George H. Fisher


1. Heat regeneration in Malone type liquid engines using a parallel-plate geometry, P. C. Allen, G. H. Fisher, W. R. Knight, D. N. Paulson, and J. C. Wheatley, J. Appl. Phys., 52, 3876, 1981.


2. Flare loop radiative hydrodynamics. III. Nonlocal radiative transfer effects, R. C. Canfield, G. H. Fisher, and A. N. McClymont, Astrophys. J., 265, 507, 1983.

3. Flare loop radiative hydrodynamics. IV. Dynamic evolution of unstable semiempirical loop models, C. H. An, R. C. Canfield, G. H. Fisher, and A. N. McClymont, Astrophys. J., 267, 421, 1983.


4. Chromospheric evaporation velocities in solar flares, G. H. Fisher, R. C. Canfield, and A. N. McClymont, Astrophys. J. Lett., 281, 79, 1984.


5. Flare loop radiative hydrodynamics. V.. Response to Thick Target Heating, G. H. Fisher, R. C. Canfield, and A. N. McClymont, Astrophys. J., 289, 414, 1985.

6. Flare loop radiative hydrodynamics. VI. Chromospheric Evaporation Due to Heating by Nonthermal Electrons, G. H. Fisher, R. C. Canfied, and A. N. McClymont, Astrophys. J., 289, 425, 1985.

7. Flare loop radiative hydrodynamics. VII. Dynamics of the Thick Target Heated Chromosphere, G. H. Fisher, R. C. Canfield, and A. N. McClymont, Astrophys. J., 289, 434, 1985.


8. Radiating shocks and condensations in flares, G. H. Fisher, Proc. Of the NSO-SMM Workshop on Low Temperature Flare Plasmas, 25, 1986.

9. Radiation hydrodynamics in solar flares, G. H. Fisher, Radiation Hydrodynamics in Stars and Compact Objects, 255, 53, 1986.


10. Chromospheric downflow velocities as a diagnostic in solar flares, G. H. Fisher, Solar Phys., 113, 307, 1987.

11. Chromospheric explosions, G. A. Doschek, S. K. Antiochos, E. Antonucci, C.-C. Cheng, J. L. Culhane, G. H. Fisher, C. Jordan, J. W. Leibacher, P. MacNeice, R. W. P. McWhirter, R. L. Moore, D. M. Rabin, D. M. Rust, and R. A. Shine, Energetic Phenomena on the Sun, 2439, 1987.

12. Explosive evaporation in solar flares, G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 317, 502, 1987.

13. Intercomparison of numerical models of flaring coronal loops, R. A. Kopp, G. H. Fisher, P. MacNeice, R. W. P. McWhirter, and G. Peres, Energetic Phenomena on the Sun, 2439, 1987.


14. A dynamic scaling law for solar and stellar flare loops, G. H. Fisher and S. L. Hawley, Solar and Stellar Flares: IAU Colloquium no. 104, 54, 219, 1989.

15. Dynamics of anchored flux tubes in the convection zone. I.. Details of the Model, D.-Y. Chou and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 341, 533, 1989.

16. Dynamics of flare driven chromospheric condensations, G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 346, 1019, 1989.

17. Emergence of anchored flux tubes through the convection zone, G. H. Fisher, D.-Y. Chou, and A. N. McClymont, Solar System Plasma Physics I, ed. E. N. Parker et al., North-Holland Publ. Co., 54, 47, 1989.

18. On the mechanical energy available to drive solar flares, A. N. McClymont and G. H. Fisher, Solar System Plasma Physics I, ed. E. N. Parker et al., North-Holland Publ. Co., 54, 219, 1989.


19. An equation for the evolution of solar and stellar flare loops, G. H. Fisher and S. L. Hawley, Astrophys. J., 357, 243, 1990.


20. The effects of magnetic stretching in the convective overshoot region, G. H. Fisher, A. N. McClymont, and D.-Y. Chou, Lecture Notes in Physics, 388, 233, 1991.

