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Hugh Hudson
1. Determinations of the auroral zone X-ray spectrum, H. S. Hudson, G. K. Parks, D. W. Milton and K. A. Anderson, J. Geophys. Res., 70, 4979, 1965. 2. Spatial asymmetry and periodic time variations of X-ray microbursts in the auroral zone, G. K. Parks, H. S. Hudson, D. W. Milton and K. A. Anderson, J. Geophys. Res., 70, 4976, 1965.
3. Balloon and rocket observations of auroral zone microbursts, K. A. Anderson, L. M. Chase, H. S. Hudson, M. Lampton, D. W. Milton and G. K. Parks, J. Geophys. Res., 71, 4617, 1966. 4. Observations of the isotropic component of cosmic X-rays at balloon altitude, H. S. Hudson, J. H. Primbsch and K. A. Anderson, J. Geophys. Res., 71, 5665, 1966.
5. De-occultation x--ray Event of 2 December 1967, H. Zirin, W. Ingham, H.S. Hudson and D. McKenzie, Solar Phys., 9, 269, 1969. 6. Solar and cosmic x-rays above 7.7 keV, H.S. Hudson, L.E. Peterson and D.E. Schwartz, Solar Phys., 6, 205, 1969. 7. The hard solar x-ray spectrum observed from the third orbiting solar observatory, H.S. Hudson, L.E. Peterson and D.A. Schwartz, Astrophys. J., 157, 389, 1969.
8. Reinterpretation of OSO-III scintillation counter measurements of hard solar X-ray spectra, S. R. Kane and H. S. Hudson, Space Phys., 14, 414, 1970. 9. Simultaneous x-ray and optical observations of Sco X-1 flares, H.S. Hudson, L. E. Peterson and D.A. Schwartz, Astrophys. J. Lett., 159, L51, 1970. 10. The spectrum of diffuse cosmic x-rays: 7.7--113 keV, D.A. Schwartz, H.S. Hudson and L.E. Peterson, Astrophys. J., 162, 431, 1970.
11. 10-100 keV electron acceleration and emission from solar flares, R. P. Lin and H. S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 17, 412, 1971. 12. Type III solar radio bursts accompanied by soft X-radiation in the absence of H-alpha flares, R.G. Teske, T. Soyumer and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 165, 615, 1971.
13. Long-term temporal variations of the hard x-ray flux from the Centaurus region, D.A. Schwartz, L.E. Peterson and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 174, 549-555, 1972. 14. Search for weak white-light flares by time-wise photographic cancellation, Y. Uchida and H. Hudson, Solar Phys., 26, 155, 1972. 15. Soft x-ray and microwave observations of hot regions in solar flares, H.S. Hudson and K.Ohki, Solar Phys., 23, 155, 1972. 16. Thick target processes and white-light flares, H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 24, 414, 1972. 17. Upper limits to the x-ray luminosities of five supernovae, M. Ulmer, V. Grace, H.S. Hudson and D.A. Schwartz, Astrophys. J., 173, 205, 1972.
18. Direct observations of temperature amplitude of solar 300-Sec oscillations, H.S. Hudson and C. Lindsey, Astrophys. J. Lett., 187, L35-L36, 1974. 19. Observations of solar X--ray bursts in the energy range 5-15 keV, D.W. Datlowe, H.S. Hudson and L.E.Peterson, Solar Phys., 35, 193, 1974. 20. OSO-7 observations of solar x-rays in the energy range 10-100 keV, D.W. Datlowe, M.J. Elcan and H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 39, 155, 1974. 21. Submillimeter observations of the Orion Nebula and NGC2024, B.T. Soifer and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J. Lett., 191, L83, 1974.
22. Nonthermal processes in large solar flares, H. S. Hudson, T. W. Jones and R. P. Lin, Solar Gamma-, X- and EUV Radiation, ed. S. R. Kane, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 425, 1975. 23. The peculiar object HD 44179 (`The Red Rectangle), M. Cohen, C.M. Anderson, A. Cowley, G.V. Coyne, W. Frawley, T.R.Gull, E.A. Harlan, G.H. Herbig, F. Holden, H.S. Hudson, R.O. Jakoubek, H.M. Johnson, K.M. Merrill, F.H. Schiffer III, B.T. Soifer and B. Zuckerman, Astrophys. J., 196, 179, 1975. 24. The solar-flare infrared continuum, K. Ohki and H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 43, 405, 1975. 25. The solar-flare infrared continuum: observational techniques and upper limits, H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 45, 69, 1975. 26. Upper limits on stellar flare x-ray emission from OSO-3, V. Tsikoudi and H.S. Hudson, Astron. Astrophys., 44, 273, 1975.
27. Far-Infrared observations of IRC+10216, M.F. Campbell, J.H. Elias, D. Gezari, P. Harvey, W. Hoffmann, H. Hudson, G. Neugebauer, B.T. Soifer, M. Werner and W.E. Westbrook, Astrophys. J., 208, 396, 1976. 28. Non-thermal processes in large solar flares, R. P. Lin and H. S. Hudson, Space Phys., 50, 153-178, 1976. 29. Solar limb brightening in submillimeter wavelengths, C. Lindsey and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 203, 753, 1976. 30. Submillimeter observations of NGC 2024, OMC-2, and Mon R-2, HS Hudson and BT Soifer, Astrophys. J., 206, 100, 1976. 31. Surface photometry of the SBO Galaxy NGC 1023, J.S. Gallagher and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 88, 824, 1976.
32. A study of the planetary nebulae Abell 30 and Abell 78, M. Cohen, H.S. Hudson, S.L. O'Dell and W.A. Stein, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 181, 233, 1977. 33. Possible space missions for solar research after the Solar Maximum Mission, P. A. Sturrock, J. M. Beckers, J. C. Brown, R. C. Canfield, J. Harvey, T. E. Holzer, P. Hoyng, H. S. Hudson, R. P. Lin and J. L. Linsky, SUIPR Report No. 706, Stanford University, Stanford, 1977. 34. YOHKOH observations of flares with flat hard x-ray spectra, F. Farnik, H. Hudson and T. Watanabe, Astron. Astrophys., 320, 620, 1977.
35. A purely coronal hard X-ray event, H.S Hudson, Astrophys. J., 224, 235, 1978. 36. Indirect estimation of energy deposition by non-thermal electrons in solar flares, H. S. Hudson, R. C. Canfield and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 60, 137, 1978. 37. Large scale telescopes for high resolution X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy, H. S. Hudson and R. P. Lin, Space Sci. Instr., 4, 101, 1978. 38. Threshold effect in second-stage acceleration, H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 57, 237, 1978.
39. Ground-based observations of sources in the AFGL infrared sky survey, T. Gosnell, H.S.Hudson and R.C. Puetter, Astron. J., 84, 538, 1979.
40. HEAO 1 observations of gamma-ray lines from a solar flare, H.S. Hudson, T. Bai, D.E. Gruber, J.L. Matteson, P.L. Nolan and L.E. Peterson, Astrophys. J., 236, L91, 1980. 41. Impulsive phase of solar flares, S. R. Kane, C. J. Crannell, D. Datlowe, V. Feldman, A. Gabriel, H. S. Hudson, M. R. Kundu, C. Matzler, D. Neidig, V. Petrosian and N. R. Sheeley, Jr., Solar Flares, ed. P. A. Sturrock, Colorado Assoc. Univ. Press., 187, 1980.
