All RHESSI Science Nuggets

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Yearly Lists are also available

RHESSI Nugget Index RHESSI Nugget Index RHESSI Nugget First Author RHESSI Nugget Second Author RHESSI Nugget Date
The warm-target model and kappa distributions 470470 Yingjie LUO 2460569.516 September 2024
Is there HOPE for Hyder flares... 468468 Hugh HUDSSON 2460387.518 March 2024
Sun-as-a-star Analysis of the M8.7 Flare on 2022 October 2 Using H-alpha and EUV Spectra Taken by SMART/SDDI and SDO/EVE 467467 Takato OTSU 2460359.519 February 2024
Unexpected Asymmetry in GeV Emission 466466 Bruno ARSIOLI and Elena ORLANDO 2460324.515 January 2024
When it rippled in one place and exploded in another 465465 Ivan ZIMOVETS 2460303.525 December 2023
Solar flares: evaporation and simulation 464464 Malcolm DRUETT 2460296.518 December 2023
Pre-impulsive and Impulsive Phases of the March 28, 2022 Sub-Terahertz Flare 463463 Galina G. MOTORINA 2460289.511 December 2023
Coronal Bright Points 462462 Daniel Nóbrega-Siverio 2460275.527 November 2023
Aurora-like Radio Emission from a Sunspot 461461 Sijie YU 2460268.520 November 2023
Search for a Flare Anticipation Index (FAI) 460460 Hugh HUDSON Jim McTIERNAN 2460261.513 November 2023
Bouncing motions of fast electrons using Nobeyama Radioheliograph 459459 Keitarou MATSUMOTO 2460254.56 November 2023
Impact of nanoflare heating in the lower solar atmosphere 458458 Helle BAKKE 2460247.530 October 2023
Precise timing of flare footpoint sources from mid-infrared observations 457457 Paulo SIMÕES et al. 2460240.523 October 2023
The Greatest GOES Flares 456456 Hugh HUDSON Ed CLIVER 2460212.525 September 2023
Introducing SunSketcher 455455 Hugh HUDSON Gordon EMSLIE 2460198.511 September 2023
TeV Gamma rays from the Quiescent Sun 454454 Mehr Un NISA John BEACOM 2460177.521 August 2023
Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Hard X-Ray Sources in Flare Model with Vertical Current Sheet 453453 Alexander N. SHABALIN, Evgeniia P. OVCHINNIKOVA, and Yuri E. CHARIKOV 2460163.57 August 2023
Spatial Distribution of Magnetic Reconnection Rate in an M6.5 Solar Flare 452452 Ju JING et al. 2460107.512 June 2023
Statistical study of Type III bursts and associated HXR emissions 451451 Nicole VILMER Tomin JAMES 2460093.529 May 2023
Solar flare hard X-rays from the anchor points of an eruptive filament 450450 Muriel STIEFEL 2460079.515 May 2023
Did a Solar Flare Accelerate all the Ambient Electrons in the Coronal Acceleration Region?... 449449 Gordon EMSLIE et al. 2460065.51 May 2023
Diagnostics of Spatially-Extended Turbulent Acceleration and Transport 448448 Morgan STORES 2460058.524 April 2023
RHESSI's Re-entry 447447 Pascal SAINT-HILAIRE, Albert SHIH, and Hugh HUDSON 2460051.517 April 2023
A Glasgow geomagnetic observation of a solar flare 446446 Hugh HUDSON, John MALONE-LEIGH, Graham WOAN, and Chris OSBORNE 2460016.513 March 2023
Particle Acceleration in Two Coronal Jets 445445 Yixian ZHANG 2460002.527 February 2023
The Curious First Sunquake of Solar Cycle 25 444444 Alexander KOSOVICHEV 2459988.513 February 2023
Hard X-ray Pulsations via Gaussian Decomposition 443443 Hannah COLLIER Laura HAYES 2459974.530 January 2023
A coronal magnetic flare precursor... 442442 Enrico LANDI 2459960.516 January 2023
A possible coronal magnetic flare precursor 442442 Enrico LANDI 2459960.516 January 2023
A slow HOPE with microwave context 441441 Hugh HUDSON 2459926.513 December 2022
Rapid variations of Si IV spectra in a flare observed by IRIS at a sub-second cadence 440440 Juraj LÖRINČÍK 2459897.514 November 2022
A Significant Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance Associated with a Massive Gamma-ray Burst 439439 Laura HAYES Peter GALLAGHER 2459883.531 October 2022
Effects of Coronal Structures on the Dynamics of the Global Coronal Wave of SOL2017-09-10 438438 Huidong HU 2459869.517 October 2022
KW-Sun: The Konus-Wind Solar Flare Database in Hard X-Ray and Soft Gamma-Ray Ranges 437437 Alexandra LYSENKO 2459848.526 September 2022
First Detection of Kink Oscillations with Solar Orbiter 436436 Sihui ZHONG et al. 2459841.519 September 2022
Energetic Neutral Hydrogen from Large Solar Flares 435435 Glenn MASON 2459797.56 August 2022
Fifty-year Anniversary of the First Detection of Gamma rays from a Solar Flare 434434 Jim RYAN, Brian DENNIS, and Phil DUNPHY 2459799.58 August 2022
Fast Prograde Flows in Solar Active Regions 433433 Hugh HUDSON 2459785.525 July 2022
Undetected Minority-polarity Flux, Moss, and Coronal Heating 432432 Yi-Ming WANG 2459771.511 July 2022
Thermal/Nonthermal with MinXSS and RHESSI 431431 Shunsaku NAGASAWA 2459743.513 June 2022
Sun-as-a-star spectroscopic observations of the line-of-sight velocity of a solar eruption on October 28, 2021 430430 Yu XU Hui TIAN 2459729.530 May 2022
Carl Størmer 429429 Hugh HUDSON Lyndsay FLETCHER 2459684.515 April 2022
Solar Hard X-rays with Insight 428428 Wei WANG Ping ZHANG 2459659.521 March 2022
Probing chromospheric current sheets using SST and ALMA co-observations 427427 João da SILVA SANTOS 2459266.521 February 2021
A demonstration of STIX hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy capabilities for an X-class flare (SOL2021-10-28) 426426 Andrea BATTAGLIA, Hannah COLLIER, and Säm KRUCKER 2459252.57 February 2021
A solar flare driven by thermal conduction observed in mid-infrared 425425 Guillermo GIMÉNEZ de CASTRO 2459231.517 January 2021
Disk Occultation of a Lopsided Sun 424424 Hugh HUDSON Stephen WHITE and Säm KRUCKER 2459224.510 January 2021
Resolving two distinct thermal X-ray components in a compound solar flare 423423 Zhenjun ZHOU Rui LIU 2459575.527 December 2021
Bridging solar flares to coronal mass ejections 422422 Markus Aschwanden 2459561.513 December 2021
The Jakimiec Diagnostic Diagram 421421 Hugh Hudson 2459547.529 November 2021
