S. Amrose, S. E. Boggs, W. Coburn, R. P. Lin, D. M. Smith, M. Amman, M. T. Burks, P. N. Luke, N. W. Madden, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, W. Craig, and K. Ziock, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. Phys. Res., A505, 170-173, 2003. 31. High-resolution spectroscopic imaging (HIS) mission, F. A. Harrison, S. E. Boggs, F. E. Christensen, N. A. Gehrels, J. E. Grindlay, C. M. H. Chen, W. W. Craig, C. J. Hailey, P. Pinto, S. Thorsett, J. Tueller, D. L. Windt, and S. E. Woosley, SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., Bellingham, WA, 4851, 345, 2003. 32. Polarization constraints on gamma-ray event circles in Compton scatter instruments, S.E. Boggs, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. Phys. Res., A503, 562-566, 2003. 33. Polarization of the prompt gamma-ray emission from the gamma-ray burst of 6 December 2002, W. Coburn and S. E. Boggs, Nature, 503, 562-566, 2003. 34. SPI instrumental background characteristics, P. Jean, G. Vedrenne, J. P. Roques, V. Shoenfelder, B. J. Teegarden, A. von Kienlin, J. Knodlseder, C. Wunderer, G. K. skinner, G. Weidenspointner, D. Attie, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, M. Gros, P. Leleux, G. G. Lichti, E. Kalemci, J. Kiner, V. Lonjou, P. Mandrou, Ph. Paul, S. Schanne, and P. von Ballmoos, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L107-L112, 2003. 35. SPI: The spectrometer aboard INTEGRAL, G. Vedrenne, J.-P. Roques, V. Schönfelder, P. Mandrou, G.G. Lichti, A. von Kienlin, B. Cordier, S. Schanne, J. Knödlseder, G. Skinner, P. Jean, F. Sanchez, P. Caraveo, B. Teegarden, P. von Ballmoos, L. Bouchet, P. Paul, J. Matteson, S. Boggs, C. Wunderer, P. Leleux, G. Weidenspointner, Ph. Durouchoux, R. Diehl, A. Strong, M. Casse, M.A. Clair and Y. André, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L63-L70, 2003. 36. SPI/INTEGRAL in-flight performance, J. P. Roques, S. Schanne, A. von Kienlin, J. Knodlseder, R. Briet, L. Bouchet, Ph. Paul, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, M. Casse, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, P. Durouchoux, P. Jean, P. Leleux, G. Lichti, P. Mandrou, J. Matteson, F. Sanchez, V. Shoenfelder, G. Skinner, A. Strong, B. Teegarden, G. Vedrenne, P. von Ballmoos, and C. Wunderer, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L91-L100, 2003. 37. SPI/INTEGRAL observation of the Cygnus region, L. Bouchet, E. Jourdain, J. P. Roques, P. Mandrou, P. von Ballmoos, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, M. Casse, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, P. Durouchoux, A. von Kienlin, J. Knodlseder, P. Jean, P. Leleux, G. G. Lichti, J. Matteson, F. Sanchez, S. Schanne, V. Shoenfelder, G. Skinner, A. Strong, B. Teegarden, G. Vedrenne, and C. Wunderer, Astron. Astrophys., 411, L377-L382, 2003. 38. Upcoming balloon flight of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, S.E. Boggs, S. Amrose, W. Coburn, R. P. Lin, D. M. Smith, M. Amman, M. T. Burks, P. N. Luke, N. W. Madden, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, W. Craig, and K. Ziock, SPIE, 4851, 1221, 2003.
