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Stuart Bale
1. SCEX 3 Observations of HF z-mode emissions from the aurora, R. T. Goerke, P. J. Kellogg, S. D. Bale, S. J. Monson, H. R. Anderson, D. W. Potter, E. P. Szuszczewicz, and G. D. Earle, Auroral Plasma Dynamics, ed. R. L. Lysak, 1993.
2. Determination of dispersion relations in quasi-stationary plasma turbulence using dual satellite data, T. Dudok de Wit, V. V. Krasnosel'skikh, S. D. Bale, M. Dunlop, H. Luhr, S. J. Schwartz, L. J. C. Wooliscroft, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 2653, 1995. 3. Suprathermal electrons associated with a plasma discharge on an active ionospheric sounding rocket, S. D. Bale, P. J. Kellogg, S. J. Monson, H. R. Anderson, and D. W. Potter, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 23749, 1995.
4. Langmuir waves in the earth's electron foreshock: WIND observations, S. D. Bale, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, R. L. Howard, and S. J. Monson, Proceedings of the Paris Workshop on Collisionless Shocks, ed. B. Lembege, 1996. 5. Phase coupling in Langmuir wave packets: Possible evidence of three-wave interactions in the upstream solar wind, S. D. Bale, D. Burgess, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, R. L. Howard, and S. J. Monson, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 109, 1996.
6. A large magnetic depletion observed in the solar wind close to the earth's bow shock, G. Chisham, S. D. Bale, D. Burgess, and S. J. Schwartz, Adv. Space Res., 19, 869, 1997. 7. Evidence of currents and unstable particle distributions in an extended region around the lunar plasma wake, S. D. Bale, C. J. Owen, J.-L. Bougeret, K. Goetz, P. J. Kellogg, R. P. Lepping, R. Manning, and S. J. Monson, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 1427, 1997. 8. Langmuir wave amplitudes and the electron distributions near the solar wind-foreshock boundary, S. D. Bale, G. Chisham, D. Burgess, and S. J. Schwartz, Adv. Space Res., 20, 695, 1997. 9. Limits on decametric radiation from the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts on Jupiter, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, S. J. Monson, and S. D. Bale, Astrophys. J., 484, 432, 1997. 10. On the amplitude of intense Langmuir waves in the terrestrial electron foreshock, S. D. Bale, D. Burgess, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, and S. J. Monson, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 11281, 1997. 11. Shadowed particle distributions near the moon, S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 19773, 1997.
12. A simple simulation of a plasma void: Applications to Wind observations of the lunar wake, W. M. Farrell, M. L. Kaiser, J. T. Steinberg, and S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 23653, 1998. 13. A z-mode cyclotron maser model for bottomside ionospheric radio emissions, A. J. Willes, S. D. Bale, and Z. Kunicic, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 7017, 1998. 14. Bipolar electrostatic structures in the shock transition region: Evidence of electron phase space holes, S. D. Bale, P. J. Kellogg, D. E. Larson, R. P. Lin, K. Goetz, and R. P. Lepping, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 2929, 1998. 15. Magnetospheric constellation and tomography mission concept, R. E. Ergun, D. E. Larson, T. Phan, J. P. McFadden, C. W. Carlson, I. Roth, G. Delory, S. Bale, V. Angelopoulos, R. J. Strangeway, C. T. Russell, J. Raeder, P. A. Bernhardt, J. L. Bougeret, R. Manning, J. Wygant, K. Goetz, R. Benson, J. Green, et al., Science Closure and enabling technologies for constellation class missions, ed. V. Angelopoulos and P.V. Panetta, 29-35, 1998. 16. Multisatellite and ground-based observations of a tailward propagating Pc5 magnetospheric waveguide mode, I. R. Mann, G. Chisham, and S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 4657, 1998. 17. Ponderomotive lower hybrid wave growth in electric fields associated with electron beam injection and transversely accelerated ions, S. D. Bale, P. J. Kellogg, K. N. Erickson, S. J. Monson, and R. L. Arnoldy, Adv. Space Res., 21, 735, 1998. 18. Transverse z-mode waves in the terrestrial electron foreshock, S. D. Bale, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, and S. J. Monson, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 9, 1998. 19. Whistler waves observed during an in-situ solar type III radio burst, O. Moullard, D. Burgess, and S. D. Bale, Astron. & Astrophys., 335, 703, 1998. 20. WIND spacecraft observations of solar impulsive electron events associated with solar type III radio bursts, R. E. Ergun, D. Larson, R. P. Lin, J. McFadden, C. W. Carlson, K. A. Anderson, L. Muschietti, M. McCarthy, G. K. Parks, H. Rčme, J. M. Bosqued, C. d'Uston, T. R. Sanderson, K.-P. Wenzel, M. Kaiser, R. P. Lepping, S. D. Bale, P. Kellogg, and J.-L. Bougeret, Astrophys. J., 503, 435, 1998.
21. A search for Langmuir solitons in the Earth's foreshock, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, S. J. Monson, and S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 6751, 1999. 22. Evidence for acceleration of ions to ~1 MeV by adiabatic-like reflection at the quasi-perpendicular Earth's bow shock, K. Meziane, R. P. Lin, G. K. Parks, D. E. Larson, S. D. Bale, G. M. Mason, J. R. Dwyer, R. P. Lepping, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2925, 1999. 23. Langmuir waves in a fluctuating solar wind, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, S. J. Monson, and S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 17069, 1999. 24. Observation of topside ionospheric MF/HF radio emission from space, S. D. Bale, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 667, 1999. 25. The source region of an interplanetary type II radio burst, S. D. Bale, M. J. Reiner, J.-L. Bougeret, M. L. Kaiser, S. Krucker, D. E. Larson, and R. P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1573, 1999.