First look at ALMA/HInode/IRIS microflares 420420 Toshifumi SHIMIZU et al. 2459526.58 November 2021
Thomson scattering near sunspots 419419 Pascal SAINT-HILAIRE et al. 2459512.525 October 2021
A Non-PFSS Global Coronal Model 418418 Oliver RICE Anthony YEATES 2459498.511 October 2021
Manifold Nonthermality 417417 Marina BATTAGLIA et al. 2459484.527 September 2021
X-Rays from a Type I Radio Burst 416416 R. RAMESH 2459477.520 September 2021
Do Hot Onsets Predict Flare Magnitudes? 415415 Hugh HUDSON 2459456.530 August 2021
Confined or Eruptive? 414414 Ting LI et al 2459442.516 August 2021
Impulsive and Gradual Eruptive Gamma Flares and Associated CMEs 413413 Alexey STRUMINSKY Irina GRIGORIEVA and Andrei SADOVSKI 2459414.519 July 2021
The Morphology of Flare Time Profiles 412412 Larisa KASHAPOVA et al. 2459407.512 July 2021
Flare Pulsation and the Heliosphere 411411 Brendan CLARKE et al. 2459400.55 July 2021
STIX, the Hard X-Ray Telescope on board Solar Orbiter 410410 Andrea Francesco BATTAGLIA Säm KRUCKER 2459393.528 June 2021
Converging Fields and Return Currents 409409 Valentina ZHARKOVA 2459365.531 May 2021
Nonequilibrium Ionization of Flare Plasma Observed by Hinode/EIS 409409 Shinsuke IMADA 2459379.514 June 2021
Effects of Flares on Solar p-modes 408408 Maria-Cristina RABELLO SOARES Frederic BAUDIN 2459330.526 April 2021
Subsecond Spikes in Solar Flare X-ray Flux as Seen by Fermi GBM 407407 Trevor KNUTH Lindsay GLESENER 2459323.519 April 2021
Negative He 10830 Flare Ribbons and Non-thermal Electrons 406406 Graham KERR 2459316.512 April 2021
Tracing the sources of gradual solar energetic particle events 405405 David H. BROOKS Stephanie L. YARDLEY 2459302.529 March 2021
The Superflare SOL2017-09-06: from submm to mid-IR 404404 Guillermo GIMENEZ DE CASTRO 2459288.515 March 2021
The Neupert Effect Revisited 403403 Jiong QIU 2459281.58 March 2021
FLUKA as a tool for interpreting flare gamma-rays 402402 Alec MacKinnon 2459274.51 March 2021
A Collective Study of 11 NuSTAR Microflares 401401 Jessie DUNCAN Lindsay GLESENER 2459267.522 February 2021
A Solar FRB 400400 Dale GARY Hugh HUDSON 2459260.515 February 2021
Richard Schwartz 399399 Brian DENNIS Hugh HUDSON 2459232.518 January 2021
Observing Solar Flare X-ray Polarization with Prospective CubeSat Missions 398398 Natasha JEFFREY 2459218.54 January 2021
Solar effects in the local interstellar medium 397397 Don Gurnett Hugh Hudson 2459197.514 December 2020
Investigation of Small-Scale Energy Releases in Hard X-rays with ​FOXSI 396396 Subramania ATHIRAY Juliana VIEVERING 2459190.57 December 2020
What drives impulsive coronal heating? 395395 Pradeep CHITTA et al. 2459183.530 November 2020
Probing the solar coronal heating function with slow magnetoacoustic waves 394394 Dmitrii Y. Kolotkov et al. 2459169.516 November 2020
Self-Consistent Flare Model 393393 Wenzhi RUAN Rony KEPPENS 2459155.52 November 2020
Hot Flare Onsets 392392 Hugh Hudson et al. 2459148.526 October 2020
Electric Current Neutralization and Eruption 391391 Ellis AVALLONE Xudong SUN 2459134.512 October 2020
Prediction of Solar Cycle 25 390390 Leif Svalgaard 2459127.55 October 2020
Flare/CME Cartoon Archive 389389 Hugh Hudson 2459119.527 September 2020
Submerged Flare Acoustic Sources 388388 Juan Camilo BUITRAGO CASAS Angel MARTÍNEZ 2459105.513 September 2020
Circular Ribbon Flare at Microwaves 387387 Jeongwoo LEE 2459092.531 August 2020
Relation of Non-neutralized electric currents and the activity in active regions 386386 P. VEMAREDDY 2459085.524 August 2020
White-light emission and photospheric magnetic field changes in flares 385385 J. Sebastián CASTELLANOS DURÁN Lucia KLEINT 2459078.517 August 2020
Sunspot Differential Rotation in an X-class Flare 384384 Richard GRIMES Balázs PINTÉR and Huw MORGAN 2459071.510 August 2020
Energy Partitioning in a Nonthermally Dominated Two-loop Solar Flare 383383 Galina MOTORINA et al. 2459064.53 August 2020
SOL2013-11-10 Eruptive Circular-ribbon Flare with Extended Remote Brightenings 382382 Chang LIU et al. 2459061.531 July 2020
Extreme-Ultraviolet Late Phase of Solar Flares 381381 Rui LIU 2459022.522 June 2020
Energy transport by accelerated particles in the quiet solar atmosphere 380380 Lars Frogner, Boris Gudiksen and Helle Bakke 2459015.515 June 2020
Quasi-periodic pulsations as indicators of oscillatory processes in solar flares 379379 Elena KUPRIYANOVA et al. 2458980.511 May 2020
Rejuvenating Solar Flare Termination Shocks as Particle Accelerators 378378 Bin CHEN 2458973.54 May 2020
Broad symmetrical Doppler-shifted Fe XXI line profiles 377377 Vanessa Polito 2458959.520 April 2020
Phenomena in the unusually long pre-impulsive phase of SOL2011-06-07 376376 Marian Karlický Jana Kašparová and Robert Sych 2458952.513 April 2020
Evidence for a Coronal Shock Wave Origin for Relativistic Protons Producing Solar Gamma-Rays and Observed by Neutron Monitors at Earth 375375 Athanasios Kouloumvakos Gerald Share 2458955.516 April 2020
Using overlappogram data to find hot flare plasma 374374 Louise Harra 2458931.523 March 2020
SOL2017-09-04 (M5.5) 2017 as a Source of Relativistic Electrons and Protons 373373 Alexei Struminsky (see Acknowledgments) 2458924.516 March 2020
The M5.5 Solar Flare on September 4, 2017 as a Source of Relativistic Electrons and Protons 373373 Alexei Struminsky (see Acknowledgements) 2458924.516 March 2020
Heating of the solar photosphere during a white-light flare 372372 Jan Jurčák (see Acknowledgements) 2458908.529 February 2020
A Hot Cusp-Shaped Confined Solar Flare 371371 Aaron Hernandez-Perez (see Acknowledgments) 2458903.524 February 2020
The Temporal and Spatial Extension of Gamma-ray Emission from the Sun 370370 Nat Gopalswamy (see Acknowledgments) 2458896.517 February 2020
A PSP Perihelion 369369 Jessie Duncan and Hugh Hudson 2458868.520 January 2020
Remembering John Brown 368368 Alec MacKinnon 2458861.513 January 2020