39. Erratum to ``Polarization constraints on gamma-ray event circles in Compton scatter instruments'' [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 503 (2003) 562–566] , Boggs, S. E., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 524 (1-3), 392, 2004. 40. Overview of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, S. E. Boggs, W. Coburn, D. M. Smith, J. D. Bowen, P. Jean, J. M. Kregenow, R. P. Lin, and P. von Ballmoos, New Astronomy Reviews, 48, 251-255, 2004. 41. Preliminary laboratory performance of the NCT prototype flight electronics, Coburn, Wayne; Boggs, Steven E.; Kregenow, Julia M.; Bowen, Jason D.; Amman, Mark S.; Burkes, Morgan T.; Craig, William W.; Jean, Pierre; Lin, Robert P.; Luke, Paul N.; Madden, Norman W.; Smith, David M.; von Ballmoos, Peter; Ziock, Klaus , X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII. Edited by Flanagan, Kathryn A.; Siegmund, Oswald H. W. Proceedings of the SPIE, 5165, 131-138, 2004. 42. Rotating modulation collimator imagers, D. M. Smith, G. J. Hurford, S. E. Boggs, New Astronomy Reviews, 48, 209-213, 2004. 43. Testing Lorentz Invariance with GRB021206, S. E. Boggs, C. B. Wunderer, K. Hurley, W. Coburn, Astrophys. J. Lett., 611, L77-L80, 2004. 44. Unified One-Dimensional Simulations of Gamma-Ray Line Emission from Type Ia Supernovae, Milne, P. A.; Hungerford, A. L.; Fryer, C. L.; Evans, T. M.; Urbatsch, T. J.; Boggs, S. E.; Isern, J.; Bravo, E.; Hirschmann, A.; Kumagai, S.; Pinto, P. A.; The, L.-S., Astrophys. J., 613, 1101-1119, 2004.
45. An exceptionally bright flare from SGR 1806-20 and the origins of short-duration gamma-ray bursts, Hurley, K., S. E. Boggs, D. M. Smith, R. C. Duncan, R. Lin, A. Zoglauer, S. Krucker, G. Hurford, H. Hudson, C. Wigger, W. Hajdas, C. Thompson, I. Mitrofanov, A. Sanin, W. Boynton, C. Fellows, A. von Kienlin, G. Lichti, A. Rau and T. Cline, Nature, 434(7037), 1098-1103, 2005. 46. Development of the HEFT and NuSTAR focusing telescopes, Harrison, Fiona A.; Christensen, Finn E.; Craig, William; Hailey, Charles; Baumgartner, Wayne; Chen, C. M. H.; Chonko, James; Cook, W. Rick; Koglin, Jason; Madsen, Kristin-Kruse; Pivavoroff, Michael; Boggs, Steven; Smith, David, Experimental Astronomy, 20 (1-3), 131-137, 2005. 47. First results from the balloon flight of the NCT prototype, Coburn, Wayne; Boggs, Steven E.; Bowen, Jason D.; Bandstra, Mark E.; Amman, Mark S.; Burks, Morgan T.; Craig, William; Jean, Pierre; Lin, Robert P.; Luke, Paul N.; Madden, Norman W.; Smith, David M.; von Ballmoos, Peter , UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV. Edited by Siegmund, Oswald H. W. Proceedings of the SPIE, 5898, 13-21, 2005. 48. IREM Observations of the Initial Spike from the SGR1806-20 Giant Flare, Hajdas, W.; Wigger, C.; Smith, D. M.; Bergogne, O.; Boggs, S.; Buehler, P.; Hurley, K.; di Marco, F.; Mohhamadzadeh, A.; Produit, N.; Schmidt, M., ASTROPHYSICAL SOURCES OF HIGH ENERGY PARTICLES AND RADIATION. AIP Conference Proceedings, 801, 304-305, 2005. 49. MAX, a Laue diffraction lens for nuclear astrophysics, Barrière, N.; Ballmoos, P. Von; Halloin, H.; Abrosimov, N.; Alvarez, J. M.; Andersen, K.; Bastie, P.; Boggs, S.; Courtois, P.; Courvoisier, T.; Harris, M.; Hernanz, M.; Isern, J.; Jean, P.; Knödlseder, J.; Skinner, G.; Smither, B.; Ubertini, P.; Vedrenne, G.; Weidenspointner, G.; Wunderer, C. , Experimental Astronomy, 20 (1-3), 269-278, 2005. 50. Performance of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, Boggs, Steven; Bandstra, Mark; Bowen, Jason; Coburn, Wayne; Lin, Robert; Wunderer, Cornelia; Zoglauer, Andreas; Amman, Mark; Luke, Paul; Jean, Pierre; Ballmoos, Peter Von, Experimental Astronomy, 20 (1-3), 387-394, 2005.