21. The stretching of magnetic flux tubes in the convective overshoot region, G. H. Fisher, A. N. McClymont, and D.-Y. Chou, Astrophys. J., 374, 766, 1991.


22. A Zebra interpretation of BY Dra Stars, B. R. Petterson, S. L. Hawley and G. H. Fisher, Proc. 7th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, 26, 285, 1992.

23. Amplification of fibril magnetic fields by chaotic flows, G. H. Fisher, E. E. DeLuca, and B. M. Patten, The Solar Cycle, Proceedings of the National Solar Observatory/ Sacramento Peak 12th Summer Workshop, ed. K. L. Harvey, ASP Conf. Ser., 27, 173, 1992.

24. Energy balance models of solar flare atmospheres, S. L. Hawley and G. H. Fisher, Proc. 7th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, 26, 534, 1992.

25. Magnetic flux tubes in a 3-D chaotic flow field, G. H. Fisher, E. E. DeLuca, and B. M. Patten, Proc. 7th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, 26, 240, 1992.

26. Starspots: the zebra effect, B. R. Petterson, S. L. Hawley, and G. H. Fisher, Solar Phys., 142, 197, 1992.

27. X-ray heated models of stellar flare atmospheres: Theory and comparison with observations, S. L. Hawley and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 78, 565, 1992.


28. EUVE deep survey observations of a flare on AD Leo, S. L. Cully, O. H. W. Siegmund, G. H. Fisher, C. M. Johns, S. L. Hawley, and T. Simon, Bulletin of Amer. Astron. Soc., 25, 860, 1993.

29. Simultaneous optical and EUVE observations of a flare on AD Leo, S. L. Hawley, S. E. Deustua, S. L. Cully, G. H. Fisher, C. M. Johns, T. Simon, V. V. Smith, and W. J. Spiesman, Bulletin of Amer. Astron. Soc., 25, 856, 1993.

30. The dynamics of magnetic flux rings, E. E. DeLuca, G. H. Fisher, and B. M. Patten, Astrophys. J., 411, 383, 1993.

31. The evolution of anchored magnetic flux loops in the convective envelope of the sun, Y. Fan, G. H. Fisher, and E. E. DeLuca, GONG 1992: Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars, ed. Tim Brown, A.S.P. Conference Series, 42, 89, 1993.

32. The origin of morphological asymmetries in bipolar active regions, Y. Fan, G. H. Fisher, and E. E. DeLuca, Astrophys. J., 405, 390, 1993.


33. A CME Model for the 1992 July 15 Flare on AU Microscopii Observed by EUVE, S. L. Cully, G. H. Fisher, M. Abbott, and O. H. W. Siegmund, Astrophys. J., 435, 449, 1994.

34. A CME Model for the 1992 July 15 Flare on AU Microscopii Observed by EUVE, S. L. Cully, G. H. Fisher, O. H. W. Siegmund, and M. Abbott, Proc. 8th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. J.-P. Caillault, A.S.P. Conference Series, 64, 32, 1994.

35. Dynamics of emerging active region flux loops, Y. Fan, G. H. Fisher, and A. N. McClymont, Astrophys. J., 436, 907, 1994.

36. Models of rising active region flux tubes, G. H. Fisher, Y. Fan, E. E. DeLuca, and A. N. McClymont, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., 68, 109, 1994.

37. Non-LTE simulations of steady flaring atmospheres, D. T. Woods, G. H. Fisher, and J. I. Castor, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 75, 1994.

38. Solar flare model atmospheres, S. L. Hawley and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 426, 387, 1994.


39. Comparisons between theory and observation of active region tilts, G. H. Fisher, Y. Fan, and R. F. Howard, Astrophys. J., 438, 463, 1995.

40. Simultaneous EUVE and optical observations of AD Leonis: Evidence for large coronal loops and the Neupert effect in stellar flares, S. L. Hawley, G. H. Fisher, T. Simon, S. L. Cully, S. E. Deustua, M. Jablonski, C. M. Johns-Krull, B. R. Pettersen, V. Smith, W. J. Spiesman, and J. Valenti, Astrophys. J., 453, 464, 1995.