42. The Pinhole/Occulter Facility, H. S. Hudson, J. L. Kohl, R. P. Lin, R. M. MacQueen, E. Tandberg-Hanssen and J. R. Dabbs, NASA TM-82413, Washington, DC, 27 pp. report, 1981. 43. Variations of solar irradiance, R.C. Willson and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J. Lett., 244, L185, 1981.
44. Chromospheric evaporation in a well-observed compact flare, L.W. Acton, R.C. Canfield, T.A. Gunkler, H.S. Hudson, A.L. Kiplinger and J.W. Leibacher, Astrophys. J., 263, 409-422, 1982. 45. Gamma radiation and photospheric white-light flare emission, H.S. Hudson and B.N. Dwivedi, Solar Phys., 76, 45, 1982. 46. Second-stage acceleration in a limb-occulted flare, H. S. Hudson, R. P. Lin and R. T. Stewart, Space Phys., 75, 245, 1982. 47. The effects of sunspots on solar irradiance, H.S. Hudson, S. Silva, M. Woodard and R.C. Willson, Solar Phys., 75, 245, 1982.
48. First-order Fermi acceleration in solar flares as a mechanism for the second-step acceleration of prompt protons and relativistic electrons, T. Bai, H. S. Hudson, R. M. Pelling, R. P. Lin, R. A. Schwartz and T. T. von Rosenvinge, Astrophys. J., 267, 433, 1983. 49. Gamma-ray imaging with a rotating modulator, P. Durouchoux, H. Hudson, G. Hurford, K. C. Hurley, J. Matteson and E. Orsal, Astron. & Astrophys., 120, 150, 1983. 50. Recent Advances in the Understanding of Solar Flares: Proc. of the U.S.-Japan Seminar, October 5-8, 1982, S. R. Kane, Y. Uchida, K. Tanaka and H. S. Hudson, editors, Solar Phys., 86, 1983. 51. Solar oscillations observed in the total irradiance, M. Woodard and H. Hudson, Solar Phys., 82, 67, 1983. 52. Sunspot areas and solar irradiance variatins during 1980, D.V. Hoyt, J. A. Eddy and H.S. Hudson,, Astrophys. J., 275, 878, 1983. 53. Upper limits on the total radiant energy of solar flares, H.S. Hudson and R.C. Willson, Solar Phys., 86, 123, 1983.
54. H-alpha and hard x-ray development in two-ribbon flares, Dwivedi, B. N., Hudson, H. S., Kane, S. R., and Svestka, Z., Solar Phys., 90, 331, 1984.
55. Detectability of extrasolar planetary transits, W.J. Borucki, J.D. Scargle and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 291, 852, 1985. 56. Energetic ions in solar gamma-ray flares, H.S. Hudson, Space Phys., 100, 515, 1985. 57. Max '91: The active sun, L. Acton, D. Bohlin, G. Brueckner, G. Dulk, J. Harvey, E. Hildner, T. Holzer, H. Hudson, R. Lin, D. Neidig, R. Ramaty, G. Rosner, G. Withbroe and B. Woodgate, American Astronomical Society (Solar Physics Division) and National Aeronautic and Space Administration, 23 pp. report, 1985.
58. MAX '91: An advanced payload for the exploration of high-energy processes on the active sun, B. Dennis, E. Chupp, C. Crannell, G. Doschek, H. Hudson, G. Hurford, S. Kane, R. Lin, T. Prince, R. Ramaty, G. Share and E. Tandberg- Hanssen, Report of the MAX '91 Science Study Committee, NASA, Washington, D.C., 55 pp., 1986.
59. Solar flare discovery, H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 113, 1, 1987. 60. Subphotospheric current systems and flares, H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 113, 315, 1987.
61. Gamma-ray and hard X-ray imaging of solar flares, T.A. Prince, G.J. Hurford, H.S. Hudson and C.J. Crannell, Solar Phys., 118, 269, 1988. 62. MAX '91: Flare research at the next solar maximum, B. Dennis, R. Canfield, M. Bruner, G. Emslie, E. Hildner, H. Hudson, G. Hurford, R. Lin, R. Novick and T. Tarbell, NASA, Washington, D.C., 52 pp. report, 1988. 63. Observed variability of the solar luminosity, H.S. Hudson, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 26, 473, 1988.
64. A laboratory measurement of CCD photometric and dimensional stability, A. Buffington, H.S. Hudson and C.H. Booth, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 102, 688, 1990. 65. Hard X-ray and gamma-ray imaging spectroscopy for the next solar maximum, H. S. Hudson, C. J. Crannell, J. M. Davis, B. R. Dennis, G. J. Hurford, R. P. Lin and D. S. Spicer, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy, SPIE Proc. 1344, Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, 492, 1990.
66. Solar flares, microflares, nanoflares, and coronal heating, H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 133, 357, 1991. 67. The High Energy Solar Physics mission (HESP): Scientific objectives and technical description, R. Lin, C. Crannell, B. Dennis, J. Davis, G. Emslie, G. Haerendel, H. Hudson, G. Hurford, J. Ling, N. Vilmer, R. Ramaty, D. Spicer and F. van Beek, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 66 pp. Report, 1991. 68. Using image area to control CCD systematic errors in spaceborne photometric and astrometric time-series measurements, A. Buffington, C.H. Booth and H.S. Hudson, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 103, 685, 1991.
69. Continual expansion of the active-region corona observed by the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope, Y. Uchida, A. McAllister, K.T. Strong, Y. Ogawara, T. Shimizu, R. Matsumoto and H.S. Hudson, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L155, 1992. 70. Hard X-ray imaging observations by YOHKOH of the 15 November, 1991, solar flare, T. Sakao, T. Kosugi, S. Masuda, M. Inda, K. Makishima, R.C. Canfield, H.S. Hudson, T.R. Metcalf, J.-P. Wuelser, L.W. Acton, L. W. and Y. Ogawara, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L83, 1992. 71. Observations of a solar flare at the limb with the Yohkoh soft X-raytelescope, S. Tsuneta, H. Hara, T. Shimizu, L.W. Acton, K.T. Strong, H.S. Hudson, and Y. Ogawara, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L63, 1992. 72. The morphology of 20e6 K plasma in large non-impulsive solar flares, L.W. Acton, U. Feldman, M.E. Bruner, G. A. Doschek, T. Hirayama, H.S. Hudson, J.R. Lemen, Y. Ogawara, K.T. Strong and S. Tsuneta, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L71, 1992. 73. The status of Yohkoh in orbit - an introduction to the initial scientific results, Y. Ogawara, L.W. Acton, R.D. Bentley, M.E. Bruner, J.L. Culhane, E. Hiei, T. Hirayama, H. Hudson, T. Kosugi, J.R. Lemen, K.T. Strong, S.Tsuneta, Y. Uchida, T. Watanabe and M. Yoshimori, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L41, 1992. 74. The X flare of 1991 November 15 - coordinated Mees/Yohkoh observations, R. C. Canfield, H.S. Hudson, K.D. Leka, D.L. Mickey, T. R. Metcalf, T. J.-P. Wuelser, L. W. Acton, K. T. Strong, T. Kosugi, T. Sakao, S. Tsuneta, J. L. Culhane, A. Phillips and A. Fludra, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L111, 1992. 75. White-light flares observed by Yohkoh, H.S. Hudson, H.S. Hudson, L.W. Acton, T. Hirayama and Y. Uchida, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L77, 1992.