26. Feasibility of a multisatellite investigation of the Earth's magnetosphere with radio tomography, R. E. Ergun, D. E. Larson, T. Phan, D. Taylor, S. Bale, C. W. Carlson, I. Roth, V. Angelopoulos, J. Raeder, T. Bell, U.S. Inan, J.-L Bougeret, R. Manning, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 361, 2000. 27. Multisatellite observations of large magnetic depressions in the solar wind, G. Chisham, S. J. Schwartz, D. Burgess, S. D. Bale, M. W. Dunlop, and C. T. Russell, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 2325, 2000. 28. On the beam speed and wavenumber of intense electron plasma waves near the foreshock edge, S. D. Bale, D. E. Larson, R. P. Lin, P. J. Kellogg. K. Goetz, S. J. Monson, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 27353, 2000. 29. Remote probing of the lunar wake, F. V. Marcoline, D. E. Larson, R. P. Lin, and S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., preprint, 2000.
30. Antenna-plasma and antenna-spacecraft resistance on the Wind Spacecraft, P. J. Kellogg and S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 18721, 2001. 31. Coordinated ground-based and Cluster observations of large amplitude global magnetospheric oscillations during a fast solar wind speed interval, I. R. Mann, I. Voronkov, M. Dunlop, E. Donovan, T. K. Yeoman, D. K. Milling, J. Wild, K. Kauristie, O. Amm, S. D. Bale, A. Balogh, A. Viljanen, and H. J. Opgenoorth, Ann. Geophysicae, 20, 405-426, 2001. 32. Electric field and spacecraft potential measurements on four Cluster satellites at the dusk magnetopause, F. S. Mozer, S. D. Bale, M. Andre, A. Ericsson, G. Gustafsson, G. Holmgren, P.-A. Lindqvist, J. Holtet, B. Lybekk, A. Pedersen, R. Grard, H. Laakso, K. Mursula, P. Tanskanen, and K. Yerby, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2001. 33. High energy particle acceleration by solar flares and fast coronal mass ejections, R.P. Lin, G. Hurford, S. Krucker, and S. Bale, Proc. of Solar Encounter: The 1st Solar Orbiter Workshop, 275-278, 2001. 34. Multi-point electric field observations in the high-latitude magnetosphere, H. Laakso, R. Grard, A, Masson, O. Moullard, S. Bale, F. Mozer, A. Pedersen, M. Andre, A. Eriksson, G. Gustaffson, and P.-A. Lindqvist, Les Woolliscroft Memorial Conference Sheffield Space Plasma Meeting: Multipoint Measurements versus Theory Proceedings(SP-492), 27-34, 2001. 35. Solar Impulsive Electron Events with Unusual Velocity Dispersions, Krucker, S.; Bale, S. D.; Lin, R. P., Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 07-15 August, 2001. Hamburg, Germany. Under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)., p.3235, 2001. 36. The normal, thickness, and speed of the dusk magnetopause from Cluster Electric Field and Wave experiment measurements, S. D. Bale, F. S. Mozer, M. Andre, A. Ericsson, G. Gustafsson, G. Holmgren, P.-A. Lindqvist, J. Holtet, B. Lybekk, A. Pedersen, R. Grard, H. Laakso, K. Mursula, P. Tanskanen, and K. Yerby, American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2001, 2001. 37. Whistler waves, Langmuir waves and loss cone electron distributions observed inside a magnetic cloud: Observations, O. Moullard, D. Burgess, C. Salem, A. Mangeney, D. E. Larson, and S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 8301, 2001.
38. Electrostatic turbulence and debye-scale structures associated with electron thermalization at collisionless shocks, S. D. Bale, A. Hull, D. E. Larson, R. P. Lin, L. Muschietti, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, and J. Monson, Ap. J., 575, L25, 2002. 39. Evidence for electron acceleration up to ~300 KEV in the magnetic reconnection diffusion region of Earth's magnetotail, M. Oieroset, R.P. Lin, T.D. Phan, D.E. Larson and S.D. Bale, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89 (19), 195001, 2002. 40. Evidence for Langmuir wave tunneling in the inhomogeneous solar wind, A.J. Willes, S.D. Bale, and Iver H. Cairns, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 17-1, 2002. 41. Evidence of diffusion regions at a subsolar magnetopause crossing, F.S. Mozer, S.D. Bale, and T.D. Phan, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89(1), 015002-1, 2002. 42. Influence of external density fluctuations on parametric 3-wave interaction, B. Lefebvre, V. Krasnoselskikh, S.D. Bale, and A.S. Volokitin, Adv. Space Res., 30 (7), 1645-1650, 2002. 43. Interpretation of downshifted electron plasma oscillations observed by CLUSTER, V.V. Krasnoselskikh, V.V. Lobzin, P. Decreau, B. Lefebvre, J.L. Pincon, S.J. Schwartz, M. Dunlop, P. Travnicek, J.M. Bosqued, S.D. Bale, A. Balogh, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, and A. Fazakerley, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2002. 44. Observation of lower hybrid drift instability in the diffusion region at a reconnecting magnetopause, Bale, S.D., F.S. Mozer and T. Phan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(24), 2180, 2002.
