Conference Proceedings
Papers based on presentations given at the ASOS-10 will be published as one of the issue
of the Canadian Journal of Physics in 2011.
Click here for links to sample papers and special issues of the Canadian Journal of Physics. All papers will be peer reviewed and must follow journal guidelines.
In order to meet production deadlines, we request that authors submit their manuscript no later than September 25, 2010. Earlier submissions are greatly welcomed.
Peter Beiersdorfer, Emile Biémont, and Wolfgang Wiese are the guest editors of the Special ASOS-10 Issue.
Submitting the Manuscript
Please upload your manuscript via the OSPREY online
submission web page directly to the Canadian Journal of Physics.
Please select "ASOS10" under the
pull down menu under "Special Issue".
Please note that submission of your paper requires that you also upload a cover letter. Suggestions for potential referees are very welcome.
Manuscript Preparation
Instructions on how to prepare your manuscript are given on the
to Authors page of the Canadian Journal of Physics.
Manuscripts may be prepared using LaTeX (or REVTeX). Authors
are encouraged to use the CJP LaTeX style file nrc1.sty, which
can be downloaded and installed from
A link to this web site, and other information for authors, including
the Copyright Transfer Form, can be obtained by starting from
the CJP web page
and following the links indicated there. Manuscripts can also
be prepared as WordPerfect or MS Word files. Please submit figures
in form of eps files. If you have problems with LaTex files, please send an email to ASOS10(at)
All manuscripts, except those prepared using nrc1.sty, must be
typed double-spaced, on one side only
of quality paper 8.5 x 11 in. (or ISO A4) with 1 in.
(2.5 cm) margins. The manuscript will include, in the following
order, the title page, the abstract, a brief introduction, main
text, concluding section, acknowledgments, reference list, any
appendices, tables (each starting on a separate page and including
a title), and figure captions (typed on a separate page in numerical
order). Each page of the manuscript must be numbered, beginning with the title page. Use an italic font
for material that is to be set in italics. Manuscripts that do
not conform to this format may be returned to the author for correction
before review.