76. Asterpseismology: the impact of solar space observations, W. Weiss and A. Baglin (eds), H.S. Hudson, in Inside the Stars, IAU Colloquium 137, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., 40, 43, 1993. 77. Rapid sunspot motion during a major solar flare, B. Anwar, L.W. Acton, H.S. Hudson, M. Makita, A.N. McClymont and S. Tsuneta, Solar Phys., 147, 287, 1993. 78. The 1992 January 5 flare at 13.3 UT: Observations from Yohkoh, G.A. Doschek, K.T.S trong, R. D. Bentley, C. M. Brown, J. L. Culhane, A. Fludra, E. Hiei, J. Lang, J.T. Mariska, K. J. H. Phillips, C. D.Pike, A. C.Sterling, T. Watanabe, L. W. Acton, M.E.Bruner, T.Hirayama, S. Tsuneta, E. Rolli, T. Kosugi, M. Yoshimori, H.S. Hudson, T.R. Metcalf, J.-P. Wuelser, Y. Uchida and Y. Ogawara, Astrophys. J., 416, 845, 1993.
79. A gigantic coronal jet ejected from a compact active region in a coronal hole, K. Shibata, N. Nitta, K.T.Strong, R. Matsumoto, T. Yokoyama, T. Hirayama, H. Hudson and Y. Ogawara, Astrophys. J., 431, 51, 1994. 80. A Yohkoh search for 'black-light flares', L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, H.S. Hudson, B. Anwar and E. Hiei, Solar Phys., 152, 145, 1994. 81. Astronomical photometry from the Moon, H.S. Hudson, Adv. Space Res., 14, 99, 1994. 82. Electric currents and coronal heating in NOAA active region 6952, T.R. Metcalf, R.C. Canfield, H.S. Hudson, D.L. Mickey, J.-P. Wuelser, P.C.H. Martens and S. Tsuneta, Astrophys. J., 428, 860, 1994. 83. Improvement of the photospheric sunspot index and changes of the disk-integrated sunspot contrast with time, C. Froelich, J. Pap and H.S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 152, 11, 1994. 84. Impulsive behavior in solar soft x-radiation, H.S. Hudson, K.T. Strong, B.R. Dennis, D. Zarro, M. Inda, T. Kosugi and T. Sakao, Astrophys. J., 427, 59L, 1994. 85. Nonthermal processes in flaring x-ray-bright points, M.R. Kundu, K.T. Strong, M. Pick, S. M White, H.S. Hudson, K. L. Harvey and S.R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 427, 59L, 1994.
86. Comment on 'the solar flare myth' by J.T. Gosling, H. Hudson, B. Haisch and K.T. Strong, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 3473, 1995. 87. Coordinated observation of the solar corona using the Norikura corona-graph and the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope, K. Ichimoto, H. Hara, A.Takeda, K. Kumagai, T. Sakurai, T. Shimizu and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 445, 978, 1995. 88. Correlated brightness variations in solar radiative output from the photosphere to the corona, J.L. Lean, J.T. Mariska, K.T. Strong, H.S. Hudson, L.W. Acton, G.J. Rottman, T.N. Woods and R.C. Willson, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 655, 1995. 89. Detection of nonthermal radio emission from coronal X-ray jets, M.R. Kundu, J.P. Raulin, N. Nitta, H.S. Hudson, M. Shimojo, K. Shibata and A. Raoult, Astrophys. J., 447, 135, 1995. 90. High-energy particles in solar flares, H. Hudson and J. Ryan, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 33, 239-282, 1995. 91. Large-scale active coronal phenomena in Yohkoh SXT images, Z. Svestka, F. Farnik, H.S. Hudson, Y. Uchida, P. Hick and J.R. Lemen, Solar Phys., 161, 331, 1995. 92. SXT soft-x-ray observations of sudden mass loss from the solar corona, H.S. Hudson, L.W. Acton, D. Alexander, S.L. Freeland, J.R. Lemen and K.L. Harvey, AIP Conf. Proc., 382, 88, 1995. 93. The 1991 October 24 flare: A challenge for standard models, J. -F. de La Beaujardiere, R.C. Canfield, H.S. Hudson, J.P. Wuelser, L. Acton, T. Kosugi, and S. Masuda, Astrophys. J., 440, 386, 1995. 94. The solar origins of two high-latitude interplanetary disturbances, H.S. Hudson, L.W. Acton, D. Alexander, K.L. Harvey, H. Kurokawa, S. Kahler and J.R. Lemen, AIP Conf. Proc., 382, 58, 1995. 95. The solar/interplanetary event of 14 April 1994 observed by Yohkoh/SXT, H.S. Hudson, L.W. Acton, D. Alexander, K.L. Harvey, H. Kurokawa, S. Kahler and J.R. Lemen, AIP Conf. Proc., 382, 58, 1995. 96. The sun as a variable star: solar and stellar irradiance variations, J.M. Pap, C. Frohlich, H.S. Hudson, W.K. Tobiska and E.W. Cliver, Solar Phys., 160, 401, 1995. 97. Using Fe X 6374 A and Fe XIV 5303 A spectral line intensities to study the effect of line of sight integration on coronal temperature inferences, R. Esser, N.S. Brickhouse, S.R. Habbal, R.C. Altrock and H.S. Hudson, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 19829, 1995. 98. Yohkoh soft X-ray spectroscopic observations of the bright loop-top kernels of solar flares, J.I. Khan, L.K. Harra-Murnion, H.S. Hudson, J.R. Lemen and A.C. Sterling, Astrophys. J., 452, L153, 1995.
99. A long-duration solar flare with mass ejection and global consequences, H. S. Hudson, L. W. Acton and S. L. Freeland, Astrophys. J., 470, 629, 1996. 100. Comprehensive multiwavelength observations of the 1992 January 7 solar flare, A. V. Silva, S. M. White, R. P. Lin, I. De Pater, D. E. Gary, J. M. McTiernan, H. S. Hudson, J. G. Doyle, M. J. Hagyard, and M.R. Kundu, Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 106, 621, 1996. 101. Electron time-of-flight distances and flare loop geometries compared from CGRO and Yohkoh observations, M. J. Aschwanden, M. J. Wills, H. S. Hudson, T. Kosugi and R. A. Schwartz, Astrophys. J., 468, 398, 1996. 102. Electron time-of-flight measurements during the Masuda flare, 1992 January 13, M.J. Aschwanden, H.S. Hudson, T. Kosugi and R.A. Schwartz, Astrophys. J., 464, 985, 1996. 103. First images of a solar flare at millimeter wavelengths, A.V. R. Silva, S.M. White, R.P. Lin, I. De Pater, K. Shibasaki, H.S. Hudson and M.R. Kundu, Astrophys. J., 458, L49, 1996. 104. Large-scale active coronal phenomena in Yohkoh SXT images. II. Stationary post-flare giant arches, F. Farnik, Z. Svestka, H.S. Hudson and Y. Uchida, Solar Phys., 168, 331, 1996. 105. Metric type III bursts associated with soft x-ray jets, J.P. Raulin, M.R. Kundu, H.S. Hudson, N. Nitta and A. Raoult, Astron. Astrophys., 306, 299, 1996. 106. Observational problems for flare models based on large-scale magnetic reconnection, H.S. Hudson and J.I. Khan in R.D. Bentley and J.T. Mariska (eds.), 'Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere', ASP Conf. Ser., 111, 135, 1996. 107. Pixon-based multiresolution image reconstruction for Yohkoh's hard X-ray telescope, T.R. Metcalf, H.S. Hudson, T. Kosugi, R. C. Puetter and R.K. Pina, Astrophys. J., 466, 585, 1996. 108. Spatial relations between preflares and flares, F. Farnik, H. Hudson and T. Watanabe, Solar Phys., 165, 169, 1996. 109. Statistical study of solar X-ray jets observed with the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope, M. Shimojo, S. Hashimoto, K. Shibata, T. Hirayama, H. Hudson and L. W. Acton, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 46, 123, 1996. 110. The high energy solar spectroscopic imager - HESSI, B.R. Dennis, R.P. Lin, R.C. Canfield, C.J. Crannell, A.F. Holman, G.D. Holman, H.S. Hudson, G.J. Hurford, J.C. Ling, N.W. Madden, and R. Ramaty, SPIE Proc. Ser., 2804, 228, 1996. 111. The scaling law between electron time-of-flight distances and loop lengths in solar flares, M. J. Aschwanden, T.Kosugi, H. S.Hudson, M. J. Wills and R. A. Schwartz, Astrophys. J., 470, 1198, 1996. 112. The solar flare of 1992 August 17 23:58 UT, M. Takahashi, T. Watanabe, J-I Sakai, T. Sakao, T. Kosugi, T. Sakurai, S. Enome, H.S. Hudson, S. Hashimoto and N. Nitta, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 48, 857, 1996. 113. Yohkoh observations of an over-the-limb solar flare with large spectral line shifts, A.C Sterling, L.K. Harra-Murnion, H.S. Hudson and J. R. Lemen, Astrophys. J., 464, 498, 1996. 114. Yohkoh observations of flares with superhot properties, H.S. Hudson and N. Nitta, AIP Conf. Proc., 374, 285, 1996.