45. Bow shock motions observed with CLUSTER, M. Maksimovic, S. D. Bale, T. S. Horbury, and M. Andre, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(7), 1393, 2003. 46. Density-Transition Scale at Quasiperpendicular Collisionless Shocks, S.D. Bale, F.S. Mozer, and T.S. Horbury, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91(26), 265004-1, 2003. 47. Electron properties and Coulomb collisions in the solar wind at 1 AU: WIND observations, C. Salem, D. Hubert, C. Lacombe, S.D. Bale, A. Mangeney, D.E. Larson, and R.P. Lin, Astrophys. J., 585, 1147, 2003. 48. Electrostatic turbulence in the bow shock: Dependence on plasma beta and Mach number, S.D. Bale, A. Hull, D.E. Larson, R.P. Lin, and P.J. Kellogg, Adv. Space Res., submitted, 2003. 49. Modification of the solar wind electron velocity distributions at interplanetary shocks, R.J. Fitzenreiter, K.W. Ogilvie, S.D. Bale, and A.F. Vinas, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 1415, 2003. 50. Nearly monochromatic waves in the distant tail of the Earth, P.J. Kellogg and S.D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A04223, 2003. 51. Observations of Electron Diffusion Regions at the Subsolar Magnetopause, F.S. Mozer, S.D. Bale, T.D. Phan, and J.A. Osborne, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91(24), 245002-1, 2003. 52. The complex structure of the reconnecting magnetopause, F.S. Mozer, T.D. Phan, S.D. Bale, Phys. Plasmas, 10(6), 2480, 2003.
53. Large amplitude, extremely rapid, predominantly perpendicular electric field structures at the magnetopause, F. S. Mozer, S. D. Bale, J. D. Scudder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L15802, 2004. 54. Relativistic cyclotron resonance condition as applied to Type II interplanetary radio emission, W. M. Farrell, M. L. Kaiser, S. D. Bale, M. D. Desch, R. J. Fitzenreiter, K. Goetz, and J.-L. Bougeret, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A02106, 2004. 55. Solitary structures associated with short large-amplitude magnetic structures (SLAMS) upstream of the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock, Behlke, R.; André, M.; Bale, S. D.; Pickett, J. S.; Cattell, C. A.; Lucek, E. A.; Balogh, A., Geophys. Rev. Lett., 31 (16), L16805, 2004.
56. Cluster at the Bow Shock: Introduction, Balogh, A.; Schwartz, S. J.; Bale, S. D.; Balikhin, M. A.; Burgess, D.; Horbury, T. S.; Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Kucharek, H.; Lembčge, B.; Lucek, E. A.; Möbius, E.; Scholer, M.; Thomsen, M. F.; Walker, S. N. , Space Sci. Rev., 118 (1-4), 155-160, 2005. 57. Cluster at the Bow Shock: Status and Outlook, Scholer, M.; Thomsen, M. F.; Burgess, D.; Bale, S. D.; Balikhin, M. A.; Balogh, A.; Horbury, T. S.; Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Kucharek, H.; Lucek, E. A.; Lembčge, B.; Möbius, E.; Schwartz, S. J.; Walker, S. N. , Space Sci. Rev., 118 (1-4), 223-227, 2005. 58. Electrons and magnetic fields in the lunar plasma wake, Halekas, J. S.; Bale, S. D.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P., J. Geophys. Res., 110(A7), A07222, 2005. 59. Measurement of the electric fluctuation spectrum of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, Bale, S. D., P. J. Kellogg, F. S. Mozer, T. S. Horbury, H. Reme, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 215002-1, 2005. 60. New features of electron diffusion regions observed at subsolar magnetic field reconnection sites, Mozer, F. S.; Bale, S. D.; McFadden, J. P.; Torbert, R. B., Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(24), L24102, 2005. 61. Quasi-parallel Shock Structure and Processes, Burgess, D.; Lucek, E. A.; Scholer, M.; Bale, S. D.; Balikhin, M. A.; Balogh, A.; Horbury, T. S.; Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Kucharek, H.; Lembčge, B.; Möbius, E.; Schwartz, S. J.; Thomsen, M. F.; Walker, S. N. , Space Sci. Rev., 118 (1-4), 205-222, 2005. 62. Quasi-perpendicular Shock Structure and Processes, Bale, S. D.; Balikhin, M. A.; Horbury, T. S.; Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Kucharek, H.; Möbius, E.; Walker, S. N.; Balogh, A.; Burgess, D.; Lembčge, B.; Lucek, E. A.; Scholer, M.; Schwartz, S. J.; Thomsen, M. F. , Space Sci. Rev., 118 (1-4), 161-203, 2005. 63. Science opportunities with a double Langmuir probe and electric field experiment for JIMO, Wahlund, J.-E.; Blomberg, L. G.; Morooka, M.; Cumnock, J. A.; André, M.; Eriksson, A. I.; Kurth, W. S.; Gurnett, D. A.; Bale, S. D. , Adv. Space Res., 36 (11), 2110-2119, 2005. 64. Solar Imaging Radio Array (SIRA): A multi-spacecraft mission, MacDowall, R. J., S. D. Bale, L. Demaio, N. Gopalswamy, D. L. Jones, M. L. Kaiser, J. C. Kasper, M. J. Reiner, and K. W. Weiler, Proc. SPIE, 5659, 284, 2005. 65. Solar wind electron temperature and density measurements on the Solar Orbiter with thermal noise spectroscopy, Maksimovic, M., K. Issautier, N. Meyer-Vernet, C. Perche, M. Moncuquet, I. Zouganelis, S. D. Bale, N. Vilmer, and J.-L. Bougeret, Adv. Space Res., 36 (8), 1471-1473, 2005. 66. Structure of the lunar wake: two-dimensional global hybrid simulations, Travnicek, P., P. Hellinger, D. Schriver, and S. D. Bale, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L06102, 2005. 67. The electric potential at the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock: Initial Cluster results, Behlke, R.; Kucharek, H.; Bale, S. D.; André, M.; Lucek, E. A., THE PHYSICS OF COLLISIONLESS SHOCKS: 4th Annual IGPP International Astrophysics Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, 781, 79-83, 2005. 68. The Solar Imaging Radio Array: Space-Based Imaging of Solar, Heliospheric, Magnetospheric, and Astrophysical Sources at Frequencies below the Ionospheric Cutoff, MacDowall, R. J.; Gopalswamy, N.; Kaiser, M. L.; Bale, S. D.; Demaio, L. D.; Hewitt, J. N.; Kasper, J. C.; Lazarus, A. J.; Howard, R. E.; Jones, D. L.; Reiner, M. J.; Weiler, K. W., From Clark Lake to the Long Wavelength Array: Bill Erickson's Radio Science ASP Conference Series, Vol. 345, Proceedings of the Conference held 8-11 September, 2004 , 476, 2005. 69. Wavelength and decay length of density overshoot structure in supercritical, collisionless bow shocks, Saxena, R.; Bale, S. D.; Horbury, T. S. , Phys. Plasmas, 12 (5), 052904, 2005.