A Global Survey of EUV Coronal Power Spectra 367367 Karl Battams 2458848.531 December 2019
Cosmic Rays over the Rainbow Bridge 366366 Hugh Hudson Alec MacKinnon 2458833.516 December 2019
Spectropolarimetric Insight into Plasma-Sheet Dynamics of a Solar Flare 365365 Ryan French {see text) 2458826.59 December 2019
Lorentz Force Evolution Reveals the Energy Build-up Processes during Recurrent Eruptive Solar Flares 364364 Ranadeep Sarkar, Nandita Srivastava, and Astrid M. Veronig 2458805.518 November 2019
Flare waiting times depend on their magnitudes 363363 Hugh Hudson 2458798.511 November 2019
Can magnetic reconnection cause solar rainstorms? 362362 Petra Kohutova 2458791.54 November 2019
Non-radial jets on the edges of active regions 361361 Peter Wyper 2458770.514 October 2019
Searching SOLfully within the Nuggets 360360 Hugh Hudson 2458763.57 October 2019
Submillimeter Radiation as the Thermal Component of the Neupert Effect 359359 Guillermo Giménez de Castro
The "Last Best" Flares 358358 Hugh Hudson, Ed Cliver and Brian Dennis 2458750.524 September 2019
Dynamic Processes of the Moreton Wave on 2014 March 29 357357 Denis Cabezas and the FMT team 2458742.516 September 2019
A Cool Star Flare Reveals an Unexpectedly Hot Emission Component 356356 C. S. Froning A. Kowalski & K. France 2458724.529 August 2019
EVE-RHESSI DEM Models and the Low-energy Cutoff for Nonthermal Electrons 356356 Jim McTiernan 2458735.59 September 2019
Stealth Coronal Mass Ejections from Active Regions 355355 Jennifer O'Kane 2458683.519 July 2019
Do Kepler Superflare Stars Really Include Slowly Rotating Sun-like Stars? 354354 Yuta NOTSU 2458672.58 July 2019
Localized Microwave and EUV Bright Structures in an Eruptive Prominence 353353 Jing HUANG 2458657.523 June 2019
Broken-up hard X-ray spectra found for a loop-top source during a solar limb flare 352352 Hao NING Yao CHEN and Jeongwoo LEE 2458650.516 June 2019
The Cosmic-Ray Shadow and Coronal Magnetism 351351 Frederik Tenholt 2458616.513 May 2019
Kristian Birkeland 350350 Hugh HUDSON Lyndsay FLETCHER 2458609.56 May 2019
Warm UV loops heated by small-scale cancellation events 349349 Seray Şahin Vasyl Yurchyshyn 2458595.522 April 2019
Multiple Regions of Shock-accelerated Particles during a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection 348348 Diana MOROSAN 2458574.51 April 2019
Persistent Quasi-Periodic Pulsations Detected During the Large X8.2 Solar Flare 347347 Laura HAYES Peter GALLAGHER 2458567.525 March 2019
Is the coronal magnetic field braiding? 346346 Markus Aschwanden 2458553.511 March 2019
An energetic pre-flare: electron distributions in magnetic reconnection outflows 345345 Marina BATTAGLIA Eduard KONTAR and Galina MOTORINA 2458532.518 February 2019
Linear Polarization in H-alpha Flares 344344 Tomoko KAWATE Yoichiro HANAOKA 2458518.54 February 2019
Short-Period Waves 343343 Sijie YU Bin CHEN 2458504.521 January 2019
The Interesting RHESSI/SAS Archive 342342 Hugh Hudson Martin Fivian 2458490.57 January 2019
Homologous White Light Solar Flares 341341 Paolo Romano Abouazza Elmhamdi 2458483.531 December 2018
The flight of FOXSI-3 340340 Lindsay Glesener Noriyuki Narukage 2458462.510 December 2018
Stellar Flares and Starspots 339339 Lauren Doyle 2458455.53 December 2018
Neutron Production in Solar Flares 338338 Ron Murphy Gerry Share 2458449.527 November 2018
Cycle 25 Strikes Again 337337 Kamil Bicz 2458442.520 November 2018
Remembering Marcos Machado via his research 336336 Hugh Hudson 2458434.512 November 2018
CORONAS/SPIRIT Mg XII and Nanoflares 335335 Anton Reva 2458413.522 October 2018
White-light Emission and Non-thermal Electrons 334334 Kyoung-Sun LEE 2458399.58 October 2018
Coronal Hard X-ray Sources Revisited 333333 Brian Dennis 2458385.524 September 2018
Photospheric response to a flare 332332 Mike Wheatland 2458378.517 September 2018
New Views of Global Solar Magnetic Field Evolution Over Four Solar Cycles 331331 David Webb 2458350.520 August 2018
Understanding the co-spatial return current in solar flares 330330 Meriem Alaoui Gordon Holman 2458336.56 August 2018
3D Magnetic Reconnection at a Coronal Null Point 329329 Shane Maloney Aidan O'Flannagain and Peter Gallagher 2458329.530 July 2018
The true dawn of multimessenger astronomy 328328 Hugh Hudson 2458322.523 July 2018
Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy of Flares is Here 327327 Dale E. Gary EOVSA and RHESSI Teams 2458315.516 July 2018
Coronal nanoflares powered by footpoint reconnection 326326 Pradeep Chitta, Hardi Peter and Sami Solanki 2458308.59 July 2018
A remarkable, but confused, coronal hard X-ray source 325325 Alexandra Lysenko Larisa Kashapova, Hugh Hudson 2458294.525 June 2018
Understanding HMI pseudocontinuum in white-light flares 324324 Michal Švanda 2458266.528 May 2018
To Beam or not to beam - that is (still) the question 323323 Paulo Simões Hugh Hudson 2458252.514 May 2018
To beam or not to beam - that is (still) the question 323323 Paulo Simões Hugh Hudson 2458252.514 May 2018
Observation of Cosmic Ray Spallation Events from SoHO 322322 Serge Koutchmy Ehsan Tavabi 2458245.57 May 2018
A Sunspot from Cycle 25 for sure 321321 Tomek Mrozek Hugh Hudson 2458218.510 April 2018
Blue-wing enhancement of the Mg II h and k lines in a flare 320320 Akiko TEI 2458216.58 April 2018
NuSTAR detects X-ray flares in the quiet Sun 319319 Matej Kuhar 2458203.526 March 2018
Homologous CME/flares from AR 12371 318318 Panditi Vemareddy Pascal Demoulín 2458196.519 March 2018
Non-Maxwellian Diagnostics from SDO/EVE Spectra of an X-class Flare 317317 Elena Dzifčáková Jaroslav Dudík 2458168.519 February 2018
Joint MinXSS and RHESSI Flare X-ray Spectra between 1 and 15 keV 316316 Chris Moore Brian Dennis and the MinXSS Science Team 2458154.55 February 2018
MinXSS and RHESSI measure flare spectra over 1-15 keV 316316 Chris Moore Brian Dennis and MinXSS 2458154.55 February 2018