115. A filamentary soft x-ray structure observed during a coronal mass ejection on 5 October 1996, S. Watari, T. Watanabe, L.W. Acton and H.S. Hudson, Proc. 5th SOHO Workshop, Oslo, 1997. 116. Correlated studies at activity maximum: the sun and the solar wind, H.S. Hudson and A.B. Galvin, ESA SP, 415, 275, 1997. 117. Electron termperatures of the corona above a solar active region determined from S xv spectra, AC Sterling, HS Hudson, and T Watanabe, Astrophys. J., 479, L149, 1997. 118. Large-scale active coronal phenomena in Yohkoh SXT images. III. Enhanced post-flare streamer, Z. Svestka, F. Farnik, P. Hick, H.S. Hudson and Y. Uchida, Solar Phys., 176, 355, 1997. 119. NOAA 7978: the last best old-cycle region, H.S. Hudson, B.J. LaBonte, A.C Sterling, and T.Watanabe, Proc. Yoyogi conference 1997, 1997. 120. Soft x-ray signatures of coronal ejections, H.S. Hudson and D.F. Webb, in 'Coronal Mass Ejections: Causes and Consequences, eds. N. Crooker, J. Joselyn and J. Feynman, Geophys. Monog. Ser., 99, 27, 1997. 121. Statistics of fluctuations in the solar soft X-ray emission, S. Ueno, S. Mineshige, H. Negoro, K. Shibata and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 484, 920, 1997. 122. Temporal variations of solar flare spectral properties: hard x-ray fluxes and Fe xxv, Ca xix, and wideband soft x-ray fluxes, temperatures and emission measures, AC Sterling, HS Hudson, JR Lemen and DA Zarro, Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 110, 115, 1997. 123. Yohkoh SXTobservations of X-ray `dimming' associated with a halo coronal mass ejection, A.C. Sterling and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J. Lett., 491, L55, 1997.
124. Deconvolution of directly-precipitating and trap-precipitating electrons in solar flare hard x-rays: III Yohoh HXT data analysis, M.J. Aschwanden, L.Fletcher, T. Sakao, T. Kosugi, and H. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 517, 517, 1998. 125. Directly-precipitating and trap-precipitating electrons in solar flare hard x-rays: III Yohkoh HXT data analysis, M. J. Aschwanden, L. Fletcher, T. Sakao, T. Kosugi and H. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 517, 517, 1998. 126. Large-scale active coronal phenomena in YOHKOH SXT images - IV. Solar wind streams from flaring active regions, Z. Svestka, F. Farnik, H. Hudson and P. Hick, Solar Phys., 182, 179, 1998. 127. Observational Tests of a Double Loop Model for Solar Flares, SJ Hardy, DB Melrose, and HS Hudson, Publ. Astron. Soc. Aust., 15, 318, 1998. 128. On the relationship between coronal mass ejections and magnetic clouds, N. Gopalswamy, Y. Hanaoka, T. Kosugi, R.P. Lepping, J.T. Steinberg, S. Plunkett, R.A. Howard, B.J. Thompson, G. Gurman, N. Nitta and H.S. Hudson, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 2485, 1998. 129. Precise determination of the coordinate systems for the YOHKOH telescopes and the application of a transit of Mercury, J. -P. Wuelser, H.S. Hudson, M. Nishio, T. Kosugi, S. Masuda and M. Morrison, Solar Phys., 180, 131, 1998. 130. The solar energetic particle event of April 14, 1994, as a probe of shock formation and particle acceleration, S.W. Kahler, H.V. Cane, H.S. Hudson, V.G. Kurt, Y.V. Gotselyuk, R.J. MacDowall and V. Bothmer, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 12069, 1998. 131. The solar origin of the January 1997 coronal mass ejection, magnetic cloud, and geomagnetic storm, D.F. Webb, E.W. Cliver, N. Gopalawamy, H.S. Hudson and O.C. St. Cyr, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 2469, 1998. 132. X-ray Coronal Changes during Halo CMEs, H.S. Hudson, J.R. Lemen, O.C. St. Cyr, D.F. Webb and A.C. Sterling, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 2481, 1998.
133. A stable filament cavity with a hot core, HS Hudson, LW Acton, KL Harvey and DE McKenzie, Astrophys. J. Lett., 513, 83L, 1999. 134. Coronal mass ejections at high temperatures, H.S. Hudson, Proc. of Nobeyama Symposium 1998, 479, 159, 1999. 135. Deconvolution of directly precipitating and trap-precipitating electrons in solar flare hard x-rays. III. YOKOH hard x-ray telescope data analysis, MJ Aschwanden, L. Fletcher, T.Sakao, T. Kosugi and H. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 517, 977, 1999. 136. How the sun's corona gets hot, H.S. Hudson and T. Kosugi, Science, 285, 849, 1999. 137. Multi-wavelength observations of a large-scale jet and an eruptive prominence on 28 August 1992, T. Watanabe, K. Ashizawa, Y. Nakagawa, H. Miyazaki, M. Irie, K. Ichimoto, H. Kurokawa, H. Hudson, and H. Yatagai, , Proc. of Nobeyama Symposium 1998, 479, 171, 1999. 138. Observing CMEs without coronagraphs, H.S. Hudson and E.W. Cliver, J. Geophys. Res., 26, 25, 1999. 139. Sigmoidal morphology and eruptive solar activity, R.C. Canfield, H.S. Hudson and D.E. McKenzie, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 627, 1999. 140. SOHO EIT Observations of Extreme-Ultraviolet 'Dimming' Associated with a Halo Coronal Mass Ejection, DM Zarro, AC Sterling, BI Thompson, HS Hudson and N Nitta, Astrophys. J. Lett., 520, L139, 1999. 141. TRACE and Yohkoh Observations of High-Temperature Plasma in a Two-Ribbon Limb Flare, HP Warren, JA Bookbinder, TG Forbes, L. Golub, HS Hudson, K. Reeves and A Warshall, Astrophys. J., 527, L121, 1999. 142. Transequitorial interconnecting loops and increase of their length in the new solar cycle, F. Farnik, Z. Svestka, M. Karlicky and H.S. Hudson, ESA SP, 446, 305, 1999. 143. X-ray Observations of Motions and Structure above a Solar Flare Arcade, DE McKenzie and HS Hudson, Astrophys. J. Lett., 519, L93, 1999.