70. Heliospheric ion energization due to emerging CME shocks, Roth, I. and S. D. Bale, J. Geophys. Res., 111(A7), A07S06, 2006. 71. Large-amplitude electrostatic waves associated with magnetic ramp substructure at Earth's bow shock, Hull, A. J., D. E. Larson, M. Wilber, J. D. Scudder, F. S. Mozer, C. T. Russell and S. D. Bale , Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L15104, 2006. 72. Low frequency electric field and density fluctuation measurements on Solar Orbiter, Vaivads, A. I. Eriksson, M. Andre, L. G. Blomberg, J.-E. Wahlund, and S. D. Bale, Adv. Space Res., 39 (9), 1502-1509, 2006. 73. Measurements of Electric and Magnetic Field Fluctuation Spectra in the Solar Wind at 1 AU, Kilpua, S. P.; Bale, S. D.; Horbury, T. , American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, 2006. 74. Rapid fluctuations of stratospheric electric field following a solar energetic particle event, M. Kokorowski, J. G. Sample, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering, S. D. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, A. R. W. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, B. D. Reddell, D. M. Smith, P. H. Stoker, and L. Woodger, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L20104, 2006. 75. Solar wind electric fields in the ion cyclotron frequency range, P. J. Kellogg, S. D. Bale, F. S. Mozer, T. S. Horbury, and H. Reme, Astrophys. J., 645, 704, 2006. 76. STEREO/WAVES Goniopolarimetry, B. Cecconi, X. Bonnin, S. Hoang, M. Maksimovic, S. D. Bale, J.-L. Bougeret, K. Goetz, A. Lecacheux, M. J. Reiner, H. O. Rucker, and P. Zarka , Space Sci. Rev., submitted, 2006.
77. Contributions to the cross shock electric field at a quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock, J. P. Eastwood, S. D. Bale, F. S. Mozer and A. J. Hill , Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L17104, 2007. 78. Dissipation in turbulent plasma due to reconnection in thin current sheets, Sundkvist D., Retinň A., Vaivads A., Bale S.D., Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 025004, 2007. 79. Measurement of Large Parallel and Perpendicular Electric Fields on Electron Spatial Scales in the Terrestrial Bow Shock , S. D. Bale and F. S. Mozer, Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 205001, 2007. 80. Wind/WAVES observations of high frequency plasma waves in solar wind reconnection exhausts , K. E. J. Huttunen, S. D Bale, T. D. Phan, M Davis, and J. T. Gosling, J. Geophys. Res., 112, A01102, 2007.