Parameterized Flare Models with Chromospheric Compressions 315315 Adam F. Kowalski Joel C. Allred 2458135.517 January 2018
A Curious Sunspot Group in 2018 314314 Hugh Hudson 2458132.514 January 2018
Tecumseh's Eclipse and Astrophysics 313313 Hugh Hudson 2458112.525 December 2017
Hunting for Hidden Tiny Flares 312312 Shin-nosuke ISHIKAWA 2458084.527 November 2017
Unusual Type III Burst Dynamics Produced by Diverging Magnetic Fields 311311 Patrick McCauley 2458077.520 November 2017
Valderrama in the 21st Century 310310 Hugh Hudson 2458057.531 October 2017
Electron Scattering in the Flaring Corona 309309 Sophie Musset 2458050.524 October 2017
The Power of Turbulence 308308 Nic Bian 2458021.525 September 2017
The Kelvin Force and Loop-Top Concentration 307307 Kiyoto Shibasaki 2458014.518 September 2017
The Last Best Flare of Cycle 24? 306306 Säm Krucker Hugh Hudson 2458007.511 September 2017
Electric Current Neutralization and Solar Eruption in Active Regions 305305 Yang LIU 2457993.528 August 2017
RHESSI and the Megamovie 304304 Hugh Hudson, Laura Peticolas, Juan Carlos Martinez Oliveros 2457965.531 July 2017
Bastille Day 2017 303303 Hugh Hudson Säm Krucker 2457958.524 July 2017
The Solar X-ray Limb III 302302 Marina Battaglia Gordon Hurford 2457918.514 June 2017
Double Coronal X-ray and Microwave Sources Associated With A Magnetic Breakout Solar Eruption 301301 Yao CHEN 2457902.529 May 2017
A Lasso Model for Solar Gamma-ray Events 300300 Hugh Hudson 2457888.515 May 2017
High Resolution Temporal and Spatial Structure of a White Light Flare 299299 Vasyl Yurchyshyn 2457873.530 April 2017
Multi-Instrument Solar Flare Observations II: A SC24 retrospective 298298 Ryan Milligan Jack Ireland 2457853.510 April 2017
Multi-Instrument Solar Flare Observations I: Solar Flare Finder 297297 Ryan Milligan Kim Tolbert 2457846.53 April 2017
Suppression of Hydrogen Emission in an X-class White-light Solar Flare 296296 Ondřej Procházka Ryan Milligan 2457832.520 March 2017
Radio Emissions from Double RHESSI TGFs 295295 Andrey Mezentsev Thomas Gjesteland 2457825.513 March 2017
Edward Chupp 294294 2457818.56 March 2017
Pierre Kaufmann 293293 2457803.519 February 2017
RHESSI's 15th Anniversary 292292 Brian Dennis, Säm Krucker Albert Shih 2457798.514 February 2017
Hard X-ray Emission from Partially Occulted Solar Flares 291291 Frederic Effenberger Fatima Rubio da Costa 2457783.530 January 2017
GOES Hard X-rays? 290290 Hugh Hudson, Janet Machol, and Rodney Viereck 2457769.516 January 2017
Syrovatskii's "constant density" approximation 289289 Hugh Hudson and Paulo Simöes 2457751.529 December 2016
Statistical Link Between Electrons Emitting X-rays and Type III Radio Bursts 288288 Hamish Reid and Nicole Vilmer 2457741.519 December 2016
KW-Sun: The Konus/WIND Hard X-ray Solar Flare Database 287287 Alexandra Lysenko and the Konus/WIND Team 2457712.520 November 2016
Microwave Emission from Twisted Magnetic Fields 286286 Mykola Gordovskyy and Phillippa Browning 2457705.513 November 2016
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Flare Hard X-ray Pulsations 285285 Ivan Zimovets Sergey Kuznetsov, Alexander Morgachev, and Alexei Struminsky 2457692.531 October 2016
Flare-induced Impulsive Sunspot Rotation caught in High Resolution 284284 Chang Liu Haimin Wang 2457685.524 October 2016
Hard X-ray Polarimetry from Tian Gong 2 283283 Wojtek Hajdas 2457681.520 October 2016
A flare in the deep solar atmosphere 282282 Richard Schwartz Hugh Hudson 2457657.526 September 2016
To be or not to be - the role of projection effects in EUV imaging 281281 Karin Dissauer Manuela Temmer 2457615.515 August 2016
Solar flare neutrons observed on the ground and in space 280280 Alexander MacKinnon 2457613.513 August 2016
Unexpected intensity distributions of solar electrons in the heliosphere 279279 Andreas Klassen SEPT/STEREO team 2457580.511 July 2016
Initiation of a type II radio burst without a CME 278278 Pankaj Kumar, Davina Innes, and Kyung-Suk Cho 2457573.54 July 2016
Spotlessness returns 277277 Hugh Hudson 2457566.527 June 2016
RHESSI has resumed operations 276276 Albert Shih, Säm Krucker and Brian Dennis 2457559.520 June 2016
Non-thermal recombination in solar flares and microflares 275275 Jeffrey Reep John Brown 2457545.56 June 2016
Data-driven radiative hydrodynamic modeling of SOL2014-03-29 274274 Fatima Rubio da Costa 2457518.510 May 2016
Electron acceleration and hard X-ray emission from SOL2013-11-09 273273 Yuri Tsap Galina Motorina 2457513.55 May 2016
Extreme events, stellar evolution, and magnetic reconnection 272272 Hugh Hudson 2457508.530 April 2016
Radio polarization signatures in twisted flare loops 271271 Ivan Sharykin Alexei Kuznetsov 2457503.525 April 2016
An Unreported White-light Prominence 270270 Matt Penn Hugh Hudson 2457475.528 March 2016
RHESSI's 5th Anneal 269269 Albert Shih Brian Dennis 2457441.523 February 2016
A new development in the Frost-Dennis paradigm 268268 Hugh Hudson Melissa Pesce-Rollins and Larisa Kashapova 2457440.522 February 2016
When the Earth’s atmosphere becomes dynamic… 267267 Manuela Temmer Sandro Krauss and Astrid Veronig 2457433.515 February 2016
Hard X-ray Directivity Measurements with STIX and MiSolFA 266266 Diego Casadei Hugh Hudson 2457363.57 December 2015
On the Correlation of HXR and WL Emission in Solar Flares 265265 Matej Kuhar 2457349.523 November 2015
How to better determine the power in non-thermal electrons from observed X-ray spectra 264264 Eduard Kontar Gordon Emslie, Natasha Jeffrey, Nic Bian 2457342.516 November 2015
Soft and Hard X-rays, Flares, and the Corona 263263 Hugh Hudson 2457315.520 October 2015
Fine Structure in Flare Soft X-ray Light Curves 262262 Brian Dennis Kim Tolbert 2457286.521 September 2015
Photospheric Electric Fields and Energy Fluxes in the Eruptive Active Region NOAA 11158 261261 Maria Kazachenko 2457279.514 September 2015
