Scientific Organizing Committee
Peter Beiersdorfer (LLNL) - Chair
Beatriz Barbuy (University of Sao Paulo)
Tomas Brage (Lund University)
Steven Federman (University of Toledo)
Alan Hibbert (Queen's University Belfast)
Richard Holt (University of Western Ontario)
Roger Hutton (Fudan University)
Jim Lawler (University of Wisconsin)
Mudumba Parthasarathy (Indian Institute of Astrophysics)
Alla Safronova (University of Nevada Reno)
Farid Salama (NASA Ames)
Glenn Wahlgren (NASA Goddard)
Wolfgang Wiese (NIST Gaithersburg)
Local Organizing Committee
Jaan Lepson (SSL) - Chair
Peter Beiersdorfer (LLNL, SSL)
Greg Brown (LLNL)
Hui Chen (LLNL)
Joel Clementson (LLNL, Lund)
Priya Desai (SSL)
Trish Dobson (SSL)
Karen Lema-Crowe (LLNL)
Ed Magee (LLNL)
Farid Salama (NASA Ames)
Elmar Träbert (LLNL, Bochum)
Donna Vercelli (LLNL)
Please contact the ASOS10 conference chair if you would like to propose hosting ASOS11. Proposals will be discussed during the SOC lunch meeting on Aug 5, 2010.