81. A Comprehensive View of the 2006 December 13 CME: From the Sun to Interplanetary Space, Liu, Y.; Luhmann, J. G.; Müller-Mellin, R.; Schroeder, P. C.; Wang, L.; Lin, R. P.; Bale, S. D.; Li, Y.; Acuńa, M. H.; Sauvaud, J.-A., Astrophys. J., 689 (1), 563-571, 2008. 82. Characteristic Parameters of Drift Vortices Coupled to Alfven Waves in an Inhomogeneous Space Plasma, Sundkvist D., Bale S.D., Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 065001, 2008. 83. Coronal Hard X-Ray Emission Associated with Radio Type III Bursts, Krucker, Säm; Saint-Hilaire, P.; Christe, S.; White, S. M.; Chavier, A. D.; Bale, S. D.; Lin, R. P., Astrophys. J., 681 (1), 644-649, 2008. 84. Deflection flows ahead of ICMEs as an indicator of curvature and geoeffectiveness, Liu, Y.; Manchester, W. B.; Richardson, J. D.; Luhmann, J. G.; Lin, R. P.; Bale, S. D. , J. Geophys. Res., 113 (13), A00B03, 2008. 85. Direct measurement of the cross-shock electric potential at low plasma $\beta$, quasi-perpendicular bow shocks, Bale, S. D.; Mozer, F. S.; Krasnoselskikh, V. V., eprint arXiv:0809.2435, 2008. 86. Discovery of very large amplitude whistler-mode waves in Earth's radiation belts, Cattell, C.; Wygant, J. R.; Goetz, K.; Kersten, K.; Kellogg, P. J.; von Rosenvinge, T.; Bale, S. D.; Roth, I.; Temerin, M.; Hudson, M. K.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Wiedenbeck, M.; Maksimovic, M.; Ergun, R.; Acuna, M.; Russell, C. T., Geophys. Res. Lett., 35 (1), L01105, 2008. 87. Eigenmode Structure in Solar-Wind Langmuir Waves, Ergun, R. E.; Malaspina, D. M.; Cairns, Iver H.; Goldman, M. V.; Newman, D. L.; Robinson, P. A.; Eriksson, S.; Bougeret, J. L.; Briand, C.; Bale, S. D.; Cattell, C. A.; Kellogg, P. J.; Kaiser, M. L., Phys. Rev. Lett., 101 (5), 051101, 2008. 88. Magnetospheric electric field variations caused by storm-time shock fronts, Kokorowski, M.; Bering, E. A.; Ruohoniemi, M.; Sample, J. G.; Holzworth, R. H.; Bale, S. D.; Blake, J. B.; Collier, A. B.; Hughes, A. R. W.; Lay, E. H.; Lin, R. P.; McCarthy, M. P.; Millan, R. M.; Moraal, H.; O’Brien, T. P.; Parks, G. K.; Pulupa, M.; Reddell, B. D.; Smith, D. M.; Stoker, P. H.; Woodger, L., Adv. Space Res., 42 (1), 181-191, 2008. 89. Reconstruction of the 2007 May 22 Magnetic Cloud: How Much Can We Trust the Flux-Rope Geometry of CMEs?, Liu, Y.; Luhmann, J. G.; Huttunen, K. E. J.; Lin, R. P.; Bale, S. D.; Russell, C. T.; Galvin, A. B., Astrophys. J., 677 (2), L133-L136, 2008. 90. S/WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the STEREO Mission, Bougeret, J. L.; Goetz, K.; Kaiser, M. L.; Bale, S. D.; Kellogg, P. J.; Maksimovic, M.; Monge, N.; Monson, S. J.; Astier, P. L.; Davy, S.; Dekkali, M.; Hinze, J. J.; Manning, R. E.; Aguilar-Rodriguez, E.; Bonnin, X.; Briand, C.; Cairns, I. H.; Cattell, C. A.; Cecconi, B.; Eastwood, J.; Ergun, R. E.; Fainberg, J.; Hoang, S.; Huttunen, K. E. J.; Krucker, S.; Lecacheux, A.; MacDowall, R. J.; Macher, W.; Mangeney, A.; Meetre, C. A.; Moussas, X.; Nguyen, Q. N.; Oswald, T. H.; Pulupa, M.; Reiner, M. J.; Robinson, P. A.; Rucker, H.; Salem, C.; Santolik, O.; Silvis, J. M.; Ullrich, R.; Zarka, P.; Zouganelis, I., Space Sci. Rev., 136 (1-4), 487-528, 2008. 91. STEREO IMPACT Investigation Goals, Measurements, and Data Products Overview, Luhmann, J. G.; Curtis, D. W.; Schroeder, P.; McCauley, J.; Lin, R. P.; Larson, D. E.; Bale, S. D.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Aoustin, C.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Cummings, A. C.; Stone, E. C.; Davis, A. J.; Cook, W. R.; Kecman, B.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.; von Rosenvinge, T.; Acuna, M. H.; Reichenthal, L. S.; Shuman, S.; Wortman, K. A.; Reames, D. V.; Mueller-Mellin, R.; Kunow, H.; Mason, G. M.; Walpole, P.; Korth, A.; Sanderson, T. R.; Russell, C. T.; Gosling, J. T. , Space Sci. Rev., 136 (1-4), 117-184, 2008. 92. STEREO/Waves Goniopolarimetry, Cecconi, B.; Bonnin, X.; Hoang, S.; Maksimovic, M.; Bale, S. D.; Bougeret, J.-L.; Goetz, K.; Lecacheux, A.; Reiner, M. J.; Rucker, H. O.; Zarka, P., Space Sci. Rev., 136 (1-4), 549-563, 2008. 93. Structure on Interplanetary Shock Fronts: Type II radio burst source regions , M. Pulupa and S. D. Bale, Astrophys. J., 676 (2), 1330-1337, 2008. 94. The Electric Antennas for the STEREO/WAVES Experiment, Bale, S. D.; Ullrich, R.; Goetz, K.; Alster, N.; Cecconi, B.; Dekkali, M.; Lingner, N. R.; Macher, W.; Manning, R. E.; McCauley, J.; Monson, S. J.; Oswald, T. H.; Pulupa, M., Space Sci. Rev., 136 (1-4), 529-547, 2008. 95. THEMIS observations of a hot flow anomaly: Solar wind, magnetosheath, and ground-based measurements, Eastwood, J. P.; Sibeck, D. G.; Angelopoulos, V.; Phan, T. D.; Bale, S. D.; McFadden, J. P.; Cully, C. M.; Mende, S. B.; Larson, D.; Frey, S.; Carlson, C. W.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Auster, H. U.; Roux, A.; Le Contel, O., Geophys. Res. Lett., 35 (17), L17S03, 2008. 96. Wind observations of low energy particles within a solar wind reconnection region, Huttunen, K. E. J.; Bale, S. D.; Salem, C., Ann. Geophysicae, 26 (9), 2701-2710, 2008.