144. Acton receives the AAS Hale prize (in Japanese), H.S. Hudson and T. Kosugi, ISAS News, 233, 2000. 145. Global coronal waves: Implications for HESSI, H.S.Hudson and M. Karlicky, in R. Ramaty and N. Mandzhavidze (eds.), "High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", A.S.P. Conf. Ser., 206, 268, 2000. 146. Hard X-rays from 'Slow LDEs', H.S. Hudson and D.E. McKenzie, in R. Ramaty and N. Mandzhavidze (eds.), "High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", A.S.P. Conf. Ser., 206, 221, 2000. 147. Hard x-rays from slow flares, H.S. Hudson and D.E. McKenzie, Earth Planets Space, 52, 581, 2000. 148. Homologous sudden disappearances of transequitorial interconnecting loops in the solar corona, J.I. Khan and H.S. Hudson, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1083, 2000. 149. Hot Cores in Coronal Filament Cavities, H. Hudson and R. Schwenn, Adv. Space Res., 25(9), 1859, 2000. 150. Implosions in Coronal Transients, H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 531, L75, 2000. 151. Observations of the 24 September 1997 coronal flare waves, B.J. Thompson, B. Reynolds, H. Aurass, N. Gopalswamy, N. Gurman, H.S. Hudson, S.F. Martin and O.C. St. Syr, Solar Phys., 193, 161-180, 2000. 152. Sigmoids as precursors of solar eruptions, R.C. Canfield, H.S. Hudson and A.A. Pevtsov, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 28, 1786, 2000. 153. Solar Activity and the Formation of Coronal Holes, K. L. Harvey and H. S. Hudson, Adv. Space Res., 25(9), 1735, 2000. 154. Structure and dynamics of the corona surrounding an eruptive prominence, N. Gopalswamy, Y. Hanaoka and H.S. Hudson, Adv. Space Res., 25, 1851-1854, 2000. 155. The Sun as an X-Ray star. II. Using the Yohkoh/Soft X-Ray Telescope-derived solar emission measure versus temperature to interpret stellar X-Ray observations, G. Peres, S. Orlando, R. Reale, R. Rosner and H. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 528, 537, 2000. 156. Yohkoh observations of white-light flares, S. Matthews, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, H. Hudson and N. Nitta, in R. Ramaty and N. Mandzhavidze (eds.), "High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", 206, 239, 2000. 157. Yohkoh SXT and SOHO EIT observations of sigmoid-to-arcade evolution of structures associated with halo coronal mass ejections, A.C. Sterling, H. S.Hudson, B. J.Thompson and D. M. Zarro, Astrophys. J., 532, 628-647, 2000.
158. A hard X-ray two-ribbon flare observed with Yohkoh/HXT, S. Masuda, T.Kosugi and H. S. Hudson, Solar Phys., 204, 55, 2001. 159. Chromospheric damping of Alfven waves, B. De Pontieu, P.C. H. Martens and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 558, 859, 2001. 160. Downflows and structure above LDE arcades: Possible signatures of reconnection?, D.E. McKenzie and H.S. Hudson, Earth Planets Space, 53, 577-580, 2001. 161. Energetics of an active region observed from helium-like sulphur lines, T. Watanabe, A.C. Sterling, H.S. Hudson and L.K. Harra, Solar Phys., 201, 71-91, 2001. 162. Hard x-radiation from a fast coronal ejection, H.S. Hudson, T. Kosugi, N.V. Nitta and M. Shimojo, Astrophys. J. Lett., 561, L211-L214, 2001. 163. Onset of the magnetic explosion in solar flares and coronal mass ejections, R. L. Moore, A. C. Sterling, H. S. Hudson and J. R. Lemen, Astrophys. J., 552, 833, 2001. 164. Origin and development of transient coronal holes, S.W. Kahler and H.S. Hudson, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 29239, 2001. 165. Recurrent flare/CME events from an emerging flux region, N.V. Nitta and H.S. Hudson, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 3801, 2001. 166. The magnetic structure and generation of EUV flare ribbons, L. Fletcher and H. Hudson, Solar Phys., 204, 69, 2001. 167. The physical nature of the loop-top X-ray sources in the gradual phase of solar flares, N.V. Nitta, J. Sato, and H. S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 552, 821, 2001.
168. A rapidly moving hard X-ray source in a CME, Hudson, H. S., in "Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics," (eds. P. C. H. Martens and D. P. Cauffman), COSPAR Colloq. Series, 13, 379, 2002. 169. Boundary structures and changes in long-lived coronal holes, S.W. Kahler and H.S. Hudson, Astrophys. J., 574, 467-476, 2002. 170. CMEs: How do the puzzle pieces fit together?, Cliver, E. W., and Hudson, H. S., J. Atmosph. Solar Terr. Phys., 64, 231-252, 2002. 171. Coronal holes as seen in soft X-rays by Yohkoh, Hudson, H. S., ESA SP, 508, 341, 2002. 172. Magnetic reconnection scenario of the Bastille Day 2000 flare, Somov, B. V., Kosugi, T., Hudson, H. S., Sakao, T., and Masuda, S., Astrophys. J., 579, 863-873, 2002. 173. Multi-wavelength Observation of a Moreton wave on November 3, 1997, Narukage, N., Shibata, K., Hudson, H. S., Eto, S., Isobe, H., Asai, A., Morimoto, T., Kozu, H., Ishii, T. T., Akiyama, S.., Kitai, R., and Kurokawa, H., in "Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics," (eds. P. C. H. Martens and D. P. Cauffman), COSPAR Colloq. Series, 13, 295, 2002. 174. Multi-wavelength observations of Yohkoh white-light flares, Mathews, S. A., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Hudson, H. S., and Nitta, N. V., in "Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics" (eds. P. C. H. Martens and D. P. Cauffman), COSPAR Colloq. Series , 13, 289, 2002. 175. Simultaneous observation of a Moreton wave on 1997 November 3 in H-alpha and soft X-Rays, Narukage, N., Hudson, H. S., Morimoto, T., Akiyama, S., Kitai, R., Kurokawa, H., and Shibata, K., Astrophys. J., 572, L109-L112, 2002. 176. Solar disappearing filament inside a coronal hole, Chertok, I. M., Obridko, E. I., Mogilevsky, V. N., Shilova, N. S., and Hudson, H. S., Astrophys. J., 567, 1225-1233, 2002. 177. Solar Submillimeter and Gamma-Ray Burst Emission, Kaufmann, P., Raulin, J.-P., Melo, A. M., Correia, E., Costa, J. E. R., de Castro, C. G. Giminez, Silva, A. V. R., Yoshimori, M., Hudson, H. S., Gan, W. Q., Gary, D. E., Gallagher, P. T., Levato, H., Magun, A., and Rovira, M., Astrophys. J., 574, 1059-1065, 2002. 178. Spectral and spatial variations of flare hard X-ray footpoints, Fletcher, L., and Hudson, H.S., Solar Phys., 210, 307-321, 2002. 179. Spectral variations of flare hard X-rays, Hudson, H. S., and Farnik, F., ESA SP, 506, 261, 2002. 180. Unusual large-scale flaring structure, Chertok, I. M., Hudson, H. S., and Kahler, S. W., ESA SP, 506, 569, 2002. 181. X-ray and radio observations in the initial development of an X-class solar flare, Farnik, F., Hudson, H. S., Karlicky, M., and Kosugi, T., ESA SP, 508, 441-444, 2002.