41. A search for asymmetric flows in young active regions, G. Cauzzi, R. C. Canfield, and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 456, 850, 1996.

42. A test of a new flare loop scaling law using YOHKOH SXT and GOES observations, T. R. Metcalf and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 462, 977, 1996.

43. Atomic models for use in radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of flaring and quiescent atmospheres, D. T. Woods, G. H. Fisher, & J. I. Castor, Bulletin of Amer. Astron. Soc., 28, 940, 1996.

44. Continued analysis of EUVE and optical observations of a flare on AD leonis, S. L. Cully, G. H. Fisher, S. L. Hawley, and T. Simon, Proc. IAU Colloq., ed. S. Bowyer, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 152, 153, 1996.

45. Radiative heating and the buoyant rise of magnetic flux tubes in the solar interior, Y. Fan and G. H. Fisher, Solar Phys., 166, 17, 1996.

46. The dynamics of magnetic flux tubes in the solar convection zone, G. H. Fisher, Y. Fan, D. W. Longcope and M. G. Linton, Proc. IAU Colloq., ed. Y. Uchida et al, Kluwer Academic Press, 153, 329, 1996.

47. The effects of convection zone turbulence on the tilt angles of magnetic bipoles, D. W. Longcope and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 458, 380, 1996.

48. The evolution and fragmentation of rising magnetic flux tubes, D. W. Longcope, G. H. Fisher, and S. Arendt, Astrophys. J., 464, 999, 1996.

49. The helical kink instability of isolated, twisted magnetic flux tubes, M. G. Linton, D. W. Longcope, and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 469, 954, 1996.


50. Atomic models for non-LTE simulations, D. T. Woods, G. H. Fisher, & J. I. Castor, Bulletin of Amer. Astron. Soc., 29, 888, 1997.

51. EUVE spectra of the 1993 March flares on AD leonis: The differential emission measure and implications for coronal structure, S. L. Cully, G. H. Fisher, S. L. Hawley, and T. Simon, Astrophys. J., 491, 910, 1997.


52. An observational test of transition region lines as a pressure gauge, N. W. Griffiths, G. H. Fisher, and O. H. W. Siegmund, ASP Conf. Ser., 154, 621, 1998.

53. Coronal heating in active regions as a function of Global Magnetic Variables, G. H. Fisher, D. W. Longscope, T. R. Metcalf, and A. A.Pevtsov, Astrophys. J., 508, 885, 1998.

54. Flux tube twist resulting from helical turbulence: The Sigma-effect, Longcope, D. W., G. H. Fisher, and A. A. Pevtsov, Astrophys. J., 507, 417, 1998.

55. Nonlinear evolution of kink-unstable magnetic flux tubes and solar delta-spot active regions, M. G. Linton, R. B. Dahlburg, G. H. Fisher, and D. W. Longcope, Astrophys. J., 507, 404, 1998.

56. The rise of kink-unstable magnetic flux tubes in the solar convection zone, Y. Fan, E. G. Zweibel, M. G. Linton, and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J. Lett., 505, L59, 1998.


57. MADGUY: A new atomic modeling and spectral analysis tool, D. T. Woods, J. K. Nash, R. W. Lee, and G. F. Fisher, Bulletin of Amer. Astron. Soc, 31, 886, 1999.

58. Multi-mode kink instability as a mechanism for delta-spot formation, M.G. Linton, G.H. Fisher, R.B. Dahlburg, Y. Fan, D.W. Longcope, Proc. 31st COSPAR Sci. Assem., in press, 1999.

59. Relationship of the multi-mode kink instability to delta-spot formation, M. G. Linton, G. H. Fisher, R. B. Dahlburg, and Y. Fan, Astrophys. J., 522, 1190, 1999.

60. SUMER observations of the quiet sun transition region, N. W. Griffiths, G. H. Fisher, D. T. Woods, and O. H. W. Siegmund, Astrophys. J., 512, 992, 1999.