51. Adding hard X-ray imaging capabilities to a Compton telescope , C.B. Wunderer, M.E. Bandstra, S.E. Boggs, J.D. Bowen, W. Coburn , Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, ESA SP-XXX, submitted, 2006. 52. Gamma-Ray Polarimetry of Two X-Class Solar Flares, Boggs, Steven E.; Coburn, W.; Kalemci, E. , Astrophys. J., 638 (2), 1129-1139, 2006. 53. Pre-flight calibration of the prototype Nuclear Compton Telescope, Bowen, Jason D.; Bandstra, Mark E.; Boggs, Steven E.; Coburn, Wayne; Wunderer, Cornelia B.; Lin, Robert P.; Amman, Mark; Luke, Paul N.; Burks, Morgan T.; Craig, William; Madden, Norman W.; Smith, David M.; von Ballmoos, Peter; Jean, Pierre, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Edited by Turner, Martin J. L.; Hasinger, Günther. Proceedings of the SPIE, 6266, 626625, 2006. 54. Search for Neutron-Capture Gamma-Ray Lines from A0535+26 in Outburst, Boggs, Steven E.; Smith, David M., Astrophys. J., 637 (2), L121-L124, 2006. 55. Searching for Annihilation Radiation from SN 1006 with SPI on INTEGRAL, Kalemci, E.; Boggs, S. E.; Milne, P. A.; Reynolds, S. P., Astrophys. J., 640 (1), L55-L57, 2006. 56. Searching for MIllisecond Flares in INTEGRAL GRBs -- towards constraining Lorentz Invariance and Quantum Gravity with INTEGRAL GRBs , C.B. Wunderer, S.E. Boggs, W. Coburn, K. Hurley , Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, ESA SP-XXX, in prep, 2006. 57. Simulated performance of dedicated Ge-strip Compton telescopes as gamma-lens focal plane instrumentation , C.B. Wunderer, P.v. Ballmoos, N. Barriere, S.E. Boggs, G. Weidenspointner, A. Zoglauer , Experimental Astronomy, 20 (1-3), 365-373, 2006. 58. The ACT Vision Mission Study Simulation Effort , C.B. Wunderer, R.M. Kippen, P.F. Bloser, S.E. Boggs, M.L. McConnell, M. Harris, A. Hoover, A.V. Klimenko, E.I. Novikova, U. Oberlack, S.Sturner, D. Tournear, G. Weidenspointner, A. Zoglauer, Proc. Astronomy with Radioactivities V, New Astr. Rev., 50 (7-8), 608-612, 2006. 59. The Advanced Compton Telescope mission, Boggs, Steven E., New Astronomy Reviews, 50 (7-8), 604-607, 2006. 60. The Advanced Compton Telescope Mission , C.B. Wunderer, S.E. Boggs, J. Kurfess, J.M. Ryan, E. Aprile, N. Gehrels, R.M. Kippen, M. Leising, U. Oberlack, A. Zych, M. Baring, J. Beacom, L. Bildsten, P.F. Bloser, C. Dermer, M. Harris, D.H. Hartmann, M. Hernanz, A. Hoover, A. Klimenko, D. Kocevski, M.L. McConnell, P. Milne, E.I. Novikova, B. Phlips, M. Polsen, D.M. Smith, S. Starrfield, S. Sturner, D. Tournear, G. Weidenspointner, E. Wulf, A. Zoglauer, for the larger ACT Collaboration , Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Workshop, ESA SP-XXX , in prep, 2006. 61. X-Ray Observations of SN 1006 with INTEGRAL, Kalemci, E.; Reynolds, S. P.; Boggs, S. E.; Lund, N.; Chenevez, J.; Renaud, M.; Rho, J. , Astrophys. J., 644 (1), 274-278, 2006. 62. X-Ray Observations of SN 1006 with INTEGRAL, Kalemci, E.; Reynolds, S. P.; Boggs, S. E.; Lund, N.; Chenevez, J.; Renaud, M.; Rho, J. , Astrophys. J., 644 (1), 274-278, 2006.