182. A catalogue of white-light flares observed by Yohkoh, Matthews, S. A., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Hudson, H. S., and Nitta, N. V., Astron. Astrophys., 209, 1107-1125, 2003. 183. Coronal scattering as a source of flare-associated polarized hard X-rays, Hudson, H. S., Hurford, G. J., and Brown, J. C., Solar Phys., 214, 171-175, 2003. 184. High-Resolution Observation of the Solar Positron-Electron Annihilation Line, Gerald H. Share, Ronald J. Murphy, Jeffrey G. Skibo, David M. Smith, Hugh S. Hudson, Robert P. Lin, Albert Y. Shih, Brian R. Dennis, Richard A. Schwartz, and Benzion Kozlovsky, Astrophys. J. Lett., 595, L85-88, 2003. 185. Modeling large solar flares, Somov, B. V., Kosugi, T., Hudson, H. S., Sakao, T., and Masuda, S., Adv. Space Res., 32, 2439-2450, 2003. 186. Narrow coronal holes in Yohkoh soft X-ray images and the slow solar wind, Arge, C. N., Harvey, K. L., Hudson, H. S., and Kahler, S. W., Solar Wind 10, 679, 202-205, 2003. 187. RHESSI observations of particle acceleration and energy release in an intense solar gamma-ray line flare, R.P. Lin, S. Krucker, G. J. Hurford, D. M. Smith, H. S. Hudson, G. D. Holman, R. A. Schwartz, B. R. Dennis, G. H. Share, R. J. Murphy, A. G. Emslie, C. Johns-Krull, and N. Vilmer , Astrophys. J. Lett., 595, L69-76, 2003. 188. Soft X-ray observation of a large-scale coronal wave and its exciter, Hudson, H. S., Khan, J. I., Lemen, J. R., Nitta, N. V., and Uchida, Y., Solar Phys., 212, 121-149, 2003. 189. TRACE and Yohkoh Observations of a White-Light Flare, Metcalf, T. R., Alexander, D., Hudson, H. S., and Longcope, D. W., Astrophys. J., 595, 483-492, 2003. 190. X-ray and radio observations of the activation stages of an X-class solar flare, Farnik, F., Hudson, H. S., Karlicky, M., and Kosugi, T., A&A, 399, 1159, 2003.
191. Analysis of the impulsive phase of a solar flare at submillimeter wavelengths, Raulin, J. P., Makhmutov, V. S., Kaufmann, P., Pacini, A. A., Luthi, T., Hudson, H. S., and Gary, D. E., Solar Phys., 223, 181-199, 2004. 192. Coronal loop oscillations and flare shock waves, Hudson, H. S., and Warmuth, A., Astrophys. J., 614, L85-L88, 2004. 193. Homologous large-scale activity in solar eruptive events of 24-26 November 2000, Chertok, I.M., V.V. Grechnev, H.S. Hudson, and N.V. Nitta, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A02112, 2004. 194. Overview of early RHESSI results, Krucker, S., and Hudson, H. S., SOHO 15 Coronal Heating, ESA SP-575, 247, 2004. 195. Overview of solar flares, Hudson, H. S., Fletcher, L., Khan, J. I., and Kosugi, T., Solar and Space Weather Radiophysics (D. E. Gary and C. U. Keller, eds.), 153-178, 2004. 196. RHESSI microflare statistics, Hannah, I. G., Christ, S., Krucker, S., Hudson, H. S., Fletcher, L., and Hendry, M. A., SOHO 15 Coronal Heating, ESA SP-575, 259, 2004. 197. RHESSI: First results, H.S. Hudson, ASP Conf Proc., Solar-B Science Meeting, 325, 335, 2004. 198. Soft X-ray analysis of a loop flare on the Sun, Khan, J. I., Hudson, H. S., and Mouradian, Z., Astron. Astrophys., 416, 323-332, 2004. 199. Total Solar Irradiance Variation During Rapid Sunspot Growth, Zahid, H. J., Hudson, H. S., and Frohlich, C., Solar Phys., 222, 1-15, 2004.
200. An exceptionally bright flare from SGR 1806-20 and the origins of short-duration gamma-ray bursts, Hurley, K., S. E. Boggs, D. M. Smith, R. C. Duncan, R. Lin, A. Zoglauer, S. Krucker, G. Hurford, H. Hudson, C. Wigger, W. Hajdas, C. Thompson, I. Mitrofanov, A. Sanin, W. Boynton, C. Fellows, A. von Kienlin, G. Lichti, A. Rau and T. Cline, Nature, 434(7037), 1098-1103, 2005. 201. Coronal shock waves observed in images, Hudson, H. S., AIP Conference Proceedings , 781, 336-341, 2005. 202. Initial localization and kinematic characteristics of the structural components of a coronal mass ejection , Uralov, A. M.; Grechnev, V. V.; Hudson, H. S., J. Geophys. Res., 110(A5), A05104, 2005. 203. Refinements to flare energy estimates: A followup to "Energy partition in two solar flare/CME events" by A.G. Emslie et al., Emslie, A. G., B. R. Dennis, G. D. Holman, H. S. Hudson, J. Geophys. Res., 110(A11), A11103, 2005. 204. Variations of Solar Radius: Observations with RHESSI, Fivian, M.D., Hudson, H.S., and Lin, R.P., Proc. 11th European Solar Physics Meeting (eds. D. Danesy, S. Poedts, A. De Groof, and J. Andries), ESA SP-600, 41, 2005.
205. Gamma-rays and the evolving, compact structures of the 2003/10/28 X17 flare, Schrijver, C. J., Hudson, H. S., Murphy, R. J., Share, G. H., and Tarbell, T. D., Astrophys. J., 650, 1186, 2006. 206. Preflare nonthermal emission observed in microwaves and hard X-rays, Asai, A., Nakajima, H., Shimojo, M., White, S., Hudson, H., Lin, R., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan , 58, L1, 2006. 207. Solar flares in the recent sunspot maximum, Hudson, H.S., Urania - Postepy Astronomii, Special Issue, 42-45, 2006. 208. White-light flares: A TRACE/RHESSI overview, Hudson, H.S., Wolfson, C.J., and Metcalf, T.R., Solar Phys., 234, 79-93, 2006.
209. A new method of observing weak extended x-ray sources with the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, Hannah, Iain G.; Hurford, Gordon J.; Hudson, Hugh S.; Lin, Robert P., Review of Scientific Instruments, 78 (2), 024501, 2007. 210. A TRACE White Light and RHESSI Hard X-Ray Study of Flare Energetics, Fletcher, L.; Hannah, I. G.; Hudson, H. S.; Metcalf, T. R., Astrophys. J., 656 (2), 1187-1196, 2007. 211. Extreme lunar surface charging during solar energetic particle events, Halekas, J. S.; Delory, G. T.; Brain, D. A.; Lin, R. P.; Fillingim, M. O.; Lee, C. O.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Stubbs, T. J.; Farrell, W. M.; Hudson, M. K., Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 (2), L02111, 2007. 212. First Limits on the 3-200 keV X-Ray Spectrum of the Quiet Sun Using RHESSI, Hannah, I. G.; Hurford, G. J.; Hudson, H. S.; Lin, R. P.; van Bibber, K. , Astrophys. J., 659 (1), L77-L80, 2007. 213. The correlation between soft and hard X-rays component in flares: from the Sun to the stars, Isola, C.; Favata, F.; Micela, G.; Hudson, H. S., Astron. Astrophys., 472 (1), 261-268, 2007. 214. The Unpredictability of the Most Energetic Solar Events, Hudson, Hugh S., Astrophys. J., 663 (1), L45-L48, 2007.