61. The origin and role of twist in active regions, G. H. Fisher, D. W. Longcope, M. G. Linton, Y. Fan, A. A. Pevtsov, P.A.S.P. Conf. Ser., 178, 35, 1999.

62. The rise of kink-unstable magnetic flux tubes and the origin of delta-configuration sunspots, Y. Fan, E. G. Zweibel, M. G. Linton, and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 521, 460, 1999.

63. The solar flare soft X-ray differential emission measure and the Neupert effect at different temperatures, J. M. McTiernan, G. H. Fisher, and P. Li, Astrophys. J., 514, 472, 1999.

64. Twisted flux tubes and how they get that way, D. W. Longscope, M. G. Linton, A. A. Pevtsov, G. H. Fisher, and I. Klapper, Geophys. Monog. Ser., 111, 93, 1999.


65. H-alpha linear polarization observations of solar flares: The search for proton beams, C. M. Johns-Krull, G. H. Fisher, J. Varsik, and W. Marquette, AAS SPD, 32.0254, 2000.

66. Magnetic flux tubes inside the sun, G. H. Fisher, Y. Fan, D. W. Longcope, M. G. Linton, W. P. Abbett, Phys. Plasmas, 7, 2173, 2000.

67. Simultaneous SOHO and YOHKOH observations of a small solar active region, N. W. Griffiths, G. H. Fisher, D. T. Woods, L. W. Acton, and O. H. W. Siegmund, Astrophys. J., 537, 481, 2000.

68. The solar dynamo and emerging flux, G. H. Fisher, Y. Fan, D. W. Longcope, M. G. Linton, and A. A. Pevtsov, Solar Phys., 192, 119, 2000.

69. The three-dimensional evolution of rising, twisted magnetic flux tubes in a gravitationally stratified model convection zone, W. P. Abbett, G. H. Fisher, and Y. Fan, Astrophys. J., 540, 548, 2000.


70. The effects of rotation on the evolution of rising omega-loops in a stratified model convection zone, W. P. Abbett, G. H. Fisher, and Y. Fan, Astrophys. J., 546(1), 1194, 2001.

71. The Emergence of Magnetic Flux in Active Regions, Abbett, W.P., G.H. Fisher, and Y. Fan, IAU Symposium, ASP Conf. Proc., 203, 225, 2001.


72. A coupled model for the emergence of active region magnetic flux into the solar corona, W. P. Abbett and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 582(1), 475-485, 2003.

73. A viscoelastic theory of turbulent fluid permeated with fibril magnetic fields, Longcope, D. W., T. C. B. McLeish, and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 599, 661-674, 2003.

74. Multiwavelength observations of flares on AD Leonis, Suzanne L. Hawley, Joel C. Allred, Christopher M. Johns-Krull, George H. Fisher, William P. Abbett, Ilya Alekseev, Stavros I. Avgoloupis, Susana E. Deustua, Alastair Gunn, John H. Seiradakis, Martin M. Sirk, and Jeff A. Valenti, Astrophys. J., 597, 535, 2003.

75. The dynamic evolution of twisted magnetic flux tubes in a three-dimensional convecting flow. i. uniformly buoyant horizontal tubes, Y. Fan, W. P. Abbett, and G. H. Fisher, Astrophys. J., 582, 1206, 2003.

76. The March 2000 AD Leo Flare Campaign, Hawley, S.L., C.M. Johns-Krull, G.H. Fisher, W.P. Abbett, J.H. Seiradakis, and S.I. Avgoloupis, in "The Future of Cool Stars Astrophysics: 12th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun", 975, 2003.

77. The relationship between x-ray radiance and magnetic flux, Alexei A. Pevtsov, George H. Fisher, Loren W. Acton, Dana W. Longcope, Christopher M. Johns-Krull, Charles C. Kankelborg, and Thomas R. Metcalf, Astrophys. J., 598, 1387, 2003.