RHESSI and General Relativity 260260 Bill Thompson and Hugh Hudson 2457272.57 September 2015
Return-current Model Spectra and Enhanced Plasma Resistivity 259259 Meriem Alaoui and Gordon Holman 2457265.531 August 2015
High Energies in the Inner Heliosphere 258258 Hugh Hudson 2457258.524 August 2015
A Two-ribbon White-light Flare Associated with a Failed Solar Eruption 257257 Xin Cheng 2457217.514 July 2015
The Fastest Flare 256256 Hugh Hudson Paulo Simões 2457202.529 June 2015
High-energy Electrons and Electric Currents during a Flare 255255 Sophie Musset, Nicole Vilmer and Véronique Bommier 2457195.522 June 2015
High Dispersion Spectroscopy of solar-type superflare stars 254254 Yuta Notsu 2457181.58 June 2015
"Superflares" on solar-type stars observed with Kepler 253253 Hiroyuki Maehara 2457174.51 June 2015
EOVSA Coverage of a Recent Gamma-Ray Flare 252252 Dale E. Gary Gregory Fleishman 2457152.510 May 2015
Ionospheric Effects, Flare History, and Dick Donnelly 251251 Hugh Hudson Peter Gallagher 2457139.527 April 2015
RHESSI Detection of X-ray Emission from a Quiet-Sun Filament Eruption 250250 Gordon Holman Adi Foord 2457125.513 April 2015
Soft X-ray emission in kink-unstable coronal loops 249249 Rui Pinto Nicole Vilmer, Sacha Brun 2457111.530 March 2015
Daily solar mm-observations at Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory 248248 Juha Kallunki Minttu Uunila 2457097.516 March 2015
Solar Physics during the March 2015 Solar Eclipse 247247 Hamish Reid Hugh Hudson 2457090.59 March 2015
Glasgow Callisto and CMEless type II bursts 246246 Peter Wakeford Hugh Hudson 2457069.516 February 2015
Flare Heating by Mildly Non-thermal Particles 245245 Jeffrey Reep 2457048.526 January 2015
Above-the-Looptop Sources 244244 Mitsuo Oka Säm Krucker 2457034.512 January 2015
The IAU Solar Target Identifier - A Good Thing 243243 Hugh Hudson John Leibacher 2457020.529 December 2014
The Low-High-Low Starting Frequency Trend in Groups of Type III Bursts 242242 Hamish Reid 2457013.522 December 2014
The Solar X-ray Limb II 241241 Marina Battaglia Hugh Hudson 2456985.524 November 2014
Back from the Far Side 240240 Hugh Hudson Greg Slater 2456978.517 November 2014
A Record-Setting CMEless Flare 239239 Sam Freeland Greg Slater 2456957.527 October 2014
The Formation of Kappa Distributions in Solar Flares 238238 Nicolas Bian Duncan Stackhouse 2456943.513 October 2014
The Balmer continuum observed from IRIS! 237237 Petr Heinzel Lucia Kleint 2456929.529 September 2014
Energy goes up... but doesn't come back down! Coronal heating? 236236 Brian Welsch 2456922.522 September 2014
Which detectors can I use to analyze this flare? 235235 Brian Dennis Kim Tolbert 2456915.515 September 2014
RHESSI Resumes Observations 234234 Albert Shih Säm Krucker 2456901.51 September 2014
EUNIS Sees Pervasive Faint Fe XIX Emission: Evidence for Nanoflare Heating 233233 Jeff Brosius 2456887.518 August 2014
Octupolar out-of-plane magnetic field structure generation during magnetic reconnection 232232 Jan Graf von der Pahlen David Tsiklauri 2456873.54 August 2014
Flare Observed by a Dozen Instruments 231231 Lucia Kleint Kevin Reardon 2456866.528 July 2014
The Redistribution of Nonthermal Electron Energy 230230 Ryan Milligan 2456852.514 July 2014
RHESSI is Annealing Now 229229 Albert Shih Martin Fivian 2456845.57 July 2014
Mysteries of Flare/CME Initiation 228228 Shaun Bloomfield Hugh Hudson 2456816.58 June 2014
Solar Cosmic Rays, Neutrons, and Fermi Gamma-Rays 227227 Hugh Hudson Alec MacKinnon 2456805.528 May 2014
The 3D standard model for eruptive flares 226226 Miho Janvier 2456791.514 May 2014
Microwave Images of a Single-Loop Flare: Observations and Simulations 225225 Alexey Kuznetsov Eduard Kontar 2456775.528 April 2014
Abundances in Solar Flares 224224 Harry Warren 2456768.521 April 2014
Homing in on Flare Energy 223223 Hugh Hudson Ryan Milligan 2456761.514 April 2014
Empirical Constructs and Cartoons 222222 Forrest Mozer Hugh Hudson 2456740.524 March 2014
Imaging Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in a Simple Flare 221221 Zongjun Ning Hugh Hudson 2456733.517 March 2014
A Wonderful Cycle 24 Flare 220220 Säm Krucker Hugh Hudson 2456719.53 March 2014
BARREL Balloon Observations and History 219219 Greg Bowers Alexa Halford 2456705.517 February 2014
Instantaneous Flare Properties 218218 Hugh Hudson 2456698.510 February 2014
Reflection of Coronal Global Waves 217217 Ines Kienreich Hugh Hudson 2456670.513 January 2014
Flare Coronal Rain 216216 Hugh Hudson Säm Krucker 2456649.523 December 2013
The HEROES Mission: High Energy Replicated Optics to Explore the Sun 215215 Steven Christe Albert Shih 2456642.516 December 2013
CMEs on young, solar-type stars 214214 Alicia Aarnio 2456635.59 December 2013
The 1859 Space Weather Event Revisited 213213 Ed Cliver 2456621.525 November 2013
Hard X-ray Footpoint Asymmetry 212212 Ya-Hui YANG 2456603.57 November 2013
The Halloween Flares and Large-Scale Correlations 211211 Richard Schwartz Hugh Hudson 2456593.528 October 2013
Scattering Polarization in Solar Flares 210210 Jiři Štěpàn Petr Heinzel 2456586.521 October 2013
The Flare that Time Forgot 209209 Paulo Simões Hugh Hudson 2456579.514 October 2013
The Post-Burst Increase 208208 Hugh Hudson 2456565.530 September 2013
Peristaltic Shocks: a model 207207 Dana Longcope Roger Scott 2456551.516 September 2013
Negative Microwave Bursts 206206 Victor Grechnev Hugh Hudson 2456538.53 September 2013
Acceleration-region Densities 205205 Säm Krucker Marina Battaglia 2456509.55 August 2013
Implosion and Oscillation 204204 Paulo Simões Hugh Hudson 2456502.529 July 2013
Minoflares 203203 Iain Hannah Hugh Hudson 2456474.51 July 2013
Mars Odyssey/HEND and RHESSI 202202 Vadim Vybornov Michael A. Livshits 2456453.510 June 2013
Hard X-rays in Descent 201201 Aidan O'Flannagain John Brown and Peter Gallagher 2456439.527 May 2013