63. A Bayesian-based Method for Particle Track Identification in Low-energy Pair-creation Telescopes, Zoglauer, Andreas; Andritschke, Robert; Kanbach, Gottfried; Boggs, Steven E., THE FIRST GLAST SYMPOSIUM. AIP Conference Proceedings, 921, 584-585, 2007. 64. Amorphous-semiconductor-contact germanium-based detectors for gamma-ray imaging and spectroscopy, Amman, M.; Luke, P. N.; Boggs, S. E., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A , 579 (2), 886-890, 2007. 65. Massive disturbance of the daytime lower ionosphere by the giant γ-ray flare from magnetar SGR 1806-20, Inan, U. S.; Lehtinen, N. G.; Moore, R. C.; Hurley, K.; Boggs, S.; Smith, D. M.; Fishman, G. J., Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 (8), L08103, 2007. 66. Recognition of Compton scattering patterns in advanced Compton telescopes, Zoglauer, Andreas; Boggs, Steven E.; Andritschke, Robert; Kanbach, Gottfried, Mathematics of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, Coding, and Encryption X, with Applications. Edited by Ritter, Gerhard X.; Schmalz, Mark S.; Barrera, Junior; Astola, Jaakko T.. Proceedings of the SPIE, 6700, 67000I, 2007. 67. Search for Millisecond Flares in INTEGRAL and RHESSI GRBs - towards probing Quantum Gravity with GRBs, Wunderer, Cornelia B.; Bellm, Eric; Boggs, Steven E.; Hurley, Kevin, THE FIRST GLAST SYMPOSIUM. AIP Conference Proceedings, 921, 512-513, 2007. 68. Search for Polarization from the Prompt Gamma-Ray Emission of GRB 041219a with SPI on INTEGRAL, Kalemci, E.; Boggs, S. E.; Kouveliotou, C.; Finger, M.; Baring, M. G., The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series , 169 (1), 75-82, 2007. 69. The Advanced Compton Telescope, Boggs, Steven E., THE FIRST GLAST SYMPOSIUM. AIP Conference Proceedings, 921, 208-210, 2007. 70. The Giant Flare of 2004 December 27 from SGR 1806-20, Boggs, Steven E.; Zoglauer, A.; Bellm, E.; Hurley, K.; Lin, R. P.; Smith, D. M.; Wigger, C.; Hajdas, W., Astrophys. J., 661 (1), 458-467, 2007. 71. The Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT): Scientific goals and expected sensitivity, For The Nct Collaboration; Boggs, Steven; Chang, Yuan-Hann, Adv. Space Res., 40 (8), 1281-1287, 2007.
72. Observations of the Prompt Gamma-Ray Emission of GRB 070125, Bellm, Eric C.; Hurley, Kevin; Pal'shin, Valentin; Yamaoka, Kazutaka; Bandstra, Mark S.; Boggs, Steven E.; Hong, Soojing; Kodaka, Natsuki; Kozyrev, A. S.; Litvak, M. L.; Mitrofanov, I. G.; Nakagawa, Yujin E.; Ohno, Masanori; Onda, Kaori; Sanin, A. B.; Sugita, Satoshi; Tashiro, Makoto; Tretyakov, V. I.; Urata, Yuji; Wigger, Claudia, Astrophys. J., 688 (1), 491-498, 2008. 73. RHESSI Spectral Fits of Swift GRBs, Bellm, Eric C.; Bandstra, Mark E.; Boggs, Steven E.; Hajdas, Wojtek; Hurley, Kevin; Smith, David M.; Wigger, Claudia, GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1000 , 154-157, 2008.
74. Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of RHESSI GRBs, Bellm, Eric C.; Bandstra, Mark E.; Boggs, Steven E.; Hajdas, Wojtek; Hurley, Kevin; Smith, David M.; Wigger, Claudia, GAMMA-RAY BURST: Sixth Huntsville Symposium. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1133, 31-33, 2009.
75. A DUAL mission for nuclear astrophysics, von Ballmoos, Peter; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Boggs, Steven E., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 623 (1), 431-433, 2010. 76. Antideuterons as an indirect dark matter signature: Si(Li) detector development and a GAPS balloon mission, Aramaki, T.; Boggs, S. E.; Craig, W. W.; Fuke, H.; Gahbauer, F.; Hailey, C. J.; Koglin, J. E.; Madden, N.; Mori, K.; Ong, R. A.; Yoshida, T., Adv. Space Res., 46 (11), 1349-1353, 2010. 77. Development of efficient Laue lenses: experimental results and projects, Barrière, Nicolas; Tomsick, John; Boggs, Steven; Rousselle, Julien; von Ballmoos, Peter, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Edited by Arnaud, Monique; Murray, Stephen S.; Takahashi, Tadayuki. Proceedings of the SPIE, 7732, 773226-772115-11, 2010. 78. DUAL Gamma-Ray Mission, Boggs, S.; Wunderer, C.; von Ballmoos, P.; Takahashi, T.; Gehrels, N.; Tueller, J.; Baring, M.; Beacom, J.; Diehl, R.; Greiner, J.; Grove, E.; Hartmann, D.; Hernanz, M.; Jean, P.; Johnson, N.; Kanbach, G.; Kippen, M.; Knödlseder, J.; Leising, M.; Madejski, G.; McConnell, M.; Milne, P.; Motohide, K.; Nakazawa, K.; Oberlack, U.; Phlips, B.; Ryan, J.; Skinner, G.; Starrfield, S.; Tajima, H.; Wulf, E.; Zoglauer, A.; Zych, A., eprint arXiv:1006.2102, 2010. 79. Ground calibrations of Nuclear Compton Telescope, Chiu, Jeng-Lun; Liu, Zhong-Kai; Bandstra, Mark S.; Bellm, Eric C.; Liang, Jau-Shian; Perez-Becker, Daniel; Zoglauer, Andreas; Boggs, Steven E.; Chang, Hsiang-Kuang; Chang, Yuan-Hann; Huang, Minghuey A.; Amman, Mark; Chiang, Shiuan-Juang; Hung, Wei-Che; Lin, Chih-Hsun; Luke, Paul N.; Run, Ray-Shine; Wunderer, Cornelia B., Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Edited by Arnaud, Monique; Murray, Stephen S.; Takahashi, Tadayuki. Proceedings of the SPIE, 7732, 77324H-77324H-9, 2010. 80. Preliminary results from the Spring 2010 balloon campaign of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, Chiu, Jeng-Lun; Bellm, Eric C.; Boggs, Steven E.; Chang, Hsiang-Kuang; Chang, Yuan-Hann; Huang, Minghuey A.; Amman, Mark; Bandstra, Mark S.; Hung, Wei-Che; Liang, Jau-Shian; Lin, Chih-Hsun; Liu, Zhong-Kai; Luke, Paul N.; Perez-Becker, Daniel; Run, Ray-Shine; Wunderer, Cornelia B.; Zoglauer, Andreas, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XII. Edited by Burger, Arnold; Franks, Larry A.; James, Ralph B. Proceedings of the SPIE, 7805, 780514-780514-8, 2010. 