78. ILCT: Recovering Photospheric Velocities from Magnetograms By Combining the Induction Equation with Local Correlation Tracking, Welsch, B.T., G.H. Fisher, W.P. Abbett, and S. Regnier, Astrophys. J., 612, 557, 2004.

79. Observational evidence for velocity convergence toward magnetic neutral lines as a factor in CME initiation, Yan Li, Janet Luhmann, George Fisher and Brian Welsch, J. Atmosph. Solar Terr. Phys., 66(15-16), 1271-1282, 2004.

80. The Dynamic Evolution of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes in a Three-dimensional Convecting Flow. II. Turbulent Pumping and the Cohesion of Ω-Loops, Abbett, W. P.; Fisher, G. H.; Fan, Y.; Bercik, D. J. , Astrophys. J., 612 (1), 557-575, 2004.

81. The Photospheric Boundary of Sun-to-Earth Coupled Models, Abbett, W.P., Z. Mikic, J.A. Linker, J.M. McTiernan, T. Magara, and G.H. Fisher, J. Atmosph. Solar Terr. Phys., 66, 1257-1270, 2004.


82. Convective Dynamos and the Minimum X-Ray Flux in Main-Sequence Stars, Bercik, D. J.; Fisher, G. H.; Johns-Krull, Christopher M.; Abbett, W. P. , Astrophys. J., 631 (1), 529-539, 2005.


83. Active Region Magnetic Fields in the Solar Interior, Abbett, W. P.; Fisher, G. H., Solar MHD Theory and Observations: A High Spatial Resolution Perspective, ASPC 354, 135, 2006.


84. Tests and Comparisons of Velocity-Inversion Techniques , Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.; De Rosa, M. L.; Fisher, G. H.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Kusano, K.; Longcope, D. W.; Ravindra, B.; Schuck, P. W., Astrophys. J., 670 (2), 1434-1452, 2007.


85. Erratum: ``Tests and Comparisons of Velocity-Inversion Techniques'' (ApJ, 670, 1434 [2007]), Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.; De Rosa, M. L.; Fisher, G. H.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Kusano, K.; Longcope, D. W.; Ravindra, B.; Schuck, P. W., Astrophys. J., 680 (1), 827-827, 2008.

86. Forward Modeling of Active Region Coronal Emissions. I. Methods and Testing, Lundquist, L. L.; Fisher, G. H.; McTiernan, J. M., The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 179 (2), 509-533, 2008.

87. Forward Modeling of Active Region Coronal Emissions. II. Implications for Coronal Heating, Lundquist, L. L.; Fisher, G. H.; Metcalf, T. R.; Leka, K. D.; McTiernan, J. M., Astrophys. J., 689 (2), 1388-1405, 2008.


88. Estimating Electric Fields from Vector Magnetogram Sequences, Fisher, G. H.; Welsch, B. T.; Abbett, W. P.; Bercik, D. J., eprint arXiv:0912.4916, 2009.

89. What is the Relationship Between Photospheric Flow Fields and Solar Flares?, Welsch, Brian T.; Li, Yan; Schuck, Peter W.; Fisher, George H., Astrophys. J., 705 (1), 821-843, 2009.


90. Sequential Coronal Mass Ejections from AR8038 in May 1997, Li, Y.; Lynch, B. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Stenborg, G. A.; Luhmann, J. G.; Fisher, G. H.; Liu, Y.; Nightingale, R. W., Solar Phys., 264 (1), 149-164, 2010.

91. Sun to 1 AU propagation and evolution of a slow streamer-blowout coronal mass ejection, Lynch, B. J.; Li, Y.; Thernisien, A. F. R.; Robbrecht, E.; Fisher, G. H.; Luhmann, J. G.; Vourlidas, A. , J. Geophys. Res., 115, A07106, 2010.


92. Global Forces in Eruptive Solar Flares: The Lorentz Force Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interior, Fisher, G. H.; Bercik, D. J.; Welsch, B. T.; Hudson, H. S., Solar Phys., 277 (1), 59-76, 2012.

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