Too few? Too many? 200200 Paulo Simões Eduard Kontar 2456425.513 May 2013
A huge gamma-ray burst 199199 David Smith Andre Csillaghy 2456418.56 May 2013
Three-phase life leads to corpulent X-ray loops 198198 Natasha Jeffrey Eduard Kontar 2456397.515 April 2013
Antipodal Flares 197197 P. Bill P. Bunyan 2456383.51 April 2013
Observational evidence for breakout reconnection 196196 Henry Aurass Gordon Holman 2456369.518 March 2013
Burst-on-Tail (BOT) 195195 Alexei Struminsky Ivan Zimovets 2456355.54 March 2013
Electron re-acceleration and HXR emission 194194 Heather Ratcliffe Marian Karlický and Eduard Kontar 2456341.518 February 2013
Passages of Electron Beams 193193 Bin Chen Tim Bastian 2456334.511 February 2013
Kappa Distribution 192192 Mitsuo Oka 2456313.521 January 2013
Hard X-ray Spikes Observed by RHESSI 191191 Jiong Qiu Gordon Hurford 2456299.57 January 2013
Flare Productivity 190190 Hugh Hudson Lyndsay Fletcher 2456288.527 December 2012
FOXSI Success 189189 Lindsay Glesener Säm Krucker 2456288.527 December 2012
"Impulse Response Flares" and Gamma Rays 188188 Hugh Hudson Stephen White 2456243.512 November 2012
Glasgow Callisto optimistic: first light comes in focus 187187 Heather Ratcliffe Eduard Kontar 2456229.529 October 2012
Photospheric Temperature Gradient 186186 Martin Fivian Hugh Hudson 2456222.522 October 2012
Energy Partition in Large Solar Eruptive Events 185185 Gordon Emslie Brian Dennis 2456205.55 October 2012
New TGFs Found in the RHESSI Data 184184 Thomas Gjesteland Nikolai Østgaard 2456180.510 September 2012
The RHESSI Flare Catalog 183183 Jim McTiernan Hugh Hudson 2456168.529 August 2012
RHESSI Catches Gamma-Ray Bursts 182182 Jakub Ripa 2456159.520 August 2012
Dense Loop Flares 181181 Jingnan Guo Gordon Emslie 2456145.56 August 2012
The Slowest Flare 180180 Sam Freeland Hugh Hudson 2456131.523 July 2012
Dimmings and Sustained Gamma-Ray Events 179179 Hugh Hudson Nicola Omodei 2456103.525 June 2012
Flare Nimbus 178178 Susan McKenna-Lawlor 2456091.513 June 2012
RHESSI and the Transit of Venus I 177177 Hugh Hudson Martin Fivian 2456079.51 June 2012
Time Profiles of Solar Flare Densities 176176 Ryan Milligan Michael Kennedy 2456068.521 May 2012
Solar energetic electron events over one solar cycle 175175 Linghua Wang 2456054.57 May 2012
A Shocking Type II 174174 Hazel Bain Säm Krucker and Lindsay Glesener 2456047.530 April 2012
RHESSI and IRIS 173173 Hugh S Hudson 2456033.516 April 2012
A New Day Dawns 172172 Dale E. Gary 2456012.526 March 2012
An Fe Cascade 171171 Hugh Hudson 2455998.512 March 2012
Do slow waves trigger pulsations in two-ribbon flares? An observational search 170170 Andrew Inglis Brian Dennis 2455984.527 February 2012
RHESSI's Tenth Anniversary 169169 Brian Dennis Bob Lin 2455972.515 February 2012
Supra-Arcade Downflows 168168 Sabrina Savage David McKenzie 2455949.523 January 2012
Flare Observations of the EUV Continua 167167 Ryan Milligan 2455942.516 January 2012
No Hard X-rays from Comet Lovejoy 166166 Hugh Hudson Pascal Saint-Hilaire 2455914.519 December 2011
Modelling spatially resolved X-ray polarization 165165 Natasha Jeffrey Eduard Kontar 2455907.512 December 2011
Slowly but surely towards the huge amount of energy II 164164 Sylwester Kołomański Tomasz Mrozek 2455893.528 November 2011
X-ray and H-alpha Flare Impulses 163163 Krzysztof Radziszewski Kenneth Phillips 2455879.514 November 2011
Slowly but surely towards the huge amount of energy I 162162 Urszula Bąk-Stęślicka Tomasz Mrozek, Sylwester Kołomański 2455865.531 October 2011
Quasi-Periodic Pulsations: Fermi/GBM Results 161161 David Gruber Pawel Lachowicz 2455858.524 October 2011
A Flare in 3D 160160 Hugh Hudson Juan Carlos Martinez Oliveros 2455844.510 October 2011
Solar Max Arrives 159159 Hugh Hudson Richard Schwartz 2455830.526 September 2011
Two-stage SEE Shows Reconnection 158158 Yang Su Brian Dennis 2455811.57 September 2011
Scattered Light: Inverse Compton Scattering and Coronal Hard X-ray Sources 157157 B. Chen T. S. Bastian 2455759.517 July 2011
X-ray, EUV & WL emission heights observed by RHESSI & SDO 157157 Marina Battaglia Eduard Kontar 2455766.524 July 2011
Gamma rays and Doppler shifts 156156 Hugh Hudson 2455762.520 July 2011
Hard X-rays and Sympathy 155155 Hugh Hudson 2455755.513 July 2011
Suzaku Microflares 154154 Shin-nosuke Ishikawa 2455742.530 June 2011
Acceleration without Heating 153153 G. Fleishman E. Kontar 2455725.513 June 2011
DIY spectroscopy: Analyzing AIA diffraction patterns 152152 C. L. Raftery S. Krucker 2455711.530 May 2011
EVE/ESP and the Neupert Effect 151151 H. Hudson 2455690.59 May 2011
Decimetric pulsations and coronal X-ray sources 150150 A. Benz M. Battaglia & N. Vilmer 2455669.518 April 2011
The Alfven Speed above a Sunspot, and Gamma-rays 149149 H. Hudson L. Fletcher 2455663.512 April 2011
Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Two-Ribbon Flares 148148 V. Nakariakov I. Zimovets 2455637.517 March 2011
First Sunquake of Solar Cycle 24 Observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory 147147 A. G. Kosovichev 2455627.57 March 2011
M is for Magnifique Part Deux 146146 Steven Christe Andy Inglis 2455613.521 February 2011
At last, the EUV Spectrum 145145 Hugh Hudson 2455599.57 February 2011
Black and White Flares 144144 Juan Carlos Martinez Oliveros Charlie Lindsey 2455585.524 January 2011
The Flares of the RHESSI Monograph 143143 Hugh Hudson Gordon Emslie 2455572.511 January 2011
Brilliant Timing 142142 Säm Krucker Hugh Hudson 2455550.520 December 2010
M is for Magnifique 141141 Steven Christe Andy Inglis 2455536.56 December 2010
Major Flare Watch Evaluation 140140 Dick Canfield Shaun Bloomfield 2455515.515 November 2010
But there was a bigger one 139139 Hugh Hudson Lindsay Glesener 2455508.58 November 2010
SDO EVE Flare Observation 138138 Phil Chamberlin Thomas Woods 2455487.518 October 2010
Microflares in Sectors 137137 Leif Svalgaard Iain Hannah 2455473.54 October 2010