97. An association between anisotropic plasma heating and instabilities in the solar wind, Kasper, J. C.; Maruca, B. A.; Bale, S. D., eprint arXiv:0911.2715, 2009. 98. Coronal Mass Ejections and Global Coronal Magnetic Field Reconfiguration, Liu, Ying; Luhmann, Janet G.; Lin, Robert P.; Bale, Stuart D.; Vourlidas, Angelos; Petrie, Gordon J. D., Astrophys. J. Lett., 698 (1), L51-L55, 2009. 99. Cross-Scale: Multi-Scale Coupling in Space Plasma, Assessment Study Report, Schwartz, Steve; Bale, Stuart D.; Fujimoto, Masaki; Hellinger, Petr; Kessel, Mona; Le, Guan; Liu, William; Louarn, Philippe; Mann, Ian; Nakamura, Rumi; Owen, Chris; Pinçon, Jean-Louis; Sorriso-Valvo, Luca; Vaivads, Andris; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F., eprint arXiv:0912.0856, 2009. 100. Daily variations of auroral kilometric radiation observed by STEREO, Panchenko, M.; Khodachenko, M. L.; Kislyakov, A. G.; Rucker, H. O.; Hanasz, J.; Kaiser, M. L.; Bale, S. D.; Lamy, L.; Cecconi, B.; Zarka, P.; Goetz, K., Geophys. Res. Lett., 36 (6), L06102, 2009. 101. Dust Detection by the Wave Instrument on STEREO: Nanoparticles Picked up by the Solar Wind?, Meyer-Vernet, N.; Maksimovic, M.; Czechowski, A.; Mann, I.; Zouganelis, I.; Goetz, K.; Kaiser, M. L.; St. Cyr, O. C.; Bougeret, J.-L.; Bale, S. D., Solar Phys., 256 (1-2), 463-474, 2009. 102. Evidence for wave coupling in type III emissions, Henri, P.; Briand, C.; Mangeney, A.; Bale, S. D.; Califano, F.; Goetz, K.; Kaiser, M., J. Geophys. Res., 114 (A3), A03103, 2009. 103. Magnetic Fluctuation Power Near Proton Temperature Anisotropy Instability Thresholds in the Solar Wind, Bale, S. D.; Kasper, J. C.; Howes, G. G.; Quataert, E.; Salem, C.; Sundkvist, D., Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 (21), 211101, 2009. 104. Multipoint Observations of Solar Type III Radio Bursts from STEREO and Wind, Reiner, M. J.; Goetz, K.; Fainberg, J.; Kaiser, M. L.; Maksimovic, M.; Cecconi, B.; Hoang, S.; Bale, S. D.; Bougeret, J.-L., Solar Phys., 259 (1-2), 255-276, 2009. 105. Observations of turbulence generated by magnetic reconnection, Eastwood, J. P., T. D. Phan, S. D. Bale and A. Tjulin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 035001, 2009. 106. Plasma wave measurements with STEREO S/WAVES: Calibration, potential model, and preliminary results, Kellogg, P. J.; Goetz, K.; Monson, S. J.; Bale, S. D.; Reiner, M. J.; Maksimovic, Milan, J. Geophys. Res., 114 (A2), A02107, 2009. 107. Relationship Between a Coronal Mass Ejection-Driven Shock and a Coronal Metric Type II Burst , Liu, Y.; Luhmann, J. G.; Bale, S. D.; Lin, R. P, Astrophys. J. Lett., 691 (2), L151-L155, 2009. 108. Solar Wind Magnetohydrodynamics Turbulence: Anomalous Scaling and Role of Intermittency, Salem, C.; Mangeney, A.; Bale, S. D.; Veltri, P., Astrophys. J., 702 (1), 537-553, 2009.