215. A Large Excess in Apparent Solar Oblateness Due to Surface Magnetism, Fivian, Martin D.; Hudson, Hugh S.; Lin, Robert P.; Zahid, H. Jabran, Science, 322 (5901), 560, 2008. 216. An intriguing solar microflare observed with RHESSI, Hinode, and TRACE, Hannah, I. G.; Krucker, S.; Hudson, H. S.; Christe, S.; Lin, R. P., Astron. Astrophys., 481 (1), L45-L48, 2008. 217. Discovery of very large amplitude whistler-mode waves in Earth's radiation belts, Cattell, C.; Wygant, J. R.; Goetz, K.; Kersten, K.; Kellogg, P. J.; von Rosenvinge, T.; Bale, S. D.; Roth, I.; Temerin, M.; Hudson, M. K.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Wiedenbeck, M.; Maksimovic, M.; Ergun, R.; Acuna, M.; Russell, C. T., Geophys. Res. Lett., 35 (1), L01105, 2008. 218. Hard X-ray emission from the solar corona, Krucker, S.; Battaglia, M.; Cargill, P. J.; Fletcher, L.; Hudson, H. S.; MacKinnon, A. L.; Masuda, S.; Sui, L.; Tomczak, M.; Veronig, A. L.; Vlahos, L.; White, S. M., The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 16, 155-208, 2008. 219. Impulsive Phase Flare Energy Transport by Large-Scale Alfvén Waves and the Electron Acceleration Problem, Fletcher, L.; Hudson, H. S., Astrophys. J., 675 (2), 1645-1655, 2008. 220. Microflares with RHESSI and Hinode/XRT, Hannah, I. G.; Krucker, S.; Christe, S.; Hudson, H. S.; Lin, R. P., First Results From Hinode ASP Conference Series, Vol. 397, Proceedings of the conference held 20-24 August, 2007, at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Edited by Sarah A. Matthews, John M. Davis, and Louise K. Harra. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 169, 2008. 221. RHESSI Microflare Statistics. II. X-Ray Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Energy Distributions, Hannah, I. G.; Christe, S.; Krucker, S.; Hurford, G. J.; Hudson, H. S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 677 (1), 704-718, 2008.
222. Coronal Radiation Belts, Hudson, H. S.; MacKinnon, A. L.; De Rosa, M. L.; Frewen, S. F. N., Astrophys. J. Lett., 698 (2), L86-L89, 2009. 223. The Ulysses Catalog of Solar Hard X-Ray Flares, Tranquille, C.; Hurley, K.; Hudson, H. S., Solar Phys., 258 (1), 141-166, 2009.
224. Constraining the hard X-ray properties of the quiet Sun with new RHESSI observations, Hannah, I. G.; Hudson, H. S.; Hurford, G. J.; Lin, R. P., eprint arXiv:1009.2918, 2010. 225. Flare and CME Properties and Rates at Sunspot Minimum, Hudson, H. S.; Li, Y., SOHO-23: Understanding a Peculiar Solar Minimum ASP Conference Series Vol. 428, proceedings of a workshop held 21-25 September 2009 in Northeast Harbor, Maine, USA. Edited by Steven R. Cranmer, J. Todd Hoeksema, and John L. Kohl. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 153, 2010. 226. G-band and Hard X-ray Emissions of the 2006 December 14 Flare Observed by Hinode/SOT and Rhessi, Watanabe, Kyoko; Krucker, Säm; Hudson, Hugh; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Masuda, Satoshi; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi, Astrophys. J., 715 (1), 651-655, 2010. 227. Generation of Electric Currents in the Chromosphere via Neutral-Ion Drag, Krasnoselskikh, V.; Vekstein, G.; Hudson, H. S.; Bale, S. D.; Abbett, W. P., Astrophys. J., 724 (2), 1542-1550, 2010. 228. Measurements of the Coronal Acceleration Region of a Solar Flare, Krucker, Säm; Hudson, H. S.; Glesener, L.; White, S. M.; Masuda, S.; Wuelser, J.-P.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 714 (2), 1108-1119, 2010. 229. On The Brightness and Waiting-Time Distributions of a Type III Radio Storm Observed By Stereo/Waves, Eastwood, J. P.; Wheatland, M. S.; Hudson, H. S.; Krucker, S.; Bale, S. D.; Maksimovic, M.; Goetz, K.; Bougeret, J.-L., Astrophys. J. Lett., 708 (2), L95-L99, 2010. 230. On the Origin of the Solar Moreton Wave of 2006 December 6, Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Cliver, E. W.; Pevtsov, A.; Temmer, M.; Henry, T. W.; Hudson, H. S.; Imada, S.; Ling, A. G.; Moore, R. L.; Muhr, N.; Neidig, D. F.; Petrie, G. J. D.; Veronig, A. M.; Vršnak, B.; White, S. M., Astrophys. J., 723 (1), 587-601, 2010. 231. Solar Flares and the Chromosphere, Fletcher, L.; Turkmani, R.; Hudson, H. S.; Hawley, S. L.; Kowalski, A.; Berlicki, A.; Heinzel, P., eprint arXiv:1011.4650, 2010. 232. Solar physics: Solar flares add up, Hudson, Hugh S., Nature, 6 (9), 637-638, 2010. 233. The Optical Depth of White-light Flare Continuum, Potts, Hugh; Hudson, Hugh; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Diver, Declan, Astrophys. J., 722 (2), 1514-1521, 2010. 234. The Signature of Flares in VIRGO Total Solar Irradiance Measurements, Quesnel, A.; Dennis, B. R.; Fleck, B.; Fröhlich, C.; Hudson, H. S.; Tolbert, A. K., SOHO-23: Understanding a Peculiar Solar Minimum ASP Conference Series Vol. 428, proceedings of a workshop held 21-25 September 2009 in Northeast Harbor, Maine, USA. Edited by Steven R. Cranmer, J. Todd Hoeksema, and John L. Kohl. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 133, 2010. 235. The Solar Microwave Flux and the Sunspot Number, Svalgaard, L.; Hudson, H. S., SOHO-23: Understanding a Peculiar Solar Minimum ASP Conference Series Vol. 428, proceedings of a workshop held 21-25 September 2009 in Northeast Harbor, Maine, USA. Edited by Steven R. Cranmer, J. Todd Hoeksema, and John L. Kohl. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 325, 2010. 236. The white-light continuum in the impulsive phase of a solar flare, Hudson, Hugh; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Krucker, Sa"m, eprint arXiv:1001.1005, 2010. 237. Three-dimensional Morphology of a Coronal Prominence Cavity, Gibson, S. E.; Kucera, T. A.; Rastawicki, D.; Dove, J.; de Toma, G.; Hao, J.; Hill, S.; Hudson, H. S.; Marqué, C.; McIntosh, P. S.; Rachmeler, L.; Reeves, K. K.; Schmieder, B.; Schmit, D. J.; Seaton, D. B.; Sterling, A. C.; Tripathi, D.; Williams, D. R.; Zhang, M., Astrophys. J., 724 (2), 1133-1146, 2010. 238. Uncovering Mechanisms of Coronal Magnetism via Advanced 3D Modeling of Flares and Active Regions, Fleishman, Gregory; Gary, Dale; Nita, Gelu; Alexander, David; Aschwanden, Markus; Bastian, Tim; Hudson, Hugh; Hurford, Gordon; Kontar, Eduard; Longcope, Dana; Mikic, Zoran; DeRosa, Marc; Ryan, James; White, Stephen, eprint arXiv:1011.2800, 2010.