Sector Boundaries and RHESSI Flares 137137 Leif Svalgaard Iain Hannah 2455473.54 October 2010
Quiet Sun III 136136 Iain Hannah Hugh Hudson 2455466.527 September 2010
The X-ray Limb 135135 Hugh Hudson Gordon Hurford 2455445.56 September 2010
Fast electrons relaxing 134134 Alec MacKinnon 2455431.523 August 2010
Chromospheric Plasma Parameters 133133 Stephanie Chow Hugh Hudson 2455410.52 August 2010
Harmonic Oscillations 132132 Ivan Zimovets Andrew Inglis 2455389.512 July 2010
Cloudy SolarSoftware 131131 Laszlo I. Etesi Brian R. Dennis 2455382.55 July 2010
Albedo and the modification of RHESSI results 130130 Natasha Jeffrey Eduard Kontar 2455376.529 June 2010
Kernels and Ribbons 129129 Jiong Qiu 2455361.514 June 2010
Awesome Stellar Flare Spectra 128128 Adam Kowalski Suzanne Hawley 2455351.54 June 2010
RHESSI's Anneal Adventure 127127 David Smith Mark Lewis 2455330.514 May 2010
History of Solar Oblateness 126126 Hugh Hudson Jean-Pierre Rozelot 2455312.526 April 2010
An Alternative View of the Masuda Flare 125125 Nariaki Nitta 2455298.512 April 2010
Particle Acceleration due to a Plasmoid-Looptop Collision 124124 Ryan Milligan 2455284.529 March 2010
Waiting Times of Solar Hard X-Ray Flares 123123 Markus Aschwanden Jim McTiernan 2455270.515 March 2010
Narrowband radio signal correlated with early hard X-ray flux during a microflare 122122 Henry Aurass 2455256.51 March 2010
Revisiting the SHH and SEP Link 121121 James Grayson and Säm Krucker 2455242.515 February 2010
Two phases of X-ray emission in a solar eruptive flare 120120 Bhuwan Joshi 2455228.51 February 2010
Solar Hard X-ray Albedo 119119 Ed Schmahl Gordon Hurford 2455214.518 January 2010
Cycle 24 has begun 118118 Hugh Hudson and Greg Slater 2455201.55 January 2010
Relative and (maybe) Absolute RHESSI Detector Efficiency: 2002-2008 117117 Jim McTiernan 2455187.522 December 2009
A tiny white-light flare 116116 Hugh Hudson 2455172.57 December 2009
Dips and Waves 115115 Iain Hannah Eduard Kontar 2455158.523 November 2009
STEREO observations of flares and their associations with CMEs 114114 Nariaki Nitta 2455144.59 November 2009
Imaging through visibility interpolation: uv-smooth 113113 Anna Massone and Michele Piana 2455130.526 October 2009
A Bad Time for Flares but a Good Time for Debris 112112 W. Dean Pesnell 2455116.512 October 2009
RHESSI Deep Integrations 111111 Pascal Saint-Hilaire 2455102.528 September 2009
RHESSI in Cycle 24 110110 Säm Krucker Hugh Hudson 2455088.514 September 2009
Confined Flares versus Eruptive Flares 109109 Jie Zhang 2455074.531 August 2009
Solar Cosmic Rays of the GLE on 20 January 2005 108108 Sophie Masson Ludwig Klein 2455067.524 August 2009
CMEless Flares 107107 Hugh Hudson Säm Krucker 2455053.510 August 2009
Where are the flares 106106 Hugh Hudson Leif Svalgaard 2455033.521 July 2009
The 15.11 MeV Gamma-ray Line Detected? 105105 Brian Dennis 2455018.56 July 2009
Do solar decimetric spikes originate in coronal X-ray sources? 104104 Arnold Benz Marina Battaglia 2455004.522 June 2009
STEREO observed stealth CME 103103 Eva Robbrecht 2454990.58 June 2009
Hard X-ray Pulsations in Flares 102102 Andrew Inglis Valery Nakariakov 2454976.525 May 2009
RHESSI microflares - Flare Cartoons and Reality 101101 Sigrid Berkebile-Stoiser 2454597.511 May 2008
RHESSI - Concept to Fruition 100100 Brian Dennis Bob Lin 2454951.530 April 2009
Cycle 24 - don't panic yet! 9999 Leif Svalgaard Hugh Hudson 2454934.513 April 2009
Chree Analysis for Flares 9898 Hugh Hudson 2454920.530 March 2009
Sixty-Five Years of Solar Radioastronomy 9898 Nicole Vilmer 2454920.530 March 2009
High Temperatures in Active Regions 9797 Jim McTiernan 2454906.516 March 2009
The Jakimiec Track 9696 Hugh Hudson Fabio Reale 2454892.52 March 2009
Coronal implosion 9595 Rui Liu 2454878.516 February 2009
Other Discoveries from Carrington's Flare 9494 Hugh Hudson 2454864.52 February 2009
Collapsing Traps 9393 Boris Somov Hugh Hudson 2454850.519 January 2009
RHESSI Simulations of Complicated Flares 9393 Lyndsay Fletcher Jim McTiernan 2454836.55 January 2009
Cycle 24 9292 Hugh Hudson Steven Christe 2454822.522 December 2008
Quantum of Solar 9191 Peter Gallagher Hugh Hudson 2454815.515 December 2008
Inverse Compton X-rays from relativistic flare leptons 9090 Alex MacKinnon Procheta Mallik 2454800.530 November 2008
The Rise and Fall of The Low Energy Cut Off 8989 Ewan Dickson Eduard Kontar 2454787.517 November 2008
SEPs Link not Confirmed 8888 Gerry Share Allan Tylka 2454773.53 November 2008
The SphinX Instrument on CORONAS-PHOTON 8787 Janusz Sylwester Ken Phillips 2454761.522 October 2008
The Good Guys and the Rascals 8686 B. Dabrowski Arnold Benz 2454752.513 October 2008
RHESSI Optical Images 8585 H. Jabran Zahid Hugh Hudson 2454768.529 October 2008
Flare Plasma Abundances - New X-ray Observations 8484 Brian Dennis Richard Starr 2454724.515 September 2008
Hard X-rays from a jet? 8383 Hazel Bain Lyndsay Fletcher 2454705.527 August 2008
Are stellar flares like solar flares? 8282 Hugh Hudson Beate Stelzer 2454476.511 January 2008
The microflare Height Distribution 8181 Steven Christe Hugh Hudson 2454493.528 January 2008
The McClymont Jerk 8080 Hugh Hudson Brian Welsch 2454479.514 January 2008
EIT Waves - Cadence issues 7979 David Long Peter Gallagher 2454647.530 June 2008
Faculae and microflares 7878 Jabran Zahid Steven Christe 2454481.516 January 2008
RHESSI and tether-cutting 7777 Yan Xu 2454469.54 January 2008
X-ray and UVWL footpoints 7676 Lyndsay Fletcher Hugh Hudson 2454486.521 January 2008
Solar Cycle 24 at hand! 7575 Hugh Hudson 2454471.56 January 2008
Anisotropy of RHESSI hard X-ray emission 7474 Jana Kasparova 2454486.521 January 2008
A STEREO/RHESSI Flare at Solar Minimum 7373 Hugh Hudson Säm Krucker 2454466.51 January 2008
Saturation of Nonthermal Hard X-ray Emission in Solar Flares 7272 Antoun Daou David Alexander 2454489.524 January 2008