109. Detection of fast nanoparticles in the solar wind, Meyer-Vernet, N.; Czechowski, A.; Mann, I.; Maksimovic, M.; Lecacheux, A.; Goetz, K.; Kaiser, M. L.; Cyr, O. C. St.; Bale, S. D.; Le Chat, G., TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SOLAR WIND CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1216 , 502-505, 2010. 110. Generation of Electric Currents in the Chromosphere via Neutral-Ion Drag, Krasnoselskikh, V.; Vekstein, G.; Hudson, H. S.; Bale, S. D.; Abbett, W. P., Astrophys. J., 724 (2), 1542-1550, 2010. 111. Geometric Triangulation of Imaging Observations to Track Coronal Mass Ejections Continuously Out to 1 AU, Liu, Ying; Davies, Jackie A.; Luhmann, Janet G.; Vourlidas, Angelos; Bale, Stuart D.; Lin, Robert P., Astrophys. J. Lett., 710 (1), L82-L87, 2010. 112. In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in Thin Current Sheets, Retinň, Alessandro; Nakamura, Rumi; Vaivads, Andris; Sundkvist, David; Tanaka, Kentaro; Kasahara, Satoshi; Khotyaintsev, Yuri; Mozer, Forrest; Fujimoto, Masaki; Baumjohann, Wolfgang; Bale, Stuart, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany, 12, 2010. 113. In-situ observations of magnetic reconnection in turbulent plasma, Retinň, Alessandro; Sundkvist, David; Vaivads, Andris; Mozer, Forrest S.; Nakamura, Rumi; Saharoui, Fouad; Bale, Stuart D., EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2-7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, 6704, 2010. 114. Langmuir wave-packet generation from an electron beam propagating in the inhomogeneous solar wind, Zaslavsky, A.; Volokitin, A. S.; Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Maksimovic, M.; Bale, S. D., TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SOLAR WIND CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1216, 296-299, 2010. 115. Langmuir waves upstream of interplanetary shocks: Dependence on shock and plasma parameters, Pulupa, M. P.; Bale, S. D.; Kasper, J. C., J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A4), A04106, 2010. 116. Measurements of Rapid Density Fluctuations in the Solar Wind, Malaspina, D. M.; Kellogg, P. J.; Bale, S. D.; Ergun, R. E., Astrophys. J., 711 (1), 322-327, 2010. 117. Measurements of stray antenna capacitance in the STEREO/WAVES instrument: Comparison of the measured voltage spectrum with an antenna electron shot noise model, Zouganelis, I.; Maksimovic, M.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Bale, S. D.; Eastwood, J. P.; Zaslavsky, A.; Dekkali, M.; Goetz, K.; Kaiser, M. L., Radio Science, 45 (1), RS1005, 2010. 118. New periodicity in Jovian decametric radio emission, Panchenko, M.; Rucker, H. O.; Kaiser, M. L.; St. Cyr, O. C.; Bougeret, J.-L.; Goetz, K.; Bale, S. D., Geophys. Res. Lett., 37 (5), L05106, 2010. 119. On The Brightness and Waiting-Time Distributions of a Type III Radio Storm Observed By Stereo/Waves, Eastwood, J. P.; Wheatland, M. S.; Hudson, H. S.; Krucker, S.; Bale, S. D.; Maksimovic, M.; Goetz, K.; Bougeret, J.-L., Astrophys. J. Lett., 708 (2), L95-L99, 2010. 120. Reconstructing Coronal Mass Ejections with Coordinated Imaging and in Situ Observations: Global Structure, Kinematics, and Implications for Space Weather Forecasting, Liu, Ying; Thernisien, Arnaud; Luhmann, Janet G.; Vourlidas, Angelos; Davies, Jackie A.; Lin, Robert P.; Bale, Stuart D., Astrophys. J., 722 (2), 1762-1777, 2010. 121. Spacecraft charging and ion wake formation in the near-Sun environment, Ergun, R. E.; Malaspina, D. M.; Bale, S. D.; McFadden, J. P.; Larson, D. E.; Mozer, F. S.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Maksimovic, M.; Kellogg, P. J.; Wygant, J. R., Phys. Plasmas, 17 (7), 072903-072903-9, 2010. 122. Spacecraft charging and ion wake formation in the near-Sun environment, Ergun, R. E.; Malaspina, D. M.; Bale, S. D.; McFadden, J. P.; Larson, D. E.; Mozer, F. S.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Maksimovic, M.; Kellogg, P. J.; Wygant, J. R., Phys. Plasmas, 17 (7), 072903-072903-9, 2010. 123. Spatial localization of Langmuir waves generated from an electron beam propagating in an inhomogeneous plasma: Applications to the solar wind, Zaslavsky, A.; Volokitin, A. S.; Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Maksimovic, M.; Bale, S. D., J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A8), A08103, 2010.
124. A Radio Observatory on the Lunar Surface for Solar studies (ROLSS), MacDowall, R. J.; Lazio, T. J.; Bale, S. D.; Burns, J.; Farrell, W. M.; Gopalswamy, N.; Jones, D. L.; Weiler, K. W., eprint arXiv:1105.0666, 2011. 125. An asymmetry of the electron foreshock due to the strahl, Pulupa, M. P.; Bale, S. D.; Salem, C., Geophys. Res. Lett., 38 (14) , L14105, 2011. 126. Correction to “Electrons and magnetic fields in the lunar plasma wake”, Halekas, J. S.; Bale, S. D.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P., J. Geophys. Res., 116 (A7), A07228, 2011. 127. Determining the wavelength of Langmuir wave packets at the Earth's bow shock, Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Dudok de Wit, T.; Bale, S. D., Ann. Geophysicae, 29 (3), 613-617, 2011. 128. FRAME DEPENDENCE OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD SPECTRUM OF SOLAR WIND TURBULENCE, C. H. K. Chen, S. D. Bale, C. Salem, F. S. Mozer, Astrophys. J. Lett., 737, L41, 2011. 129. Incorporating Kinetic Physics into a Two-fluid Solar-wind Model with Temperature Anisotropy and Low-frequency Alfvén-wave Turbulence, Chandran, Benjamin D. G.; Dennis, Timothy J.; Quataert, Eliot; Bale, Stuart D., Astrophys. J., 743 (2), 197, 2011. 130. On the antenna calibration of space radio instruments using the galactic background: General formulas and application to STEREO/WAVES, Zaslavsky, A.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Hoang, S.; Maksimovic, M.; Bale, S. D., Radio Science, 46 (2), RS2008, 2011. 131. Solar Source and Heliospheric Consequences of the 2010 April 3 Coronal Mass Ejection: A Comprehensive View, Liu, Ying; Luhmann, Janet G.; Bale, Stuart D.; Lin, Robert P., Astrophys. J., 734 (2), 84, 2011. 132. The Radio Observatory on the Lunar Surface for Solar studies, Lazio, T. Joseph W.; MacDowall, R. J.; Burns, Jack O.; Jones, D. L.; Weiler, K. W.; Demaio, L.; Cohen, A.; Paravastu Dalal, N.; Polisensky, E.; Stewart, K.; Bale, S.; Gopalswamy, N.; Kaiser, M.; Kasper, J., Adv. Space Res., 48 (12), 1942-1957, 2011. 133. What Are the Relative Roles of Heating and Cooling in Generating Solar Wind Temperature Anisotropies?, Maruca, B. A.; Kasper, J. C.; Bale, S. D., Phys. Rev. Lett., 107 (20), 201101, 2011.