81. The 2010 balloon campaign of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, Bellm, Eric C.; Chiu, Jeng-Lun; Boggs, Steven E.; Chang, Hsiang-Kuang; Chang, Yuan-Hann; Huang, Minghuey A.; Amman, Mark; Bandstra, Mark S.; Hung, Wei-Che; Jean, Pierre; Liang, Jau-Shian; Lin, Chih-Hsun; Liu, Zhong-Kai; Luke, Paul N.; Perez-Becker, Daniel; Run, Ray-Shine; Zoglauer, Andreas, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Edited by Arnaud, Monique; Murray, Stephen S.; Takahashi, Tadayuki. Proceedings of the SPIE, 7732, 773224-773224-9, 2010. 82. The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), Harrison, Fiona A.; Boggs, Steve; Christensen, Finn; Craig, William; Hailey, Charles; Stern, Daniel; Zhang, William; Angelini, Lorella; An, Hongjun; Bhalerao, Varun; Brejnholt, Nicolai; Cominsky, Lynn; Cook, W. Rick; Doll, Melania; Giommi, Paolo; Grefenstette, Brian; Hornstrup, Allan; Kaspi, Vicky; Kim, Yunjin; Kitaguchi, Takeo; Koglin, Jason; Liebe, Carl Christian; Madejski, Greg; Kruse Madsen, Kristin; Mao, Peter; Meier, David; Miyasaka, Hiromasa; Mori, Kaya; Perri, Matteo; Pivovaroff, Michael; Puccetti, Simonetta; Rana, Vikram; Zoglauer, Andreas, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Edited by Arnaud, Monique; Murray, Stephen S.; Takahashi, Tadayuki. Proceedings of the SPIE, 7732, 77320S-77320S-8, 2010.
83. Design, implementation, and optimization of MEGAlib's image reconstruction tool Mimrec, Zoglauer, Andreas; Boggs, Steven E.; Galloway, Michelle; Amman, Mark; Luke, Paul N.; Marc Kippen, R., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 652 (1), 568-571, 2011. 84. Detection and Imaging of the Crab Nebula with the Nuclear Compton Telescope, Bandstra, M. S.; Bellm, E. C.; Boggs, S. E.; Perez-Becker, D.; Zoglauer, A.; Chang, H.-K.; Chiu, J.-L.; Liang, J.-S.; Chang, Y.-H.; Liu, Z.-K.; Hung, W.-C.; Huang, M.-H. A.; Chiang, S. J.; Run, R.-S.; Lin, C.-H.; Amman, M.; Luke, P. N.; Jean, P.; von Ballmoos, P.; Wunderer, C. B., Astrophys. J., 738 (1), 8, 2011. 85. Developing a second generation Laue lens prototype: high-reflectivity crystals and accurate assembly, Barrière, Nicolas M.; Tomsick, John A.; Boggs, Steven E.; Lowell, Alexander; von Ballmoos, Peter, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy V. Edited by O'Dell, Stephen L.; Pareschi, Giovanni. Proceedings of the SPIE, 8147, 81471D-81471D-10, 2011. 86. GRIPS - Gamma-Ray Imaging, Polarimetry and Spectroscopy, Greiner, Jochen; Mannheim, Karl; Aharonian, Felix; Ajello, Marco; Balasz, Lajos G.; Barbiellini, Guido; Bellazzini, Ronaldo; Bishop, Shawn; Bisnovatij-Kogan, Gennady S.; Boggs, Steven; Bykov, Andrej; Dicocco, Guido; Diehl, Roland; Elsässer, Dominik; Foley, Suzanne; Fransson, Claes; Gehrels, Neil; Hanlon, Lorraine; Hartmann, Dieter; Hermsen, Wim; Hillebrandt, Wolfgang; Hudec, Rene; Iyudin, Anatoli; Jose, Jordi; Kadler, Matthias; Kanbach, Gottfried; Klamra, Wlodek; Kiener, Jürgen; Klose, Sylvio; Kreykenbohm, Ingo; Kuiper, Lucien