239. An Observational Overview of Solar Flares, Fletcher, L.; Dennis, B. R.; Hudson, H. S.; Krucker, S.; Phillips, K.; Veronig, A.; Battaglia, M.; Bone, L.; Caspi, A.; Chen, Q.; Gallagher, P.; Grigis, P. T.; Ji, H.; Liu, W.; Milligan, R. O.; Temmer, M., Space Sci. Rev., 159 (1-4), 19-106, 2011. 240. Estimates of Densities and Filling Factors from a Cooling Time Analysis of Solar Microflares Observed with RHESSI, Baylor, R. N.; Cassak, P. A.; Christe, S.; Hannah, I. G.; Krucker, Säm; Mullan, D. J.; Shay, M. A.; Hudson, H. S.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 736 (1), 75, 2011. 241. Flaring Solar Hale Sector Boundaries, Svalgaard, L.; Hannah, I. G.; Hudson, H. S., Astrophys. J., 733 (1), 49, 2011. 242. Global Properties of Solar Flares, Hudson, Hugh S., Space Sci. Rev., 158 (1), 5-41, 2011. 243. High-resolution Imaging of Solar Flare Ribbons and Its Implication on the Thick-target Beam Model, Krucker, Säm; Hudson, H. S.; Jeffrey, N. L. S.; Battaglia, M.; Kontar, E. P.; Benz, A. O.; Csillaghy, A.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 739 (2), 96, 2011. 244. Imaging Spectroscopy of a White-Light Solar Flare, Martínez Oliveros, J. C.; Couvidat, S.; Schou, J.; Krucker, S.; Lindsey, C.; Hudson, H. S.; Scherrer, P., Solar Phys., 269 (2), 269-281, 2011. 245. Microflares and the Statistics of X-ray Flares, Hannah, I. G.; Hudson, H. S.; Battaglia, M.; Christe, S.; Kašparová, J.; Krucker, S.; Kundu, M. R.; Veronig, A., Space Sci. Rev., 159 (1-5), 263-300, 2011. 246. Overview of the Volume, Dennis, B. R.; Emslie, A. G.; Hudson, H. S., Space Sci. Rev., 159 (1-4), 3-17, 2011. 247. Temperature and Density Estimates of Extreme-ultraviolet Flare Ribbons Derived from TRACE Diffraction Patterns, Krucker, Säm; Raftery, Claire L.; Hudson, Hugh S., Astrophys. J., 734 (1), 34, 2011. 248. The EVE Doppler Sensitivity and Flare Observations, Hudson, H. S.; Woods, T. N.; Chamberlin, P. C.; Fletcher, L.; Del Zanna, G.; Didkovsky, L.; Labrosse, N.; Graham, D., Solar Phys., 273 (1), 69-80, 2011. 249. The U.S. Eclipse Megamovie in 2017: a white paper on a unique outreach event, Hudson, Hugh S.; McIntosh, Scott W.; Habbal, Shadia R.; Pasachoff, Jay M.; Peticolas, Laura, eprint arXiv:1108.3486, 2011.
250. Charge-exchange Limits on Low-energy α-particle Fluxes in Solar Flares, Hudson, H. S.; Fletcher, L.; MacKinnon, A. L.; Woods, T. N., Astrophys. J., 752 (2), 84, 2012. 251. Commission 10: Solar Activity, van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Klimchuk, James A.; Charbonneau, Paul; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Hasan, S. Sirajul; Hudson, Hugh S.; Kusano, Kanya; Mandrini, Cristina H.; Peter, Hardi; Vršnak, Bojan; Yan, Yihua, Transactions IAU, 7 (T28), 69-80, 2012. 252. Destruction of Sun-Grazing Comet C/2011 N3 (SOHO) Within the Low Solar Corona, Schrijver, C. J.; Brown, J. C.; Battams, K.; Saint-Hilaire, P.; Liu, W.; Hudson, H.; Pesnell, W. D., Science, 335 (6066), 324-328, 2012. 254. Generation of electric currents via neutral-ion drag in the chromosphere and ionosphere, Krasnoselskikh, V.; Abbett, W. P.; Hudson, H.; Vekstein, G.; Bale, S. D., WAVES AND INSTABILITIES IN SPACE AND ASTROPHYSICAL PLASMAS. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1439, 42-62, 2012. 255. Global Forces in Eruptive Solar Flares: The Lorentz Force Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interior, Fisher, G. H.; Bercik, D. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Hudson, H. S., Solar Phys., 277 (1), 59-76, 2012. 256. Magneto-Acoustic Energetics Study of the Seismically Active Flare of 15 February 2011, Alvarado-Gómez, J. D.; Buitrago-Casas, J. C.; Martínez-Oliveros, J. C.; Lindsey, C.; Hudson, H.; Calvo-Mozo, B., Solar Phys., online first, 2012. 257. Momentum Distribution in Solar Flare Processes, Hudson, H. S.; Fletcher, L.; Fisher, G. H.; Abbett, W. P.; Russell, A., Solar Phys., 277 (10, 77-88, 2012. 258. Observations of Enhanced Extreme Ultraviolet Continua during an X-Class Solar Flare Using SDO/EVE, Milligan, Ryan O.; Chamberlin, Phillip C.; Hudson, Hugh S.; Woods, Thomas N.; Mathioudakis, Mihalis; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Kowalski, Adam F.; Keenan, Francis P., Astrophys. J. Lett., 748 (1), L14, 2012. 259. Splinter Session "Solar and Stellar Flares", Fletcher, L.; Hudson, H.; Cauzzi, G.; Getman, K. V.; Giampapa, M.; Hawley, S. L.; Heinzel, P.; Johnstone, C.; Kowalski, A. F.; Osten, R. A.; Pye, J., 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 448, proceedings of a conference held August 28- September 2, 2010 at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Edited by Christopher M. Johns-Krull, Matthew K. Browning, and Andrew A. West. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 441, 2012. 260. The Height of a White-light Flare and Its Hard X-Ray Sources, Martínez Oliveros, Juan-Carlos; Hudson, Hugh S.; Hurford, Gordon J.; Krucker, Säm; Lin, R. P.; Lindsey, Charles; Couvidat, Sebastien; Schou, Jesper; Thompson, W. T., Astrophys. J. Lett., 753 (2), L26, 2012. 261. Thermal Properties of a Solar Coronal Cavity Observed with the X-Ray Telescope on Hinode, Reeves, Katharine K.; Gibson, Sarah E.; Kucera, Therese A.; Hudson, Hugh S.; Kano, Ryouhei, Astrophys. J., 746 (2), 146, 2012. 262. X-Ray Searches for Solar Axions, Hudson, H. S.; Acton, L. W.; DeLuca, E. E.; Hannah, I. G.; Reardon, K.; Van Bibber, K., 4th Hinode Science Meeting: Unsolved Problems and Recent Insights, ASP Conference series, Vol 455, proceedings of a conference held 11-15 October 2010 in Palermo, Italy. Edited by Luis R. Bellot Rubio, Fabio Reale, and Mats Carlsson. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 25, 2012.
253. Estimating the frequency of extremely energetic solar events, based on solar, stellar, lunar, and terrestrial records, Schrijver, C. J.; Beer, J.; Baltensperger, U.; Cliver, E. W.; Guedel, M.; Hudson, H. S.; McCracken, K. G.; Osten, R. A.; Peter, Th.; Soderblom, D. R.; Usoskin, I. G.; Wolff, E. W., eprint arXiv:1206.4889, 2012 .
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