134. Density Fluctuation Spectrum of Solar Wind Turbulence between Ion and Electron Scales, Chen, C. H. K.; Salem, C. S.; Bonnell, J. W.; Mozer, F. S.; Bale, S. D., Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 035001, 2012. 135. Determination of Electromagnetic Source Direction as an Eigenvalue Problem, Martínez-Oliveros, Juan C.; Lindsey, Charles; Bale, Stuart D.; Krucker, Säm, Solar Phys., 279, 153-171, 2012. 136. Dispersive nature of high Mach number collisionless plasma shocks: Poynting flux of oblique whistler waves, David Sundkvist, V. Krasnoselskikh, S. D. Bale, S.J. Schwartz, J. Soucek, and F. Mozer, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 025002, 2012. 137. EIDOSCOPE: particle acceleration at plasma boundaries, Vaivads, A.; Andersson, G.; Bale, S. D.; Cully, C. M.; De Keyser, J.; Fujimoto, M.; Grahn, S.; Haaland, S.; Ji, H.; Khotyaintsev, Yu. V.; Lazarian, A.; Lavraud, B.; Mann, I. R.; Nakamura, R.; Nakamura, T. K. M.; Narita, Y.; Retinň, A.; Sahraoui, F.; Schekochihin, A.; Schwartz, S. J.; Shinohara, I.; Sorriso-Valvo, L., Experimental Astronomy, 33 (2-3), 491-527, 2012. 138. Generation of electric currents via neutral-ion drag in the chromosphere and ionosphere, Krasnoselskikh, V.; Abbett, W. P.; Hudson, H.; Vekstein, G.; Bale, S. D., WAVES AND INSTABILITIES IN SPACE AND ASTROPHYSICAL PLASMAS. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1439, 42-62, 2012. 139. IDENTIFICATION OF KINETIC ALFVÉN WAVE TURBULENCE IN THE SOLAR WIND , Salem, C. S.; Howes, G. G.; Sundkvist, D.; Bale, S. D.; Chaston, C. C.; Chen, C. H. K.; Mozer, F. S., Astrophys. J. Lett., 745 (1), L9, 2012. 140. Interactions between Coronal Mass Ejections Viewed in Coordinated Imaging and in situ Observations, Liu, Ying D.; Luhmann, Janet G.; Möstl, Christian; Martinez-Oliveros, Juan C.; Bale, Stuart D.; Lin, Robert P.; Harrison, Richard A.; Temmer, Manuela; Webb, David F.; Odstrcil, Dusan, Astrophys. J. Lett., 746 (2), L15, 2012. 141. Interplanetary dust detection by radio antennas: Mass calibration and fluxes measured by STEREO/WAVES, Zaslavsky, A.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Mann, I.; Czechowski, A.; Issautier, K.; Le Chat, G.; Pantellini, F.; Goetz, K.; Maksimovic, M.; Bale, S. D.; Kasper, J. C., J. Geophys. Res., 117 (A5), A05102, 2012. 142. Probing the first stars and black holes in the early Universe with the Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE), Burns, Jack O.; Lazio, J.; Bale, S.; Bowman, J.; Bradley, R.; Carilli, C.; Furlanetto, S.; Harker, G.; Loeb, A.; Pritchard, J., Adv. Space Res., 49 (3), 433-450, 2012. 143. Solar wind electrons and Langmuir turbulence, Yoon, P. H.; Lin, R. P.; Larson, D. E.; Bale, S. D., PHYSICS OF THE HELIOSPHERE: A 10 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE: Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Astrophysics Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1436, 80-85, 2012. 144. STEREO measurements of electron acceleration beyond fast Fermi at the bow shock, Pulupa, Marc; Bale, Stuart D.; Opitz, Andrea; Fedorov, Andrei; Lin, Robert P.; Sauvaud, Jean-Andre, eprint arXiv:1202.3678, 2012. 145. The 2010 August 1 Type II Burst: A CME-CME Interaction and its Radio and White-light Manifestations, Martínez Oliveros, Juan Carlos; Raftery, Claire L.; Bain, Hazel M.; Liu, Ying; Krupar, Vratislav; Bale, Stuart; Krucker, Säm, Astrophys. J., 748 (1), 66, 2012. 146. The Slow-mode Nature of Compressible Wave Power in Solar Wind Turbulence, Howes, G. G.; Bale, S. D.; Klein, K. G.; Chen, C. H. K.; Salem, C. S.; TenBarge, J. M., Astrophys. J. Lett., 753 (1), L19, 2012. 147. Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Wind Turbulence, Chen, C. H. K.; Mallet, A.; Schekochihin, A. A.; Horbury, T. S.; Wicks, R. T.; Bale, S. D., Astrophys. J., in press, 2012. 148. Using Synthetic Spacecraft Data to Interpret Compressible Fluctuations in Solar Wind Turbulence, Klein, K. G.; Howes, G. G.; TenBarge, J. M.; Bale, S. D.; Chen, C. H. K.; Salem, C. S., Astrophys. J., 755 (2), 159, 2012.
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