Acceleration of fast halo CMEs & synchronized flare HXR bursts 7171 Manuela Temmer 2454466.51 January 2008
A hard wee flare observed with RHESSI and Hinode/XRT 7070 Iain Hannah 2454490.525 January 2008
Annealing RHESSI for the first time 6969 David Smith 2454477.512 January 2008
Waving goodbye to a standard model 6868 Lyndsay Fletcher Hugh Hudson 2454469.54 January 2008
The coronal magnetic field 1 6767 Hugh Hudson 2454480.515 January 2008
A Pion Event 6666 Gerard Trottet Hugh Hudson and Sä Krucker 2454101.51 January 2007
WATCH - a RHESSI precursor 6565 Hugh Hudson 2454127.527 January 2007
RHESSI and submillimeter waves 6464 Hugh Hudson 2454112.512 January 2007
What is there before the flare? 6363 Hugh Hudson 2454129.529 January 2007
The Next Generation - FOXSI 6262 Steven Christe Säm Krucker 2454115.515 January 2007
Double Coronal Hard X-ray Source 6161 Wei Liu Vahe Petrosian 2454101.51 January 2007
Annihilation of Positrons 6060 Ron Murphy Gerry Share 2454117.517 January 2007
Magnetic fields in active regions 5959 Hugh Hudson Lyndsay Fletcher 2454104.54 January 2007
Fast electron recombination: a neglected HXR source 5858 John Brown Procheta Mallik 2454102.52 January 2007
RHESSI, Hinode, and Spin 5757 Säm Krucker Steven Christe 2454106.56 January 2007
Just how bursty is X-ray data? 5656 R.T. James McAteer 2454123.523 January 2007
The Evaporating Sun 5555 Ryan Milligan 2454101.51 January 2007
Thermal X-ray Continuum - Free-Free or Free-Bound? 5454 Enrico Landi Brian Dennis 2454126.526 January 2007
Free-bound continuum: basics 5353 Brian Dennis 2454113.513 January 2007
A myriad of microflares 5252 Iain Hannah Steven Christe 2454102.52 January 2007
Solar Electron Events 5151 Linghua Wang 2454114.514 January 2007
Solar X-rays from axions 5050 Hugh Hudson 2454103.53 January 2007
Hinode/SOT Observations of Flare Ribbons 4949 Tom Berger 2454116.516 January 2007
Hard X-ray Emission along H-alpha Ribbons 4848 Jeongwoo Lee Ju Jing 2454102.52 January 2007
Bouncing Thick-Target Coronal X-Ray Sources 4747 Linhui Sui Gordon Holman 2454114.514 January 2007
Soft-Hard-Harder 4646 Säm Krucker Hugh Hudson 2454105.55 January 2007
The RHESSI fifth anniversary: X-flares persist! 4545 Pascal Saint-Hilaire Gerry Share 2454102.52 January 2007
John Brown and the thick-target model 4444 Lyndsay Fletcher Hugh Hudson 2454108.58 January 2007
A last best active region 4343 Säm Krucker Hugh Hudson 2454122.522 January 2007
A solar X-ray dentist mirror 4242 Eduard Kontar Hugh Hudson 2454108.58 January 2007
Coronal gamma-ray sources in giant solar flares 4141 Säm Krucker Gordon Hurford 2453739.54 January 2006
Ribbon-like hard X-ray source 4040 Chang Liu 2453737.52 January 2006
RHESSI Visibilities 3939 Ed Schmahl Gordon Hurford 2453897.511 June 2006
Coronal hard X-rays and gamma-rays 3838 Hugh Hudson 2453759.524 January 2006
Solar radiation belts? 3737 Hugh Hudson Alec MacKinnon 2453736.51 January 2006
Multi-thermal delays 3636 Marcus Aschwanden 2453760.525 January 2006
Flare Loop Asymmetries 3535 Ed Schmahl Rick Pernak 2453746.511 January 2006
Radiation damage 3434 Steven Christe Albert Shih 2453763.528 January 2006
Highly significant detection of solar neutrons 3333 Kyoko Watanabe 2453749.514 January 2006
Thunderstruck 3232 David Smith 2453766.531 January 2006
Spectral Evolution in Stochastic Acceleration Models 3131 Paolo Grigis 2453752.517 January 2006
Observing the Crab Nebula 3030 Hugh Hudson 2453738.53 January 2006
PFSS, SEPs, and RHESSI 2929 Nariaki Nitta Hugh Hudson 2453754.519 January 2006
One small step for a photon... 2828 Eduard Kontar 2453740.55 January 2006
X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy 2727 Hugh Hudson David Smith 2453757.522 January 2006
Sunquakes: Seismic Transients from Solar Flares 2626 Charlie Lindsey Alina Donea 2453743.58 January 2006
Return currents and soft-hard-soft spectral evolution 2525 Valentina Zharkova Mykola Gordovskyy 2453759.524 January 2006
Three is company 2424 Marina Battaglia 2453736.51 January 2006
Birth of a dense flaring loop 2323 Laura Bone 2453762.527 January 2006
Time delay between HXR and Gamma-rays 2222 Cyril Dauphin Nicole Vilmer 2453748.513 January 2006
A Solar Hard X-Ray Halo: Exploring the Quiet Sun 2 2121 Alec MacKinnon Hugh Hudson 2453762.527 January 2006
Browse the RHESSI data! 2020 Albert Shih 2453751.516 January 2006
RHESSI and the Wilson effect 1919 Hugh Hudson Martin Fivian 2453737.52 January 2006
Neutron starquake shakes RHESSI 1818 Anna Watts Tod Strohmayer 2453751.516 January 2006
Late-phase particle acceleration 1717 Säm Krucker Hugh Hudson 2453740.55 January 2006
Exploring the Quiet Sun 1 1616 Iain Hannah 2453723.519 December 2005
The Fe and Fe/Ni line features II 1515 Ken Phillips Christina Chifor 2453709.55 December 2005
What goes up, first comes down 1414 Gordon Holman 2453695.521 November 2005
The Fe and Fe/Ni line features I 1313 Ken Phillip Christina Chifor 2453681.57 November 2005
X marks the spot? 1212 Iain Hannah 2453667.524 October 2005
White-light Flares 1111 Hugh Hudson Thomas Metcalf 2453646.53 October 2005
Which are more powerful, flares or CMEs? 1010 Brian Dennis 2453639.526 September 2005
Small is steep 99 Marina Battaglia 2453625.512 September 2005
How does RHESSI make images? 88 Gordon Hurford Steven Christe 2453611.529 August 2005
RHESSI and quasi-periodic pulsations 77 Claire Foullon 2453598.516 August 2005
Elementary Flares 66 Arnold Benz 2453586.54 August 2005
Bastille day encore 2005 55 Sam Krucker Hugh Hudson 2453562.511 July 2005
Footpoint motions and what we can learn from them 44 Paolo Grigis 2453562.511 July 2005
RHESSI observes a magnetar 33 Hugh Hudson Kevin Hurley 2453556.55 July 2005
HESSI and Type III Radio Bursts 22 Steven Christe 2453469.59 April 2005
Novel X-ray Spectrograms 11 Hugh Hudson Sam Krucker 2453450.521 March 2005
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