M.; Kylafis, Nikos; Labanti, Claudio; Langanke, Karlheinz; Langer, Norbert; Larsson, Stefan; Leibundgut, Bruno; Laux, Uwe; Longo, Francesco; Maeda, Kei'ichi; Marcinkowski, Radoslaw; Marisaldi, Martino; McBreen, Brian; McBreen, Sheila; Meszaros, Attila; Nomoto, Ken'ichi; Pearce, Mark; Peer, Asaf; Pian, Elena; Prantzos, Nikolas; Raffelt, Georg; Reimer, Olaf; Rhode, Wolfgang; Ryde, Felix; Schmidt, Christian; Silk, Joe; Shustov, Boris M.; Strong, Andrew; Tanvir, Nial; Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Tibolla, Omar; Tierney, David; Trümper, Joachim; Varshalovich, Dmitry A.; Wilms, Jörn; Wrochna, Grzegorz; Zdziarski, Andrzej; Zoglauer, Andreas, Experimental Astronomy, Online First, 2011. 87. Simulation and detector response for the High Efficiency Multimode Imager, Galloway, Michelle; Zoglauer, Andreas; Amman, Mark; Boggs, Steven E.; Luke, Paul N., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 652 (1), 641-645, 2011. 88. Spectral calibration and modeling of the NuSTAR CdZnTe pixel detectors, Kitaguchi, Takao; Grefenstette, Brian W.; Harrison, Fiona A.; Miyasaka, Hiromasa; Bhalerao, Varun B.; Cook, Walter R., III; Mao, Peter H.; Rana, Vikram R.; Boggs, Steven E.; Zoglauer, Andreas C., UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVII. Edited by Tsakalakos, Loucas. Proceedings of the SPIE, 8145, 814507-814507-11, 2011. 89. The DUAL mission concept, von Ballmoos, Peter; Alvarez, Jose; Barriere, Nicolas; Boggs, Steve; Bykov, Andrei; Del Cura Velayos, Juan Manuel; Frontera, Filippo; Hanlon, Lorraine; Hernanz, Margarita; Hinglais, Emmanuel; Isern, Jordi; Jean, Pierre; Knödlseder, Jürgen; Kuiper, Lucien; Leising, Mark; Pirard, Benoît; Prost, Jean-Pierre; da Silva, Rui; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Tomsick, John; Walter, Roland; Zoglauer, Andreas, UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVII. Edited by Tsakalakos, Loucas. Proceedings of the SPIE, 8145, 81450E-81450E-15, 2011. 90. Unveiling Physical Processes in Type Ia Supernovae With a Laue Lens Telescope, Barrière, Nicolas M.; Tomsick, John A; Boggs, Steven E.; von Ballmoos, Peter; Rousselle, Julien, eprint arXiv:1109.1307, 2011. 91. XMM-Newton Finds That SAX J1750.8-2900 May Harbor the Hottest, Most Luminous Known Neutron Star, Lowell, A. W.; Tomsick, J. A.; Heinke, C. O.; Bodaghee, A.; Boggs, S. E.; Kaaret, P.; Chaty, S.; Rodriguez, J.; Walter, R., Astrophys. J., 749 (2), 111, 2011.
92. A DUAL mission for nuclear astrophysics, von Ballmoos, Peter; Alvarez, Jose; Barrière, Nicolas; Boggs, Steve; Bykov, Andrei; Del Cura Velayos, Juan Manuel; Frontera, Filippo; Hanlon, Lorraine; Hernanz, Margarita; Hinglais, Emmanuel; Isern, Jordi; Jean, Pierre; Knödlseder, Jürgen; Kuiper, Lucien; Leising, Mark; Pirard, Benoît; Prost, Jean-Pierre; da Silva, Rui M. Curado; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Tomsick, John; Walter, Roland; Zoglauer, Andreas, Experimental Astronomy, Online First , 2012.
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